Ahnalds account [MERGE]


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    Just to clarify, because it was my whole point - he said that "two weeks ago I run into a bug". But the thing is, that it wasn't "a bug". It was consequence of restrictions.
    And the whole drama is based on a false assumption that he was banned ONLY because of account sharing...
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    The truth...

    The truth is that Ahnald account couldn't be a P2P account anymore simply because of the restrictions that were beyond CG whatsoever. You may easily check the other topic on the forum, there are more for sure.

    So basically what happened here is that Ahnaldt turned himself in by reporting this "bug" (which wasn't a bug, just a consequence of restrictions towards Chinese accounts). And, objectively speaking, they didn't have much of a choice (since it was obvious breaking of TOS, practically self-reported).

    Was the comunication handled poorly? For sure.
    Did he deserve no communitcation from CG whatsoever? I guess - not. He is influential enough to respect him, so If I were in charge I would have send him a clear message why it's done.

    On the other hand - I know that it's very easy to see the world black and white, but I guess that he was informed already why he got banned - yet I'm under impression that it serves him better to hit the "martyr" and "victim" note...
    Of course - negotiating with cheaters is awful and shouldn't take place, the community is handled poorly - I agree with all that.

    But I think there's a lot of misinformation and his "ban" is taken way too emotional when, as a matter of fact, his "kraken account" woudn't be "kraken" anymore no matter what (so even if "unbanned" it wouldn't serve it's former purpose)

    But that’s the whole point. There are many accounts out there that are ‘reborn’ accounts which carry on without issues. If there is a problem with carrying out enforceable action for these accounts, as in banning all those users that have broken the TOS, then there is a problem with the TOS itself. Because the whole concept of someone taking over someone else’s account generally isn’t the problem, the TOS is there to prevent multiple players taking on an account at the same time.

    So the TOS is either worded poorly, or it allows for selective justice to be carried out. Either way, it is broken, and CG ultimately is at fault for this fiasco. So Ahnald is entirely justified to be crying foul,
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    CG, who's running this ship now? The community that pays your bills is demanding a response, but you remain silent.
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
  • Mol9961
    71 posts Member
    What makes me most frustrated is that the devs take two weeks to respond to anything. They aren’t proactive or forward thinking at all.
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    There are a lot of things not going right dear devs:
    - if a cheater get caught -> permaban (people are spending money here!), no discussions or deals, as you did with bulldog, stay coherent
    - where is the in game battle log?
    - what about the cancelled new raid?
    - what about any kind of new content?
    - what about any kind of communication?

    I don't care about dev Q&A, preview of the feats coming, just stick to the important things for the players, like content/coming content, bug fixing, interacting with the community, you behave like some kind of gods to which we are not allowed to speak.

    Just talk to us!
    Swiss Garde Officer, drop me a message if you're interested joining
  • arbster
    59 posts Member
    Wow, I hadn't realised until someone mentioned it just how many 1* reviews there have been on both the Apple Store and the Google Play Store, plus the number of whales on YouTube saying they aren't spending money on the game. I honestly don't understand what will elicit a response from CG if these kind of things don't! Of course 1* reviews can be reversed, and money can once again start to be spent, but surely CG can see that something needs to be done.
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    Just to clarify, because it was my whole point - he said that "two weeks ago I run into a bug". But the thing is, that it wasn't "a bug". It was consequence of restrictions.
    And the whole drama is based on a false assumption that he was banned ONLY because of account sharing...

    It started the drama but the drama continues because of a variety of issues that need to be addressed. Agree or disagree what needs to be done and how, it will continue until people burn themselves out or something changes.
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    Vi1teran_ wrote: »
    Just to clarify, because it was my whole point - he said that "two weeks ago I run into a bug". But the thing is, that it wasn't "a bug". It was consequence of restrictions.
    And the whole drama is based on a false assumption that he was banned ONLY because of account sharing...

    It started the drama but the drama continues because of a variety of issues that need to be addressed. Agree or disagree what needs to be done and how, it will continue until people burn themselves out or something changes.

    I think that CG is willing to let this burn out. Honestly, nothing they say is going to make everyone happy and I think they have figured that out. Now not saying anything lets them just focus on redoing the code for the game. Just my $.02
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    The truth...

    The truth is that Ahnald account couldn't be a P2P account anymore simply because of the restrictions that were beyond CG whatsoever. You may easily check the other topic on the forum, there are more for sure.

    So basically what happened here is that Ahnaldt turned himself in by reporting this "bug" (which wasn't a bug, just a consequence of restrictions towards Chinese accounts). And, objectively speaking, they didn't have much of a choice (since it was obvious breaking of TOS, practically self-reported).

    Was the comunication handled poorly? For sure.
    Did he deserve no communitcation from CG whatsoever? I guess - not. He is influential enough to respect him, so If I were in charge I would have send him a clear message why it's done.

    On the other hand - I know that it's very easy to see the world black and white, but I guess that he was informed already why he got banned - yet I'm under impression that it serves him better to hit the "martyr" and "victim" note...
    Of course - negotiating with cheaters is awful and shouldn't take place, the community is handled poorly - I agree with all that.

    But I think there's a lot of misinformation and his "ban" is taken way too emotional when, as a matter of fact, his "kraken account" woudn't be "kraken" anymore no matter what (so even if "unbanned" it wouldn't serve it's former purpose)

    Accounts are handed over, this know. Maybe CG would enforce if they had a way to know, and maybe that would be fair. The TOS was broken, Ahnaldt self reported, what can they do besides ban. The cheaters are losing something and when they come back that can "not cheat". if they give ahnald this account back it is still technically breaking TOS.

    It would be right and just to credit Ahnaldt the crystals purchased in the last...year... however long he has had the account. If they are denying him an account he has put money into, refund the money.

    Why we should all care and why this is a bigger issue than Ahnaldt being a cry baby:
    Ahnaldt et al, whether you like them or not, use them or not, provide an invaluable (well $300 dollars a character) service to you. Their ability to show us what it will take determines whether or not we shell out our money.
    Unless CG explains the how and why of the Ahnaldt fiasco, the optics here seem to show that CG found a way to put a nail in the coffin of Ahnald's ability to show case toons and thus warn players that the micro transaction would not benefit the player. This is CG's way of making it more likely we will gamble on packs.
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Deejtastic wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Deejtastic wrote: »

    This dude has four times as many subscribers as Ahnald, hates mobile games and did a 15 minute video about this.

    I think it’s fair to say this is a bigger story than anything I’ve seen with this game.

    He hates mobile games, but we should value his opinion on a mobile game? K.

    Wasn’t saying you had to listen to or value his opinion. just saying that this is in fact expanding beyond the normal people who talk about swgoh. You can think he’s full of it, I was just pointing out others are talking about the story.

    Ahnald has a friend... and the friend sees a way to get a lot of views and maybe new viewers. Does everyone really think these guys do this for us? They are in business just like CG. Neither cares for any of us outside of making a buck. I'm in no way against ppl making money, but come on, don't be so foolish as to think anyone actually cares about you.

    I truly, 100% believe Ahnald enjoys playing this game and this community and also enjoys making money doing what he enjoys.

    I truly, 100% believe that is not the case for a lot of employees at CG.

    Based on what? Ahnald is able to portray an image and connect with his audience. You know absolutely nothing about the average CG employee except what you choose to imagine of them. It's all about perception, unless you take a minute to step back and look at reality.

    So what's your title at cg?

    One of my favorite things about this place, and it happens over and over, is that anyone who tries to just apply a little logic to any situation is immediately attacked as a CG burner account. It's quite impressive.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TVF wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Deejtastic wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Deejtastic wrote: »

    This dude has four times as many subscribers as Ahnald, hates mobile games and did a 15 minute video about this.

    I think it’s fair to say this is a bigger story than anything I’ve seen with this game.

    He hates mobile games, but we should value his opinion on a mobile game? K.

    Wasn’t saying you had to listen to or value his opinion. just saying that this is in fact expanding beyond the normal people who talk about swgoh. You can think he’s full of it, I was just pointing out others are talking about the story.

    Ahnald has a friend... and the friend sees a way to get a lot of views and maybe new viewers. Does everyone really think these guys do this for us? They are in business just like CG. Neither cares for any of us outside of making a buck. I'm in no way against ppl making money, but come on, don't be so foolish as to think anyone actually cares about you.

    I truly, 100% believe Ahnald enjoys playing this game and this community and also enjoys making money doing what he enjoys.

    I truly, 100% believe that is not the case for a lot of employees at CG.

    Based on what? Ahnald is able to portray an image and connect with his audience. You know absolutely nothing about the average CG employee except what you choose to imagine of them. It's all about perception, unless you take a minute to step back and look at reality.

    So what's your title at cg?

    One of my favorite things about this place, and it happens over and over, is that anyone who tries to just apply a little logic to any situation is immediately attacked as a CG burner account. It's quite impressive.

    True story
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    Any danger CG of communicating? This is embarrassing and you’re only hurting your own reputation as a studio (which wasn’t great in the first place).
  • Byrdka
    74 posts Member
    Today is the day, let’s see a response CG.
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    Why is today the day?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Why is today the day?

    Legend#6873 | YouTube | swgoh.gg
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    This is not good...
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    for whom?
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    Shills vs Others is your first mistake.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Shills: This story isn't picking up traction outside SWGOH community!
    Others: Here are people who don't play SWGOH making videos and articles about it, so by definition getting traction outside the community.

    Dear god :D

    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Shills vs Others is your first mistake.

    That is the part you would choose to argue.

    "first" mistake

    There's more.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Wow that is great to see. Hopefully this gets EAs attention.
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    Nah, they'll just go radio silent yet again.

    Prove me wrong, CG.

    CG: Hold my beer.
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
  • Ultra
    11592 posts Moderator
    yankeeh8er wrote: »
    Wow that is great to see. Hopefully this gets EAs attention.

    I’m sure EA will be seething when they investigate and learn that CG followed their terms of service
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    Ultra wrote: »
    yankeeh8er wrote: »
    Wow that is great to see. Hopefully this gets EAs attention.

    I’m sure EA will be seething when they investigate and learn that CG followed their terms of service

    No company likes bad press.
    Chained since '16
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    Ultra wrote: »
    yankeeh8er wrote: »
    Wow that is great to see. Hopefully this gets EAs attention.

    I’m sure EA will be seething when they investigate and learn that CG followed their terms of service

    It’s humorous players think they can influence CG at this point.
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