Executor is a beast? [MERGE]


  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    Granolo wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Gavsta wrote: »
    Getting r4 rebels is an investment of time & resources... if it is the achilles heel of the new fleet, then why not ?

    Han, chewie and Biggs are all prerequisites and, for Han and Chewie, great characters. So the investment of time/resource for them is not for fleet only. Ackbar and the Uwing duo are a fleet only relic (about r5) investment (ackbar needed at relic level being debatable).
    For executor you need to high relic 7 characters (2 of them up to r8), 1 useful (vador), 1 useful but overgeared (piett), 5 meh.

    So the investment of time and resources issue is not off the table imo. It’s not about ‘paying for winning’, it’s about ‘why spending all these resources for the new stuff if a far smaller amount of resources can do the same job ?’.

    Same can be said about most of the GLs. By your logic, of the new GLs aren't unbeatable, they're not worth the grind. And that can be your opinion, but that doesn't mean that that's correct.

    Anyhow, there's clearly an error, as it doesn't make sense that a lower star Exec works better than a 7*, tha'ts a clear desing flaw and an oversight that has to be fixed. And maybe a couple of AI tweaks, like using the forced taunt on other ships rather than the HT. Fix that and I think the ship will be at a desired level (maybe not as high as it was advertised, but still top of the meta).

    Nobody said GLs were unbeatable. CG said Executor was unbeatable though.
    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
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    the investment of time and resources issue is not off the table imo. It’s not about ‘paying for winning’, it’s about ‘why spending all these resources for the new stuff if a far smaller amount of resources can do the same job ?’.


    By the time they have all this figured out and a fix implemented, I'll have a 5* Executor, and with a lazy fleet shard, I probably won't spend anything to hurry it along. If someone else is using Exec and I find it frustrating, I'll spend what I need to keep up, but no more. So long as I can counter that one person (or so long as that one person gets countered by someone else before I'm ready to take first), I won't spend anything.

    This is a resource management game. If you can get the same reward investing fewer resources, then unless going the cheap route kills the fun for you (it is a game after all) the right thing to do is invest the fewest possible resources.

    So if CG wants players to spend, they have to make executor either
    1) unbeatable but insanely expensive, in which case a few people will spend whatever it takes
    2) difficult to beat and just kind of expensive, so it is common enough that everyone spends a little, because no one wants to face a wall of them. It is one thing to face an Exec as your last fight of the day and have 50/50 odds. It is another thing entirely to face a wall of 20 of them between you and 1st place when the odds of winning are only 50/50.

    They made it difficult to beat, but insanely expensive. This guarantees that the people who didn't spend already will (on most shards) face very few of them and will likely be able to avoid all but one or two. A counter that only works 50% of the time is fine in that situation.

    This means it's easy for those of us in all but the most insanely high end, frenetically active shards to patiently wait for the blueprints to flow in.

    Knowing my fleet shard, even if I don't get Exec until Oct, I'm likely to be the first one or tied for first using Exec. I have no motive to spend in that scenario.
  • dgree
    522 posts Member
    Been a week since they acknowledged it wasn’t working like they wanted. Can we get an update ? What’s being done.
    Sales pitches on the next big things? There's still at least the next executor event to see if player investment in executor requirements goes down substantially.
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Server21 wrote: »

    I already have that - my IG2000 is 1 speed faster than Executor, I’ve been moved back by two 5 star Executor’s already today.

    That mechanic means nothing

    Now if you are saying you have ig88 at r8 and you still arent landing breach.... thats a problem. Perhaps, potency boost to ig2000 is needed or to all bh in general along with the speed boost they need
    IG2k's breach through RC crew ability can't be resisted (IG2k doesn't actually inflict breach with its abilities).

    But there are all sorts of variables here especially including AI, plus IG2k is basically just glass so it's easy to overrate his defensive capabilities.

    Gavsta wrote: »
    Gavsta wrote: »
    3. I've tried all these 'counters' that have been shown by some of our 'learned' creators and they really aren't that easy or straightforward.

    Mid Relic Rebels cut through it like butter. Mine are R4 and it's pretty quick. Your Rebel crews are not relic. Ackbar still purple. Not roster shaming, it's just a fact. An R8 crew shouldn't fall to 3rd gen meta fleets several relic levels back.
    they're having issues establishing a true hard counter.
    Considering how often people struggle just against some nego comps using other fleets or in mirrors, "a true hard counter" might be setting the bar too high.
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Mirkraag wrote: »
    You mean when everyone will have it freely ?

    If "everyone" gets it freely a month after its release then perhaps the requirements weren't that steep after all?

    Well if you didnt rush him after what the dev said at the beginning and didnt get the prerequisite in 2 months, then you are doing something wrong and deserve to struggle in fleet arena top climbing
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    Granolo wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Gavsta wrote: »
    Getting r4 rebels is an investment of time & resources... if it is the achilles heel of the new fleet, then why not ?

    Han, chewie and Biggs are all prerequisites and, for Han and Chewie, great characters. So the investment of time/resource for them is not for fleet only. Ackbar and the Uwing duo are a fleet only relic (about r5) investment (ackbar needed at relic level being debatable).
    For executor you need to high relic 7 characters (2 of them up to r8), 1 useful (vador), 1 useful but overgeared (piett), 5 meh.

    So the investment of time and resources issue is not off the table imo. It’s not about ‘paying for winning’, it’s about ‘why spending all these resources for the new stuff if a far smaller amount of resources can do the same job ?’.

    Same can be said about most of the GLs. By your logic, of the new GLs aren't unbeatable, they're not worth the grind. And that can be your opinion, but that doesn't mean that that's correct.

    I’m glad that we agree that Executor needs more investment than the Rebel fleet.

    Now, about what you said: There are no GLs in fleet; we’ll see when we’ll have other high requirements ships. I never said that someone should be unbeatable in my previous posts; however, if a GL was reliably beatable by non GLs, you’re totally right, i think it would not be worth the grind. And if Jmk was reliably beatable by the old GLs, you’re also right, I think it would not be worth the more difficult grind.
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    CG said Executor was unbeatable though.[/quote]

    No they didn't.

    That isn't to say this hasn't been a fiasco but making stuff up doesn't exactly help.

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    Still no news for the update but hey look we have maul and LV, you can spend more and more and mooooore

    (Forget about executor it is the past)
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    Saw in Ahnald's video today that there may be incoming news today on Executor.
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    Here’s me wondering where the buff to this piece of garbage is - 2 weeks on from launch nearly - and finally I see I’m able to do a P2 DSTB mission.

    Totally worth the 25,000 crystals it took to max out day 1
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    We got double drops on community managers which means 2 x 0 still equals zero.
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    Server21 wrote: »
    Here’s me wondering where the buff to this piece of garbage is - 2 weeks on from launch nearly - and finally I see I’m able to do a P2 DSTB mission.

    Totally worth the 25,000 crystals it took to max out day 1

    I’m expecting nothing for those of us that got ripped off. They owe us a “make good” but they will just give us a make bad feeling.
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    IronCross wrote: »
    Server21 wrote: »
    Here’s me wondering where the buff to this piece of garbage is - 2 weeks on from launch nearly - and finally I see I’m able to do a P2 DSTB mission.

    Totally worth the 25,000 crystals it took to max out day 1

    I’m expecting nothing for those of us that got ripped off. They owe us a “make good” but they will just give us a make bad feeling.

    They really suck at understanding the customer experience.
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    Are the changes live? I didn't notice any difference in difficulty.
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    BeralCator wrote: »
    Are the changes live? I didn't notice any difference in difficulty.

    The changes have taken effect.
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    IronCross wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    Are the changes live? I didn't notice any difference in difficulty.

    The changes have taken effect.

    Executor still sucks then.
  • LordDirt
    5167 posts Member
    BeralCator wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    Are the changes live? I didn't notice any difference in difficulty.

    The changes have taken effect.

    Executor still sucks then.

    No changes announced for it yet
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Options
    LordDirt wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    Are the changes live? I didn't notice any difference in difficulty.

    The changes have taken effect.

    Executor still sucks then.

    No changes announced for it yet

    "The following changes were made to Executor:

    Crew Ability "Vader's Bounty" will stipulate at max rank (level 8) that Tank allies will take 50% reduced damage from out-of-turn attacks.

    Special Ability 1 "Breach of Protocols" will now call all Bounty Hunter allies to assist. From level 1-6 of the ability, Bounty Hunter allies will deal -25% damage when they assist. At level 7 of the ability, the damage penalty will be removed and Bounty Hunter allies will assist at full damage. At max level of the ability (level 8 ) the ability will dispel all Tenacity Up from enemies, Bounty Hunter allies will deal +10% damage; if the enemy is Breached, Bounty Hunter allies will deal +25% damage instead."
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited August 2021
    LordDirt wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    Are the changes live? I didn't notice any difference in difficulty.

    The changes have taken effect.

    Executor still sucks then.

    No changes announced for it yet

  • LordDirt
    5167 posts Member
    I stand corrected, I missed all that!! I will go back to my cell.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    BeralCator wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    Are the changes live? I didn't notice any difference in difficulty.

    The changes have taken effect.

    Executor still sucks then.

    You have data to back this claim up? From what I've seen in TW and GAC, it was doing quite well before these changes. These changes are clearly a buff.

    I can't say whether this fixes the lower star issue, but that wasn't your point anway
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Just from reading, the changes seem surprisingly subtle. I was expecting something over the top like a big speed boost or straight-up disabling existing counters, Malak-style.
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    CG, while I understand that you don't want your shiny new toy to be beaten by older fleets, you could have at least mentioned that you just changed the Executor AI drastically...
    This update happened during my fleet payout hour and now none of the counters (that were already very rng dependent and sketchy) work anymore, which made me lose out on crystals. I do understand that you wanted to buff the new ship. I don't like it but I accept it. But I'm more annoyed that you didn't mention any of the AI changes in your update post, I think that's pretty shady. Fair enough that you want to change/buff the AI, but at least let us know WHAT you buffed and say that you did. I think it'd be fair towards the player base to at least get a break down the AI changes from you, so that we know what we're dealing with...
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    BeralCator wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    Are the changes live? I didn't notice any difference in difficulty.

    The changes have taken effect.

    Executor still sucks then.

    You have data to back this claim up? From what I've seen in TW and GAC, it was doing quite well before these changes. These changes are clearly a buff.

    I can't say whether this fixes the lower star issue, but that wasn't your point anway

    I've done a bit more testing since I posted; the changes do seem to stop lower gear Ackbar fleets from winning. The changes don't seem to do much against the other counters though, as those don't rely extensively on assist damage.

    There isn't a 7* Executor within reach in my shard though, so I've only been able to try the usual 5* fleets, but my climb wasn't any harder than yesterday.

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    Dont worry, the answer will be the same as always.
    Spend money
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    Completely agree and this affected my payout hour too. It looks like they made the RI calling much better too. In 3 battles, I got slave 1, ig-2000, and tie reaper as the first RI. It’s difficult to even predict the battle now.
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    RIP Rebel counter.
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    BeralCator wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    IronCross wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    Are the changes live? I didn't notice any difference in difficulty.

    The changes have taken effect.

    Executor still sucks then.

    You have data to back this claim up? From what I've seen in TW and GAC, it was doing quite well before these changes. These changes are clearly a buff.

    I can't say whether this fixes the lower star issue, but that wasn't your point anway

    I've done a bit more testing since I posted; the changes do seem to stop lower gear Ackbar fleets from winning. The changes don't seem to do much against the other counters though, as those don't rely extensively on assist damage.

    There isn't a 7* Executor within reach in my shard though, so I've only been able to try the usual 5* fleets, but my climb wasn't any harder than yesterday.

    I have a 7* and wrecked a 5* and 2 different 6* Xs. The change has made 7* lives easy in mirrors vs lesser fleets.
  • TVF
    36772 posts Member
    CG, while I understand that you don't want your shiny new toy to be beaten by older fleets, you could have at least mentioned that you just changed the Executor AI drastically...
    This update happened during my fleet payout hour and now none of the counters (that were already very rng dependent and sketchy) work anymore, which made me lose out on crystals. I do understand that you wanted to buff the new ship. I don't like it but I accept it. But I'm more annoyed that you didn't mention any of the AI changes in your update post, I think that's pretty shady. Fair enough that you want to change/buff the AI, but at least let us know WHAT you buffed and say that you did. I think it'd be fair towards the player base to at least get a break down the AI changes from you, so that we know what we're dealing with...

    Did you....read the update post?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    CG, while I understand that you don't want your shiny new toy to be beaten by older fleets, you could have at least mentioned that you just changed the Executor AI drastically...
    This update happened during my fleet payout hour and now none of the counters (that were already very rng dependent and sketchy) work anymore, which made me lose out on crystals. I do understand that you wanted to buff the new ship. I don't like it but I accept it. But I'm more annoyed that you didn't mention any of the AI changes in your update post, I think that's pretty shady. Fair enough that you want to change/buff the AI, but at least let us know WHAT you buffed and say that you did. I think it'd be fair towards the player base to at least get a break down the AI changes from you, so that we know what we're dealing with...

    Did you....read the update post?

    Yes, I did. There's of course a chance that I missed something, but I doubt it. Feel free to show me all the AI changes they did to the Executor that I might have missed.
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