Yoda challenge bufffed?


  • Aselith
    12 posts Member
    It's an astoundingly dumb fight. Pure luck in how the CPU attacks. Just keep trying until the numbers roll in your favor. He just gets faster if you kill the allies first do don't do that.
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    Fogkin wrote: »
    Little help here? I have QGJ, Lumi, JC, Eeth, and Mace. Getting stomped. Who would be the best lead?

    That is who I used. Lumi lead.
  • Suikoden
    111 posts Member
    Beat him..used Lumi as well. Party consisted of Ashoka, Lumi, Kit, Jedi Consular and QGJ. It is such a stupid fight based purely on luck. If you see Barriss with Yoda, you may as well restart the client.
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    It took me 3 tries to get 6* Yoda with qgj, mace ahsoka, jc and lumi. surprisingly qgj and mace were the first go down I was left jc, lumi ahsoka finish off temple guards. MVPs ahsoka. exposed twice while landed all of her hits! :).
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    I WANT TO TOSS MY PHONE INTO THE WALL. I Havent been this frustrated with any game ever. 200 tries with Lumi Qgj mace eeth JC. I was close only once and than Yoda at 5 percent hp proceec to attack 4 times in a row.
    They are all maxed.

    Am I missing smth? Are you focusing dmg on him. He seems to fill TM randomly. At start 3 attacks. Or 2 attacks and potency up.
  • ilyanor
    310 posts Member
    This is the Most frustrating game experience i have found in my 30 years of life.. Trying to beat him with Asoka, Lumi, Jcon, Mace and QuiGon, all full gear.. Nothing to do..
  • ilyanor
    310 posts Member
    And so after about 2 hours of tries i've beat Yoda when he was with Jcon and imaGunDi..
    I've tried all the possible leaders (asoka, lumi,mace and quiGon) My advice is to go with Mace, evasion isn't reliable.. Anyway is all rng.. You can win only when the AI decides to go in DUMB MODE and spread his attacks throgh all your team without focusfiring anyone..
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    Can the 7* even be done with Plo Koon?:/
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    This event is pure luck. Nothing can save you from focused yoda. He always focus guy with lowest hp. Randomly gets 3-4 attacks in row. Crits for over 10k.

    This event req zero skill. Whoever made this event should be rewarded with random full 70 lvl Jedi squad and if he doesn't kill Yoda in 50 tries - he gets fired
  • dtmike1
    242 posts Member
    It's about patience boss. The second month he came out I finally had 7* folks to take him on. He kicked my teams @$$ several times. It's Yoda, I'd expected him to be a difficult victory. Honestly I just giggled each time he won. If I hadn't I would have thrown my tablet. I had the same team you're using. Everyone had said it could not be done without Offee. I kept switching between QGJ and Luminara for leaders. I got lucky and had mace land a Shatterpoint when Yoda had no buffs.

    I kinda had also made a game of how far I could get his life down before he killed me. G, then I made it M and finically before knew it he was in the red and all my team had their health maxed. I also didn't go for any of his teammates first. I think it was guardian and Koon was how it feel when I finally won. Just know he's supposed to win. I would t want Yoda you just roll over and show his belly. Just know your victory is enevitable. Just gotta take your beating with a little humility.
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    I just beat the 7* tier with Lumi(L), Mace,Eeth, Qgj,Jc against Barris and Ima so it is possible .
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    kozakjanos wrote: »
    I just beat the 7* tier with Lumi(L), Mace,Eeth, Qgj,Jc against Barris and Ima so it is possible .

    Can you read posts before posting smth in future. Ofc it is possible. But with extreme LUCK. NO SKILL AT ALL.

    This is most frustrated event in any game ever. Original lucky encounter Cthun in wow is pure walk in the park for this ****
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    Yay! Just got my 7* Yoda on the 4th attempt. It wasn't so bad and I don't think RNG chance is such a big factor, although if you get particularly bad luck there's not much you can do about it. I'm sure you need to have your Jedi fully geared and levelled to have a chance.

    I used Lumi (lead), Barriss, Qui Gon, Mace and Jedi Consular. It definitely worked best having Lumi as lead and my victory was the first attempt with her leading. Her evasion attribute was a good help. Yoda was with Barriss and Ima Gun Di so the strategy was to attack Barriss and Ima until they were nearly dead, then let Barriss' heal equalize Yoda's health down. After two heals Yoda was low yellow bar and was a relatively quick kill.

    Other than that, just keep healing your own guys whenever you can, and be patient. It's far from impossible.
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    6 attack in row he just made. Please if someone says its not luck I don't know what to say.
  • ilyanor
    310 posts Member
    He starts always with 2 actions, if one is a crit of his 3rd skill restart; best starting scenario is a miss of his attack and the tenacity buff. You should absolutely try to get "offense up" with Qui Gon Jin (obviuosly not on yoda ten Up) this will make a huge difference.
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    I wonder if i have a change with Bariss, Lumi, Eth Koth, JC and Ashoka... =\
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    ilyanor wrote: »
    He starts always with 2 actions, if one is a crit of his 3rd skill restart; best starting scenario is a miss of his attack and the tenacity buff. You should absolutely try to get "offense up" with Qui Gon Jin (obviuosly not on yoda ten Up) this will make a huge difference.

    As soon as you get offense up he foresight and copy it. Game over.

    Last try. Yoda at 20 percent hp. I have all 5 alive. Next turn I have heals on lumi and jc. He attack lowest hp char and kills all 5 guys without me able to do anything. 100 percent TM on kill is most **** design ever. For char that have foresight 50 percent of time.
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    masterring wrote: »
    kozakjanos wrote: »
    I just beat the 7* tier with Lumi(L), Mace,Eeth, Qgj,Jc against Barris and Ima so it is possible .

    Can you read posts before posting smth in future. Ofc it is possible. But with extreme LUCK. NO SKILL AT ALL.

    This is most frustrated event in any game ever. Original lucky encounter Cthun in wow is pure walk in the park for this ****
    Nonsense. It's probably easiest to beat Yoda if Barriss is one of his partners.

    How could people be beating this on their first attempt, or first few, if it was really dependent on extreme luck and did not involve skill or the right tactics and squad?

    Sorry you're getting so frustrated with it, but with the right approach it isn't incredibly difficult. But, yes, you can't guarantee a win every time no matter what you do. It shouldn't be taking you hundreds of attempts, though.

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    EricsonX wrote: »
    How's the 5 star version? That's what I'm shooting for come Monday. 5 Jedi around 50-55, all 5 stars, 1 7, all gear 6 or so. QGJ, Mace Windu, JC, Lumi, and Eeth Koth. Can't be that bad right? I'm just looking to unlock him, the 6 and 7 star version I'll be dealing with months from now.

    5 star is a walk in the park, don't worry. Even 6 is, only the 7 gives trouble according to the forum. Got him at 6 stars this time and will aim for 7 by the time the event is over. I had Barris and Ahsoka at a weeks farming, now have to accelerate but I should be able to do it.
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    WenHandel wrote: »
    masterring wrote: »
    kozakjanos wrote: »
    I just beat the 7* tier with Lumi(L), Mace,Eeth, Qgj,Jc against Barris and Ima so it is possible .

    Can you read posts before posting smth in future. Ofc it is possible. But with extreme LUCK. NO SKILL AT ALL.

    This is most frustrated event in any game ever. Original lucky encounter Cthun in wow is pure walk in the park for this ****
    Nonsense. It's probably easiest to beat Yoda if Barriss is one of his partners.

    How could people be beating this on their first attempt, or first few, if it was really dependent on extreme luck and did not involve skill or the right tactics and squad?

    Sorry you're getting so frustrated with it, but with the right approach it isn't incredibly difficult. But, yes, you can't guarantee a win every time no matter what you do. It shouldn't be taking you hundreds of attempts, though.

    It is difficult. Incredibly. I never said anything about Bariss. I know strat involving her. But if Yoda keeps attacking your lowest go guys and take multiple action you can't do a thing. Over 300 tries. Two times close.
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    I can't say about Yoda lvl. but not differents with last time when he was before.

    I was finish him in 3 try. Lumi(L), Barris, JC, QGJ, Ashoka. new Ashoka are brilliant. QGJ lead was fast ended - 2 one shot and quit. Barris lead was a few longer, but not happy too. on Lumi lead I was win. QGJ and Old Ben was Yoda's company and stand when Master fall.
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    Finished 7* today as well with Lumi (L), Barris, Eeth, JC, QGJ

    Tried Barris lead first, but evasion from Lumi is better. Won again Barris + Random. Took me about 1 hour in total.
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    Not even close. Either im unluckiest in the world or really ****. Been trying all day. Yoda Random triple attacks same guy. And ofc kills it, TM full, goes again.

    Does anyone have idea how can he get TM full attack after attack after attack without killing. If he kills He's TM is full but how come je attacks 3 time in a row or even two times without killing anyone. Really even if im ok at half of his hp he just keep going and going for same lowest hp guys.

    My only hope of beating this either level up or wait for his streak of misses. But even than He's foresight is up.

    Lumi Qgj JC mace and eeth. Max gear all. And only mace and eeth have skills at 4. more than 300 tries. Nothing works. Had Yoda twice at 10 percent hp but That's it
  • Suikoden
    111 posts Member
    I find Mace sucks for this event mainly because he is slow (I have him maxed too). Chose Kit over him who is 5/5/5 rank. Hell, JC is 3/3/3 level for me. However, Kit has a good chance of countering. If you get lucky, Yoda will hit him normal and if he gets foresight and bonus attack, it's a free attack. Kit literally saved me in this and JC was able to pull off 2 heals for me before dying. Yoda's partners were Eeth and Mace. Came down to Ashoka vs Mace and it was no contest and auto win from that point.
  • Tally27
    41 posts Member
    masterring wrote: »
    Reggie wrote: »
    Restart till his allies are Barris and one other. Kill the other first. Then Barris. When she heals he'll be more manageable. And don't attack with anything he can resist - like eeths force push. His tenacity is too high for it to stun and he gets turn meter boost from resisting.

    Im not even close to attacking him. I cant kill his two jedi in time before he rapes my entire team. His team is having tenacity non stop and foresight pretty much often. His team focus on one guy and once he killed one his TM fills up, kills other TM fills up, potency up, and so on and so on

    It's such ****!! He attacks so many times. I got him alone with all five guys and within 30 seconds he won. It's unreal how he can attack 8 times in a row!! I just keep restarting and hopefully I'll get lucky. Obviously I'm talking about the 7* yoda too. Trying everything but I've never said so many swear words at my phone. Oh my god!!
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    Timitock wrote: »
    Just finished Tier VI and it was easy peasy.

    Yeah I just did 5 when the challenge opened, nothing special, beat on the first try without losing a character. I'm assuming it'll get much harder, but as long as you know what he can do he's easy.
  • Tally27
    41 posts Member
    I mean seriously does yoda gain 100% turn when he kills someone in the game?! It's unreal. I can't believe again I got him five guys all full health and this time in 15 seconds killed one by one and I just sat and watched it happen!! Unreal.
  • Danix
    18 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I beat it this way lol, with 2 healers, so everything is possible, just patience and planning on the heals
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    If the Jedi you are using do not have MAX skills and levels, then you need to improve your team.

    If your team is fully maxed, and you still cant win, try shuffling them up. If that doesnt work, try a different team.

    Yoda and his team gain TM whenever they resist. That includes Shatterpoint, Plo Koon's basic, Eeths stun, Lumis push, Anis basic, QGJs special... Try to not use anything that could debuff or dispel unless you absolutely have to.
  • soneill73
    202 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I missed out on him the 2nd event run because my 7*s where still not fully leveled and had moderate abilities and gear. This 3rd time around I got him after 12 total rounds without using the Bariss technique because quite frankly I never saw her. I just bailed out of each match until I had a non healing on Yoda's team. I almost thought it was easier this time, but the fact remains that if your team is leveled properly on all accounts and you use solid strategy you can beat him with almost any combination of jedi team. I personally think you need a healer but I didn't beat Yoda with my healers because he and his team killed my healers first. In the end it was up to Kit Fisto and Qui-Gon alone to wipe out the remaining two jedi after I took out Yoda. But as other's have stated I think Yoda is the same as in previous events.
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