[MEGA] Conquest 7


  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    So, now that I had some time to think about it, I decided to put together a more detailed feedback posts, on the off chance that someone relevant reads those. Some of it will be just repeating stuff that has already been said, but so far there has been no action. Feel free to use any ideas presented here.
    Increased energy cost - Absolutely not. There are better ways to increase engagement.
    Extra feats - Good idea that also serves to increase engagement, but it could use some polishing. First, the numbers are excessive, as was pointed out before. Second, make the feats interlock more. The part where we can put together a Jedi team to get pot down as well as Phoenix kills is an example how it should work, provide a puzzle to solve rather than a series of unrelated chores. The biggest offenders here are the full faction feats. Those should imo be replaced with something that encourages the faction, but isn't a hard requirement. Something like "Activate X payouts" or "Fulfill X contracts" for the BH feat, it just gives a bit more wiggle room.
    Minibosses - Again, good idea, could use improvement. The feats on those are laughable, though. If you insist on giving a single keycard, make it possible to get multiple feats at once. Replace full LS/DS with something like "Have at least one LS/DS character survive" so we can get it all at once with the right squad. Here are some ideas to improve minibosses:
    - non-standard units as (mini)bosses. We have AT-ST, Terentatek, Rancor... Use them.
    - optional minibosses. Make it possible to bypass the boss, at the cost of an extra battle or special rewards from going through it.
    - "wandering boss". Randomly (maybe once per sector), a node becomes a miniboss with extra rewards.
    And some more ideas for general improvement:
    - ship nodes. This one is self-evident.
    - dead end paths. A path that doesn't lead to the end of the sector but has some other reward at the end. Entirely optional, it would provide another motivation to get energy refreshes and stay in the conquest longer. Although it would need a special node that doesn't close off all the other paths and I'm not sure if the framework can handle it.
    - "build your own enemy". Basically special datadisks/consumables that boost the enemy for extra reward. Like you make the enemies start with extra protection, but get some currency if you beat them.
    - "handicaps". The same as "build your own enemy" but applying a detrimental effect to your team. It has the advantage of using the existing framework for disks/consumables.
    - practice mode. No energy, no rewards, no disks, no consumables, no modifiers. Just pick a node and fight it. Could be active when the "real" conquest is off.
    I hope it's not just shouting in the void and at least something actually reaches somewhere...
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Leytuhas wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI

    In all honesty, we know it’s not you guys. We get it that player spending pays the bills. But the changes to conquest are sucking the life out of one of the best game modes.

    Win 14 battles with x team, the worst part of conquest. I like more feats, but repeatable chore type feats are not fun. Theory crafting feats, or fun to achieve feats are great.

    More energy per attempt, not a fan.

    Bugs happen, but play testing must be a behind the scenes issue.

    To sum up, so many of us love the game, and want to keep playing for a long time. Go tell the man behind the curtain that he needs to listen to the player base. Whales and ftp can enjoy this mode, and it’s possible to monetize it without killing it.

    Thanks for your hard work, and dealing with all of us unappreciative players. We know you can make this game great.

    I really appreciate the encouraging words. I'm doing everything I can to relay sentiment and then use that to advocate to the best of my ability.

    That sounds great. But there's a disconnect. Despite your alleged efforts, we seem to be getting nothing but largely unpopular news from you lately. The optics are not in your favor when you are the one tasked with delivering and selling these unpopular changes (under blatantly obvious corporate doublespeak, false pretenses at times--Conquest "engagement", for example) and are also our supposed advocate to CG.

    You're speaking to nothing more than a corporate mouthpiece. Same as Crumb before him (when he was active), the guy before Crumb, Carrie, and anyone else that used to communicate with us. They feed us misleading statements until we're wise to the new guy being the same as before and then they shuffle people around again.

    I see you mentioned misleading statements....

    The "guy" before crumb was a woman, Kozispoon.

    Carrie was not a corporate mouthpiece, she was actually in charge.

    Neither were shuffled, they both no longer work there, so I guess that depends on your definition of "shuffled".
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Leytuhas wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI

    In all honesty, we know it’s not you guys. We get it that player spending pays the bills. But the changes to conquest are sucking the life out of one of the best game modes.

    Win 14 battles with x team, the worst part of conquest. I like more feats, but repeatable chore type feats are not fun. Theory crafting feats, or fun to achieve feats are great.

    More energy per attempt, not a fan.

    Bugs happen, but play testing must be a behind the scenes issue.

    To sum up, so many of us love the game, and want to keep playing for a long time. Go tell the man behind the curtain that he needs to listen to the player base. Whales and ftp can enjoy this mode, and it’s possible to monetize it without killing it.

    Thanks for your hard work, and dealing with all of us unappreciative players. We know you can make this game great.

    I really appreciate the encouraging words. I'm doing everything I can to relay sentiment and then use that to advocate to the best of my ability.

    That sounds great. But there's a disconnect. Despite your alleged efforts, we seem to be getting nothing but largely unpopular news from you lately. The optics are not in your favor when you are the one tasked with delivering and selling these unpopular changes (under blatantly obvious corporate doublespeak, false pretenses at times--Conquest "engagement", for example) and are also our supposed advocate to CG.

    You're speaking to nothing more than a corporate mouthpiece. Same as Crumb before him (when he was active), the guy before Crumb, Carrie, and anyone else that used to communicate with us. They feed us misleading statements until we're wise to the new guy being the same as before and then they shuffle people around again.

    I see you mentioned misleading statements....

    The "guy" before crumb was a woman, Kozispoon.

    Carrie was not a corporate mouthpiece, she was actually in charge.

    Neither were shuffled, they both no longer work there, so I guess that depends on your definition of "shuffled".

    And Kozi actually left because she moved away or something like that, iirc. Definitely not "shuffled".
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    This image has been going around my discord for the last couple of days and to even get max crate you have to refresh at minimum 5 times. That's with coming against night sisters with zombie to do a lot of the kill/debuff feats and getting max stars each time. Considering all the changes to conquest and your statements about trying to make this mode last longer and feel different each time my only conclusion is you want everyone to spend more money on a game mode you yourselves wont even quality check then pull it within 5 hours and will probably only compensate us with 3 CWC shards. We didn't ask for these changes, changing feats fine (tick), changes bosses (tick), adding mini bosses (semi tick), increasing energy cost so people cant steam roll (cross) people still steam rolled it, doubling the amount of feats then only increasing the amount of points you can lose by like 20% to get max crate (cross). All in all its pretty hard to believe any statement were these changes were made for the longevity of game and not a attempt at a cash grab. I got max crate on hard mode the last 5 times, first time I got max crate but was on normal as that's all we could do, I wont be able to get max crate this time as I'm missing squads that's fine I dont expect to be able to max everything all the time. We all want conquest to succeed it is a very good and unique idea but there needs to be more player input in this game or the way it is going it will be dead next year as your pushing more and more loyal people away. Simple changes could of been done o you finish conquest in a day ok next conquest we will look each sector and open a new one every 2 days sorted or just increase the cost to refresh energy simple changes which most people will look at and not complain. I'm sorry I didn't want to make a mad rant post but the last weeks has pushed me to this and I hope the game mode gets sorted soon, All the best.
  • bucksfanhaire
    7 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Nope been playing for 4.5 years with 6.7m gp. Before y’all write these posts, reread what you’ve written. If it sounds like it would come from a petulant child…..try again. Everyone gets to have their opinions, but these folks are doing their jobs. How would you like it if I came to your McDonalds and screamed about the fries?!? Haha that’s just a low-hanging fruit joke.

    I don’t yell at fast food employee when they bring me cold fries I understand what I get for $8. But if I go to a nice steak house and order a $75 filet and they bring me a Big Mac yes I’m mad

    Post edited by Kyno on
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Nope been playing for 4.5 years with 6.7m gp. Before y’all write these posts, reread what you’ve written. If it sounds like it would come from a petulant child…..try again. Everyone gets to have their opinions, but these folks are doing their jobs. How would you like it if I came to your McDonalds and screamed about the fries?!? Haha that’s just a low-hanging fruit joke.

    I don’t yell at fast food employee when they bring me cold fries I understand what I get for $8. But if I go to a nice steak house and order a $75 filet and they bring me a Big Mac yes I’m mad

    To be fair, with the amount of game-breaking bugs and issues that get into the released product, someone is definitely not doing their job right. If I got my fries still half frozen, I would definitely complain.
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • Ragnarok_COTF
    1823 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Nope been playing for 4.5 years with 6.7m gp. Before y’all write these posts, reread what you’ve written. If it sounds like it would come from a petulant child…..try again. Everyone gets to have their opinions, but these folks are doing their jobs. How would you like it if I came to your McDonalds and screamed about the fries?!? Haha that’s just a low-hanging fruit joke.

    I don’t yell at fast food employee when they bring me cold fries I understand what I get for $8. But if I go to a nice steak house and order a $75 filet and they bring me a Big Mac yes I’m mad

    So CG is McDonald's and their programmers are fast food workers?

    Given that they have college degrees and are working for a highly profitable company, doing highly skilled labor; I'd say they are more in line with that fancy steak house (if we insist on using restaurant analogies).
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    Nope been playing for 4.5 years with 6.7m gp. I’m just not a pedantic internet *sshole. Before y’all write these posts, reread what you’ve written. If it sounds like it would come from a petulant child…..try again. Everyone gets to have their opinions, but these folks are doing their jobs. How would you like it if I came to your McDonalds and screamed about the fries?!? Haha that’s just a low-hanging fruit joke.

    I don’t yell at fast food employee when they bring me cold fries I understand what I get for $8. But if I go to a nice steak house and order a $75 filet and they bring me a Big Mac yes I’m mad

    So CG is McDonald's and their programmers are fast food workers?

    Given that they have college degrees and are working for a highly profitable company, doing highly skilled labor; I'd say they are more in line with that fancy steak house (if we insist on using restaurant analogies).

    There are very smart people in the fast food industry and they work VERY HARD to provide a service we need. My point is when you over price your service you are providing and mess it up your customer get mad
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    Nope been playing for 4.5 years with 6.7m gp. I’m just not a pedantic internet *sshole. Before y’all write these posts, reread what you’ve written. If it sounds like it would come from a petulant child…..try again. Everyone gets to have their opinions, but these folks are doing their jobs. How would you like it if I came to your McDonalds and screamed about the fries?!? Haha that’s just a low-hanging fruit joke.

    I don’t yell at fast food employee when they bring me cold fries I understand what I get for $8. But if I go to a nice steak house and order a $75 filet and they bring me a Big Mac yes I’m mad

    So CG is McDonald's and their programmers are fast food workers?

    Given that they have college degrees and are working for a highly profitable company, doing highly skilled labor; I'd say they are more in line with that fancy steak house (if we insist on using restaurant analogies).

    I’m sure there are fast food workers with college degrees and fast food company are more profitable
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    CG is the fine steak house in my analogy
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    Nauros wrote: »
    Nope been playing for 4.5 years with 6.7m gp. I’m just not a pedantic internet *sshole. Before y’all write these posts, reread what you’ve written. If it sounds like it would come from a petulant child…..try again. Everyone gets to have their opinions, but these folks are doing their jobs. How would you like it if I came to your McDonalds and screamed about the fries?!? Haha that’s just a low-hanging fruit joke.

    I don’t yell at fast food employee when they bring me cold fries I understand what I get for $8. But if I go to a nice steak house and order a $75 filet and they bring me a Big Mac yes I’m mad

    To be fair, with the amount of game-breaking bugs and issues that get into the released product, someone is definitely not doing their job right. If I got my fries still half frozen, I would definitely complain.

    Complain, yes. Become belligerent and go off the rails, no. (I'm not saying this is you, but I have seen a notable increase in, shall we say, completely unhelpful remarks).
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    CG is the fine steak house in my analogy

    You're the one who brought up fast food workers as an analogy. I honestly am not entirely sure what your point is anymore. I think you're claiming that folks here are being unfairly negative and immature. I would agree that there are many posts that are immature and not constructive, but I think the majority of this thread is either constructive feedback or necessary grievance airing.
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    Well, we’ve got a restart of this nonsense, no big picture changes.
    That will be an app deletion from me.
    Bye bye 👋
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    Wow, restarting today, allegedly resolving (most of?) the bugs. That was fast!
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    Not real happy. Spent two refreshes and know it would be next to impossible for them to figure out a way to reimburse us.

    However, I’m very mad that max rewards for ahsoka were only 30. I know this has been beat like a drum but I had 65 shards to go which was attainable. Now with the added increase in difficulty I’m assuming 20 shards is going to be anout right.

    Anyone with any sense of reason working there? Does this seem right to you? I’m happy for the guys that grinded out those tedious tasks to make max rewards to get ahsoka earlier. They deserved the 2 months of being the meta in arena. But the way you have the new format set up its going to take 2 or 3 more conquests which frankly is pretty unfair if you ask me. Thats another 2 or 3 months to get her for most of us. Do you not see the desparity there? Why did you choose to do it that way and what was the logic involved. It just seems more like “oh well, you snooze you lose.”

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    Can’t believe you’re gonna restart the event before refunding people haha.

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    Praise Alan!
    So glad they finally fixed this one :D

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    Hi Holotable Heroes,

    We are aware of several issues pertaining to Conquest 7 and are investigating. We will provide more details as soon as possible.

    We apologize for any inconvenience.

    What about those that earned rewards and spent crystals on refreshes and currency to buy boosters?
  • JonSnow_Wraith
    4 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Regardless of the order, they advised they will reimburse players. That’s a positive.

    Also very good work getting conquest back up and running quickly. @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI thank you for your communication with the community, mess ups happen but communication is key to us understanding and moving forward.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    That was surprisingly fast. Were the keycards from "bring balance" feat redistributed elsewhere or were the necessary amounts for boxes reduced? If not, that's one auto-failed feat in an already tough mode...
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    Can we start an over/under for how many bugs this will have? New or old, doesn’t matter.

    I will set the bar at 3. Who is taking the over/under and what’s your number for tie breaker?
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    This new Conquest is still going to be way more "grindy" than before ... coupling that with we don't even get enough energy to complete the event with a PERFECT run is a bad move on CG's part. I've been playing hard mode and takes me all of the two weeks to get to the 2nd best crate (because of work and family commitments) ... and that's with some crystal refreshes because I didn't make a perfect run. I'm fine with spending crystals to make up for my roster ... but to REQUIRE crystal refreshes to get to the max crate is ridiculous. If you've got the squads to get there without crystal refreshes, it should be ... "congrats, well done!" NOT sorry, still need to spend crystals to get to the max crate.

    Those crystals are needed to keep up with the general grind ... requiring them to be able to complete a game mode, regardless of roster, should leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

    Again, they're taking an event that was enjoyable ... making it more work, not just in Conquest, but in every game mode because now you have to use crystals in Conquest rather than elsewhere in the game to get ahead.

    ... and at the end, you could still be rewarded with Mk IV Stun Guns ... all that work, for garbage rewards we get plenty of elsewhere.
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    Regardless of the order, they advised they will reimburse players. That’s a positive.

    Also very good work getting conquest back up and running quickly. @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI thank you for your communication with the community, mess ups happen but communication is key to us understanding and moving forward.

    Can you point me to the communications that were key? Where they posted stuff that helped us understand? I have not seen this at all.

    I seen a lot of “I am taking on board” but I don’t remember seeing any information or other communications beyond the Dev Update posts. In fact, there was complete radio silence on everything other than Doja taking stuff on board.
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    So all the minor bugs and issues with conquest7 seem to have been addressed.

    All but the biggest issue of all: What's been done to fix the recurring problem of releasing updates riddled with bugs or performing not as expected?
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