Message from the EP


  • Duke
    6 posts Member
    Thanks for the gifts look forward to guilds and new stuff to come :)
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    A it too much +1ing going on here. Yoda is "worthless". I bet 99% of the people saying this have not used him since the update. He's working fine for me. Please try everything out for yourself and be objective. Rolling the update back would be a bad thing. If the game remains with a handful of dominant toons that stay that way the game will stagnate. 3 days ago everyone was on here complaining about the lack of diversity. The devs are working to increase diversity and when they overstep in a way they have demonstrated the ability to quickly readjust. So let's not overreact and make judgements before trying the update out for a few days. Giving 1* in the store? Come on, relax a bit.
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    I would like to see real content and not longer playtime and worthless gears as propitation.
  • Monxie
    559 posts Member
    strafeSS wrote: »
    A it too much +1ing going on here. Yoda is "worthless". I bet 99% of the people saying this have not used him since the update. He's working fine for me. Please try everything out for yourself and be objective. Rolling the update back would be a bad thing. If the game remains with a handful of dominant toons that stay that way the game will stagnate. 3 days ago everyone was on here complaining about the lack of diversity. The devs are working to increase diversity and when they overstep in a way they have demonstrated the ability to quickly readjust. So let's not overreact and make judgements before trying the update out for a few days. Giving 1* in the store? Come on, relax a bit.
    Yep, Yoda is still a great toon. It seems like some people have no idea how to use him though!
  • Seknos
    306 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    strafeSS wrote: »
    A it too much +1ing going on here. Yoda is "worthless". I bet 99% of the people saying this have not used him since the update. He's working fine for me. Please try everything out for yourself and be objective. Rolling the update back would be a bad thing. If the game remains with a handful of dominant toons that stay that way the game will stagnate. 3 days ago everyone was on here complaining about the lack of diversity. The devs are working to increase diversity and when they overstep in a way they have demonstrated the ability to quickly readjust. So let's not overreact and make judgements before trying the update out for a few days. Giving 1* in the store? Come on, relax a bit.

    Before update his masterstroke ability was doing around 1,6-1,7k damage not that spectacular just correct.
    After update his padawanstroke ability does around 1 -1,1k damage.

    Before update his unstoppable force ability was doing around 3,4 to 3,5k no it is doing around 2,5 to 2,7k.

    Those figure may vary due to the enemy defense and level.

    I watched yoyo yoda stream yesterday, he used a lvl 76 fully geared 7* Yoda in GW. So basically if i level my Yoda to lvl 76, promote him to 7* and gear him up, he will still be doing significantly less damage than my Yoda 5* before the update. That is just depressing.

    He is still usefull thanks to his kit fortunately. I think that a more reasonable nerf would have been more acceptable. Especially for a character that requires that much effort and investment to get to 7*. Do not think that people are stupid and do not know how to use him. If someone makes the effort and investment to get him at 7*, i am pretty sure they know how to use him.
    The point is that Yoda probably the strongest Jedi ever and of the most loved character of this franchise should not hit like a baby ewok.

    Yoda tenacity + RG is pretty nasty. Turn meter reduction, stealing buffs, foresight, stuns, turn meter gain. One of the best kit of the game.
    Of course he is still a good character but that big of a nerf was just not necessary.
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    Dude the AI should not be allowed protection in GW until y'all figure out a way to refresh my toons protection or heal it with my useless healers now because I can't even get pass the 7th node and that's sucks because all I can get now is 400 points a day 500 if I'm lucky! WTH please fix that, I can care less about everything else.
  • Jls73
    31 posts Member
    I'm glad they made the challenges more reasonable so at least I can continue my grinding and conquest of collecting gear to up players I will need now for GW and other battles. As for the GW my 1st team that I had can't even make it through half the GW as before but oh well have never completed the GW once anyway. I'll just keep grinding out and maybe find the combination that will eventually work. So all good keep a grinding for the slow gear drops and may the force be with you Lol
  • Jayngo
    87 posts Member
    LOL! Just completed my first Arena battle today that would have put me from 516 to 450 ranking. Right as I won the battle it said "Client must be restarted." I restarted, and come to find out, it counted the battle but my ranking is still 516.

    Great job guys. Not only does this update suck, but I'm getting ripped off for Arena battles now! About done with this game.
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    GW is still unplayable... You didn't do the first thing you said you would in the apology. What the hell?
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    Whining and more whining... Bunch of ungrateful cry babies.
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    Whining and more whining... Bunch of ungrateful cry babies.
    Grateful for what? Breaking the game?
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    Whining and more whining... Bunch of ungrateful cry babies.
    Grateful for what? Breaking the game?

    Keep going...
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    These forums should be renamed the Mos Eisley spaceport forums. "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.". Lighten up folks! The name calling, making fun of others, why? Does it make you feel better about yourself? We're all here because we love the game, yeah they tried something new and experienced some issues and everyone jumped their stuff. So, hey how about this, maybe go outside for a while, relax and put down the phone for a while while these fine devs try to do right by us all and most importantly stop the hate that is festering here.
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    This game is becoming a waste of time
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    Siriuosly tcorneliubrv, what an emensely unnecesary comment. Your not even making a point? In round one the game has been run over by a lawnmover and in one swoop made ufit for normal people with a job and family, since it's now taking to long if you ever wanna make a usefull grind. Fun pick up and play accessbility is the point of app games. Protest is justified if you see something you love become inaccessable. Hopefully, and it could seem like it, dev's are on the right course again. I geuss they want to keep there costumers.
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    I just tried out Kylo Ren..... What did you guys do to him?!!!!!!! He was one of my top 10 characters now he only does 1800 on a critical hit?!!!! Are you kidding me??? It was like 3000 before!!
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    Whining and more whining... Bunch of ungrateful cry babies.

    We play and pay too. We don't want our hard work ruined, that is all.
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    Marskal wrote: »
    Siriuosly tcorneliubrv, what an emensely unnecesary comment. Your not even making a point? In round one the game has been run over by a lawnmover and in one swoop made ufit for normal people with a job and family, since it's now taking to long if you ever wanna make a usefull grind. Fun pick up and play accessbility is the point of app games. Protest is justified if you see something you love become inaccessable. Hopefully, and it could seem like it, dev's are on the right course again. I geuss they want to keep there costumers.

    And your point is???
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    Whining and more whining... Bunch of ungrateful cry babies.

    We play and pay too. We don't want our hard work ruined, that is all.

    No one forces you to play or pay!
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    Whining and more whining... Bunch of ungrateful cry babies.

    We play and pay too. We don't want our hard work ruined, that is all.

    No one forces you to play or pay!

    Dude I'm saying we are aloud to have an opinion on something we pay for and are a part of.
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    Marskal wrote: »
    Siriuosly tcorneliubrv, what an emensely unnecesary comment. Your not even making a point? In round one the game has been run over by a lawnmover and in one swoop made ufit for normal people with a job and family, since it's now taking to long if you ever wanna make a usefull grind. Fun pick up and play accessbility is the point of app games. Protest is justified if you see something you love become inaccessable. Hopefully, and it could seem like it, dev's are on the right course again. I geuss they want to keep there costumers.

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    Whining and more whining... Bunch of ungrateful cry babies.

    We play and pay too. We don't want our hard work ruined, that is all.

    No one forces you to play or pay!

    Dude I'm saying we are aloud to have an opinion on something we pay for and are a part of.

    Allowed would be the word you were looking for
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    Free items don't fix what's broken. Keep the bribe and No thanks. Game just deleted from my device.
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    Artas wrote: »
    OwexBaill wrote: »

    You mean the 3 ridiculously easy and short "events" or did I miss something?
    Or do you mean the fact that everything now takes double the time? That's not new content, mate...

    Just wow... Ppl werr complaining about how fast they finished everything( me inclusive ) and now some of you are complaining that it takes too long? Lol

    exactly :) sounds strange...

    I have a creeping suspicion that most the complaints you speak of were from ppl who prior to the update NEVER PARTICIPATED IN FORUMS. I count myself among them. For many if not a majority of them, this is a CASUAL ADDITION to their day. Not a term life comittment. I was satisfied enough with the previous gameplay that i spent momey to ENRICH the experience... I dont take squandered investments lightly. So yeah, this update drove me to vent on a forum i was content with only being an observer to. Now? I may dig deeper into the game and the upcoming builds because of the community aspect. But Star Wars, as a franchise shouldnt register to audiences as anything half-cooked. Lucas knows that, disney knows it, and EA if not before now should definitely know it. This is a good game. All those complaints were from people who enjoyed Its state before the 4/14 update. The 4/16 patch is great. Im happily tooling away at my squad today.
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    Started it at 8 this morning, just finished. Probably needed 6+ hours to get through GW. Will I do it again.... Who knows. Cause.... Protection and douku lead teams..,. But if you're relying on casual players at all for the longevity of the game then you definitely need to make this aspect more fun... Having seen how a simple update threw the coding up the creek I don't think having protection in arena but not in GW would work. Hence just change the selector so you're being matched with teams that are 10% weaker at each node for first 6, then 5% less than current for last 6.

  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I don't even see the point of protection. 95% of heroes couldn't one shot. So instead of nerfing the 3-4 that could, they nerfed everyone, added protection, changed light/side battles, changed/ruined GW, changed challenges and then changed them again, brought new bugs onto play, without fixing the ones that existed since the game release. And in the end, all the weak and useless heroes are still useless. I mean, What The Furnace...All these Wasted resources...
    Post edited by CPMP on
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    CPMP wrote: »
    I don't even see the point of protection. 95% of heroes couldn't one shot. So instead of nerfing the 3-4 that could, they nerfed everyone, added protection, changed light/side battles, changed/ruined GW, changed challenges and then changed them again, brought new bugs onto play, without fixing the ones that existed since the game release. And in the end, all the weak and useless heroes are still useless. I mean, What The Furnace...All these Wasted resources...

    This is all true. Great job fixing the Jedi speed meta that had already been OP countered with dooku lead. Great job making the precrafted problem way worse with the protection. The meta now is gear nine RG daka dooku lead gs and Rey. Maybe a sprinkling of qgj. Yoda is dead from top arena. Jedi are annihilated from arena. Gameplay is RNG hell as much as ever slow grind. You guys are pros Ea: incremental changes. Add tables sure. You are going to anger people when you neuter their hard efforts and or expense. Looking at you Tusken shaman (@EA_Jesse). GS and Rey and DPS are as important as ever. Who sits around after playing last month and though in your offices yoda needed to be neutered after the entire population of games spend months on him. And he was one of 8 toons arena viable. Great now we have 6.
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    LordAlvert wrote: »
    CPMP wrote: »
    I don't even see the point of protection. 95% of heroes couldn't one shot. So instead of nerfing the 3-4 that could, they nerfed everyone, added protection, changed light/side battles, changed/ruined GW, changed challenges and then changed them again, brought new bugs onto play, without fixing the ones that existed since the game release. And in the end, all the weak and useless heroes are still useless. I mean, What The Furnace...All these Wasted resources...

    This is all true. Great job fixing the Jedi speed meta that had already been OP countered with dooku lead. Great job making the precrafted problem way worse with the protection. The meta now is gear nine RG daka dooku lead gs and Rey. Maybe a sprinkling of qgj. Yoda is dead from top arena. Jedi are annihilated from arena. Gameplay is RNG hell as much as ever slow grind. You guys are pros Ea: incremental changes. Add tables sure. You are going to anger people when you neuter their hard efforts and or expense. Looking at you Tusken shaman (@EA_Jesse). GS and Rey and DPS are as important as ever. Who sits around after playing last month and though in your offices yoda needed to be neutered after the entire population of games spend months on him. And he was one of 8 toons arena viable. Great now we have 6.

    Speaking about DPS, GS is easily obtainable. But FOTP was ritually murdered with the Advantage "upgrade", his regular nerfed to death. This contradicts the stated taming dmg of fast chars vs slow. But get's worst: FOTP is squishy, slow, and now hits like a a berate char. To make things worst to get to 7* you had to spent $800 is equivalent cost for energy and grind hard mode for 5 months. And insult to everyone trusting the game direction stated by the makers.

  • Jaxs
    49 posts Member
    Phasma (L), Yoda, Fives, RG, who should my 5th spot be? GS? Lumia? Barriss? Dooku? Other.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    CPMP wrote: »
    I don't even see the point of protection. 95% of heroes couldn't one shot. So instead of nerfing the 3-4 that could, they nerfed everyone, added protection, changed light/side battles, changed/ruined GW, changed challenges and then changed them again, brought new bugs onto play, without fixing the ones that existed since the game release. And in the end, all the weak and useless heroes are still useless. I mean, What The Furnace...All these Wasted resources...

    This is all true. Great job fixing the Jedi speed meta that had already been OP countered with dooku lead. Great job making the precrafted problem way worse with the protection. The meta now is gear nine RG daka dooku lead gs and Rey. Maybe a sprinkling of qgj. Yoda is dead from top arena. Jedi are annihilated from arena. Gameplay is RNG hell as much as ever slow grind. You guys are pros Ea: incremental changes. Add tables sure. You are going to anger people when you neuter their hard efforts and or expense. Looking at you Tusken shaman (@EA_Jesse). GS and Rey and DPS are as important as ever. Who sits around after playing last month and though in your offices yoda needed to be neutered after the entire population of games spend months on him. And he was one of 8 toons arena viable. Great now we have 6.

    Speaking about DPS, GS is easily obtainable. But FOTP was ritually murdered with the Advantage "upgrade", his regular nerfed to death. This contradicts the stated taming dmg of fast chars vs slow. But get's worst: FOTP is squishy, slow, and now hits like a a berate char. To make things worst to get to 7* you had to spent $800 is equivalent cost for energy and grind hard mode for 5 months. And insult to everyone trusting the game direction stated by the makers.

    All slow heroes got nerfed (FOTP became as useless as the rest of them now), while devs stated that they would be getting damage increase.
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