Applause for the patch.



  • noizer
    86 posts Member
    It also limits Whale Absolute Supremacy (WAS) and rewards actually playing the game every day. It also forces people to be very very selective on who to upgrade with lasting consequences in team setup.

    Totally wrong, with the new gear items the whales have pre-crafted all items without new materials and FTP people couldn't do it. So the breach is higher now , at least at gear equipment

  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    I think initial reaction for many is wth. But if you reed deep down there are good reasons for the change:

    This change helps people that didn't stockpile, and avoids having 10% of the player base being level 8 in 17 seconds, absolutely disrupting everyone. It also limits Whale Absolute Supremacy (WAS) and rewards actually playing the game every day. It also forces people to be very very selective on who to upgrade with lasting consequences in team setup.

    People whined about everyone using Dooku and GQJ lead. After this update, i ensure you myself, i won't ever bother to farm/try anything else, other than Dooku/GQJ or whatever team pop up there. I made an example with Boba Fett on another post. He needs 270 purple items to reach gear IX. 270!!!!! And he proved to be one of the worst heroes in game atm...Tank with low hp, low speed, low damage. This last update gave the finger to all people who wanted to try out different chars.... Seriously...there is no way to farm 270 purple mats (not to mention ability mats) just to try a hero which will proved to be below mediocre. Not only as f2p, but as p2p too. Purple ability mats and credits don't grow on trees. And now add gear to the issue.
    So prepare to see Dooku led teams from rank #1 till rank #1000 at lvl 80.
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    Ackturi wrote: »
    GiranKenor wrote: »
    Ackturi wrote: »
    GiranKenor wrote: »
    Ackturi wrote: »
    Why not just look at your characters in other game modes and see how they fair? Are you going to follow every other player?

    Yes, I am. If among the best 20 arena teams there are the same toons there should be a reason, no? For ex. you can see how many GS there... Who ever wanted it, before knowing how OP he is?

    But can't other toons cancel out certain ones? So why not find the ones that are stronger against the ones everyone else is using?

    Whales tryed every possible team, if they use some toons...
    And I keep asking you: did I miss some scene in episode II, where GS become heroes? Much more than Luke or Anakin? Or is it just an OP toon, so that everybody wants to have it?
    So why would you decide to have a weaker team?
    Another example: did you see how many phasma lead teams were there before the nerf? And how many QGJ and Dookus now?
    It goes like this thanks to EA! (Again, great job!).
    I prefer to wait and see whos the best, if you prefer to maximize ughnaught or lobot it's your choice. But I think you wont ever hit the best 100

    Sorry it's a f2p game for me. Ranking isn't priority when people waste money to win.

    I'm F2P too but I hit 1 rank 6/7 times yet and I'm always in the best 20, best 30 in busy days. Now i run a dooku-lumi-yoda-qgj-poggle team, before it was sid-kylo-dooku-phasma-poggle. You can if you maxx the best toons, or at least 3-4 of them
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    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Well i am glad they dropped Yoda down for those that needed him. Notice would have been nice, but atleast they followed through with the advertisement on the IOS app store.

    Also, @EA_Jesse thank your team for the hard work, and the bringing of the much needed new content.

    Hopefully next time they will give others more notice so they may direct their focus in areas as needed and not take others time for granted. My time is no more valuable than anyone elses and others should respect that.

    Wow.. What content??? You sure you are playing the same game as the rest of us?
  • Options
    chainsaw wrote: »
    But I think everyone should be able to get to lvl 80 and MAX gear right away....with no should only take a couple hair dryers to get from lvl 8 gear to lvl 20 gear. Why would people want it to be difficult to up a toons gear? Everything should be very simple and easy. I'm so upset I'm gonna go leave a 1 star rating on Google play

    PS. This post was sarcasm
    You, mate, deserve a cookie (and all my respect)! That's the best answer I have read for days on this forum...

  • Options
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Well i am glad they dropped Yoda down for those that needed him. Notice would have been nice, but atleast they followed through with the advertisement on the IOS app store.

    Also, @EA_Jesse thank your team for the hard work, and the bringing of the much needed new content.

    Hopefully next time they will give others more notice so they may direct their focus in areas as needed and not take others time for granted. My time is no more valuable than anyone elses and others should respect that.

    Wow.. What content??? You sure you are playing the same game as the rest of us?

    Things to do like new gear, new missions, new abilities to unlock, etc. are all "content". Playing a challenge or doing a SIM not content. The upgrade brings content, but no new modes.
  • MosDefJeff
    348 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Calus_78 wrote: »
    Well i am glad they dropped Yoda down for those that needed him.

    Wow.. What content??? You sure you are playing the same game as the rest of us?

    Things to do like new gear, new missions, new abilities to unlock, etc. are all "content". Playing a challenge or doing a SIM not content. The upgrade brings content, but no new modes.

    Moving from banging your head on a wall to banging your head on a desk is not new. Still doing the same thing.

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