Ahnalds account [MERGE]


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    yankeeh8er wrote: »
    yankeeh8er wrote: »
    It s time to close this topic. This gets boring. I dont think that Arnold is the white knight and CG is the black duck like he tries to make everyone believe anyway. Bunch of stuff he said he knew long time ago but he just decided to say that in a video just when his account got banned. Why he didnt say that before

    He didn't release the info about lucifers daddy negotiating with cheaters before, because he was trying to work with cg. If he just puts that out randomly one day cg would have been after him even more then they already were. Once they banned his test account all pretenses of them working together were gone and their was no longer a reason for him to sit on that info.

    That’s just false. That info was already public. I released it in a video 2 weeks prior when that account popped back up from a 5 month ban.

    Public or not anhald decided to shine a light on it only after his test account was banned.

    How often do you call the cable company before your internet goes out?

    Like. Of course he’s gonna bring it to light AFTER they banned him. He is a content creator, not a psychic

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    Who’s Ahnald?
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    Who’s Ahnald?

    Where's Ahnald?
    Legend#6873 | YouTube | swgoh.gg
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    Legend91 wrote: »
    Who’s Ahnald?

    Where's Ahnald?

    I’ll do you one better...what is Ahnald?
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Who’s Ahnald?

    Where's Ahnald?

    I’ll do you one better...what is Ahnald?

    I’ll do YOU one better...WHY is Ahnald?!
    Legend#6873 | YouTube | swgoh.gg
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    Legend91 wrote: »
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Who’s Ahnald?

    Where's Ahnald?

    I’ll do you one better...what is Ahnald?

    I’ll do YOU one better...WHY is Ahnald?!

    HOW is Ahnald?
    I have a bad feeling about this.
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    There are numerous forum TOS violations in this thread, stuff way worse than what I was suspended for saying the past about the general decline of the game. Lol

    Also, does anyone really think CG will ever say anything other than ‘The game is not ending’? If they said it was (and idk if it is or not) but if they said it was, NOBODY would shell out money for JKL. So calling for CG to respond on whether the game is ending soon is not intelligent
    I am the jedi dog battle droid C-3PO could not kill.
  • Bulldog1205
    3573 posts Member
    edited June 2020
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    Legend91 wrote: »
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Who’s Ahnald?

    Where's Ahnald?

    I’ll do you one better...what is Ahnald?

    I’ll do YOU one better...WHY is Ahnald?!

    I love the Marvel references in a Star Wars game. These people at CG should take a note or two from Marvel Strike Force, they can't seem to figure it out on their own.
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
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    Because using the weekend along with a puzzle and jedi luke to try and jedi mind trick this away instead of dealing with it is wrong
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    Because using the weekend along with a puzzle and jedi luke to try and jedi mind trick this away instead of dealing with it is wrong

    What’s wrong?
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Because using the weekend along with a puzzle and jedi luke to try and jedi mind trick this away instead of dealing with it is wrong

    What’s wrong?

    Why is wrong?.....
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Still sitting at about 10x the number of dislikes than likes.
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Who’s Ahnald?

    Where's Ahnald?

    I’ll do you one better...what is Ahnald?

    I’ll do YOU one better...WHY is Ahnald?!

    HOW is Ahnald?

    He is upset
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Still sitting at about 10x the number of dislikes than likes.

    maybe you should get up and do something
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Monel wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Still sitting at about 10x the number of dislikes than likes.

    maybe you should get up and do something

    Nah im good. "Take a seat"
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Still sitting at about 10x the number of dislikes than likes.

    maybe you should get up and do something

    Nah im good. "Take a seat"

    Already did.
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    Darion wrote: »
    I'm confused as to how him buying an account from someone and then spending money in the game on said account, is so evil and worse than people actually cheating at the game.

    Also, I've read some comments that mentioned "warnings" for account transfers. What does that even mean? You get a warning that says something to the effect of "you broke TOS by obtaining this account and if you obtain this account again we will punish you"? Is that what that means? Do they somehow take the account back from them at that point?

    Bottom line is there in nothing wrong with account sharing, transferring, selling, buying, gifting, etc. Any money that was ever spent in that account is still in SWGOH's pockets. It isn't like that money disappears somehow. It should not make one bit of difference as to who is in control of the account. It's not like multiple people can play with those purchases at the same time.

    The cheating is what the focus should be on, and they should just abolish this account transfer TOS stuff completely. It doesn't make any sense in an equitable fashion.

    I think we pretty much all agree the apk cheating stuff is ridiculous and CG shouldn’t be making exceptions for people and should be focusing on that more.

    That said, the biggest reason CG cares about account transfer Is because there is a lot of fraud and theft there. If they allowed account transfers they could then be potentially held liable if they go wrong. By making them against the rules they wash their hands of any issues there.

    And of course money. It’s more expensive to build up a new account than buy and existing one.

    @Bulldog1205 I ultimately agree with most of what you have said about this controversy but what I am curious on is if you are aware of any of the mentioned statements that cubs and I believe ahnaldt alluded to, specifically the friendly relationship some of the "pay to mod your account" service providers have with devs?

    I feel like it's still a situation of cops caught me speeding but the guy next to me ran a red. but I think this does give him a leg to stand on about being targeted.

    Sorry it's worded funny but ultimately im curious if you can lend any validity to the modders comments (and IF TRUE) Isn't knowing blatantly who is providing these services akin to ahnaldt sending in a big report?

    Owner transfer of an account and allowing someone else to login to your account are just viewed as two completely different things. Maybe that’s because one takes money from them directly and another doesn’t, I don’t know.

    I doubt anyone would get banned even if they self reported using or offering those services (my speculation). Not all tos violations get any action from CG. I know someone who self reported the use of an auto program to open packs. That is explicitly against the tos. CG didn’t punish them. They don’t care about it. They do care about account transfers. Just not enough to go hunt people down for them.

    That autoclicker program let's you spend like 2 million ally points in a few hours it's really great and the post telling people about it was allowed to be up on the forums for months so if it was really against the Tos dont u think they have an obligation to say so. Or at least remove it from the forums.

    That's like them allowing a post about how to get free Crystal's up on the forum then banning e everyone who uses it... but letting it stay here on page 1... ridiculous
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    Because using the weekend along with a puzzle and jedi luke to try and jedi mind trick this away instead of dealing with it is wrong

    Don't worry, this thing is getting bumped like crazy on Monday morning.
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
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    😂😂 yeah it’ll get bumped on Monday when people start opening up their wallets to prepare for Luke and Ahnald’s sheep will lose their mind because they realize that nothing they did made any difference
  • KM1
    145 posts Member
    😂😂 yeah it’ll get bumped on Monday when people start opening up their wallets to prepare for Luke and Ahnald’s sheep will lose their mind because they realize that nothing they did made any difference

    So people who correctly complain about inconsistently applied TOS, lack of communication and new content, decry CG secretly negotiating with cheaters are "sheep". Got it you CG lapdog
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    @BobcatSkywalker - the fact that a forum post about a TOS breaking service shows that
    1- CG doesn’t care
    2- That service didn’t make fun of the GL Rock, Paper, Scissors event
    3- Didn’t compare how bad the GoH art is to MSF or Raid(the art to the LEGO game is even better)
    4- CG doesn’t read the forums
    5- CG is lazy or maybe, just maybe,
    6- the service somehow didn’t break TOS.
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    Logging on daily to forums to check if anything has happened since the day before
    • Have CG come down hard on cheaters? Status: FAIL
    • Have they distanced themselves from previous deals with cheaters? Status: FAIL
    • Have they banned all the known account sharing services (bots) and their users? Status: FAIL
    • Have CG responded at all? Status: FAIL
    • Have CGs top been fired by EA/Disney? Status: FAIL
    • Is there any non-pack content? Status: Coming (but it might even be worse than nothing, jury is still out)
    • Have CG once again shown their complete lack of understanding and respect for the community: Status: Succes!

    My status: spending mode if OFF
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    The dude is getting even more overdramatic in his videos (surprisingly that was possible). The game is not ending. It will be here a year from now and people will still be complaining.

    Clearly some that play the game are outraged, but not even sure it's a majority.

    Me? I'm just waiting for new content, something new to do. Hardly going to get hung up on the TOS being enforced. Or a guy on you tube that's full of himself.
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    Will the game end? No. As long as it costs less to maintain than the revenues it brings in, it will continue. HoDA has been on life support for a long time. Most likely their new project will drive HoDA out and w/e the new IP is and SWGOH will be their active games. Mobile games are revenue streams. They funnel mt's and fund other projects. As for JKL, meh it will be a boost in revenues. Keeps the game free for non spending players. Works for me. As for how the game is run, it's EA why is anyone surprised? Business as usual. The devs etc are under a gag order (Do not comment). No doubt EA legal is watching for any grievous offense. Barring those, just another day in the Galaxy.

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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    @obikenobi1 These forums can be a weird place. I don’t want the game to end, I just want CG to appear to care more. Communicate more and actually seem like they work on their game.

    This part? Yeah, not going to happen. They've literally had years to do those 2 simple things. They either won't or are simply too inept. Either way, not going to happen. Not with this game - not with CG.

    This! ^^👍
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    imagine being upset because a youtube cosplayer got banned for going against the games tos lol
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