How many stars would you rate this game now?


  • Options
    Five stars
    this game are good anyway. everyone can play in it like they want - f2p/p2p on theyown will. 5*

    my choise not pay anymore now. I have a couses for that and that's my will and that is nobady business :wink: have my causes make change in stars? nope.
  • Options
    Two stars
    Lol, I spent 70€ for GTA 5, I thought that was a lot... Here we have people who spent 100 for Barriss (nerfed soon after), 100 for Kylo Ren, 1000 and more for crystals... Whales are crazy and s tupid
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    One star
    Haven't changed mine yet. Waiting till 6pm for the surprise April fools joke and they revert gear back to normal.

    The devs that still can't fix the DoT bug created an entire fake update for April fools????

    Waiter!!! I'll have what he's smoking!!!
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Mc1
    306 posts Member
    One star
    I just don't understand why they don't listen.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Five stars
    Sikho wrote: »
    I'd rate it 7* but 100 shards is just too much to farm.

    @Sikho - Spit out my coffee. You now owe me a sip of Starbucks.

    I'm not to level 50 yet, will probably hit that this weekend. So far, 4-5 stars. I'm thoroughly enjoying the game as F2P minus the fact that I did some transactions for crystals and starter packs, but I'm enjoying the daily grind now that I have a bit of strategy under my belt for leveling and focusing on certain characters.

    Also, who can forget the witty banter on here?!?!? The community seems awesome.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • slmcmr
    875 posts Member
    Three stars
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Haven't changed mine yet. Waiting till 6pm for the surprise April fools joke and they revert gear back to normal.

    The devs that still can't fix the DoT bug created an entire fake update for April fools????

    Waiter!!! I'll have what he's smoking!!!

    Good point @Nikoms565. I don't know if i should be happy or mad if it turns out to be a joke
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Five stars
    TheDocotr wrote: »

    If EA could do math...

    A million people spending 10 bucks is 10x as good as 1000 people spending $1000...

    It's really sad they can't comprehend that....

    I said the exact same thing in another thread. I'd spend more here and there if they offered something worth spending on and not gouging us with the pack prices.

    TheDocotr wrote: »
    I think someone developed a Fantastic game, sold it to EA and they are summarily dismantling it....

    Really sad....

    Be fair and honest tell us what you screwed up....


    They seem to have a reputation for that.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Options
    Two stars
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Haven't changed mine yet. Waiting till 6pm for the surprise April fools joke and they revert gear back to normal.

    The devs that still can't fix the DoT bug created an entire fake update for April fools????

    Waiter!!! I'll have what he's smoking!!!

    Call it benefit of the doubt. But it is April 1st today. We shall see..
  • Options
    Five stars
    Mc1 wrote: »
    I just don't understand why they don't listen.

    they havnt to listen whyle $$$ are coming in. thanks for wales - we have what we have. dont blame Devs - they working for money - nothing bad in that. blame who pay for Devs can don't listen :wink:
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Two stars

    I barely got into grinding 50 purple gear pieces yet because it's so boring and tedious. I was annoyed when they started requiring 20, only giving a couple per energy refresh if you're lucky.

    I understand their goal is to get people to spend money for energy so they can farm faster but it's officially turned me off. After months working on getting a few to the highest levels they'll soon be obsolete unless I keep on grinding them, which will leave me no resources to work on others.

    Maybe it wouldn't be as monotonous if they added more slots that didn't require as much gear. At least we'd feel like we're accomplishing something by getting them filled. There's room on the screen for at least 6 more gear slots.
  • JamieT
    14 posts Member
    Two stars
    2 stars because it's star wars :D with a few changes 4 or 5 stars. I only play now because of the time and money I've invested
  • Options
    Five stars
    Green_Legend_Ran A storm is coming...
  • Options
    Two stars
    When I started this game in it's beging I thought. Oh my god the potential and I've found something finally. I duymped money in. I had this great array. I ran the board in my early days. I spread very thin leveling a ton. It was great collecting. I nailed my first 3 GW's then went down in flames vs 60 maxed teams when i was not close. I did not know of retreat,lol or force close. I found it, found whole new fun attack in waves. They got rid of it, not a fan, but lived. The Barriss nerf angered me a lot, but I lived. As it continues on prices rise, grind gets more brutal. Bugs happen often, bad communication most times, it becomes ultra cookie cutter, minorly better. No skill in game. Synergy means nothing when everyone dodges everything, or exposes everything or revives everything. The fights are same old. Costs go up to play/maintain/compete, yet content is not brought out. What people beg for, not given, what they complain about, made worse. If a restaurant, hotel, store were run like this you'd soon be out of business.

    I was 5*+++ I'm now 2* and honestly I'm on the high of Yoda now. I had leveled Tano in boredom and in case and for new spice in GW. Hoping he'd be back in April. He returned. Happy time. I hope beyond all hope that the next update has me back to 5*.
  • Options
    Four stars
    Gear concept of EA games is pretty messed up as you progress into the game.

    I played NFS day and night, and then at a certain point it became impossible to go further without splashing cash onto the game(oh the days of f2p, before I downloaded this game).

    I have spent a considerable amount of money on this game, and I don't want to quit. It will not be easy to quit, because it's Star Wars, but the gearing thing.. It is truly messed up.

    You may say it is a habit of EA.
  • theHejiN
    659 posts Member
    Five stars
    Basically it is a better game for f2p now, so I rated it higher.
    The daily activities remain the same, so it is very chilled from now on to get to higher levels, higher gear, higher abilities.
    Also it was never a grind or frustrating to get Material for gear, even if it takes 120 of one "MK-something". The pool of basic energy was increased last time by additional 3*45. I still use it daily and get 1/3 of the material I need. Still no hurry to finish something first or invest/waste another fortune. No longer my business and I feel happy.

    Nice game, if you change your mind/opinion and behaviour
  • Options
    Two stars
    At this moment, the average grade in this poll is 2.72 stars.

    So in the app stores would be displaying as a 3 stars game. Still higher than I think it should after recent patches, but most specifically the unpleasant level cap raise one.
    Empire did nothing wrong
  • Kongmysen
    56 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Three stars
    It stopped being a strategy game because your strategical choice as to decide who to go for is obsolete... - unless you buy a million gems and get that desirable toon or item right away.. There's no reason in grinding for anything, because once you've done that, that anything has probably changed so much that you had no reason start the grind in the first place.
    For me, - just as a single example - I grinded the hard way to get rey and I grinded the items so that I could upgrade her item level asap after the update. Now, I've grinded for nothing because I cannot upgrade her after all and in a few weeks I probably shouldn't even use her anyway because they will have changed her completely..

    I don't mind long term grinding games. Not at all. It's just, you might as well mindlessly spend sim tickets on random stuff because you will never have any idea what to go for.
  • Options
    One star
    I went an rated it 1* today in the app store. I'll continue to play just because its star wars, but I have no hope that the grind won't get worse. Just using the figures on the grind to 80 plus gear, the grind to 90 and new gear is going to be even worse. I spend about 400-600 crystals a day depending on how I finish in areana (Usually #1) on refreshes and it's going to take me 49 days to reach cap. I don't even want to do the math on how long it is going to take just to cap my A team, let alone rebuild my bench for GW.
  • Options
    Five stars
    May I ask from those who were rating it to one or two stars that what they are still here? :smile:
  • theHejiN
    659 posts Member
    Five stars
    My guess: addiction.
    And they often blame the drug, not the addict
  • Options
    Two stars
    ZKlegeny wrote: »
    May I ask from those who were rating it to one or two stars that what they are still here? :smile:

    Because things keep changing. Sometimes even in a better way. That's what we hope, this could be a very enjoyable game if they listen to what most players ask for
  • Options
    One star
    I've given it a one. Not that I think it is that bad really. But it's a statement. You don't cheapen your product once you've released it. To me that added gear grind just wasn't called for.
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    Three stars
    3 stars. Enough to keep me playing, not enough to keep me paying.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Four stars
    Fantastic game for FTP. Spenders have almost no advantage.

    If you p2p i can see why you are frustrated
  • Naso
    170 posts Member
    One star
    Update to update, more and more rip-off deals and new ways to grab cash, gearing is now f'ed hard and. Devs r sh1tty to community and wont listen or that it seems. I dont invest anymore to this game. Wont prefer this game to anyone.

    Ps: Dooku sucks and need to be nerfed.
    line id: naso_fin
  • ZKlegeny
    22 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Five stars
    Naso wrote: »
    Wont prefer this game to anyone.

    Good bye then >:)

  • Vos
    46 posts Member
    One star
    shampoo wrote: »
    When you finally hit 80 and start to really gear a team you like the meta will change and then the cap will be raised to 90. Can't wait for the fun to start all over again

    Lol spot on!
  • JumbuckJedi
    74 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Three stars
    3* room for improvement. Much potential.

    Needs more payment options for low spenders and f2p.
  • StarSon
    7526 posts Member
    Five stars
    I would change mine to 1* (I have in the App Store already) because clearly the developers and publishers only want Android users to play. As it stands, I will not be quitting, but certainly will not be spending any more.
  • Qleak
    420 posts Member
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