Do you guys like the new update?


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    It saddens me to say it but the way i see it looks like its RIP SW:GOH

    Seeing as no one mentioned this before me, another issue with this update is that it made me remove almost all the allies i have made in-game because they did not have gear VII which in turn = no protection making them get 2 shotted by anything barely allowing me to advance in game. Other than that pretty much what everyone said before is 100% on point, game became more time consuming and boring.

    The only thing that seemed to be working with this update, in my opinion, is arena pvp. Its nice to see some new teams coming up bringing some variety and protection is "ok" in this case, all things considered. (As long as its 1 vs 1 with protection full for both teams).

    What ive read many times before is arena pvp was becoming too similar with teams and problems of sniping 1st spot at last minutes and just speed rushing 1 toon down to win. This new update helps those issues for real making arena pvp more competitive, but was it really necessary to change everything else to stop issues concerning one aspect of the game that a big majority of all players dont bother with other than the daily 3 wins?

    My suggestion, more like my opinion if devs are actually reading these, would be to have a roll back on everything except arena pvp. Implement the changes on arena pvp only, this way the people who do enjoy doing calculations and synergies and different toon combos and put the time and effort to do all that, would and should deserve to be in the #1 spot or top 10 atleast.
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    I created an account just to say I hate this update. Please change it back. You runied the game with this update, I don't even feel like playing anymore.
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    This. Everything takes so long. I know I don't have time for challenges and GW. I'm going from doing all the dailies each day to only the auto-play ticket ones.
    Waqui wrote: »
    I don't mind that currently I only have 1 character with gear level 7 (protection) and that most teams I battle in arena and last third of GW have 3 or more. It's temporary and at some point I will get gear upgrades for my teams. Howevet, I DO mind that all battles take so much longer. It's fine in those few arena battles, but it's really a pain i GW and progressing on various nodes. I'm not sure I have the time for this.
    Waqui wrote: »
    I don't mind that currently I only have 1 character with gear level 7 (protection) and that most teams I battle in arena and last third of GW have 3 or more. It's temporary and at some point I will get gear upgrades for my teams. Howevet, I DO mind that all battles take so much longer. It's fine in those few arena battles, but it's really a pain i GW and progressing on various nodes. I'm not sure I have the time for this.
    Waqui wrote: »
    I don't mind that currently I only have 1 character with gear level 7 (protection) and that most teams I battle in arena and last third of GW have 3 or more. It's temporary and at some point I will get gear upgrades for my teams. Howevet, I DO mind that all battles take so much longer. It's fine in those few arena battles, but it's really a pain i GW and progressing on various nodes. I'm not sure I have the time for this.

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    Argus wrote: »
    I created an account just to say I hate this update. Please change it back. You runied the game with this update, I don't even feel like playing anymore.

    I also created a forum account solely to voice my displeasure with this update.
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    Spuky wrote: »
    My suggestion, more like my opinion if devs are actually reading these, would be to have a roll back on everything except arena pvp. Implement the changes on arena pvp only, this way the people who do enjoy doing calculations and synergies and different toon combos and put the time and effort to do all that, would and should deserve to be in the #1 spot or top 10 atleast.

    If devs do this, i would continue playing...

  • RedRat
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    And I was worried I was spending too much money and time playing this game, now I won't worry any more. The worst update ever made my choice easier, bye EA Capital Games.
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    184 Yes
    607 No

    that's a Statement
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    irvvri wrote: »
    I'm fairly certain that this thread had a lot more replies than this. If someone is deleting our replies, they're clearly seeing them. We have to demand a response.

    It's most likely just a teenage mod doing damage control. I imagine the devs are sitting back hoping everything blows over.
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    the daily challenges are impossible to do at level 73, and to top now take me loot of time to defeat the first enemy of galactic war. They forgot that this is a game app is supposed to be fast not to lose all my day. thanks for ruining a good game pay a lot of money for that EA SUCKS!!!!!!
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    I already wasted enough time in this every day. It's honestly not worth the hassle now. Not only the time issue but it's no longer enjoyable.
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    There is so much that could be done with this game to make it more challenging and keep interest going. I've been eyeing those Falcon and Slave 1 silhouettes on the table near the Hutt since Day 1.

    But crippling the characters I've been building up for 72+ levels so that I now have to go back and figure out how to play the old content well enough that I have a shot at the minimal amount of new content or even move forward on the existing challenges?

    This is probably falling on deaf ears, but:

    New content === good
    Un-healable health === bad

    And don't tell me we didn't trade some health for protection. That's baloney.
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    What the hell are they playing at? This new health and protection thing is total ****. Game takes way too long. Been playing since early January and really like this game. Spent a lot of time and yes, some money on it, but if they don't amend these changes then I'm deleting it.
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    I've been playing a little under two months now and really enjoyed this game.

    But after playing a little last night I don't want to even finish my dailies today. Its a mobile game and should be playable in short stints throughout the day. Now everything is taking twice as long.

    Protection was a reasonable idea but the reality is it just adds too much time.

    They should have just brought fast hero's down to the point it takes more than one turn to burn through an opposing hero and made slower hero's harder hitting. Simple.

    Protection has just made it take longer. Not subdue the previous issues.

    Suppose the old complaints are regretting it now.

  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    EA must be delighted with the reaction, it's awful. This game is meant to always leave you wanting more not bore you to death, the challenges were always a chore now they are a punishment. Bit gutted, not a massive gamer but loved this little gem, just feels like it's gone backwards instead of developed
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    Haven't made up my mind yet.

    However, I agree with the thought that the changes made were to fix Arena, with seeming little regard to the rest of the game. I haven't gotten through GW yet today, and finished before the update yesterday, but I can see how Protection being gone on my team by round 3 is going to give me fits in round 7.

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    No I don't, Good idea for the public vote.
    Here's why.

    Personally I think all the changes are dumb. Reason being: I, like many of you have played this game for 4+ months. We played to the pros, and cons of the game. So to come in and obliterate all the work we've done is like making a painting for 4+ month just to have someone say sry the colors were all one big typo. Why would you do that? Okay now more points less personal feelings.

    I played the STR Gear Challenge 3 times today on auto (which is a terrible player anyway) and beat it, came back after the update barely made it over half way. I have a geo soldier,(gear lvl 9, six stars) sidius,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) IG-86,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) Luminara,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) and Consular(gear lvl 8, 6 stars). My squad power is 28k (ish). I fought a 25k (ish) squad. And lost twice.
    My geo soldier could do 10k damage combined attack with critical damage on both. I did a 5k damage with critical damage.

    I hate the new way. I loved the old life meter much better. If you think that I'm wrong please let me show me what Im doing wrong. That being said I despise the update so does my whole family (who plays the game).

    I love this game and I don't want to erase it. Partly because it's an interesting game, partly because I love star wars. I have gone through many games (marvel: contest of champions, marvel: future fight, Jurassic world, Avengers assemble 2, star wars: worlds at conflict) and no game has compared to this game.

    And I'm looking forward to the guilds and raids I've
    saved a thousand crystals already just to have my own so I love this game a lot.

    So in summary I love the game.
    I hate the update with all of its content.
    And EA please fix it.
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    Love the update, game is in a much better state.
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    I just created an account to vote this sucks also. I'll ask for a refund. I was having fun. The way the battles drag out now... No thanks
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    This game is so bad now I'm out
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    HP bars make no sense now. Why even change that?? There was nothing wrong with it before.
    Arena- poggle, phasma, dooku all go before my level 73 7*, so all my rooms are slower, opponent has offense up, and usually 1-2 of my toons are stunned. No matter who I all out attack, won't even get half of their hp down before they go again and kill 2-3 of my players. So now the toons I've spent months trying to gear up/promote are worthless.
    I understand challenges are harder, but probably meant to be played as level 80, I'll wait to reserve judgment on that part at least. Haven't even tried GW but I'm assuming it's going to be as terrible and frustrating as arena.
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    They should call the new update how to ruin a good fun game in one go!! Some of us have jobs and lives and have put what little of their free time into leveling characters having fun with a decent rise in challenge as you went along to then have it wiped out overnight with a massive slog with weakened characters...anyone who thinks this is a good update is an **** and has more time on their hands than sense. If it stays like this I will 100% stop playing the game.
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    There should be a 3rd option. I'm not decided yet.
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    Just because the health bars became smaller doesn't mean your toons lost health. It is a visual thing, I seriously can not understand the hatred towards it.

    And for the update, EA and CG did what should have been done a long time ago. This is a game that has many toons, but instead it became a race to level up certain toons and play. The update got us that, and I believe the future updates will force us further to try different combinations.
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    **** have they done to the game. The shield system is totally ****.get rid of it and put it back to how it was.
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    Update sucks, keep polling no.
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    Update sucks, keep polling no.

    with an emphatic NO from over 75% of people who responded - the real question is EA/CG actually going to address this.

    PS I have not seen any poll so far with this many response. I only hope the devs get the vibe and act
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Big_Russ wrote: »
    Just going to have to spend more money to stay on top. Anyone can win with pretty much any combo now. Fun times...

    Because anyone winning with all the same team was better? lol

    Translating some of the complaints:

    "Anyone can win with pretty much any combo" = more heroes are viable to play. Which also means that people can now field viable teams with heroes they like, instead of ones they "have" to use because they ARE the meta.

    "It take too long now" = you can't hit SIM & AUTO. Exactly. People have been complaining for months that there wasn't more to do. That there was no strategy. That after 15 minutes, they were done for the day. Now actual thought and strategy matter.

    "They nerfed ____________" - almost every hero has been nerfed in some way. If everyone is nerfed, since the game is relative, in effect, no one has. Most of the heroes perform similarly (relatively speaking) - the only difference is battles last longer and take some thought instead of insta-killing two enemies, then hitting auto.

    "I spent money - this update is for the F2P" AND "I'm F2P, this update is for the whales" - I've seen both arguments - and they're both right. This update helps everyone. Whales can buy their way through the new Ewok event and stock up ability mates and omega stuff - and almost everyone can get some free credits.

    I can think of quite a few things that are great about the update:
    1) More diversity and more viable heroes for...everything. Arena, GW, missions, etc.
    2) People have been complaining about credits and ability mats - a new event offers both.
    3) People have been complaining about no strategy/everything is too simple. Challenges are now challenging. GW is now interesting. In-battle decisions now matter. Everything is not a "no brainer"
    4) Diverse character viability will lead to diverse opponents in GW and Arena. It also means we can play who we like - not we we "must".
    5) Tanks matter. Even the ones who can't auto-taunt. Chewie is viable again. ST Han is now a great option. Poe might even become relevant again. Droids can make a come back (look at HK-47's protection and health).

    That's just what I've noticed in the 12 hours or so since the drop.

    Have fun - enjoy the actual game and may the force be with you.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I had to think about this, but I eventually came down on the NO camp.

    I think that protection is a great thing for Arena. It really effects which characters are good, and makes choices far more viable.

    Unfortunately I do not feel that it has been a positive change for the rest of the game.

    Challenges, Galactic War and Cantina battles have all taken a sharp upward spike in difficulty, without a corresponding increase in reward. When one aspect of the game is improved at the expense of the rest of it, I find myself disappointed.
  • Kronen
    306 posts Member
    Arube wrote: »
    Frost wrote: »
    Its a Crap update. The protection add on gives our characters less life that can't be regained. Plus is it just me or are our attacks less effective?

    Clearly you are ill-informed of everything going on in the game and forums. Protection does not give less life. I suppose putting you in charge would bring in loads of people.
    Arube wrote: »
    Frost wrote: »
    Its a Crap update. The protection add on gives our characters less life that can't be regained. Plus is it just me or are our attacks less effective?

    Clearly you are ill-informed of everything going on in the game and forums. Protection does not give less life. I suppose putting you in charge would bring in loads of people.

    No your wrong. The protection points you get are taken from your old health bar. One of my tools used to have 7 health bars, now he has 4 health and 3 protection. Once those 3 protection points are taken out that means I can only heal the 4 normal health points I now have instead of the full 7 before.
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