Message from the EP


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    You can't bribe us. Fix the game, don't give us shiny objects.
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    Unfortunately they took the "challenge" out of the challenges. Why did everyone whine so much? There are lower tier challenges if you don't have the characters or skill to pass one at the highest tier. Too bad the developers had to make the game boring to appease lazy people.
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    ilyanor wrote: »
    Monxie wrote: »
    luisgin wrote: »
    I love the protection update, however it does need work on it. For example like many people pointed out is no protection in GW when you lose it. In GW you should have either a protection refresh to max, or when a healer heals a party any leftover should be added to the protect, but only for GW. You heal protection in SA, then nobody gets to win.
    This is true, but is it really an issue? I've completed GW in the last 2 days, just like before.

    Yes it is a great issue.
    I can complete my GW too, because i am a late novemebr player with almost 15 chars at 70+ and 7stars.. BUT the huge increase of time (almost 30-45 minutes) makes GW really annoying..
    And the second point is that is not fair fighting vs lev 74 teams that have the double of your health pool..
    GW needs a little rework.

    Why is this not fair? If you can't pass GW one day, who cares? Why don't you want the game to be any fun or a challenge? So basically everyone has to win or they will be upset? You have 15 strong characters... Why should they make it easy for you?
  • Just6669
    22 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Did they change something ? I just completed today's challenges with my usual Jedi team, just for a test.
    I lost some chars in the process, but was able to finish - exactly like a "challenge" should be.
    Yesterday same team was rolled over on top and top-1 challenge lvls.
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    VoodoosDb wrote: »
    Unfortunately they took the "challenge" out of the challenges. Why did everyone whine so much? There are lower tier challenges if you don't have the characters or skill to pass one at the highest tier. Too bad the developers had to make the game boring to appease lazy people.

    Your post makes no sense. The issue is that before the update the challenge was doable, after the update the challenges were made much harder and took alot more time.

    So for something that could be completed before an update to very hard after the update for the same rewards?

    When the game has changed the pre crafting ammount and that is one of the places that yesterday you could get the gear but after a update people felt they couldnt but already have 10-15 characters and spend, it wasnt whinning it was uproar.

    It was changed not because it was to please players... it was changed because it was broken and it was the right thing to do.

    If EA feel they are in the wrong they will do something to correct it hence the rewards and compensation payout.

    I for one am happy that EA CG take notice to their customers and take action when required as if no customer base no custom and no custom mean no revenue.

    I was able to complete both challenges and GW just had a issue with the timer in the arena. EA fixed most of these issues and compensated the errors.

    I just hope CG can stop waivering the nerf gun around and doing lots of nerfs as it damages the value of the game.
    This isnt Star Wars Force Collection a new 5* does not come out every 2 weeks. Characters that needed a nerf like GS & Rey got none... So is there anypoint farming these when they are due a huge nerf???

    With the current nerfs I have 0 reason to spend to buy characters from the store and just refresh and probably will never spend big in the store again.

    I brought the Jedi pack for £50 to get a 4* Ani and some QGJ shards. They got nerfed and will never spend £50 on characters again and would rather spend my money on some Xbox One games
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    I was given a stack of free gear today, which I'm guessing is because everyone is complaining. I don't want free gear - I want my game back. I tell you what, give us the option. Release at the same time SWGOH 2.0 with that stupid protection bar and the game I loved playing up to 36 hours ago and see how many people "upgrade".

    Also, just to let the powers at be know, I usually burn through a 1000+ crystals a day obsessively pushing every section of the game I can until it just gets stupid expensive. Although once or twice I have been guilty of using 800 crystals just so I could upgrade a character when I was close on the gear.

    Well since the changes I have not spent 1 crystal. That means I won't need to spend any more money on this game for a very long time; if ever. Not until it is put back to how it was.

    I used to find this game impossible to put down but I actually found myself nodding off in the tank challenge today. So well done there. You have made this highly additive game that normally takes sleep away from me - into a sedative.

    One last note. Nothing about these changes are cool. The swing and miss is stupid. Having your 74 lvl toon reduced to 4 sections on a health bar is so not cool. A protection bar that does not protect players is; you guessed it; not cool. This list just goes on and on and on of new exiting ways you've managed to turn cool in to beige.

    Star Wars is meant to be cool. You have stuffed up royal here and you need to put things right. Or this killer whale is gonna find another game.
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    "Free market" is the solution.
    Check which characters are unused by players and buff them a bit, then nerf a bit characters which are always in top teams.
    It has more sense, then "lets just totally change alle the stats and see what comes".
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    Smithie wrote: »
    VoodoosDb wrote: »
    Unfortunately they took the "challenge" out of the challenges. Why did everyone whine so much? There are lower tier challenges if you don't have the characters or skill to pass one at the highest tier. Too bad the developers had to make the game boring to appease lazy people.

    Your post makes no sense. The issue is that before the update the challenge was doable, after the update the challenges were made much harder and took alot more time.

    So for something that could be completed before an update to very hard after the update for the same rewards?

    When the game has changed the pre crafting ammount and that is one of the places that yesterday you could get the gear but after a update people felt they couldnt but already have 10-15 characters and spend, it wasnt whinning it was uproar.

    It was changed not because it was to please players... it was changed because it was broken and it was the right thing to do.

    If EA feel they are in the wrong they will do something to correct it hence the rewards and compensation payout.

    You're right buddy. Maybe there shouldn't be any challenges at all and you can just open the game and hit one big auto-play button in the morning and get all of your rewards. Can you not see that the primary flaw in the game is that it is too easy as it is and eventually every person that plays will be exactly the same? Do you really enjoy winning the challenges on auto-play?

    That was fun for the short period of time when the tank challenge made you actually work for it.

    Well, hopefully you get a gold star for going to work today. EA should definitely give you a participation medal too... Those are super special.
  • masters
    237 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Smithie wrote: »
    Not a game anymore Galaxy of Chores!!

    0 Fun, not enough time in the arena to do battles with new Meta.

    Challeneges and GW is so much harder.

    Cannot upgrade my gear, game is pointless now.

    Galaxy of chores indeed! Can't go through the rest of the thread. This is perfect.
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    VoodoosDb wrote: »
    Smithie wrote: »
    VoodoosDb wrote: »
    Unfortunately they took the "challenge" out of the challenges. Why did everyone whine so much? There are lower tier challenges if you don't have the characters or skill to pass one at the highest tier. Too bad the developers had to make the game boring to appease lazy people.

    Your post makes no sense. The issue is that before the update the challenge was doable, after the update the challenges were made much harder and took alot more time.

    So for something that could be completed before an update to very hard after the update for the same rewards?

    When the game has changed the pre crafting ammount and that is one of the places that yesterday you could get the gear but after a update people felt they couldnt but already have 10-15 characters and spend, it wasnt whinning it was uproar.

    It was changed not because it was to please players... it was changed because it was broken and it was the right thing to do.

    If EA feel they are in the wrong they will do something to correct it hence the rewards and compensation payout.

    You're right buddy. Maybe there shouldn't be any challenges at all and you can just open the game and hit one big auto-play button in the morning and get all of your rewards. Can you not see that the primary flaw in the game is that it is too easy as it is and eventually every person that plays will be exactly the same? Do you really enjoy winning the challenges on auto-play?

    That was fun for the short period of time when the tank challenge made you actually work for it.

    Well, hopefully you get a gold star for going to work today. EA should definitely give you a participation medal too... Those are super special.

    I dont work weekends ;) and I would prefer a blue peter badge, I hear they dont hand them out anymore.

    I dont need nothing from the challenges which I dont already have or can obtain elsewhere.

    I am all for harder challenges with better and different rewards. But I am not for the same challenge which I flew through the day before with the same rewards to find the next day I have to spend 20 mins doing.

    If your happy to spend extra time with your head in your phone for the same stuff as the day before, thats up to you. But I would prefer autoing stuff I dont need while chilling in the sun and going outside.
  • Gavstar
    214 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Wade wrote: »
    Time is the biggest deciding factor for me and I'm sure I'm not alone. Spent $$ on game to hopefully keep daily play time down.... If I can't complete dailies I see no need to even start them.

    If at least GW isn't changed to no protection or resetting protection after each battle it will ruin my desire to play. While I do enjoy a challenge I got so into this game because I could manage to fit it into a jam packed schedule (even sacrificing some sleep most nights)

    Dailies isn't impacted too much, you just have to complete 1 GW battle. Squad Arena battles will take a little longer for the 3 matches. Though battling through GW to completion will take longer depending on your bench and team line-up. The tier IV challenges have now been fixed. Still difficult but very do-able. The hard mode missions sadly, have not been fixed. The enemies will just wear your team down. So if you haven't 3 starred the stage 7 & 8 missions, its going to be very challenging now.
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    And regarding the diversity in will end up exactly same...few characters worth to work on...just different characters...not sure if making Yoda obsolete is great move

    You're obviously not top 10 on an older server... Yoda lvl 74-75 gear 9 is everywhere in the top 10 and Yoda is not nerfed but is stronger than ever and able to use all of his abilities in every battle. Why do you think Yoda is obsolete? EA made a HUGE mistake releasing the change notes instead of letting the game just play out and letting people figure each character out on their own through trial and error and creating synergistic match-ups instead of just looking at damage stats, which are somewhat irrelevant after the update.
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    Going to try to be as constructive as possible. Holding out for final verdict because it really is far too early for that. First let me preface the rest of this by just telling you about me and my gaming in Galaxy of Heroes to better understand my perspective and what influences it.

    I’ve been playing since early January. Have invested a fair bit of money into the game. Currently level 74 but next reset will be 75. I have 7 characters that I would characterize as being as close to optimized for play in the Galactic War and arena sections and 11 more that are acceptable to use in Galactic War. Since I got the hang of Galactic War and the bench to go with it I haven’t missed a day as far as I remember. That’s around two months of straight clears. I’ve been placing at least top 20 in Arena pretty much since I unlocked the feature and for the past month I’ve been top of the pile 90% of the time. I know how to play the game but more importantly I have had the relevant (speed meta) toons to do it.

    About the Ewok event. Fun little thing. Every piece of content helps and whilst not something big it IS enjoyable none the less to see something new. I must say it has been very frustrating to see different geographical placements and phone types dictate what events and offers you’ve got to receive. Especially as an iPhone user in Europe. Don’t need to tell you what decisions and events you have made because you know them but overall it has felt like European iPhone users haven’t been valued. It’s not that there are perhaps that much in the way of rewards but when you’re playing as a min-maxer trying to play as effectively as possible every single thing adds up. The Ewok event as such makes up a bit for the gap you yourselves have created. But then again there will be people that are peeved about this. That monster is your own creation. When you play against others you want the basic premise to be equal.

    About the Omega-event. Again it is fun to see something new. And it’s not really that hard. Rewards are great and must feel like a godsend for those severely lacking credits and ability materials. A good move in this period of time where resources are spread thin because of level increase and rebalancing. I’m not overly impressed with the option to refresh though. Once more into the pockets. But it is what it is. This does move us towards a more spending favourable game though. Thinking specifically of the Omega-material.

    About the broad rebalancing of damage. It’s hard to see how this pans out. We’ve simply not had enough time with the update yet. Overall it is my general feeling that there is probably not a lot to complain about here but it’s really early. One thing is for sure and that is that this was not, I think, what the community expected. I think we as a community were expecting more drastic measures based solely on speed. As is it seems like a fine tuning. If this is good or bad, well still it feels too early to say so. Reduction in damage by itself is no problem but potential problems arise when couple with the protection stat.

    About the protection stat in general. I’m not sure now that it has arrived that it was such a glorious idea. Some increases in levels of health might have sufficed to do the trick of allowing characters to get a round in. But we’ve got protection now and it is here to stay. With that in mind I think it has some problems associated with it. Tying it to gear level instead of number of gear pieces equipped means, for now, that precrafters (of which I am one) will have an easy to obtain substantial advantage. But precrafting in and of itself was such a bad move to allow in the first place. Also are we entirely sure we wanted to grant some characters as much protection as they got?

    About the protection stat in Galactic War. Galactic War just got real. Having just played the one GW and cleared it is clear there is a difference. I know it is a small sample size and I was perhaps slightly careless whilst facing a more challenging set of opponents even by the previous standards but it was definitely harder. I lost somewhere in the region of 10-15 characters where I will normally lose one or two. The fact that protection doesn’t really replenish between fights makes for a significantly harder GW. With GW being the main source of income for most players making it that much harder has consequences. Again this makes it a move towards spenders being prioritized.

    About protection in Arena. Well fights definitely last longer. Sometimes perhaps even too long. 5 minutes have the potential to be too little to be able to win a fight. I know I’ve had at least one fight where time became a very real problem. Maybe this will pan out come higher levels but I’d run tests on this with different set-ups to see if the time hasn’t come to look at either increasing the timer or doing something else. While lots of tactics should be viable lets agree that we should perhaps not be too keen on seeing teams aimed at and very capable of drawing out the time in Arena (and I don’t know if it is at this point). Then again that is perhaps just me?

    About protection healing. It was hinted that one would be coming at some point and it does seem like the singular best idea to relieve a lot of problems with the Galactic War section. But given the currently problematic timers in Arena you need to be very careful about the implementation

    It is still too early for me to see the long term effects of protection and damage reduction. Maybe come level 80 it will become clear that it is actually a lot better than we thought and the seemingly huge health and protection pools no longer seem as significant. Maybe we will have looked at the game as well in general and moved away from our previous speed meta-defined way of looking at it and realize that the game is actually more fun and more strategic now that we have longer lasting fights. For now though it feels sluggish and time consuming.

    Even though I have spent a fair chunk of moolah on the game and I can see myself spending a bit more I must say that it has felt like free-to-play players haven’t been penalized too harshly. This update kind of feels like a bigger shift than ever towards prioritizing the spenders. Especially coupled with the, in my mind, atrocious gear update that saw the addition of much steeper gearing up requirements. I kind of liked the fact that spending, whilst definitely beneficial, wasn’t the hugest of advantages. Perhaps we have moved too far down the road of prioritizing spenders now?

    PS. Finally one little pet peeve. Royal Guard. Of which I have one (albeit only 5* coming on 6*, coming on G9 and level 74) and which everyone will be able to get. He does feel a little on the overpowered side right now. Auto taunt with a huge health and protection pool. He is definitely a beast right now. But like before it is hard to say how things will pan out. But as a developer I would definitely have my team run tests with and against teams made up of him to see if we are certain we got this one right. I understand that he wasn’t really meant to be higher than gear level 8 at the moment so maybe that would balance it out once everyone can be on equal footing. High damage teams though with him in them could wreck many a players enjoyment of Galactic War long term. Some of us think we hate Sid and his healing debuff or Dooku. But we’re about to enter a whole new era of hatred.

    Most objective and unbiased ratonal comments ever fielded in forum. Nicely done.

    P.S.. .first time poster. .longest time lurker. .just had to do this one.
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    Smithie wrote: »
    VoodoosDb wrote: »
    Smithie wrote: »
    VoodoosDb wrote: »
    Unfortunately they took the "challenge" out of the challenges. Why did everyone whine so much? There are lower tier challenges if you don't have the characters or skill to pass one at the highest tier. Too bad the developers had to make the game boring to appease lazy people.

    Your post makes no sense. The issue is that before the update the challenge was doable, after the update the challenges were made much harder and took alot more time.

    So for something that could be completed before an update to very hard after the update for the same rewards?

    When the game has changed the pre crafting ammount and that is one of the places that yesterday you could get the gear but after a update people felt they couldnt but already have 10-15 characters and spend, it wasnt whinning it was uproar.

    It was changed not because it was to please players... it was changed because it was broken and it was the right thing to do.

    If EA feel they are in the wrong they will do something to correct it hence the rewards and compensation payout.

    You're right buddy. Maybe there shouldn't be any challenges at all and you can just open the game and hit one big auto-play button in the morning and get all of your rewards. Can you not see that the primary flaw in the game is that it is too easy as it is and eventually every person that plays will be exactly the same? Do you really enjoy winning the challenges on auto-play?

    That was fun for the short period of time when the tank challenge made you actually work for it.

    Well, hopefully you get a gold star for going to work today. EA should definitely give you a participation medal too... Those are super special.

    I dont work weekends ;) and I would prefer a blue peter badge, I hear they dont hand them out anymore.

    I dont need nothing from the challenges which I dont already have or can obtain elsewhere.

    I am all for harder challenges with better and different rewards. But I am not for the same challenge which I flew through the day before with the same rewards to find the next day I have to spend 20 mins doing.

    If your happy to spend extra time with your head in your phone for the same stuff as the day before, thats up to you. But I would prefer autoing stuff I dont need while chilling in the sun and going outside.

    +1 on the better and more relevant rewards.
    It was just disappointing to find that once again the Tank Challenge consisted of sitting back and watching Poe, Old Ben and someone in a red mask beating down a stunned black man who never even took out a weapon. It was more like watching a Rodney King beating on the news than actually playing a game.
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    I woke up to a bribe, not so well played EA...You might as well have just rick rolled me...
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    Marskal wrote: »
    Dont fix it if it aint broken!
    To be fair it was pretty broken before. I was getting really bored from facing the same teams over and over again.

    The Challenges and GW are probably too hard for F2P players. And the battles are absurdly long. But the balancing... is fine. I feel like I can finally bring out my favorite characters now and they won't be OHKO'ed by your standard arena team. That's a good thing.

    Still, they really should've tested this. It felt like they tried to introduce too much in way too little time. Not nice. Slap on the wrist.
  • BigCam
    31 posts Member
    You think they'd get the hint that the update was horrible when there are so many complaints the execs need to start commenting. Don't get your bosses bosses boss to make a statement, fix the game instead!
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    VoodoosDb wrote:
    It was just disappointing to find that once again the Tank Challenge consisted of sitting back and watching Poe, Old Ben and someone in a red mask beating down a stunned black man who never even took out a weapon. It was more like watching a Rodney King beating on the news than actually playing a game.
    Wow mega-LOL. Man you really had me have a good laugh. Thanks that was hilarious! :D
    EmpereurDuNord - QC force
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    Hi again.
    People, me included, are quick to get mad when a game/app changes and it then doesnt make fun anymore. Critique comes hailing down on you (in this case it was deserved) full throttle. However, in most cases when you (the devs) change things for the better after being bombarded, nobody seems to say thank you. So let me say: Apology accepted AND thank YOU for reacting and not remaining entirely ignorant. Right now, your update feels like an increase in challenge but farming etc is fun again. GW is still a bit more challenging than befoew as is arena but in this case it is a good thing I think. My toons dont feel weak anymore and I have that feel back that I originally had and what made me spend money on it. Keep this course of action and there will be more to come and likely not just from me! Good job! Thanks again.
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    This game was fun. Now everything takes soooooooooooo loooooooooong to complete. Want to do a single daily challenge. 10 Minutes. A GW 2 Hours. An arena match, heh, good luck, 5 minutes isn't enough because the low damage allows all the healers to constantly get their special back and heal everyone again.

    I have NO issue with any nerfs or character changes. I have a major issue with the time factor. Mobile games should be fun and you should be able to play for 5 minutes or less and accomplish something. Everything I enjoyed doing in this game now takes at least 3-4 times longer. Nerf all you want, but dont make the gameplay experience change. I am not trying to play a game of chess while I am waiting to pickup my lunch.

    As far as the characters, they could actually change the characters you can buy in the arena and GW so that everyone isnt buying the same 2 characters.
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    The game isn't fun anymore. My formerly killer squad now gets killed. Even if I win, it takes a lot longer and I can't auto. I have to actively engage during vs battles, or else I run out of time. I don't want to spend 5 minutes per battle, I don't want my maxed out squad to take two rounds to kill one enemy. The attacker challenge is now now impossible.

    If you're worried about fast damage, then equal the speed, or randomize it at the start of each battle. Weak damage attackers are worthless, even if they're fast. Attackers SHOULD do more damage, tanks absorb damage and supporters buff and debuff. Taking damage away from attackers breaks the balance. Fix it or I'm done.
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    My experience after the update so far: Annoyed in the first day but I get used to it.
    Stats: Lvl 74, 8/7* and 5/6* toons

    - Ewok event for WWF; I don't use the Ewoks but I bought them for WWF. It was a great move from Apple and EA
    - Wrote three posts and complained about the upgrade (LOL)
    - Couldn't finish my challenge that day. Annoyed but I could complete the GW without any issues. It took longer but seemed easier
    - Health bar was not a good visual representation of my toons' health but it was not a game breaker
    - mad at the changes but I was not going to quit
    - Omega event was good, I had all the toons I needed and pretty easy to complete

    - Completed the GW without any difficulty. I was just using my Jedi toons the whole time. It took a bit longer but it was easier than before
    - more omega events! It was a good addition

    - just level my main toons to 74
    - Completed the GW with my Jedi team again. I used Sid 3 times and KR 2 times in 12 battles. It is awesome to have 3 Jedi healers when needed
    - Lots of free stuff!!! Awesome!
    - So far the events are pretty easy to complete
    - Doing my daily activities
    - Write a post about the update - getting better
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    I'm not a maxed out player and have experienced a lot of frustration with some of the new balances. However, I do appreciate that the developers actually read the message boards and implement the feedback as best possible. Thank you devs for actually being active and participating in the feedback!
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    _Wong64 wrote: »
    Who do i contact to get my money back spent to get 5 7* Jedi so i could get yoda all worthless now i need a huge refund and the i will stop playing the game is ruined


    I stopped spending late Jan when the destroyed Poe. Maybe the game was "better and awesome" but as you see now, that ninja-nerf should have tipped all of you very unhappy with your money.

    The only logical way to nerf is by buffing the chars that can neuter OP chars, changing the rate of enhancement in the next cap tier, and at worst nerfing minimal aspects and only in extreme cases. With Poe most people that knew what they were talking about mentioned making the time reduction of enemy into a buff of ally team.

    After I stopped spending, and I mean I went from $250 a month to $0 immediately after until today, the changes affected me but didn't charge much: it's either I still like the grind, or I stop playing. The gear requirement changes made me stop playing 10 days ago. The current changes made a bit sad because it basically re-invents the game and it's awful in that it's a chore to play now.

    The devs may thing that making these huge swing with specific destruction of chars and huge meta change is helping the game.

    More fundamentally, the game director or the one that has ultimate authority in this game has a completely wrong idea of why people pay here. They pay to access the performance of certain chars to feel rewarded by the results it brings even if over time new character trump them. The fact that you TOS basically says "We can do whatever we want with your chars" is akin to the US Federal Reserve right to print money, raise the fed rate to any level they want, plus also alter the specs of any large investment unilateraly.

    But to make the economy thrive they make slow adjustments to keep the economy working. Of course the Fed is a business. The US power comes largely by being the safest commodity in the world. It's ultimately just an accounting record, just as a chars spec is. Now if the Fed could change the specs of every product made and used, on top of all the powers, you'd have what CG thinks they have: they right to make the value of anything and everything change overnight.

    The reality is that many many people hate having invested in the GOH currency, in purchasing goods affected by this "Fed". They feel betrayed. Now, CG can do everything in their power. But the way things have been managed are not at all what was expected. It seemed more like a communistic Russian style. Just opressive and abusive for the good of the "common good" - regardless of intent.

    CG should treat characters like investments. And Mrs. With them and the economy as little as possible. And focus on creating content that require investment that seem to bring a return, and balancing the future progression trees.

    I think all the mess is CG confusing the entire economic model here. Yes, you pay for crystals or bundles, I am sorry about CG less than those that are very unhappy with having spend anything here, but I am still sorry about them. They failed to notice that people refund trains all correlate to they reinventing the games rules and annihilating the hated char of the month.

    Lastly changing the games rules so broadly is akin to changing the constitution of a country. You need to relearn the entire game then. Slowing the progression - how that that create any satisfaction at all?

    Also the game gives no respite. While very short term it gets some money, users that want to play 2-3 times per week have zero incentive to continue playing. They should be able to have a bit slower curve. If you alienate the casual player that is a good spender, you alienate the whales, you alienate the Dolphins...what do you expect? You could have done this very easily by having combat tiers. If I am a casual player maybe I play at max tier 7 or max tier 6 or max tier 5. Games like World of Tanks do this and have done very well for a very small niche of game.

    Continue treating chars like your own property, and broad game rules like "your right to change everything" at your own peril. Keep being too proud. Good luck.
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    Vikingo wrote: »
    Still speed meta... everyone goes first before my crew. Ig-86 still one hits my maxed han. They still kill my daka first. And I was a level higher than them. I'm afraid to play gw, cause I know you screwed that up. Gw made this game some what fun. Two thumbs down.

    I've beat GW both times I've played.... hard to complain against the boogie man under your bed if you didn't check under the bed. It is a bit more time consuming now but still winnable and last nite was actually easier than the nite before.
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    OguhDeias wrote: »

    How i see it change is always a good thing... keeps the game alive and interesting!

    Battles are now much more interesting and Arena Battles almost use the full 5 minutes in some cases. This means we have to play with time too... one more challenge for the players to keep it exciting.

    Think this change benefits low\mid tier players with few seven stars toons like me (5 toons), F2P, P2P and high tier players. Benefits everyone.


    - Gives a chance to players like me that haven´t got the best toons in old meta to be competitive and survive the 1st round of battles
    - The high tier players have an opportunity to enjoy even more the tactical side of the game and experiment with different team compositions and use their vast army
    - Makes it more competitive to everyone
    - And we all get a chance to see a new meta arise.

    Anyhow these are my thoughts a few hours after the update, lets discover where it goes in the next few weeks.

    Invest unwisely, loose, wait for patch affecting good players and big spenders, win.

    A sure way to lose your entire customer base. Like third class countries: study, work hard, have your money taken so those that didn't study and hate work can now eat caviar every day. People are fleeing for good reason and this post explains it perfectly - it just misses the huge rule changes and the enormous boring grind that eats more time and gives less fun.

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    It's early days with the new update, so I'm still playing through battles, challenges, GW, and arena to experience all the changes. A few items I've seen so far:
    1. I don't see the need for protection. Mechanically, it's a just a pile of hit points that attackers have to get through before actually causing damage. OK - I like the idea of a "force field." But as-is, protection plays as a ham-fisted and arbitrary way to handle the "problem" of fast attackers wiping out Toons before they had a chance to strike back. Why not just increase health, improve armour, or decrease damage and have done with it? At the very least, if it's going to be a permanent thing, it should kick-in straight away (i.e., not wait to Gear VII) and there should be a way to replenish it. Otherwise, it's just more hit points.
    2. Advantage now seems broken to me (and I thought it was fine before). All it is now is a way to guarantee a critical hit on the next attack (yawn). Since the Advantage buff disappears after the next attack, the update breaks First Order squad synergy. It also seems to unbalance Toons who use AoE attacks with advantage - an IG-88 or HK-47 with advantage is now guaranteed 1 critical hit against every target (which has ripple effects with HK-47 as a squad leading other droids). Finally, this depreciates the value of high-crit Toons (like IG-86). I'd lobby hard to revert Advantage to its original state - criticals by themselves are boring, but Advantage synergies (like with First Order squads) provide more strategic options.
    3. GW and Arena battles definitely last longer - several recent battles have just been slug-fests of hit point attrition. Definitely not as intense or satisfying.
    4. Challenges do seem harder, but that's probably what is meant by "challenge." ;) I've had to drop a tier for a few of them, but not a big deal.
    5. Love the new events - this is what I've like to see more of, especially as a way to earn cool stuff like ability mats or high-end gear.

    Just my two pence. As with any major update, change takes time to get used to, so I'm trying to keep an open mind.
    Contact me on Discord: Welsh Piper#4917
  • Ace5
    134 posts Member
    _Wong64 wrote: »
    Who do i contact to get my money back spent to get 5 7* Jedi so i could get yoda all worthless now i need a huge refund and the i will stop playing the game is ruined


    I stopped spending late Jan when the destroyed Poe. Maybe the game was "better and awesome" but as you see now, that ninja-nerf should have tipped all of you very unhappy with your money.

    The only logical way to nerf is by buffing the chars that can neuter OP chars, changing the rate of enhancement in the next cap tier, and at worst nerfing minimal aspects and only in extreme cases. With Poe most people that knew what they were talking about mentioned making the time reduction of enemy into a buff of ally team.

    After I stopped spending, and I mean I went from $250 a month to $0 immediately after until today, the changes affected me but didn't charge much: it's either I still like the grind, or I stop playing. The gear requirement changes made me stop playing 10 days ago. The current changes made a bit sad because it basically re-invents the game and it's awful in that it's a chore to play now.

    The devs may thing that making these huge swing with specific destruction of chars and huge meta change is helping the game.

    More fundamentally, the game director or the one that has ultimate authority in this game has a completely wrong idea of why people pay here. They pay to access the performance of certain chars to feel rewarded by the results it brings even if over time new character trump them. The fact that you TOS basically says "We can do whatever we want with your chars" is akin to the US Federal Reserve right to print money, raise the fed rate to any level they want, plus also alter the specs of any large investment unilateraly.

    But to make the economy thrive they make slow adjustments to keep the economy working. Of course the Fed is a business. The US power comes largely by being the safest commodity in the world. It's ultimately just an accounting record, just as a chars spec is. Now if the Fed could change the specs of every product made and used, on top of all the powers, you'd have what CG thinks they have: they right to make the value of anything and everything change overnight.

    The reality is that many many people hate having invested in the GOH currency, in purchasing goods affected by this "Fed". They feel betrayed. Now, CG can do everything in their power. But the way things have been managed are not at all what was expected. It seemed more like a communistic Russian style. Just opressive and abusive for the good of the "common good" - regardless of intent.

    CG should treat characters like investments. And Mrs. With them and the economy as little as possible. And focus on creating content that require investment that seem to bring a return, and balancing the future progression trees.

    I think all the mess is CG confusing the entire economic model here. Yes, you pay for crystals or bundles, I am sorry about CG less than those that are very unhappy with having spend anything here, but I am still sorry about them. They failed to notice that people refund trains all correlate to they reinventing the games rules and annihilating the hated char of the month.

    Lastly changing the games rules so broadly is akin to changing the constitution of a country. You need to relearn the entire game then. Slowing the progression - how that that create any satisfaction at all?

    Also the game gives no respite. While very short term it gets some money, users that want to play 2-3 times per week have zero incentive to continue playing. They should be able to have a bit slower curve. If you alienate the casual player that is a good spender, you alienate the whales, you alienate the Dolphins...what do you expect? You could have done this very easily by having combat tiers. If I am a casual player maybe I play at max tier 7 or max tier 6 or max tier 5. Games like World of Tanks do this and have done very well for a very small niche of game.

    Continue treating chars like your own property, and broad game rules like "your right to change everything" at your own peril. Keep being too proud. Good luck.

    Well spoken, this will eventually be the death of this game as The developers are functioning at a first grade level and can't understand why people are angry their characters got nerfed, ones they spent money on.

    Other games with highly intelligent developers and producers balance this out with a counter card. Poe is too powerful? Introduce a leader that punishes you for taunting. Qgj/dooku too fast? Introduce a leader that mitigates damage done before your team goes. No one gets nerfed, there are constantly new counters and people will chase new cards through packs or crystals.

    The poor quality of this update should surprise no one after Barriss nerf and Poe nerf. Devs for this game are incompetent

    The devs got kicked in the face when game rating dropped on the Apple Store and are reeling to fix the garbage that they took weeks to put out. Again no beta testing, no evaluation of any changes and probably no critical thinking about what they do.

    Don't get suckered by a few free crystals, keep your pocket book closed as the investment you make here will get nerfed next month.
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    Wolverine wrote: »
    Going to try to be as constructive as possible. Holding out for final verdict because it really is far too early for that. First let me preface the rest of this by just telling you about me and my gaming in Galaxy of Heroes to better understand my perspective and what influences it.

    I’ve been playing since early January. Have invested a fair bit of money into the game. Currently level 74 but next reset will be 75. I have 7 characters that I would characterize as being as close to optimized for play in the Galactic War and arena sections and 11 more that are acceptable to use in Galactic War. Since I got the hang of Galactic War and the bench to go with it I haven’t missed a day as far as I remember. That’s around two months of straight clears. I’ve been placing at least top 20 in Arena pretty much since I unlocked the feature and for the past month I’ve been top of the pile 90% of the time. I know how to play the game but more importantly I have had the relevant (speed meta) toons to do it.

    About the Ewok event. Fun little thing. Every piece of content helps and whilst not something big it IS enjoyable none the less to see something new. I must say it has been very frustrating to see different geographical placements and phone types dictate what events and offers you’ve got to receive. Especially as an iPhone user in Europe. Don’t need to tell you what decisions and events you have made because you know them but overall it has felt like European iPhone users haven’t been valued. It’s not that there are perhaps that much in the way of rewards but when you’re playing as a min-maxer trying to play as effectively as possible every single thing adds up. The Ewok event as such makes up a bit for the gap you yourselves have created. But then again there will be people that are peeved about this. That monster is your own creation. When you play against others you want the basic premise to be equal.

    About the Omega-event. Again it is fun to see something new. And it’s not really that hard. Rewards are great and must feel like a godsend for those severely lacking credits and ability materials. A good move in this period of time where resources are spread thin because of level increase and rebalancing. I’m not overly impressed with the option to refresh though. Once more into the pockets. But it is what it is. This does move us towards a more spending favourable game though. Thinking specifically of the Omega-material.

    About the broad rebalancing of damage. It’s hard to see how this pans out. We’ve simply not had enough time with the update yet. Overall it is my general feeling that there is probably not a lot to complain about here but it’s really early. One thing is for sure and that is that this was not, I think, what the community expected. I think we as a community were expecting more drastic measures based solely on speed. As is it seems like a fine tuning. If this is good or bad, well still it feels too early to say so. Reduction in damage by itself is no problem but potential problems arise when couple with the protection stat.

    About the protection stat in general. I’m not sure now that it has arrived that it was such a glorious idea. Some increases in levels of health might have sufficed to do the trick of allowing characters to get a round in. But we’ve got protection now and it is here to stay. With that in mind I think it has some problems associated with it. Tying it to gear level instead of number of gear pieces equipped means, for now, that precrafters (of which I am one) will have an easy to obtain substantial advantage. But precrafting in and of itself was such a bad move to allow in the first place. Also are we entirely sure we wanted to grant some characters as much protection as they got?

    About the protection stat in Galactic War. Galactic War just got real. Having just played the one GW and cleared it is clear there is a difference. I know it is a small sample size and I was perhaps slightly careless whilst facing a more challenging set of opponents even by the previous standards but it was definitely harder. I lost somewhere in the region of 10-15 characters where I will normally lose one or two. The fact that protection doesn’t really replenish between fights makes for a significantly harder GW. With GW being the main source of income for most players making it that much harder has consequences. Again this makes it a move towards spenders being prioritized.

    About protection in Arena. Well fights definitely last longer. Sometimes perhaps even too long. 5 minutes have the potential to be too little to be able to win a fight. I know I’ve had at least one fight where time became a very real problem. Maybe this will pan out come higher levels but I’d run tests on this with different set-ups to see if the time hasn’t come to look at either increasing the timer or doing something else. While lots of tactics should be viable lets agree that we should perhaps not be too keen on seeing teams aimed at and very capable of drawing out the time in Arena (and I don’t know if it is at this point). Then again that is perhaps just me?

    About protection healing. It was hinted that one would be coming at some point and it does seem like the singular best idea to relieve a lot of problems with the Galactic War section. But given the currently problematic timers in Arena you need to be very careful about the implementation

    It is still too early for me to see the long term effects of protection and damage reduction. Maybe come level 80 it will become clear that it is actually a lot better than we thought and the seemingly huge health and protection pools no longer seem as significant. Maybe we will have looked at the game as well in general and moved away from our previous speed meta-defined way of looking at it and realize that the game is actually more fun and more strategic now that we have longer lasting fights. For now though it feels sluggish and time consuming.

    Even though I have spent a fair chunk of moolah on the game and I can see myself spending a bit more I must say that it has felt like free-to-play players haven’t been penalized too harshly. This update kind of feels like a bigger shift than ever towards prioritizing the spenders. Especially coupled with the, in my mind, atrocious gear update that saw the addition of much steeper gearing up requirements. I kind of liked the fact that spending, whilst definitely beneficial, wasn’t the hugest of advantages. Perhaps we have moved too far down the road of prioritizing spenders now?

    PS. Finally one little pet peeve. Royal Guard. Of which I have one (albeit only 5* coming on 6*, coming on G9 and level 74) and which everyone will be able to get. He does feel a little on the overpowered side right now. Auto taunt with a huge health and protection pool. He is definitely a beast right now. But like before it is hard to say how things will pan out. But as a developer I would definitely have my team run tests with and against teams made up of him to see if we are certain we got this one right. I understand that he wasn’t really meant to be higher than gear level 8 at the moment so maybe that would balance it out once everyone can be on equal footing. High damage teams though with him in them could wreck many a players enjoyment of Galactic War long term. Some of us think we hate Sid and his healing debuff or Dooku. But we’re about to enter a whole new era of hatred.

    Most objective and unbiased ratonal comments ever fielded in forum. Nicely done.

    P.S.. .first time poster. .longest time lurker. .just had to do this one.


    Chondrosarcoma- Chondro3150#0907
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    People have spent a lot of time and money on this game. If you make the grind a little easier by continuing to offer things like the ewok and omega materials events you will go a long way to keeping us grinding. I suggest you increase the drop rates for gear and shards slightly as well. I need more time to adjust my gameplay and learn about the update before I comment about protection and all the balance changes. I couldn't finish GW yesterday, for the first time in 89 days. Not sure yet if that was my fault or not.

    Chondrosarcoma- Chondro3150#0907
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