Do you guys like the new update?


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    Just played the Bounty Hunter challenge, with my mostly maxed Jedi team (levels 67 - 70, gear levels 7 - 8) and a level 72 maxed Old Daka ally. It took two turns each from all of my toons to beat down the first battle droid in the first sequence, with all attacks focused on the same droid. Seriously?? I'm glad I've never spent a dime on this game in the 3 or 4 months I've been playing, because if this doesn't get fixed quick, I'm deleting this suddenly very UN-fun game and won't look back. I'd be downright cranky if I'd spent real money on something to suddenly get bent over this hard.
  • Pstyle
    14 posts Member
    Made an account to reply. Thanks for ruining my favorite game.
  • Thire
    111 posts Member
    Eleiem wrote: »
    Thire wrote: »
    Look, those of you that are saying people shouldn't complain about having to change strategies, I understand that you want attackers not to be overpowered, and yes, perhaps they should have been nerfed, but it is my belief that they have been nerfed too much. I personally have invested a lot of my resources into somewhat attacker heavy formations (my main is a full droid team, cause I honestly just really like having thematic synergy), and that work has been rendered largely useless. I don't have the resources to be able rework my formation and strategies, because I've been pouring most of my resources towards getting Grievous. This isn't a matter of being upset I have to rethink my team, but more that I, and a lot of others, have to build a new team from the ground up. All I think most of us are saying is that attackers should be rebalanced a little more, not so that they will be overpowered again, but so that they can be properly balanced with all of the other types.

    What are you talking about? I think droids are the greatest beneficiaries. This is the golden era for 88.
    I've been testing a lot, and droids are the ones giving me the mayor headache.
    This team was particularly hard: Poogle (L), 88, 86, GS, Poe.

    Yes, I have fought those teams, and I do find Poe particularly hard to kill, even moreso now. Perhaps I will find better luck in the arena tomorrow, I admit did only have a couple tests of it left today, but I found in galactic war that the survivability of my enemies seemed increased significantly more than that of my team, since once 88 and 86 I don't really have anyone left that can deal damage faster than enemies with healers can heal, and both of them have remained extremely fragile. Besides, my experiences alone are not solely my point, my comment was based partially on what I've read on this thread, and it seems to me that rather than eliminating the system of having a small set of overpowered characters as many of us hoped they would, they have simply changed which characters are overpowered. I simply think that the devs tried to change a little too much at once
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    So far ive seen dmg decrease with faster units, but no increase for slower ones and lots of buffs are still not working so i guess its still a work in process. Hope it turns out good but im a little worried about arena timer if there is so much decrease in dmg it wont be doable with most teams within 5 mind
  • Vadim
    30 posts Member
    The game became even worse.
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    No everything takes too long now, I can't afford to commit that much time to this game. Devs probably did me a favor, I gotta study for finals anyway. Maybe this game will be fixed in 6 months.
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    It's absolutely horrible
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    No and I'm pretty sure that today is probably the death knell for me
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    Its ruined the game, I cannot finish a battle within 5 minutes in the arena.

    This game has become a chore no fun left in it
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    People who likes this update have clearly not played the new GW.
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    Now any battle take much longer and that is very bad. They ruined our charracters with the protection and they also take smaller damage.Now you can't finish the battle you could yesterday
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    "Star Wars Arena of Heroes"
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    I liked that I could play a quick challenge on my 10 minute break at work. Now It takes way to long to finish a challenge and i don't like that the protection on the characters can't be recharged especially on the galactic war table. I don't like that the life energy of the our characters got chopped in half. I like the new events and would like to see more of them( a Jedi one, a sith one, a droid one, a smuggler one, a rebel one, an empire one...).
  • Kurgath
    61 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    It messed up GW completely! Make Protection regen or remove it for GW entirely
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    This update is on par with the NGE update Sony used to kill SW:Galaxies.

    Aww, come on man, there is no need to bringing up the memories of that.

    That is still, despite EA's best efforts with various games, the worst game management / communication I have ever seen, and will likely ever see.

    People should really look up on it if they don't know what happened.
  • Witblitz
    16 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    The genius who put this shield rubbish, not thinking to make it regen with every battle in GW needs to be shown the door. In GW you already face the next battle with some health missing, specials used (and now no shields). Whereas the other team has Full shield, full health and all specials at the ready. This just stacks the odds completly against you and is un unfair method.
    GW is crucial to me as this is the main source for my credits to upgrade toons.
    Update needs to be fixed fast. Because if i cant upgrade toons due to this absurd grind then bye bye.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    This game went from fun to frustrating real quick. Can't even kill Chewbacca now with 8 hits because THEY TOOK ALL THE DAMAGE AWAY. It's like all the lightsabers were replaced with pool noodles and all the blasters were replaced with rubber band guns, while all the high hp characters get twice as much health. I don't want to spend an entire hour of my day trying to complete galactic war. This is a game that was taking up too much of my time as it was, and now time is unnecessarily being added to each and every battle. A "balancing" act gone horribly wrong.
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    Hate it. All my characters feel real weak now and the battles take way too long. Thanks for curing my addiction with this update. I'm uninstalling.
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    Shame there's no vote option for i'll let you know in a few weeks
    I like the fact that challenges are, well challenging
    I need a few weeks to play around before i make any decisions
    GW is a mistake, we know that, they know that and im sure it will get fixed
    I like the direction they are trying to go though, didnt we all want non cookie cutter teams
  • Tiggus
    766 posts Member
    I like it, it will force me to think for a bit, compare, investigate, try, experiment, decide,... instead of dumbly repeating the same routine every day.

    I've now tried a bit of GW, a bit of Arena, won and lost some (even avoided a draw by a few seconds!) and the dominant feeling is now... excitement! :p

    (I am ftp, and will not have an easy time if/when I need to change my squad, but look forward to that too - that's better than week-long grinding for the 100 last shards or 50 whatever gear that will bring my best character from 98% to 99% complete).
    ☮ Consular ☮ -
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    Just made my account to vent my frustration.
    Everything takes too long now, this is not an MMO game.
    Spent a lot on this game, going to see if I can get a some money back for the changes are too great.
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    Mwahahahaha. Love it. All those samey teams decimated. QGJ, Dooku, GS, HRS, FOP, Yoda, Rey etc all hit like a feather duster. Its superb. Well done devs - great balancing

  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    Dooku's abilities and strength may be lame but his leader will still be meta.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Zoh31
    78 posts Member
    Doesn't make sense, tank characters receive a ridiculous amount of protection while low health characters receive a small amount of protection AND HAVE THEIR DAMAGE REDUCED DRASTICALLY
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    Give it some time, guys...
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    Zoh31 wrote: »
    Doesn't make sense, tank characters receive a ridiculous amount of protection while low health characters receive a small amount of protection AND HAVE THEIR DAMAGE REDUCED DRASTICALLY

    Look at 86
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    Ya this update ruined this game for me it was hard enough to beat lesser players as it was now its sad to have built my characters and have them weaker then low level characters and to have less power with less damage when the opponents havent changed at all what a waste of time
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    This update made the best mobile game into the worst mobile game. It ruined almost everything. Why should you destroy something that was perfect. If you want to make updates add new content or game modes do not ruin something that is already working very well.
    There will be a lot of players leaving that is the only thing that you will win nothing more
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    Well, this patch just make the game slower and kinda boring.
    I spent lot of money in GoH. I know i will not spend anymore. This is not a patch, this is a bullet in GoH head !
    Game need content... And this is just (censored) !
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    I miss "Too early to decide".
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