Kit Reveal: Boba Fett, Scion of Jango

520 posts EA Community Manager
edited October 2021
[ Developer Insights - Kit Reveal ]


UNIT NAME: Boba Fett, Scion of Jango
CATEGORIES: Dark Side, Attacker, Leader, Bounty Hunter, Scoundrel
Infamous Bounty Hunter Attacker with a variety of debuffs and synergy with both Bounty Hunters and Scoundrels.




FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy twice. If target enemy has no Protection, this ability deals damage two more times.

Gain 1 stack of Momentum for 3 turns which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented.

Momentum: Abilities gain additional effects based on the number of stacks

Special 1: DUAL BARRAGE (Cooldown 0)


FINAL TEXT (OMICRON): Deal Physical damage to target enemy and the weakest enemy. This ability has additional effects based on the number of stacks of Momentum Boba Fett, Scion of Jango has.

- 5 Stacks: All Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies gain Tenacity Up for 2 turns
- 9 Stacks: All Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies gain Tenacity Up for 3 turns

Gain 1 stack of Momentum for 3 turns, and if the target enemy is inflicted with Armor Shred, gain an additional stack of Momentum. These Momentum gains can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented.

While in Territory War: This ability gains a new benefit based on the number of stacks of Momentum Boba Fett, Scion of Jango has.

- 16 Stacks: All Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies gain Tenacity Up for 3 turns and inflict Protection Disruption for 2 turns, and these effects can't be dispelled, evaded or resisted

Protection Disruption: Protection is disabled, immune to Protection Up and bonus Protection

LOCKED TEXT: This ability becomes blocked for 1 turn after being used 3 turns in a row.

Special 2: BOUNTY BREAKER (Cooldown 0)


FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict 2 Damage Over Time effects for 2 turns. This ability has additional effects based on the number of stacks of Momentum Boba Fett, Scion of Jango has.

- 3 Stacks: This ability deals 25% more damage
- 6 Stacks: This ability deals 25% more damage and inflicts Tenacity Down for 2 turns
- 12 Stacks: This ability deals 30% more damage, inflicts Tenacity Down and Potency Down for 2 turns
- 16 Stacks: Bounty Breaker deals 30% more damage, inflicts Tenacity Down, Potency Down, and Breach for 2 turns

Gain 1 stack of Momentum for 3 turns which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented.

LOCKED TEXT: This ability becomes blocked for 1 turn after being used 3 turns in a row.


FINAL TEXT (OMICRON): Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies have +50% Critical Avoidance while they have Tenacity Up. While debuffed, Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies gain 40% Critical Damage.

When Boba Fett, Scion of Jango is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: While buffed, damage a debuffed enemy 20 times. Enemies must be debuffed before the start of an attack to count progress. (Only Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies have their payouts activated, and all Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies gain 25% Offense and Health Steal, and ignore Taunt.

While in Territory War: Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies have +30 Speed, +50% Mastery, +30% Potency, Max Health, and Max Protection and take 18% less damage.

Boba Fett, Scion of Jango gains an additional 60 Speed, and 100% Max Health, and Max Protection. Contract requirements and rewards are adjusted as follows:

Contract: While buffed, damage a debuffed enemy 10 times. Enemies must be debuffed before the start of an attack to count progress. (Only Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies have their payouts activated, and all Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies gain 25% Offense and Health Steal, ignore Taunt and each time they deal damage with an ability, they deal damage an additional time as true damage.

FINAL TEXT: (ZETA, OMICRON) Boba Fett, Scion of Jango has +50% Offense. At the start of the encounter, Boba Fett, Scion of Jango gains Bounty Hunter's Resolve until he is defeated.

Whenever Boba Fett, Scion of Jango gains a stack of Momentum, he gains 5% Turn Meter.

If Boba Fett, Scion of Jango uses the same Special ability three turns in a row, that ability becomes Blocked for 1 turn.

While in Territory War: Boba Fett is immune to enemy Ability Block and Stun, and whenever he defeats an enemy, he recovers 100% Protection and gains Bounty Hunter's Resolve until he's defeated. Double Action, Dual Barrage, and Bounty Breaker generate an additional stack of Momentum when used. Bounty Breaker's debuffs can't be be resisted or dispelled.

Whenever Boba Fett, Scion of Jango receives Rewards from a Contract, or when the leader is another non-Bounty Hunter Scoundrel ally, he also gains the following Payout. (Contracts are granted by certain Bounty Hunter Leader Abilities.)

Payout: Boba Fett, Scion of Jango gains +30% Critical Avoidance and Defense Penetration, and all Momentum gains are doubled for the rest of the battle.


  • Options
    Boba Fat
  • Ultra
    11604 posts Moderator

    Something we should get more information about maybe? :eyes:
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    What is the unlock type? It does not say anywhere. I feel like its marquee but that seems too easy ngl
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    looks like Boba ate the Sarlacc
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    What's at the bottom of a Sarlacc pit anyways, an Applebee's?
  • Ultra
    11604 posts Moderator
    His lead in TW is similar to GL (damage reduction, speed bonus, mastery increase)

    Hope this means we are getting more non-GL counters but limited to TW so that the game mode isn’t reliant on GL depth (if they are offensive toons)
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    DarthGrff wrote: »
    What is the unlock type? It does not say anywhere. I feel like its marquee but that seems too easy ngl

  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Wow, those TW bonuses are brutal. Now to convince my guild to go for him...
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    I'm just happy they gave him the knee rockets! Overall I think this will be an interesting character to have and looks like He'll elevate BH quite a bit in TW so we can get those R9 mats.
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    This kit gives me a headache. I love it.
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    Now how do we call him? BFSOJ is too long!
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    DarthGrff wrote: »
    What is the unlock type? It does not say anywhere. I feel like its marquee but that seems too easy ngl

    Maybe conquest.
    3v3 FTW
  • HK22
    645 posts Member
    Me likely.
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    Only one zeta on him, correct?
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    I was a bit disappointed about him being non-GL, but I like this kit.
    Pity we only have 2 TW and NO WAY to test him via TW
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    About the number of stacks of Momentum:

    Where it's written 5 stacks does it mean between 0 and 5 stacks or exactly 5 stacks or between 5 and 9 stacks? I find the way it's written confusing...
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    two_step wrote: »
    Only one zeta on him, correct?

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    For those who keep asking, Omicrons are a new material to unlock the TW specific bonuses of his abilities... read the road ahead.
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    I might be missing something, but Boba can't gain more than 2 stacks of momentum pr. turn, right?
    And momentum expires after 3 turns, so that should be a max of 6 stacks?
    How then do you get those sweet extra effects from above 6 stacks of momentum? What am I missing in this kit...? Probably something stupid obivous, please do enlighten me....
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    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    I might be missing something, but Boba can't gain more than 2 stacks of momentum pr. turn, right?
    And momentum expires after 3 turns, so that should be a max of 6 stacks?
    How then do you get those sweet extra effects from above 6 stacks of momentum? What am I missing in this kit...? Probably something stupid obivous, please do enlighten me....

    His unique doubles Momentum gains in TW and his payout does too so I think that answers
  • Options
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    How then do you get those sweet extra effects from above 6 stacks of momentum? What am I missing in this kit...? Probably something stupid obivous, please do enlighten me....

    I'd guess through the Fennec rework. Also, assists.

  • Options
    Bethoth wrote: »
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    I might be missing something, but Boba can't gain more than 2 stacks of momentum pr. turn, right?
    And momentum expires after 3 turns, so that should be a max of 6 stacks?
    How then do you get those sweet extra effects from above 6 stacks of momentum? What am I missing in this kit...? Probably something stupid obivous, please do enlighten me....

    His unique doubles Momentum gains in TW and his payout does too so I think that answers

    He also gains an additional Momentum on Dual Barrage if his target has Armor Shred. Looks like he can gain 6 per use in TW + after payout. Outside of TW, might not be possible, but you’re just losing Breach on Bounty Breaker.
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    This kit is the true Book of Boba Fett.
  • crzydroid
    7409 posts Moderator
    edited October 2021
    Boba Fett, S.J.? So the reason Boba wears that black cassock in The Mandalorian is because he's a Jesuit?
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    Wow, payout automatic under a scoundrel, nice!

    He's got Fennec synergy with debuffs offering a bonus. Unfortunately he's going to want both bossk and greef for assist calls, so still keeping us to 1 really strong bounty hunter team. Really need assists to stack momentum.

    When I read the name Scion of Jango, I thought we were getting the kid version from episode 2 and clone wars series. Looks like a cool kit though.
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    Bethoth wrote: »
    About the number of stacks of Momentum:

    Where it's written 5 stacks does it mean between 0 and 5 stacks or exactly 5 stacks or between 5 and 9 stacks? I find the way it's written confusing...

    Between 5 and 9. You need at least the number listed, and you keep that bonus until you reach the next threshold. It's in the insights FAQ.
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    can anyone please provide a link to the Capital games Boba fett reveal vid on youtube?
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    Not a legendary/journey or marquee release, that's sucks...
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