Relic Materials at all time low, Scaling VS demand is non existent.



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    Seriously look at my roster and then at these two screenshots and tell me the gear system is well managed.
    There’s a lot of conflation going on in this thread.

    The gear economy changes that have not yet delivered were intended to alleviate the crunch on core gear, like stun guns, stun cuffs etc.

    If they implemented these changes tomorrow, what difference is it going to make on the circuit board or bronzium wiring crunch?

    I think another issue here is that many long time players (me included) made an incorrect assumption when the scavenger (or salvager as they’ve called it in recent update notes?) first appeared in game. I can’t be the only one who saw the vast quantities of low level gear I had, thinking “CCB and BW will NEVER be an issue for me”. But I was wrong. Just yesterday I took magmatrooper to g13 and the only thing I was short of was CCBs to take him to r5. And that’s my 143rd g13 character, so it’s not the first time that’s happened.

    People in this thread think the CCB crunch needs “fixed”, and some seem to think the remaining phase 1 gear economy changes will fix it. I’m not sure the devs would agree that this needs fixed, and I definitely don’t think the remaining gear economy changes will have any meaningful impact on this specific issue.

    Maybe the next phase will address this part of the gear crunch but we'll never get to phase 2 if they don't finish phase 1.
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    Starslayer wrote: »
    But the issue with that again is the material farm specifically needed for relic 8, is the exact same materials required to take toons from g12 to g13 in the first place!!! - A terrible Awful decision!!!

    I don’t really care tbh, it just means i have to make a strategic decision between the 2 options.

    this is the crux of it

    no one wants to make decisions

    but thats how the game works
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    The carbonites is a known issue and according to CG that is not designed to be a scarce resource but so far they haven’t manage to fix it.

    do you have a source

    Yes. This forum.

    Could you direct us to where on the forum CG stated that it's not designed to be a scarce resource but they haven't managed to fix it, rather than being so enigmatic?

    There are too many threads covering this topic, and it was a year or two ago, and I don’t remember if it was Kyno who got it from the community manager or if it was the community manager at the time who spoke of it. But it was regarding the lowest relic material and that there wasn’t supposed to be a shortage of that particular resource but that for some reason it affected a smaller part of the player base. So if Kyno sees this he could probably recall if it was him.
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    Starslayer wrote: »
    But the issue with that again is the material farm specifically needed for relic 8, is the exact same materials required to take toons from g12 to g13 in the first place!!! - A terrible Awful decision!!!

    I don’t really care tbh, it just means i have to make a strategic decision between the 2 options.

    this is the crux of it

    no one wants to make decisions

    but thats how the game works

    Except when you’re forced to upgrade toons to R8 to get GL’s as a pre req. it’s funny you still think this is all about a players decision with CG holding little to no fault.
  • Options
    The carbonites is a known issue and according to CG that is not designed to be a scarce resource but so far they haven’t manage to fix it.

    do you have a source

    Yes. This forum.

    Could you direct us to where on the forum CG stated that it's not designed to be a scarce resource but they haven't managed to fix it, rather than being so enigmatic?

    There are too many threads covering this topic, and it was a year or two ago, and I don’t remember if it was Kyno who got it from the community manager or if it was the community manager at the time who spoke of it. But it was regarding the lowest relic material and that there wasn’t supposed to be a shortage of that particular resource but that for some reason it affected a smaller part of the player base. So if Kyno sees this he could probably recall if it was him.

    I’m going to press X to doubt until I see something concrete.
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    But the issue with that again is the material farm specifically needed for relic 8, is the exact same materials required to take toons from g12 to g13 in the first place!!! - A terrible Awful decision!!!

    I don’t really care tbh, it just means i have to make a strategic decision between the 2 options.

    this is the crux of it

    no one wants to make decisions

    but thats how the game works

    Except when you’re forced to upgrade toons to R8 to get GL’s as a pre req. it’s funny you still think this is all about a players decision with CG holding little to no fault.

    Still a player decision to try and unlock a GL or not.
    Ultimately every gearing choice is a player choice. CG gives the gearing rythm and the objectives (and it’s perfectly fine and non-debatable if you find this rythm too slow or the objectives too high, as it’s a matter of opinion), but they don’t force any player to do anything.
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    I still have not seen a big problem with any relic mats below the heat sink. Are players who are short using up ally points on bronzium cards each day?
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    I still have not seen a big problem with any relic mats below the heat sink. Are players who are short using up ally points on bronzium cards each day?

    Yes but those pieces drop one at a time. Rinsing 100k ally points might get you 50ish white/green gear for Bronzium relic mats, that is not sufficient to maintain any regular progression.
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    I still have not seen a big problem with any relic mats below the heat sink. Are players who are short using up ally points on bronzium cards each day?


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