[MEGA] Conquest 7


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    You are doing something wrong... My g12 geos are beating r8 bad batch squad4sddjxmyrjrp.png
  • Ultra
    11588 posts Moderator
    Thanks for the data disk setup, I get what you are doing, and I'll try that once i'm done clearing the entire sector and only have faction specific feats left
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    I agree. Conquest used to be fun because it gave us MORE CONTENT. It wasn't just about rewards. Frankly, I don't care about CAT and Maul. What is frustrating for me is I keep checking in to see if I can battle again, but my energy still hasn't refilled. Withe the slow refresh rate, I have no reason to use any squads other than my strongest 2: r7 Bounty Hunters and g10 SEE. I'm not going deep into my roster at all.

    I get that free-to-play games need spenders to keep the lights on, so you get some pay-to-win aspects in the game, but with the slow refresh, this feels like pay-to-play.
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    Sector 3 boss is NOT R6 Darth Sidious. It's a GL Sidious at R9+.
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    CG have managed to turn Conquest into something worse than MSF's Blitz mode.
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    An average of 4.4 million per player isn’t going to access end game content, otherwise it isn’t endgame content. If people with half the GP of the top players can access all the new characters then the game isn’t working. If everyone can get R8 easily it just means R9 will come sooner.

    By slowing the rate of people acquiring R8 CG have actually slowed the inevitable power creep that is required to allow whales (who pay their wages) to stay ahead of everyone else

    Good luck with telling people that they have to invest 5 years or more of their time to get to 'end game.'
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    Shadroth wrote: »
    Thrawn is Fracturing GL’s inside Conquest.
    Honestly CG what are you folks doing there!?!
    Have you even checked what changes they made to fracture? Thrawn can still fracture a GL, it’s just they are affected the same way raid bosses are now.

    Thanks, needed to be spoken to condescendingly by you as well as the developers. Sometimes you main players on this forum have something decent to say and other times you act like you’re a step above everyone… see how it feels?
    I have reported the bug because it was a bug. It had the same effect in game as it used to.
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    on aura appris au moins quelque chose avec ces mises a jours et cette conquête , on aura appris comment tuer un jeu , dégouter des joueurs de longue date et comment faire quitté le jeu a ces mêmes joueurs .
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    Here we go again.. You turn a good thing into something that makes people want to quit the game. (again) not sure I can be bothered going through this roller coaster over and over again and I have no faith in you to fix this. Even if you do fix this I know you will just find a way of messing it up again.
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    Not every body should get the max crate. That would be ok. But the problem now with the new update is that the max crate ist nearly impossible without spending much money. That would be ok…
    But CG put all the best and non GL meta Toons behind a fully paywall. It is impossible to get the meta Toons without money. When a ftp get a meta char, he is old and no more meta.

    For Example, in 3 Month is LV with Maul Meta. All FTP get Maul maybe in 6 Month. But at this point we have a new meta

    I m Full FTP and I m since nearly 2 Years everyday in the Arena on topspots. I have all the time a Meta or a good counter.

    Now with the new Conquest it’s no more possible to get a meta early without a big wallet.

    CG put the coming Metas behind a full paywall. This is the **** Problem. U can’t go around the wall by hoarding or a good plan of farming. And this is killing all the ftp and motivation.

    Just my opinion…
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    mickyluv wrote: »
    An average of 4.4 million per player isn’t going to access end game content, otherwise it isn’t endgame content. If people with half the GP of the top players can access all the new characters then the game isn’t working. If everyone can get R8 easily it just means R9 will come sooner.

    By slowing the rate of people acquiring R8 CG have actually slowed the inevitable power creep that is required to allow whales (who pay their wages) to stay ahead of everyone else

    Good luck with telling people that they have to invest 5 years or more of their time to get to 'end game.'

    This ‘need to reach endgame asap’ is the biggest misunderstanding about the game among some players imo. There is absolutely no need to catch up in this game. Everything is built so you don’t have to reach endgame asap, as you dont have to compete in pvp against veteran players. Accept that and you have at least 5 years of fun ahead of you. Refuse that and the only way to reach endgame fast is by spending a buttload of money to finish struggling anyway because you won’t have the time to build a decent mod roster.
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    I was personally a huge fan of conquest when it first came out.. took my time with it but usually finished with a few days left before it ended.

    The game mode wasn't perfect and that mostly comes down to a balance aspect of the fights themselves. Yes you got data disks to balance out some of those ridiculous modifiers (with a lot being poorly received from their first introduction in challenges)

    Yes, you get data disks to offset some of the modifiers, but with so many disks, the randomness of them and when you get it, they don't help as much as you'd think.

    The amount of feats added to the game mode is insane! They're difficult to keep track off and way to many that counteract each other..

    I understand the need for the game to make money, but the game is already overpriced and there are other ways to make money in this game than what this game turned into.

    If this conquest is going to run 2-3 times back-to-back, ugh
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    Hey Doja, i know you cannot comment on internals, so just don’t respond to this if this is exactly what happened in the conquest meeting:

    Devs: here are our suggestions on how to increase monitization…

    Exec: LOVE IT! Implement it immediately!!!

    Devs: which one?

    Exec: all of them…

    Devs: but…

    Exec: ALL. OF. THEM.
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    dear CG,

    old conquest needed more challenge...i get it...i would be happy to see more challenge there...even more crazy feats but what you delivered is just demotivating...too much for 8m gp account....there are feats i dont have chance to finish so max reward is impossible so why should i repeat same battles hundreds times for other feats? maybe 10m gp accounts likes this repetitive stuff but i dont...thanks for ruining intially interesting game mode...
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    Please fix the death mark feat asap. It may cost the red box to some people.

    It counts with DT, but not with Darth Revan.
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    thedrjojo wrote: »
    You are doing something wrong... My g12 geos are beating r8 bad batch squad4sddjxmyrjrp.png

    I have yet to see a 3 dot data disc. Must be nice.
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    Still it's a poorly designed product. Ruined the only good thing new to the game..
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    I understand wanting to I the challenge a bit on Conquest, but you should’ve just renamed hard mode to impossible mode if you’re going to overpower the enemy toons so blatantly. I had a R6 Sidious wipe out my entire R7 SLKR squad. I’ve seen endless assists from crappy Phoenix squads. I’m not even sure some of the feats can actually be achieved. You’ve **** the fun right out of Conquest by swinging the pendulum WAAAAY too hard in the other direction. Can we balance this out a bit? Oh, and please let us know when our R7 Sidious will function anywhere close to this Conquest or the Secrets & Shadows version. Because ours sucks and yours is some sort of god of death.
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    SLKR's stuns don't count towards the "attempt to stun" feat. Confirmed.
  • pånøs
    152 posts Member
    edited September 2021
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    Does anyone know why CAT & Maul rewards aren’t increasing in hard mode as you climb reward boxes? Looks like they only increase in quantity like every other box or so…seems off maybe?
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    Why do CG insist on making it impossible to enjoy this game without spending loads of money. We are not all millionaires. Conquest was better before .
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    One of my guild members made the simplest suggestion on how to make conquest much much better.
    Put 1000 crystals in the red crate. That way it’s helping with needing to spend crystals to achieve red crate. 50c refreshes would be compensated at the end and would encourage players to spend crystals to play.
    That was the devs intentions with this mess to begin with.
    Simple fix devs ☝️
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    An average of 4.4 million per player isn’t going to access end game content, otherwise it isn’t endgame content. If people with half the GP of the top players can access all the new characters then the game isn’t working. If everyone can get R8 easily it just means R9 will come sooner.

    By slowing the rate of people acquiring R8 CG have actually slowed the inevitable power creep that is required to allow whales (who pay their wages) to stay ahead of everyone else

    Interesting.. IF that was the intent from the beginning.

    Hint: it wasn't.

    as a 5.8 million player, with just unlocking my 1st GL (I had other goals) I never received the max crate. I had to use crystals to refresh and work HARD to get 2nd best (Gold) crate. I never complained, I enjoyed it.. Now, I have barely achieved 2nd tier crate and I can see Gold crate is not gonna happen..

    Which means I (and MANY OTHERS) am LOCKED out of Content THAT WE USED TO ACHIEVE.


    Because CG is feeling butt hurt about how many got CAT, (still haven't unlocked her, by the way) I get punished. My roster is well balanced (except for Sith, working on that) and still when a Game Design is badly worded, still bugged, Feats are not working as said, we as players are still punished..

    Remove this Event, compensate for the EPIC failure of this horrendous PR stunt and go back to the Standard of the previous Conquests.
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    A good roster with a few GL and R8 should be able to get to 400-460 with. Minimal refreshes (50 crystal level) if they play everyday.

    The top prize will require solid roster and multiple refreshes everyday (100 and maybe even 200 crystal level)

    It is set up so you everyone can get reasonable rewards but serious time and crystal commitment is required for very top reward. I would prefer a slightly lower time commitment, but the weighting difficulty wise seems pretty spot on.

    Across three months to get Maul unlocked is still cheaper in crystal terms than many less good characters, and if you don’t have the rooster for it, he still comes around F2P slightly faster than you would expect to get any other premium character.

    There seems to be a lot of whinnying about getting extra characters and resources at a discount

    No offense to you as everyone is allowed their own opinions. However, when you were previously able to complete the conquest mode and feats to get to gold or red crate and then with changes you can't get to either anymore that is bad business.

    From the few posts of yours that I have read I am going to assume you spend a fair amount of money on the game.

    Conquest was meant to be for everyone in the game, it was stated at the very beginning. It wasn't intended for whales to be the only ones who could achieve good rewards. The rewards you guys get for being whales are access to the GL's before anyone else, access to characters like Wat and KAM before the rest of us due to the power difference in your accounts.

    The power divide in this game is already ridiculous from P2P to F2P, nothing needs to happen in game to increase that divide.

    You spoke of how allowing more people to access R8 materials would just make R9 come faster, we already know it's coming soon. So once again the whales will be able to be a relic level higher than the dedicated F2P players and 2+ levels higher than the casual players.

    Spending to get first round access to the GL's and other gated characters like Wat/KAM is what being a whale is supposed to be about. Conquest was meant to be for ALL not for whales.

    If you have a GL toon you should certainly be able to at least access the gold crate in hard mode. However, that is not the case not even remotely close not anymore. This change to conquest is absolutely horrible. If it wasn't then we'd not see so many players with 7m+ and 8m+ GP accounts on this thread talking about how bad this is for the game.
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    CG should add a reward between hard crates 6 & 7. Otherwise everyone like me who is mathematically unable to max crate will just stop refreshing as soon as they hit crate 6. I’m already done as there is no incentive to keep going knowing I won’t get enough keycards (definitely not playing any more “for fun” with only the grindiest feats left). On the other hand, I’d keep going for even a small reward like more conquest currency.
    Would it be possible for CG to improve this design?
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