Level 72 Tank Challenge


  • Pilot
    470 posts Member
    Read the tip on the challenge. It tells you right there to periodically attack the companion droids. Put ig100 on your team and he will handle the periodic droid attacks with his aoe, so the challenge can be auto'd.
    "There is no 'try'." - Master Yoda
  • Chaxis
    40 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm no tacs master and I only hav 5 tanks:Chewie,Mace ,Teebo,Royal Guard and CT5555 and they are no where geared or starred like yours.
    I just simply remove his turn meter with stealthed Teebo,hope for RG stuns and Chewie removes some turn meter as well.
    He only hits my team once,btw Teebo can remove his def up as well,he's pretty useful in this fight.

    I don't really have trouble with him.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Tee and RG are the factors in this challenge
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    Lordul wrote: »
    Aramsham wrote: »
    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    It is very easy to kill mace windu, even with nearly entire team at low stars/level

    he's right

    i belive u play diferent star wars m8...tier V he use special he kill almost any of my caracter..plus is very very anoing he still atack till one of caracter is not dead or dodge him...IT IS RIDICULOS......I WILL NEVER BRING MAX LEV SOME CARACTER AND MAKE GEAR 8 JUST TO HAVE A CHANCE TO BET THIS ONE...

    It is much harder now. Try the suggestions here. Don't worry, the prizes for this are not that great.

    Chondrosarcoma- Chondro3150#0907
  • Eaywen
    422 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I use a level 48 5 star chewie a 68 poe 5 star, a 7 star 70 fost, a level 46 4 star finn, and a level 70 7 star old ben jedi guardian and I auto battle it...
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    This challenge is a joke to me. It is a complete waste of time/effort. Check the rewards for the event. Do you NEED any of that stuff? Ummmm, nope, neither do I. Do you already have a ton of that stuff? Yup, me too. I will worry about it if the event ever becomes relevant.

    On the other note, I did try it and got killed. I only have a Level 72 4* Max Gear/Abilities RG, Level 72 5* Gear VIII Chewie and Level 60 2* Gear VII Jedi Knight Guardian. I have a 1* Teebo but I am not going to invest a ton of resources into him for an event that does not matter.
  • vincentlondon
    4527 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Yes. If it was for some shards or anything, it would be great. But the rewards is useless compared to effort required lol
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    you will need those stuffs each for 50 soon after @KeyMan64x
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    @BentWookiee can you by any chance merge all the INT challenge is impossible threads.
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    Even without the skull debuff, I've had turns where he crits for over 40K if I wasn't lucky enough to debuff him.

    I'm with everyone else - it's difficult, but do-able. Kind of a pain when the RNG doesn't go your way and have to replay the battle a few times. But it's supposed to be an elite level tier, so I guess I'm alright with the difficulty. Still frustrating at times though
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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    Use RG. Mace will never get a turn, he'll be stunned the entire time.
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    I was struggling with the level 72 challenge until today. I unlocked Teebo as a 2* and put him in as the leader. I save Teebo's stealth move until I get to Mace. I only have RG as a 2* as well, but he gets a stun in and then Teebo keeps removing Mace's TM. I went 5 for 5 with those two, Chewy, Poe and my Mace. Chewy and Poe are 4's and Mace is a five. Teebo and RG are the keys to this challenge.
  • vincentlondon
    4527 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I always thought mace was a bad toon at least for us the players. But in the challenge he is OP and a monster.
    If i had this mace in my arena squad i would be top 1 fast

    Yes i managed to finish it finally
  • Mezmo
    117 posts Member
    All luck.

    If Han, Chewie, RG & Teebo (and I run all 4) hit their TM shenanigans right, you're in control and win easy.

    If they don't, you get slaughtered.

    Nothing you can do to control it either way. I've won 4 times in a row, and I've lost 4 times in a row. That's what makes it a tad frustrating.
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    All the people saying you can do it with low levels show me the vid on auto Battle thank you.
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    Yeah im about 50% on this. Chewie lead? Seems like the droids are a waste of time
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    I beat it with 4 tanks, I auto it until Mace, I lose like 1 out 5 this way

    4 star RG, stuns him a bunch, level 5 on first ability
    6 star Poe, use his taunt first, Mace usually can't take him in one shot, then RG auto taunts
    4 star Chewy, don't taunt, mace will 1 shot him and start rolling
    5 star Fett lead, just use his basic, the ability block rarely works for me

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    Now i know who i m gonna farm next with the GW tokens... Teeboo :)
  • Seku
    575 posts Member
    I beat it with Mace 6* (L), Plo 5*, Obi 4*, Jedi Guardian 4* & Teebo 4*
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    KeyMan64x wrote: »
    This challenge is a joke to me. It is a complete waste of time/effort. Check the rewards for the event. Do you NEED any of that stuff? Ummmm, nope, neither do I. Do you already have a ton of that stuff? Yup, me too. I will worry about it if the event ever becomes relevant.

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    KeyMan64x wrote: »
    This challenge is a joke to me. It is a complete waste of time/effort. Check the rewards for the event. Do you NEED any of that stuff? Ummmm, nope, neither do I. Do you already have a ton of that stuff? Yup, me too. I will worry about it if the event ever becomes relevant.


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    99/100 times it's easy to kill him. But on that one other time... Here's what I posted in another thread
    DYNAMIKS wrote: »
    And today Mace took out my entire team in the INT challenge, in a single turn. 2 are 7*, and 1 at 6* and 2 at 5*. Apparently if he does his special attack and KO's your toon, he gets another turn and does much more damage. Well, he did it to me 5 turns in a row, starting with the 5* toons, then 6*, and with the final KO blow taking out my 7* 555's In a single blow with 144000 in damage. Yeah, not a typo. 144K. Yeesh

  • PugVader
    438 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Has anyone tried killing his droids? Maybe they are applying a passive buff?

    Killing the droids takes too long and chances are Mace will wipe out your team before you can take out even 1 droid. Your only chance to defeat him is by stuns and removing his TM.
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    I've beaten it 3/10 times today with a team of 2* Teebo (L) level 34 gear 4, 5* Poe level 70 max gear, 3* RG level 60 gear 7, 3* fives level 60 gear 6, 5* windu level 48 gear 6. Just focus on mace, hope that RGs stun keeps landing, hope that Teebo keeps stealthed to continually remove turn meter, and hope that poe's expose lands when you taunt with him.
  • MLGebra
    343 posts Member

    But the level 72 tank challenge has Windu resisting everything that I've tried against him. I don't know about others, but I haven't been able to beat it.

    Doesn't help that his little support droids are annoying too.

    Yeah... just tried it for the first time today and I didn't land a single debuff on him. And I run Poe as a leader, so he and my Finn are given a boost to potency. Broken tenacity much? Seriously guys. I get it's supposed to be hard but don't make it a time-wasting RNG-fest.
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    I don't know how people are winning tier IV without Teebo (L) and a geared up RG. If he gets a hit off, it's most likely over unless you get lucky and he hits a high HP toon with his weaker attack (still ~10k damage). On top of those two toons, it seems to help to have a team which can do lots of damage, which makes the required string of good luck on stuns and TM-reductions shorter. Personally, I couldn't clear it at all until getting Teebo to 4*/gear V and RG to 4*/gear VIII. Now I'm 50/50 on it.

  • theHejiN
    659 posts Member
    All the people saying you can do it with low levels show me the vid on auto Battle thank you.

    Even if you play with autopilot, you still have to focus him. Attacking droids leads to a loss. Ok, i don't know how the battle ends with 5 7* lvl72 chars at max gear, max abilities, probably there "auto-battle and nap" is successful 100% of the time.

    Btw, i've made a video with a pretty low team and beat him very easy.
    INT challenge isn't the games biggest mistake ;)
  • Noizeman
    57 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    It does feel like this level has suddenly become much harder lately. My team consists of:

    - Boba Fett (Leader) 4* level 60, gear 6
    - Chewbacca 4* level 61, gear 6
    - Poe 4* level 63, gear 6
    - Royal Guard 5* level 70, gear 7
    - Mace Windu 6* level 70, gear 7

    I'd often be able to auto-battle through it, provided I targeted Mace on round three. Normally I would play through it properly and still be able to beat him. Getting Poe's 'offence down' applied, or stunning Mace, would help massively - but they could still mostly take a hit and not be totally killed. I can't remember the last time I lost the round, until the last week or so.

    Now though, even if they don't have the Shatterpoint skull marker on them, Mace usually destroys them. He then immediately gets another go and before I know it, Royal Guard looks a bit lonesome. Was there some background change I missed, perhaps?

    [edit: corrected gear levels]
    Post edited by Noizeman on
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    Teebo really helps. TM manipulation is key. Ignore droids, hitting them does nothing anymore. My RG hasn't stunned him once but I keep trying. Won 5/6 today and most of my team is 4* or less and not well geared. All of them can remove TM or apply slow.

    3* Teebo (L) L40 G4 A4
    7* ST Han L72 G8 A7
    4* FOST L71 G8 A7
    4* Chewie L50 G6 A3
    3* RG L43 G5 A3

    Mace can one one shot all with his special, but defense up let's Han and FOST survive it. He usually only gets one shot with his special before it's over.
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    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    It is very easy to kill mace windu, even with nearly entire team at low stars/level

    It was in the lower level of the challenges. Not now. I know. I know. Teebo lead, RG stun. I discovered that LONG before anyone posted that tip. It doesn't work for me now. My only recourse is to level up and gear up and star up and ability mat up(which is actually the only thing we can EVER do if we have the right characters)
    I am stuck. Do I put 3 million in credits in these tanks and umpteen bazillion Sims for gear and shards? For what? For gear that'll be useful at player level 82? Seems odd
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