Ahnalds account [MERGE]


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    ZAP wrote: »
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Star Wars: Galaxy of Drama.

    Galaxy of Fanboys

    2 bedroom apartment of apologists

    Except I'm not an apologist. The game has been in the **** for 1.5 years and unlike those in this thread that are changing their app store reviews to 1* on account of a youtuber who got what he deserved, my rating didn't need to get changed off of the 1* its been at for quite some time.

    Actually some people didn’t change it due to his ban. I for one changed it due to the lack of “respect”(I couldn’t think of a word to use here) that they give the community. It almost seems as they do not care about us. All they want is money.
    But I agree you are not an apologist. Just somebody who hates a guy and is just expressing his opinion. And that is ok. However, don’t let it change your judgment on this situation.
    I have a bad feeling about this.
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    I think, at this point, it would be a huge mistake for CG to carry on with their typical modus operandi.

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    Monomer wrote: »
    Transference of that account -made- CG money; it didn't cost them anything.

    Not true. It absolutely cost them money. According to Ahaldt in his video, he put money into that shared account because it had better built up bountyhunters than his own account and he wanted to showcase the Mandalorian. If he did not have that shared account, in order to do that, he would have had to whale not only the new characters but also the previous ones on his own account.

    That's lost revenue for Ea.
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    Why is your Senior Producer so scared of community interaction and outside marketing? EA should fire him tomorrow for letting this happen. He should come out with an honest Q&A not the developers, but the producer. He should explain to the community why he won't spend money on improving the game and why he is so threatened by Youtubers like AhnaldT101. Make it right CG by restoring Ahnald's account, return the test accounts to the Youtubers that market your games for free for you. Was he hired to kill the game? I've never been a big spender on this game, but I've played it for many years multiple times a day. Of course writing this questioning the "Senior Producer" will probably get my account banned.
    Capital Games we are still waiting on April's Road Ahead.
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    This is the fastest growing thread ever on this server. There is a reason for that. More than just what they did to Ahnold. There is a lot of pent up frustration at the way CG treats the player base. That should be clear from this thread.
  • Rhah
    1 posts Member
    Very disappointed on how they treat one of their biggest fans.
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    Monomer wrote: »
    Transference of that account -made- CG money; it didn't cost them anything.

    Not true. It absolutely cost them money. According to Ahaldt in his video, he put money into that shared account because it had better built up bountyhunters than his own account and he wanted to showcase the Mandalorian. If he did not have that shared account, in order to do that, he would have had to whale not only the new characters but also the previous ones on his own account.

    That's lost revenue for Ea.

    That may be true but I guarantee they lost way more money because of this than the couple grand they missed out on.
  • 1096
    2 posts Member
    Content producers like AhnaldT101 help make the game enjoyable. I enjoy see theory crafting, advice on playing and new characters unlocked. Stop trying to ruin what is helping your product.

    Until you make it right, unban preferably, I will not spend another cent in this game.

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    I like many who posted before me, have continued to play because Ahnald plays this game. I’ve spent 100s of dollars on this mobile game and now regret every penny. If no resolution comes soon, I’ll be requesting a refund.

    What they’re saying by enforcing this clause in the TOS is that the investment you make in this game, be it time, money, or both, cannot be passed on to another person. That makes the already dubious value of your account completely worthless. I won’t spend another cent on this game until we get a satisfactory resolution.

    Content creators have been what has made this worth my time and money. It was bad enough that they weren’t getting support from CG, but now that they’re actively targeting them it’s just terrible.
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    Bad move CG. What if I use my son'**** account because he isn't playing anymore? How's that work? Also, you owe people like Arnold and the other SWGOH content creators for a lot of your early press, development of community, and sustained interest of the game.
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    GroovieR wrote: »
    I think, at this point, it would be a huge mistake for CG to carry on with their typical modus operandi.


    This is great hahahah
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    CG needs to unban Arnald and send everyone 2000 free crystals and 50 zetas
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    CG: We can't get the road ahead done on time, we are busy banning the only guy who tries to stay positive towards our game and generates revenue and advertising with no compensation from us.

    Community: Can't really say what the community feels ,as it will be deleted
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    If you use your son's account, that's against the ToS and you risk a ban. However, unless you go out of your way to tell them you're doing it, it's not something they check for, so you won't be banned. Just like Ahnald wouldn't have been banned if he hadn't asked them to fix something in the account he shouldn't have been using.

    CG doesn't owe him anything. They decided long ago they didn't need the GC's.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    If you use your son's account, that's against the ToS and you risk a ban. However, unless you go out of your way to tell them you're doing it, it's not something they check for, so you won't be banned. Just like Ahnald wouldn't have been banned if he hadn't asked them to fix something in the account he shouldn't have been using.

    CG doesn't owe him anything. They decided long ago they didn't need the GC's.

    This is why CG needs to make a statement, as each day they don’t clowns like this will speak for them.
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    I don't post on these forums hardly ever, but felt I needed to put in my 2cp. I am pledging to go F2P on this game. I have requested refunds on all of my recent purchases. I started playing MSF and DSA I love them both. There is stuff to do all day and in both games and I would rather send my money to a studio that cares for their community and puts out content.
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    They think this is bad, put us in an unrestricted discord channel. If you don’t like people standing up for themselves and others, then take a seat.
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    My guess is they banned him so he couldn't request a refund. No evidence to support, but my gut tells me that's a good way to lock in the spent money. It would make more sense for them to just transfer the crystals purchased over to the normal account if they won't let him transfer this account.
    WhoVille Sheriff - Ally Code: 244-425-158 - https://swgoh.gg/u/whovillesheriff/
    Discord: WhoVille Sheriff#3439

    Guild Collaboration Founder: Just Sithed Myself
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    Wow CG, guess my days of spending on this game is over until something changes.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    Boofnasty wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    If you use your son's account, that's against the ToS and you risk a ban. However, unless you go out of your way to tell them you're doing it, it's not something they check for, so you won't be banned. Just like Ahnald wouldn't have been banned if he hadn't asked them to fix something in the account he shouldn't have been using.

    CG doesn't owe him anything. They decided long ago they didn't need the GC's.

    This is why CG needs to make a statement, as each day they don’t clowns like this will speak for them.

    I don't speak for CG, I speak for me. Not my fault you're so caught up in some stranger's business that you're sad his ALT ACCOUNT is banned and he can't use it in his YouTube videos anymore.
  • Monel
    2794 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    I am fine with his ban. I am not spending anymore because they negotiate with cheaters. Unbanning Ahnald at this point only furthers that negotiation tactic. I will not spend money on game that does any of that.
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    Reach out to your guilds EVERYONE and let’s see how long it takes for them to make their next billion from this game!!!! Since we’re here, you need to lower the prices on this game. Show us it’s not about the money!!!!!
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    My guess is they banned him so he couldn't request a refund. No evidence to support, but my gut tells me that's a good way to lock in the spent money. It would make more sense for them to just transfer the crystals purchased over to the normal account if they won't let him transfer this account.

    Banning doesn’t prevent refunds.
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    remove BAN from Ahnaldt101 !!!!!!
    The community is asking for this! Don't be trash CG!
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