Is the player base demanding too much?


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    As a game to an incoming player it has a lot to do.

    The beef comes from the older accounts. I don't believe anyone complaining is still working on Traya.

    Perhaps the players, including myself, with complaints about the lack of new content and communication should simply move on?

    I'm still working on Traya and I share in the "beef" others have with CG. It seems like anymore that the only way to get word one from CG is to be a cheater.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.

    Let the actions speak. And so far the actions have indicated the opposite.

    And a biased view will always show you what want it to.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Vi1teran_ wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.

    None of us except you see proof that they "Care". Your word rings hollow. If they cared and gave a crap about the community the they would have been more open and communicative with us.

    I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. What you think about me or my words doesnt change the truth. That's the wonderful thing about the truth.

    Truth is you have a different perception than a lot of people because you get more communication than we do.

    I understand that, and this fact is not lost on me. We have been talking more as of late about ways to try and change this (before the recent situation).
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Vi1teran_ wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.

    None of us except you see proof that they "Care". Your word rings hollow. If they cared and gave a crap about the community the they would have been more open and communicative with us.

    I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. What you think about me or my words doesnt change the truth. That's the wonderful thing about the truth.

    Truth is you have a different perception than a lot of people because you get more communication than we do.

    I understand that, and this fact is not lost on me. We have been talking more as of late about ways to try and change this (before the recent situation).

    Which vague "we'll try to continue to communicate better" time was this? Lord knows we've been down this road a time or two or twelve.

    We, or better yet a billion dollars of revenue, deserve more than what's been attempted (not even done, mind, attempted!).
    Chained since '16
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.

    None of us except you see proof that they "Care". Your word rings hollow. If they cared and gave a crap about the community the they would have been more open and communicative with us.

    I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. What you think about me or my words doesn't change the truth. That's the wonderful thing about the truth.

    I can appreciate that there is a factual truth that isn't affected by anyone's opinions. In this case, we just have to take, literally only, your word about what the truth is. If I kept the truth in a box and wouldn't show it to anyone else, could I blame anyone for not believing me?

    I fully believe it's possible that CG has told you or shown you that they care about the community's response. That's great. Now show us. In this case, the old adage is true, actions speak louder than words. But we don't even have words.

    Do you feel they have never taken actions that would make you think they care?

    Do you feel that them putting a lot of work into the back end to try and deliver something that improves the game, is a sign that they care?

    Do you think responding to the demands of a "single person" is showing they care? (I know its more than 1 person, but he had other "demands" and anything they say right now would be seen as a response to them)

    The OP to this post is suggesting that veteran players should leave because "what they want is too much", yet they have communicated very recently that they are working on a way to produce content..... which is what the OP is saying they are "demanding".... so the whole thing seems odd.

    I agree they should communicate more and "show us" they care, but as I said earlier, just saying they should doenst make it quicker or easier to do so. Unfortunately that is not an easy thing to accept and some people will not. We have all lost friends as time has gone on in this game, some base their choices to leave on the dev team and their actions. Some of us choose to enjoy the game as we see fit and try to work towards things being different/better.

    Everyone is going to want different things from this game and those thoughts and feelings may or may not line up with the plans the dev team has. This doesnt mean they dont care or they only care about $$, because they know there is no game without a community and they care about the community to help carry and grow what this game is into the future.
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    Kyno and the devs still got the dev 101 thing wrong,you dont change the plans according to your beliefs you change them according to what the community wants and according to your competitors.All you competitors make live pvp,they have sandbox mode and yet you are not doing those,you are as ignorant as ever i guess.If you had a generic ip ,game would have shut down after 3 months.

    To make a much more simple analogy of it,its if you run a restaurant and noone is eating you food,then you got to change the recipes and the dishes,its plain simple.This is how some mobile games thrive still over the 5 year mark,couse they actually listen to what their customers want.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Expecting basic communication and consistent content releases is not asking too much from a billion dollar game.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    I can only speak for myself here, but I agree with the original premise 100%. This is a very good game, but if it doesn't make you happy any more then you should move on to a new game. Splatoon came out 5 years ago, are you still playing it two hours every day? If so, convratulations, I'm happy that you found a game you enjoy so much! But if you spend more time on the Splatoon forum complaining that there isn't enough for you to do, then maybe you should just buy a new game.

    To quote a weird man, "It's only game. Why you heff to be mad?"

    Maybe you expect something new to be added into the game that will recapture the magic of when you started--but the magic of when you started was that every day you would collect new and more interesting characters and those characters would help you build towards other characters. There was a simple iterative process: Work on Jedi Consular to make GW easier so you could get Luminara so you could go further in the tables to get Rey so you could finish better in Arena. By now your characters are pretty much done. Whether that means they're all worked on or only the "good" ones are worked on and the rest aren't even unlocked is your call. I find it fun to level up even characters I'm not going to use (point of pride--I have 6 abilities left on my roster that aren't Omega'd yet! By the end of the month I'll be set so that the only abilities left to upgrade are zetas!) so I'm not done yet. But if you look at the newest characters and lament "What do you MEAN I have to put gear on Leia? Ughggghghhghghhhhh...." then you probably don't find it fun. So, again, just move on. It's okay. The game will continue without you, there'll be new players who get to experience that initial magic. Meanwhile you can go to some other game and start the cycle over again--magic, then plateau, then boredom, then anger.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Options
    LordGrahck wrote: »
    As a game to an incoming player it has a lot to do.

    The beef comes from the older accounts. I don't believe anyone complaining is still working on Traya.

    Perhaps the players, including myself, with complaints about the lack of new content and communication should simply move on?

    I'm still working on Traya and I share in the "beef" others have with CG. It seems like anymore that the only way to get word one from CG is to be a cheater.

    Oh, well not to dismiss your point but it seems you are mentioning the atrocious communication here, while the particular point I was discussing there was " veterans lacking interesting things to do." Veterans would not complain anywhere near as much if there were more things to do other than simulation farming upon logging in.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Expecting basic communication and consistent content releases is not asking too much from a billion dollar game.

  • Options
    NicWester wrote: »
    I can only speak for myself here, but I agree with the original premise 100%. This is a very good game, but if it doesn't make you happy any more then you should move on to a new game. Splatoon came out 5 years ago, are you still playing it two hours every day? If so, convratulations, I'm happy that you found a game you enjoy so much! But if you spend more time on the Splatoon forum complaining that there isn't enough for you to do, then maybe you should just buy a new game.

    To quote a weird man, "It's only game. Why you heff to be mad?"

    Maybe you expect something new to be added into the game that will recapture the magic of when you started--but the magic of when you started was that every day you would collect new and more interesting characters and those characters would help you build towards other characters. There was a simple iterative process: Work on Jedi Consular to make GW easier so you could get Luminara so you could go further in the tables to get Rey so you could finish better in Arena. By now your characters are pretty much done. Whether that means they're all worked on or only the "good" ones are worked on and the rest aren't even unlocked is your call. I find it fun to level up even characters I'm not going to use (point of pride--I have 6 abilities left on my roster that aren't Omega'd yet! By the end of the month I'll be set so that the only abilities left to upgrade are zetas!) so I'm not done yet. But if you look at the newest characters and lament "What do you MEAN I have to put gear on Leia? Ughggghghhghghhhhh...." then you probably don't find it fun. So, again, just move on. It's okay. The game will continue without you, there'll be new players who get to experience that initial magic. Meanwhile you can go to some other game and start the cycle over again--magic, then plateau, then boredom, then anger.

    I agree with much of what you wrote. I'm pretty sure my original post was a suppositiin though, and not just reflective of my own situation. I will reiterate my original idea here:
    - Does it seem that 4-5 year veteran players are lacking interesting content faster than CG can/is creating it, given that the game already has more content than many mobile games?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno and the devs still got the dev 101 thing wrong,you dont change the plans according to your beliefs you change them according to what the community wants and according to your competitors.All you competitors make live pvp,they have sandbox mode and yet you are not doing those,you are as ignorant as ever i guess.If you had a generic ip ,game would have shut down after 3 months.

    To make a much more simple analogy of it,its if you run a restaurant and noone is eating you food,then you got to change the recipes and the dishes,its plain simple.This is how some mobile games thrive still over the 5 year mark,couse they actually listen to what their customers want.

    There seems to be a general consensus that the live PvP in MSF is not so great. So while they should try to incorporate things that we want. They also have to balance that "effort" with what will be an "effective add".

    Is the current plan they are discussing not a change to the recipe?
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    The need for communication is another thing I don't really understand, if I'm being honest. I check updates every couple days and when there's a Q&A I read the questions that seem interesting. But I'm not going to stand out front of CG's office blasting Peter Gabriel from a boombox over my head.

    I miss when Carrie and other devs would just post casually in threads--nothing major, just a gif or something. But the game got too big for that. If we started a thread about who the best character with the letter F in their name was back in the day, some dev might chime in with the merits of Boba Fett versus Grand Moff Tarkin or ask if Bastila Shan (Fallen) counted. Now if they did that--well, for one, if WE did that, that thread would be ignored because it isn't complainy enough--but if THEY did that, they'd be inundated with "Is this what you're doing instead of making new content?"

    Communication is for smaller games. I would LOVE for it to last with bigger games, but it's one of the first casualties of success. Folks just need to accept that.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Options
    NicWester wrote: »
    Communication is for smaller games. I would LOVE for it to last with bigger games, but it's one of the first casualties of success. Folks just need to accept that.

    No, no. Being able to communicate and interact with the community isn't something strictly set for "Small games". The issue here is that after months of radio silence about IMPORTANT GAME STUFF if they just came out of the woodworks with a puzzle the reaction would be met according to how they've been handling the communication department: "Is this what you do when Rome is burning?"

    I wouldn't care them chiming in on "Favorite charachter with F" or stuff like that if they kept the game updates consistent and such.

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    ZAP wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.

    You show the community every day how much you care about the game and the community.

    CG shows the community every day how much they don’t care about the community and only care about money.

    You talking to some staff there does not mean you can possibly know they care, just as much as none of us can possibly know for a fact they don’t care. What we can see, however, are actions that show the exact opposite of caring for the community and its concerns.

    Whatever happened with the beta test program? Not a single update on that yet.

    Whatever happened to the dev tracker? Not a single word or update on that, despite top hat saying he was gonna have a meeting to discuss it and get back to us.

    The list goes on and on.

    Obviously everyone has there own perspective on things, but just saying they dont care doesn't make it true.

    You mean the new version of it that they announced was launched and is in its early stages and what not:

    The tracker, yeah that's got an interesting back story to it right now. Hopefully they iron things out there.
    Sure there are things on both sides of the argument, but its true they do care.

    Just like pointing out that some of things that are said here dont mean that some of the players dont care, are not necessarily true.

    Oh yeah, what about the “what kinds of data do guild officers want?” that was started by crumb on Jan 10th. I believe that’s the one that top hat addressed in the last Q&A that he’d call a meeting to find out what’s going on with that and get back to us.

    5 months later and still nothing updated on this.

    Just another opportunity to show the community they care and they drop the ball and show the opposite.

    That is a fair misrepresentation of things but sure.

    (It cant be 5 months with nothing and have them address it in the QA)
    As they have said and pointed out many times things go in cycles and often things are tied to a release that has common thing or background things with it.

    Should they give more updates and communicate more on topics like this yes. Does that mean they dont care, no.
    There are points on both sides of this topic. Again, it doesnt change the truth of the matter. Dont worry I know you will not allow yourself to be seen as saying they are not the villains here.

    Can they do things better, yes. As I'm sure we can all agree, we all could.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    I expect communication. Regular honest communication.

    Check msf and its constant blogging.

    Thats what i want to see
  • Options
    I’m glad someone is still using their noggin and offering constructive suggestions like these and not just grabbing a pitchfork and tying CG at the stake.

    This is exactly what I feel. Everything is scheduled in this game in so much that you feel that you need to have to constantly have the game at the back of your mind if you want to stay competitive. I mean in order to get our free 45 energy you need to have us log in at a certain time in order to promote playing but the thing is there’s not enough to do in the game anyway. I login at certain times a day and I’m done, as I can do the daily objectives in a couple of minutes and then I’m stuck trying to find something to do in the game like mindlessly scavenging for relic parts or trying to check every character to see if I have extra gear to upgrade them.

    Thanks, I do try to use that thing on top of my shoulders :)

    And Thanks for mentioning the 45's, I forgot to mention those above.

    Yes, my idea for the 45's is simple too.

    Instead of 6 separate "rewards" that hit us at 3 different times a day, and they expire after 2 hours so god forbid you were in a work meeting & then miss the noon triple refresh..... can you say GRRRR

    How about, make it 4 rewards, 45-45-45-135, for the same energy, and have them ONLY spawn 1x a day and don't expire for 23 hours instead of 2 hours.

    Like to make this really easy, just have the energy log in's be at our Payout hour when we know we will likely be on. And have all 4 spawn at the same time, and then stay up for 23-24 hours.
    I say 23 since maybe for PC processing you don't want them expiring/spawning at the same time.
    But point is, we have the ability to grab them all at the same time & burn them in between our PVP fights that already have that stupid 10 minute lock out timer for a 5 minute fight.

    Honestly, heck, better yet, have the quests spawn 1 hour before our set payout time. You know, when we are all logging in to start our climb towards the Arena Payout.


    What an amazing idea that would be, no logging in at 545AM when my alarm goes off to quick check the store before jumping in the shower.
    No logging back in at 615AM after showering as I'm getting dressed to check the store again after the it has refreshed & to spend my overnight energy.
    No getting too distracted with that rush of energy burns & leave the house late to now be late to work.
    (Admit it, I'm not the only one that has done this)
    No logging in at Noon-2PM range to claim my triple refresh & check the stores again while trying to work.
    No logging in at 5PM to start the PVP climb in the middle of commute home.
    No logging back in at 9PM for the final energy grab.

    Imagine the joy at being able to set your payout to be when you have 2 free hours & then being able to claim all your daily free energy. And yet not having to still be awake for that final energy grab.
    Doing all your shopping as you do 4 refreshes at once for free instead of having to check stores 5x a day.
    Knock out all 24 hours of energy burns in between your PVP fights.
    Knock out all your "Mythic/Omega/Assault battles" between your 2nd hour of Fleet Fights on cooldown.

    What an amazing concept, to be able to do the entire day's work of "stuff" in a 2 hour stretch when your already on doing PVP/Fleet & NOT have to log in the other 5x a day for all the the other crap.


    The inability to do the above, is why I hate the game now & why I have basically stopped giving them any money.
    I just no longer care about progressing fast because I no longer find any joy in having my schedule dictated to me to stay competitive.
    And really, the above changes, to me, seem pretty easy to code, they just slightly alter what already exists.
  • Options
    I’m glad someone is still using their noggin and offering constructive suggestions like these and not just grabbing a pitchfork and tying CG at the stake.

    This is exactly what I feel. Everything is scheduled in this game in so much that you feel that you need to have to constantly have the game at the back of your mind if you want to stay competitive. I mean in order to get our free 45 energy you need to have us log in at a certain time in order to promote playing but the thing is there’s not enough to do in the game anyway. I login at certain times a day and I’m done, as I can do the daily objectives in a couple of minutes and then I’m stuck trying to find something to do in the game like mindlessly scavenging for relic parts or trying to check every character to see if I have extra gear to upgrade them.

    Thanks, I do try to use that thing on top of my shoulders :)

    And Thanks for mentioning the 45's, I forgot to mention those above.

    Yes, my idea for the 45's is simple too.

    Instead of 6 separate "rewards" that hit us at 3 different times a day, and they expire after 2 hours so god forbid you were in a work meeting & then miss the noon triple refresh..... can you say GRRRR

    How about, make it 4 rewards, 45-45-45-135, for the same energy, and have them ONLY spawn 1x a day and don't expire for 23 hours instead of 2 hours.

    Like to make this really easy, just have the energy log in's be at our Payout hour when we know we will likely be on. And have all 4 spawn at the same time, and then stay up for 23-24 hours.
    I say 23 since maybe for PC processing you don't want them expiring/spawning at the same time.
    But point is, we have the ability to grab them all at the same time & burn them in between our PVP fights that already have that stupid 10 minute lock out timer for a 5 minute fight.

    Honestly, heck, better yet, have the quests spawn 1 hour before our set payout time. You know, when we are all logging in to start our climb towards the Arena Payout.


    What an amazing idea that would be, no logging in at 545AM when my alarm goes off to quick check the store before jumping in the shower.
    No logging back in at 615AM after showering as I'm getting dressed to check the store again after the it has refreshed & to spend my overnight energy.
    No getting too distracted with that rush of energy burns & leave the house late to now be late to work.
    (Admit it, I'm not the only one that has done this)
    No logging in at Noon-2PM range to claim my triple refresh & check the stores again while trying to work.
    No logging in at 5PM to start the PVP climb in the middle of commute home.
    No logging back in at 9PM for the final energy grab.

    Imagine the joy at being able to set your payout to be when you have 2 free hours & then being able to claim all your daily free energy. And yet not having to still be awake for that final energy grab.
    Doing all your shopping as you do 4 refreshes at once for free instead of having to check stores 5x a day.
    Knock out all 24 hours of energy burns in between your PVP fights.
    Knock out all your "Mythic/Omega/Assault battles" between your 2nd hour of Fleet Fights on cooldown.

    What an amazing concept, to be able to do the entire day's work of "stuff" in a 2 hour stretch when your already on doing PVP/Fleet & NOT have to log in the other 5x a day for all the the other crap.


    The inability to do the above, is why I hate the game now & why I have basically stopped giving them any money.
    I just no longer care about progressing fast because I no longer find any joy in having my schedule dictated to me to stay competitive.
    And really, the above changes, to me, seem pretty easy to code, they just slightly alter what already exists.

  • Options
    It is too much to ask for CG to run SWGoH to the best of their abilities (excellently) and to be the best game devs ever?
    -Just like you’d want a doctor to do excellent work on your surgery?
    -Just like you want your favorite team to play their best?
    -Just like you would want your boss to the boss ever?

    When is appearing to be apathetic and mediocre the status quo? Because it seems like CG would rather be outperformed by DSA, MSF and Raid in numerous categories.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    It is too much to ask for CG to run SWGoH to the best of their abilities (excellently) and to be the best game devs ever?
    -Just like you’d want a doctor to do excellent work on your surgery?
    -Just like you want your favorite team to play their best?
    -Just like you would want your boss to the boss ever?

    When is appearing to be apathetic and mediocre the status quo? Because it seems like CG would rather be outperformed by DSA, MSF and Raid in numerous categories.

    Which categories are those?
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    It is too much to ask for CG to run SWGoH to the best of their abilities (excellently) and to be the best game devs ever?
    -Just like you’d want a doctor to do excellent work on your surgery?
    -Just like you want your favorite team to play their best?
    -Just like you would want your boss to the boss ever?

    When is appearing to be apathetic and mediocre the status quo? Because it seems like CG would rather be outperformed by DSA, MSF and Raid in numerous categories.

    Which categories are those?

    Oh come on like it hasn't been talked to death at this point. I know it's your job and all but being a constant brick wall every time someone brings up issues about CG is starting to get old.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Unfortunately no one is going to come here on a random day trying to convince you to stay here. They have said they are working on a way to produce content quicker. I guess that statement is not enough for you.

    But trying to press like this doesn't mean they can make those tools or the content any faster than they are already trying to do.

    We've not had meaningful content that wasnt a reskin or kraken only for way too long. You're correct. It's not enough. How long do we just twiddle our thumbs waiting for them to finally deliver? Only reason I'm still here is because of the ridiculous grind for Rey who happens to be my favorite character. The problem, which you well know, is that we dont believe anything they say anymore. We've been hearing new content is coming for way to long with no actual content. Then when they cancel things such as the new raid it looks even worse.

    You mean delay, as they said, not canceled. If you going to talk about what people say. Can you at least be nice enough to use the words they said and not try to make it worse.

    No one can yell you how long you should wait, and no one is going to be able to jump on here and tell you more then they have already, until they have something to say.

    I know everything should always be absolutely new, but that is not entirely realistic. At some point the community can accept that some new content will just be different versions of something done before ( because 99% of all gaming is) or they can not accept it, but acting like it doesnt take work to build and balance a new "reskin" is just a weak attack on someone's work.

    They deserve the attack on their "work". You put in more work trying to mop up their messes than they do actually doing anything with the game. "Postponed" would mean something if they actually gave us content somewhere. Postponed with no idea of when we should be looking for it might as well be considered canceled. Being nice hasnt gotten us anywhere so no I'll speak my mind how I like and theres nothing to be nice about right now.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    It is too much to ask for CG to run SWGoH to the best of their abilities (excellently) and to be the best game devs ever?
    -Just like you’d want a doctor to do excellent work on your surgery?
    -Just like you want your favorite team to play their best?
    -Just like you would want your boss to the boss ever?

    When is appearing to be apathetic and mediocre the status quo? Because it seems like CG would rather be outperformed by DSA, MSF and Raid in numerous categories.

    Which categories are those?

    Oh come on like it hasn't been talked to death at this point. I know it's your job and all but being a constant brick wall every time someone brings up issues about CG is starting to get old.

    It's a valid question, though. What's the criteria? And have you been playing both games for an equal amount of time? Remember--the model of a game like this is based on having a whole bunch of content front-loaded so that the player gets dizzy from the amount of things they can do at once. But over time the actual amount of stuff dwindles until the end game. You can't compare the early flush of a game like Marvel Strike Force with the late game grind of any other game, or the completed game that many of us have with Galaxy of Heroes.

    So the question remains: What is Strike Force better at than Galaxy of Heroes if compared at equal levels? I'm not saying there's nothing, I haven't even played MSF. But if the person Kyno is responding to just says "better in many categories" that's a meaningless statement without expounding on those categories.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    i think we all just want something better than what we are getting from the devs right now...hopefully things gets better
  • Options
    i think we all just want something better than what we are getting from the devs right now...hopefully things gets better

    I think we all should chip in and buy Kyno a vacation.
  • Options
    i think we all just want something better than what we are getting from the devs right now...hopefully things gets better

    I think we all should chip in and buy Kyno a vacation.

    Are you kidding he is the entire pr department for a billion dollar company. We need him now more then ever.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Unfortunately no one is going to come here on a random day trying to convince you to stay here. They have said they are working on a way to produce content quicker. I guess that statement is not enough for you.

    But trying to press like this doesn't mean they can make those tools or the content any faster than they are already trying to do.

    We've not had meaningful content that wasnt a reskin or kraken only for way too long. You're correct. It's not enough. How long do we just twiddle our thumbs waiting for them to finally deliver? Only reason I'm still here is because of the ridiculous grind for Rey who happens to be my favorite character. The problem, which you well know, is that we dont believe anything they say anymore. We've been hearing new content is coming for way to long with no actual content. Then when they cancel things such as the new raid it looks even worse.

    You mean delay, as they said, not canceled. If you going to talk about what people say. Can you at least be nice enough to use the words they said and not try to make it worse.

    No one can yell you how long you should wait, and no one is going to be able to jump on here and tell you more then they have already, until they have something to say.

    I know everything should always be absolutely new, but that is not entirely realistic. At some point the community can accept that some new content will just be different versions of something done before ( because 99% of all gaming is) or they can not accept it, but acting like it doesnt take work to build and balance a new "reskin" is just a weak attack on someone's work.
    "Postponed" would mean something if they actually gave us content somewhere. Postponed with no idea of when we should be looking for it might as well be considered canceled.

    Actually it still means postponed.
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Unfortunately no one is going to come here on a random day trying to convince you to stay here. They have said they are working on a way to produce content quicker. I guess that statement is not enough for you.

    But trying to press like this doesn't mean they can make those tools or the content any faster than they are already trying to do.

    We've not had meaningful content that wasnt a reskin or kraken only for way too long. You're correct. It's not enough. How long do we just twiddle our thumbs waiting for them to finally deliver? Only reason I'm still here is because of the ridiculous grind for Rey who happens to be my favorite character. The problem, which you well know, is that we dont believe anything they say anymore. We've been hearing new content is coming for way to long with no actual content. Then when they cancel things such as the new raid it looks even worse.

    You mean delay, as they said, not canceled. If you going to talk about what people say. Can you at least be nice enough to use the words they said and not try to make it worse.

    No one can yell you how long you should wait, and no one is going to be able to jump on here and tell you more then they have already, until they have something to say.

    I know everything should always be absolutely new, but that is not entirely realistic. At some point the community can accept that some new content will just be different versions of something done before ( because 99% of all gaming is) or they can not accept it, but acting like it doesnt take work to build and balance a new "reskin" is just a weak attack on someone's work.

    Being nice hasnt gotten us anywhere so no I'll speak my mind how I like and theres nothing to be nice about right now.

    You do you, but in most cases trying not to be "nice" listen going to get you anywhere anyway.

    Also, I'm pretty sure no one is asking anyone to be nice. Just constructive.
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