How many stars would you rate this game now?



    517 posts Member
    One star
    1 star.
    Star wars lore is great but that game... I mean, its not totally bad, but they gave me a lot of reasons for not paying a dime for it...
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Three stars
    5* because its Star Wars, 5* for the graphics, 2* for the sound, 2* for content, 1* for ingame mechanics =15/5 = 3 ;)
    Post edited by Achilles on
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • exioce
    13 posts Member
    One star
    I went to the Play store and changed my rating to 1* where previously I had rated the game 5*

    I did this only because I presume it's what EA wanted with this update where the gear grind was increased on some existing items. Level caps increase, characters get nerfed and buffed, I understand all that. But when you massively increase the gear grind of existing things, not only is it the opposite of fun, it shows a lack of imagination. A better developer would know how to keep players playing without engaging in this cheap bullsh*t
  • chainsaw
    359 posts Member
    Five stars
    the game is still fun and I am used to get things slowly, so I see no problem in waiting 2 months to get lv80

    This...i edited the f2p part
  • Gungi
    10 posts Member
    One star
    this game used to so great. but with every patch it goes down a star. so now it left with the lowest star possible. i will give it -5 star if it possible
    "A Wookiee! Rare you are to the Jedi. Proud, your people must be."
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