Is the player base demanding too much?


  • TaTaKaS
    167 posts Member
    Don't argue with Kyno.. No point in doing so!!!
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    yeah Kyno I've been playing since 2016 this is the worst 1.5 years CG has provided the community. Some of us can't afford the paywall gimmicks nor have the time to farm GLs f2p and that's just one issue. promising a year full of content for 2020 then giving us marqee characters and GLs only is beyond just bad it's criminal to the devoted community. Then that horrible Q and A where they ignored every real question and flat out reject sandbox and reworks. Mace is still useless, still no raid, no new modes, KIM was trash, the vaunted GL event was a rock paper scissors game. And now you add the actual screen shots of CG allowing cheaters to do what the want man. Who cares about a youtuber. In general CG doesn't want anyone playing this. It's frustrating to be a star wars fan and a vet and put up with this. You're either complicit in their practices as a moderator here or you have no idea how literally every other gaming studio actually runs a game and treats their fans. At this point pretty sure the guy who created the culling is actually in charge of CG. Kyno stop being tone deaf.
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    Whats with the whole crying over we need new content, theres plenty to do. Oh wait because people figure they need to whale out on every single **** thing that comes to the game. If you want to have a fully relicd roster, able to solo sith raid, beat every teir in every event, get max stars in every TB, then thats your problem, shut your mouth. For non spenders theres a ton to work towards. If your bored go do something meaningful with your life. Im tired of seeing spenders in games thinking somehow they need to be catored to because they have nothing to spend money on. Face it, anything new that comes people will whale on it to get it done day one and be back on the forum asking for more. If you need to sit infront of this game or be on the forum 24/7 you have bigger issues than no new content. Youtubers are the biggest whiners of them all when it comes to new content. Sucks to be if you have nothing to make a video with and make money off someone elses work. Go get a job.

    I’ve never spent money and I’m bored. Farming characters is not fun, it’s time consuming. Unlocking and playing characters is fun, but when you can only use them a couple times a week you think to yourself “What was the point in this?”
    Whenever I unlock a new Legendary character, I get really excited. I gear them up and then there’s nowhere to use them. No GAC rn, can’t even use them in Squad Arena unless I want to drop 1000 places, GW is too easy, no TB. Not even all the factions (at least main factions) have assault battles for them. They need to add a few things, yes. But not a whole lot. Just a few more assault battles (which I am sure they can do) so I can use characters like Padmé etc. I can’t even use a full 501st team.
    I’m nowhere near the end game and I’m still getting bored. I play other games and I’m in the same position, but I have more fun in those. I can play things over and over again, unlock new characters, etc.
    Plus, why does everything they make have to be either a paywall or require a bunch of hoarding. CLS and JKR events require such low gear levels, all you have to get is a 7* character. It makes the game more interesting as I don’t have to spend months trying to get the gear and relics just to get a character I can hardly play.
    IMO they don’t even need to do a lot. Just some things which we can play over and over again, everyday. If you want a good example, I play a game called Marvel: Contest of Champions. There’s these things called “Incursions” which you take your characters into (there are “sectors” which are based on the current power of your team) and try and complete as many “zones” as you can. The more zones you complete, the more points you get. With these points you reach milestones and you can unlock some currencies which can help you get crystals which give a random character. There’s around 6/7 crystals, each with 10 characters (I believe there’s ~180 characters in the game). You pick which one you get and hope you get the character you want. The milestones refresh every 5 days so you can get more of the currency required. It’s really fun, the thing I Iook forward to playing.
    This is just one thing they do well in this game which keeps up the interest, and I definitely think they could add something like this in SWGoH.
    I have a bad feeling about this.
  • Nemman
    76 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    never mind, i dont care. as CG does
    Post edited by Nemman on
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    Personally I think the game is fine and I would prefer no new content for 6 months. Take a break and let things calm down a bit and let people catch up.

    No. We want new viable content. Most of us have reached that point where it’s just grinding for gears or shards.

    Do that for weeks, even months can take its toll.

    We are bored.
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    Guys, I guess what I am saying is that 5 years into a mobile game should probably equal time to move on from
    - devs keeping up perspective
    - your life perspective
    - expectations of a mobile game perspective

    All of the things we are asking for are actually pushing new boundaries in mobile gaming.
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    Banjo wrote: »
    Bartek wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    At some point the community can accept that some new content will just be different versions of something done before.
    We are begging for a sandbox mode for years now. MSF is able to do it. DSA have it. It's all Disney. And what we hear from a billion-dollar-revenue company? Too expensive. Kyno i don't know you but mate.. don't treat your community like this:|

    Exactly more excuses for a billion dollar game DEVELOPER that can no longer develop apparently. Where allll these other games are on it no problem lol

    Is not that they can't, is that they don't WANT. I just can't wrap my head around the stuff CG has been doing as of late.

    -Absolutely zero communication aside from random ships thrown at us.
    -The last Q&A was a bantha doodo fest of nitpicked questions while ignoring the important ones.
    -"Hey, the community is kinda angry with us?" "lol drop a puzzle". I mean, what? Any serious or at least decent devs would put their pants on and come out with a serious statement about what's going on.
    -The "Ocean of content" they told us about? You have better luck finding an ocean in the desert.
    -And the absolute constant thread: The sandbox mode. People are not asking much, just to be able to play the game and use their toons without screwing their guilds over or their arena progress.

    I'm sure i'm missing stuff right now but that's what i could think of. Bottomline, complaining at this point is useless because it's more than clear that they don't care about the forum at all and we are just wasting our breaths at this point and to the people defending a billion dollar game studio that doesn't care about their community, seriously? You doing that?.
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    Many years ago a person I know told me he quit World of Warcraft because it required him to change his lifestyle. Raid scheduling, dailies, etc...

    Honestly, that right there is one of my biggest complaints about this "game".
    And I'm not an old player, its only been 14 months.

    The whole "stores" refresh at 6-12-6-9-12
    Arenas at 6 & 7
    Raids launch at this time.
    TB/TW/GAC at that time.

    Honestly, to me there is entirely TOO much to do in this game on your "typical" day, & yet, not nearly enough to do on a day when you just want to veg out & play a lot.

    I see why people want a "sandbox" for 2 reason.
    1. To test teams against arena quality teams.
    2. To be able to sit down & do fight after fight when YOU want to do it.

    Maybe YOU have time to do a bunch of gaming at Noon, and you want to do 20-30 fights in a row to pass the time.

    But the game doesn't let you do that.
    The game forces you (rewards you) to do your fights in your final payout hour.
    It limits you do just 5 fights w/o you having to cough up crystals.
    The game is actually VERY annoying to me in the way it makes you rearrange your schedule, so the point that, to me, its not a game, its a chore, and its not fun.

    And their timing of events just always boggles me.
    A Saturday will have nothing but an Omega battle for me to do when I have the day off.
    But a Wednesday when I have work all day & then Dinner & a meeting of the Home Owners Association at 7PM will be the day they launch both an Assault Battle & a Mythic Battle that I'm trying to cram in by midnight & loosing sleep.

    The entire set up of tick tick energy for the day but then your capped after 1/2 a day of earning it forcing you to sign on every few hours is a horrible set up from the start.

    And the sad thing is, SO much of that tedium could be removed with just a few changes.

    1. Grant 4 free "refreshes" of the stores every "day" & stop the stores from refreshing.
    So you can see the same # of items but do it on your time.

    2. Increase the Energy Cap. Set it build up for a few days.
    The formula is Level + 59. Change it to "Level *5 + 100"
    That way if we miss a day no biggy you can just play longer later.

    Those are just 2 above that could be fixed easily, IMHO, to allow for less logging in or more logging in when you WANT to log in.

    For me anyway it feels like I'd have more fun w/ Tetris on my phone for quick distractions & a REAL game like Starcraft-2 on my PC for when I want to play for a couple hours.
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    As I said before...

    No new content (x)
    No new content I want (o)

    I am very happy about the mandalorian's releases, still working on them and eager to try the possibilities once they're maxxed.

    But for some impatient force-lover or metachaser the mandalorian may be just another trash release.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Bartek wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    At some point the community can accept that some new content will just be different versions of something done before.
    We are begging for a sandbox mode for years now. MSF is able to do it. DSA have it. It's all Disney. And what we hear from a billion-dollar-revenue company? Too expensive. Kyno i don't know you but mate.. don't treat your community like this:|

    My statement was directed at the "it's just a reskin". All I 2as saying is that some (please look at what you quoted) new content will.... ext.

    So, maybe you can find it in your heart not to treat me like that.
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    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.
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    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    We are not costumers, we are just numbers and "data" to them.

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.
  • TVF
    36695 posts Member
    Potato211 wrote: »
    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    We are not costumers, we are just numbers and "data" to them.

    Reskinned consumers?
    I need a new message here.
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    Many years ago a person I know told me he quit World of Warcraft because it required him to change his lifestyle. Raid scheduling, dailies, etc...

    Honestly, that right there is one of my biggest complaints about this "game".
    And I'm not an old player, its only been 14 months.

    The whole "stores" refresh at 6-12-6-9-12
    Arenas at 6 & 7
    Raids launch at this time.
    TB/TW/GAC at that time.

    Honestly, to me there is entirely TOO much to do in this game on your "typical" day, & yet, not nearly enough to do on a day when you just want to veg out & play a lot.

    I see why people want a "sandbox" for 2 reason.
    1. To test teams against arena quality teams.
    2. To be able to sit down & do fight after fight when YOU want to do it.

    Maybe YOU have time to do a bunch of gaming at Noon, and you want to do 20-30 fights in a row to pass the time.

    But the game doesn't let you do that.
    The game forces you (rewards you) to do your fights in your final payout hour.
    It limits you do just 5 fights w/o you having to cough up crystals.
    The game is actually VERY annoying to me in the way it makes you rearrange your schedule, so the point that, to me, its not a game, its a chore, and its not fun.

    And their timing of events just always boggles me.
    A Saturday will have nothing but an Omega battle for me to do when I have the day off.
    But a Wednesday when I have work all day & then Dinner & a meeting of the Home Owners Association at 7PM will be the day they launch both an Assault Battle & a Mythic Battle that I'm trying to cram in by midnight & loosing sleep.

    The entire set up of tick tick energy for the day but then your capped after 1/2 a day of earning it forcing you to sign on every few hours is a horrible set up from the start.

    And the sad thing is, SO much of that tedium could be removed with just a few changes.

    1. Grant 4 free "refreshes" of the stores every "day" & stop the stores from refreshing.
    So you can see the same # of items but do it on your time.

    2. Increase the Energy Cap. Set it build up for a few days.
    The formula is Level + 59. Change it to "Level *5 + 100"
    That way if we miss a day no biggy you can just play longer later.

    Those are just 2 above that could be fixed easily, IMHO, to allow for less logging in or more logging in when you WANT to log in.

    For me anyway it feels like I'd have more fun w/ Tetris on my phone for quick distractions & a REAL game like Starcraft-2 on my PC for when I want to play for a couple hours.

    Couldn't agree more with you! Bonus points for playing SC2 :wink:
    What's your I play SC2 myself from time to time so maybe we can play someday :smile:
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.

    None of us except you see proof that they "Care". Your word rings hollow. If they cared and gave a crap about the community the they would have been more open and communicative with us.

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    The lack of content etc, fits the same pattern they had in Heroes of Dragon Age. Then out came SWGOH. I'm thinking a new game is drawing their attention. When I asked a dev in Hoda if that was what took the focus off Hoda he replied "Well, it is what we do.." (make games). So, I figure the pattern here fits. We'll see.
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    Many years ago a person I know told me he quit World of Warcraft because it required him to change his lifestyle. Raid scheduling, dailies, etc...

    And their timing of events just always boggles me.
    A Saturday will have nothing but an Omega battle for me to do when I have the day off.
    But a Wednesday when I have work all day & then Dinner & a meeting of the Home Owners Association at 7PM will be the day they launch both an Assault Battle & a Mythic Battle that I'm trying to cram in by midnight & loosing sleep.

    The entire set up of tick tick energy for the day but then your capped after 1/2 a day of earning it forcing you to sign on every few hours is a horrible set up from the start.

    And the sad thing is, SO much of that tedium could be removed with just a few changes.

    1. Grant 4 free "refreshes" of the stores every "day" & stop the stores from refreshing.
    So you can see the same # of items but do it on your time.

    2. Increase the Energy Cap. Set it build up for a few days.
    The formula is Level + 59. Change it to "Level *5 + 100"
    That way if we miss a day no biggy you can just play longer later.

    Those are just 2 above that could be fixed easily, IMHO, to allow for less logging in or more logging in when you WANT to log in.

    I think that would be huge QoL improvement. Not sure how it would work with mobile games tracking log ins, clicks, all that stuff as sort of akin to "tv ratings", but it would be a welcome change in my view.

    But another huge QoL improvement would be setting an event to be on a week schedule. Just give us all the assault battles and other non-character release event on a week schedule and cap the number of refresh to the level it would have been when released in a day. That way people could cram in a event marathon session over the weekend or a slow day in between guild events and such.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.

    Go on, tell me another one! Lol
    Chained since '16
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    Short answer, yes.
    Long answer, as always.
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    Many years ago a person I know told me he quit World of Warcraft because it required him to change his lifestyle. Raid scheduling, dailies, etc...

    Honestly, that right there is one of my biggest complaints about this "game".
    And I'm not an old player, its only been 14 months.

    The whole "stores" refresh at 6-12-6-9-12
    Arenas at 6 & 7
    Raids launch at this time.
    TB/TW/GAC at that time.

    Honestly, to me there is entirely TOO much to do in this game on your "typical" day, & yet, not nearly enough to do on a day when you just want to veg out & play a lot.

    I see why people want a "sandbox" for 2 reason.
    1. To test teams against arena quality teams.
    2. To be able to sit down & do fight after fight when YOU want to do it.

    Maybe YOU have time to do a bunch of gaming at Noon, and you want to do 20-30 fights in a row to pass the time.

    But the game doesn't let you do that.
    The game forces you (rewards you) to do your fights in your final payout hour.
    It limits you do just 5 fights w/o you having to cough up crystals.
    The game is actually VERY annoying to me in the way it makes you rearrange your schedule, so the point that, to me, its not a game, its a chore, and its not fun.

    And their timing of events just always boggles me.
    A Saturday will have nothing but an Omega battle for me to do when I have the day off.
    But a Wednesday when I have work all day & then Dinner & a meeting of the Home Owners Association at 7PM will be the day they launch both an Assault Battle & a Mythic Battle that I'm trying to cram in by midnight & loosing sleep.

    The entire set up of tick tick energy for the day but then your capped after 1/2 a day of earning it forcing you to sign on every few hours is a horrible set up from the start.

    And the sad thing is, SO much of that tedium could be removed with just a few changes.

    1. Grant 4 free "refreshes" of the stores every "day" & stop the stores from refreshing.
    So you can see the same # of items but do it on your time.

    2. Increase the Energy Cap. Set it build up for a few days.
    The formula is Level + 59. Change it to "Level *5 + 100"
    That way if we miss a day no biggy you can just play longer later.

    Those are just 2 above that could be fixed easily, IMHO, to allow for less logging in or more logging in when you WANT to log in.

    For me anyway it feels like I'd have more fun w/ Tetris on my phone for quick distractions & a REAL game like Starcraft-2 on my PC for when I want to play for a couple hours.

    I’m glad someone is still using their noggin and offering constructive suggestions like these and not just grabbing a pitchfork and tying CG at the stake.

    This is exactly what I feel. Everything is scheduled in this game in so much that you feel that you need to have to constantly have the game at the back of your mind if you want to stay competitive. I mean in order to get our free 45 energy you need to have us log in at a certain time in order to promote playing but the thing is there’s not enough to do in the game anyway. I login at certain times a day and I’m done, as I can do the daily objectives in a couple of minutes and then I’m stuck trying to find something to do in the game like mindlessly scavenging for relic parts or trying to check every character to see if I have extra gear to upgrade them.

    It’s sad when a game is supposed to be fun and can play anytime is making me stressed as I have to conform to a set schedule for everything has absolutely no sense at all.
  • Blake085
    190 posts Member
    Not demanding much, just 3 things, apply the TOS equally and don't go cherry picking, buff Rey (so that her deserves to be called a Galactic Legend) and give us the content we want.

    With your earnings you shouldn't have a problem.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    ZAP wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.

    You show the community every day how much you care about the game and the community.

    CG shows the community every day how much they don’t care about the community and only care about money.

    You talking to some staff there does not mean you can possibly know they care, just as much as none of us can possibly know for a fact they don’t care. What we can see, however, are actions that show the exact opposite of caring for the community and its concerns.

    Whatever happened with the beta test program? Not a single update on that yet.

    Whatever happened to the dev tracker? Not a single word or update on that, despite top hat saying he was gonna have a meeting to discuss it and get back to us.

    The list goes on and on.

    Obviously everyone has there own perspective on things, but just saying they dont care doesn't make it true.

    You mean the new version of it that they announced was launched and is in its early stages and what not:

    The tracker, yeah that's got an interesting back story to it right now. Hopefully they iron things out there.
    Sure there are things on both sides of the argument, but its true they do care.

    Just like pointing out that some of things that are said here dont mean that some of the players dont care, are not necessarily true.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.

    None of us except you see proof that they "Care". Your word rings hollow. If they cared and gave a crap about the community the they would have been more open and communicative with us.

    I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. What you think about me or my words doesnt change the truth. That's the wonderful thing about the truth.
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.

    Let the actions speak. And so far the actions have indicated the opposite.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.

    None of us except you see proof that they "Care". Your word rings hollow. If they cared and gave a crap about the community the they would have been more open and communicative with us.

    I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. What you think about me or my words doesnt change the truth. That's the wonderful thing about the truth.

    Truth is you have a different perception than a lot of people because you get more communication than we do.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Potato211 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The community needs COMMUNICATION right now, not another character that is a deaf and blind response to their customers.

    We are just that, customers. They have ZERO regard for what is needed.

    Yes we need them to communicate, but in no way was this character a response to anything.

    Awful timing then, which proves further they either don't care or ignore us... which is the same.

    They do care, if you are interested in knowing the truth.

    None of us except you see proof that they "Care". Your word rings hollow. If they cared and gave a crap about the community the they would have been more open and communicative with us.

    I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. What you think about me or my words doesn't change the truth. That's the wonderful thing about the truth.

    I can appreciate that there is a factual truth that isn't affected by anyone's opinions. In this case, we just have to take, literally only, your word about what the truth is. If I kept the truth in a box and wouldn't show it to anyone else, could I blame anyone for not believing me?

    I fully believe it's possible that CG has told you or shown you that they care about the community's response. That's great. Now show us. In this case, the old adage is true, actions speak louder than words. But we don't even have words.
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