Krayt Dragon Rewards Need an Overhaul


  • McNabb
    24 posts Member
    I cannot get rid of the notion that the goal of this mess was to slowly drain ppl of their hoarded materials. I.e. credits, mats for scrapping, aeromagnifiers, etc.
    All to entice more frustration spending. Good plan i must say.

    My pool of over 400 aeros should get me through another 2 years at least, with the speed i play and prioritize. I also have half a billion credits along with a decent amount of good/god mods already, so i should be safe on that front as well. Slowing down overall gearing of characters does not interest me as it is already very slow for me.

    Ether way, whatever this situation is supposed to bring, people with minimal knowledge of how economics work, seem to look through your animal excrement of a decision almost right away. Shame that people that spend the most, do so without a thought in their minds. This way nothing ever changes and regular player will always get his backside ravaged.
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    McNabb wrote: »
    I cannot get rid of the notion that the goal of this mess was to slowly drain ppl of their hoarded materials. I.e. credits, mats for scrapping, aeromagnifiers, etc.
    All to entice more frustration spending. Good plan i must say.

    My pool of over 400 aeros should get me through another 2 years at least, with the speed i play and prioritize. I also have half a billion credits along with a decent amount of good/god mods already, so i should be safe on that front as well. Slowing down overall gearing of characters does not interest me as it is already very slow for me.

    Ether way, whatever this situation is supposed to bring, people with minimal knowledge of how economics work, seem to look through your animal excrement of a decision almost right away. Shame that people that spend the most, do so without a thought in their minds. This way nothing ever changes and regular player will always get his backside ravaged.

    As long as you’re alright Jack.
  • McNabb
    24 posts Member
    Yes, exactly. At least i do not have to scream on forums that much 🙂
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    Dmitry_M81 wrote: »
    @Ultra Is there anyway to feedback that missing out Credits & Fleet credits in particular is a pretty hard downgrade (also Mod materials from HSTR and Guild tokens…..not sure if guild tokens are factored into the new currency though)?? I’m guessing this reverse “credit crunch” is an oversight rather than a nerf??

    You can buy credits with mk1 though...

    Fleet credits?
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    I am not frequently critical in the forums, and if anything tend to think there is a ton of overreaction here. But CG really did mess up with the reward structure on this one. Hoping they take a second look at this asap and make an adjustment.
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    McNabb wrote: »
    Yes, exactly. At least i do not have to scream on forums that much 🙂

    But what else are you going to do when you have to wait 2 days to play another raid?
  • thedrjojo
    964 posts Member
    Credits really if you been playing 10 years and dont have almost a billion credits you’re buying something I don’t know about. Does anyone really care about credits!!?? This is heading in the same direction every other Lucas arts game has gone. Those of us that played the original Star Wars galaxies have suffered this fate before. Maybe we will get an elder jedi title before they nerf the game altogether. Great job CG great job.

    Mods. If you have more than like 20-50mil credits, you aren't buying mods
  • Gawejn
    1162 posts Member
    McNabb wrote: »
    I cannot get rid of the notion that the goal of this mess was to slowly drain ppl of their hoarded materials. I.e. credits, mats for scrapping, aeromagnifiers, etc.
    All to entice more frustration spending. Good plan i must say.

    My pool of over 400 aeros should get me through another 2 years at least, with the speed i play and prioritize. I also have half a billion credits along with a decent amount of good/god mods already, so i should be safe on that front as well. Slowing down overall gearing of characters does not interest me as it is already very slow for me.

    Ether way, whatever this situation is supposed to bring, people with minimal knowledge of how economics work, seem to look through your animal excrement of a decision almost right away. Shame that people that spend the most, do so without a thought in their minds. This way nothing ever changes and regular player will always get his backside ravaged.

    You are Great, so Great
  • herd_nerfer
    2177 posts Member
    Just to let folks know, I am reading through these and reporting feedback to the rest of the team.

    Thanks Meathead for at least making us feel like we're being listened to, even if we're all incredibly skeptical that we'll see any positive change as a result of our complaints. There's definitely a pattern of CG implementing hew changes without apparently considering the outcomes, people getting massively **** at you for doing so and CG basically thumbing their noses at our complaints. It's fairly obvious from reading this forum that your playerbase is massively underwhelmed and disappointed by the new raid. Well, maybe not the raid itself but certainly the rewards. For something that was supposed to increase engagement with the game I think you'll see a lot of guilds going back to the old raids, which is a shame because the new raid looks really good. I also like the fact that there's a bigger window for participation, rather than the old HSTR situation where if you were 20 minutes late to the party you missed out.

    If I could ask for one thing to be reported back and acted one it would be a simple, small change. As someone who is partially visually impaired I'm really struggling to differentiate between the new currency icons in the Guild Activity Shipments store. Different colours or shapes for different currencies would be a massive help. Or maybe different stores instead of one massively bloated store.

    Thanks for listening and hopefully our feedback will be considered and we'll see the reasonable changes that people are asking for.

    Or... hear me out... they could do away completely with the different tiers of currency (that serves no purpose other than making value conversions more difficult) and condense them all into a single currency - or better yet, just make it all guild tokens - you know - the way it's been for 7 years now that's worked just fine.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    We all knew they boned it up (on purpose to try to increase revenue) but even beyond the rewards, the new raid system sucks in every conceivable way. Let’s list all the ways CG screwed the pooch with this one:
    1. Rewards, obviously. They’re crap.
    2. No simultaneous raids so less rewards
    3. No simultaneous raids so less actual playable content (Good one, CG 👍🏻)
    4. Paywalling R8+ materials again (intentional)
    5. Forcing specific factions (intentional)
    6. Taking away any sense of progress or completion in the raid (this is actual brilliant game design, take away all sense of moving forward and let the players experience the same static nothingness fifty times until they quit)
    7. Guild currencies designed by a 5 year old
    8. Lying to our faces that we would still be getting equal rewards

    I bet you guys can think of more. Bottom line CG: you make BAD content. This game is not fun. It hasn’t been for a long time. We play your bad game content because we want the rewards to gear up our characters. Your content is not fun on its own because you suck at game design. So if you’re going to take away rewards AND make the content worse, I just feel like maybe you need help.
  • Ultra
    11613 posts Moderator
    Ultra Is there anyway to feedback that missing out Credits & Fleet credits in particular is a pretty hard downgrade (also Mod materials from HSTR and Guild tokens…..not sure if guild tokens are factored into the new currency though)?? I’m guessing this reverse “credit crunch” is an oversight rather than a nerf??

    Meathead said he’s monitoring player feedback on raid rewards in one of the threads on the forum

    So posting in that thread is your best bet (unless it was this thread)

    no need for me to start a conversation with them regarding player concerns about credits or other things since they’re already listening to player feedback about it
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    i really don't know what to say to CG
    I have a 6.1 mil account with 2GL ( working on third ) in a 260 mil guild.

    First of all with a squad like this, hitting less than 1 million on a raid is sincerely discouraging on the progression we all had in previous years.

    I am 48 with bad eyes, still due to my Star Wars love, i am playing this game and i was sincerely enjoying lately. I was mostly a player who is far from a whale but constantly buy one or two offerings a month for the sake of supporting the developers who spend time developing this game.

    I am not going to touch base on the Lie's that was used during the stream by your official staff. This was a disaster move. But i will like to focus on player retention and the lack of dopemine effect with the new raid.

    There is no possible victory or a max achievement anyone can imagine with this new raid. Yes there was none left on the old raids either but there were too many accounts that had target teams they worked their butts of to achieve good results in those raids. Raid rewards also a trigger for dopemine effect, a gear drop will trigger that effect, but a currency win Will not.

    There is a specific reason despite the good rewards a hefty number of player base i know only care about conquest for first chest. As that chest is good enough for them and they choose not to through the painful farming for conquest.

    Now you turned Raids into 100 times worse state than conquests. As now you have to be on your best state every run where as you will get so much less.

    How do you play to compensate the lack of materials ?
    It was already challenging closing the gap with mid level accounts with high level accounts as they have way better rewards,

    With this new raid, you are turning rich into richer, while taxing the poor with 95%
    Please tell your finance team that this strategy never ever worked even in dictatorships.

    From my point of view, this raid needs to be shelfed until it is perfected.

    I don't want to end my first post rant with no suggestions, there are couple different routes you can do:
    1. Easy Option: Allow Guilds to choose with Raid system they want to run. Give only 2 base option: Old system with Old Rewards - New System with New rewards and ability to choose the gear you want
    2. Disable the raid and work on it more, Change reward structure so that players will not loose this much. Possible implementations can follow conquest strategy.
    3. First Personal chest will reward - Sim'd HPit rewards
    4. First clan chest will reward - Sim'd HSith rewards ( all tokens - materials - currencies )
    5. Second clan chest will reward - CPit rewards
    6. Keep the rest of the tokens if you want in game ( with massive improvements )
    7. Improve Shop UI/X with filtering and additional coloured currencies and please for the love of god ask your developers to check the icons on their phones, not their big screens. They may look amazing when zoomed in, but many are playing this game in toilet breaks on their phones. It is practically impossible to understand the difference of icons without a magnifier glass at my age.

    Without these type of improvements, i will completely shut down any single paid purchase from this game. Maybe this is not going to mean much but i will at least try to highlight my dislike.

    The danger for CG is this change can slow down low - mid level player progress greatly and if they let this go long, then they may start seeing big exodus from the game. Yeah the whales will still be there, but when player numbers start to go down , whaling will not mean much as this will not be a popular game anymore.

    CG is playing a very dangerous game and their actions will set the future of this game. I sincerely hope they make the wise move so that many can continue supporting the game.

    Please for the love of game's sake, stop turning Raid's into a character chase lane. It was only there for highly interested users. Now you are tying to impose this on all player base, where you are slowing down player progression greatly.
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    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    I finished my 5x with max 300k per try, the raid has 2 days remaining and the guild is struggling to log in at the time.

    And ppl are complaining about the reward of the raid that havnt finished.

    You can literally see exactly what the rewards will be. It isn't like it is some RNG chest you need to open before you know if it is good or not.

    If l am going to complain, i will at least wait until the first raid finish.

    The raid rewards do not magically improve when the raid ends, pal. As far as I know, we don’t enter a random reward drawing: what you see is what you get.

    And my GET1 and 2 numbers have staid put since April 27, so I haven’t been able to buy gear with that currency.
    That severely reduces the speed upon which I relied to upgrade characters. No extra sip credits, no credits, no mod materials.

    It’s a huge nerf and I can see it crystal clear.

    What we had was good enough, what they gave us is severely lacking.
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    The rewards are not what we expected, that happens but in truth the rewards are not what was promised and this isnt progression, you've knocked back almost every guild in the game and gated rewards even further, gating has been a serious issue in this game for a long time in my opinion, you've effectively locked anyone below a 400mGP guild out of any progressive rewards.

    I love the new raid and can't wait for more awesome things to come but please give us the rewards we were promised.

    Further more there should be atleast some incentive for people to farm these teams up. My guild simply arent going to bother except volunteers unless its changed.

    My first post on the forum, i love the game. I came here to hope and pray there will be some changes

  • Vydarr
    1 posts Member
    I'm a VERY long term player on this game but never post .. CG has REALLY screwed up with this new raid system.

    CG - you have a VERY dedicated and experienced base of gamers in your revenue pool. Why would you screw us out of commodities that drive our progress and therefore time in game, like this??

    This is really stupid
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    How are players without:

    Malak / Gas / Mal / Negotiator / HODA … supposed to even dream of unlocking these characters now?

    By saving up for 20 years with the small amounts of get1/get2 from ONLY TBs?

    What does that have to do with the Krayt rewards? None of those toons were ever in the Guild Store
  • Sloth243
    184 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    How are players without:

    Malak / Gas / Mal / Negotiator / HODA … supposed to even dream of unlocking these characters now?

    By saving up for 20 years with the small amounts of get1/get2 from ONLY TBs?

    What does that have to do with the Krayt rewards? None of those toons were ever in the Guild Store

    Yea they are. Once you unlock them (GAS and Malak) There with GET or for shards in the weekly store to push them to 7*

    H yoda was always there

    Guild event store that is. Hence the impact of limited guild event tokens
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    Sloth243 wrote: »
    How are players without:

    Malak / Gas / Mal / Negotiator / HODA … supposed to even dream of unlocking these characters now?

    By saving up for 20 years with the small amounts of get1/get2 from ONLY TBs?

    What does that have to do with the Krayt rewards? None of those toons were ever in the Guild Store

    Yea they are. Once you unlock them (GAS and Malak) There with GET or for shards in the weekly store to push them to 7*

    H yoda was always there

    Ah, my mistake. I forgot about the small amount of GET currency you got from cPit or hSTR
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    The Shop needs dedicated slots for both Credits and Ship building materials and it needs significantly larger exchange volume.
  • STiinky1
    11 posts Member
    What a great post Dia!! Thoughtful, engaging and informative as usual! It has definitely caught some attention from, hopefully, the right people (glares at Meathead). I love this game and all the people that I get to interact with on a daily basis on Discord. Dianora is one of our most valuable officers in our guild and this post definitely shows why. I hope CG reconsiders what they have done to our game and fixes it with consideration to the concerns and ideas offered in this post because I’m sure they don’t want to go and check out the Reddit forums 🤣
  • Lumiya
    1584 posts Member
    STiinky1 wrote: »
    What a great post Dia!! Thoughtful, engaging and informative as usual! It has definitely caught some attention from, hopefully, the right people (glares at Meathead). I love this game and all the people that I get to interact with on a daily basis on Discord. Dianora is one of our most valuable officers in our guild and this post definitely shows why. I hope CG reconsiders what they have done to our game and fixes it with consideration to the concerns and ideas offered in this post because I’m sure they don’t want to go and check out the Reddit forums 🤣

    As far as I know, Meathead screens the forums there aswell... or at least he did and even sometimes communicated with people over there.
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • Robre
    41 posts Member
    So with no credits from raids in the last week and a half, I'm already feeling like I'm going to run out soon.

    I leveled 2 characters to level 85 in this span and worked on about 100 mods which is not even that much. I'm at a huge deficit right now.

    Is the intention for us to bring less characters to level 85? Because that's where I'm at. I'm certainly not going to stop working on mods so the only option is to level less characters to 85.
  • Robre
    41 posts Member
    I doubt they thought we could compare what we had to what we are now getting. They thought we wouldn't notice.
  • Robre
    41 posts Member
    Dmitry_M81 wrote: »
    @Ultra Is there anyway to feedback that missing out Credits & Fleet credits in particular is a pretty hard downgrade (also Mod materials from HSTR and Guild tokens…..not sure if guild tokens are factored into the new currency though)?? I’m guessing this reverse “credit crunch” is an oversight rather than a nerf??

    You can buy credits with mk1 though...

    So we have to sacrifice buying gear for credits? That's still putting us at a net loss.
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    How are players without:

    Malak / Gas / Mal / Negotiator / HODA … supposed to even dream of unlocking these characters now?

    By saving up for 20 years with the small amounts of get1/get2 from ONLY TBs?

    When those toons came out that is exactly how all of us did it......
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    Complain all you want but, this is probably what they wanted. Do the math. Suppose everyone was advancing at 50 "units" a day and whales buy 50 a day. Whales advance at twice the rate as F2P. Now, we advance at 25 units a day, the whales advance at 75. You get more bang for the buck because it's all about relative rate of advancement vs f2p. There is greater incentive for spending at all levels. Whales, dolphins, and guppies.
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    If spending increases because of this, they will look to slow down free advancement even more. Maybe next we get less free energy each day.
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