Pre craft= severe advantage (raid/guild update didn't fix but made it worse)


  • Jaxs
    49 posts Member
    I was one of the lucky ones to pre-craft some Gear pieces before the update. I too was a little late in finding out about it. Like when they posted it 2 weeks prior to the update I was a week behind before I was able to start pre crafting. Now Im NO whale, but I have and did spend money to do what I could with in the last week before the update. I was actually able to get many gears pre-crafted and because of it I have 4-5 characters gear 9 as of right now, but there are so many more Characters that will be stuck at gear 8. I think that even thu some people have an advantage its not their fault, but it does need to get fixed to make it fair and balanced for everyone else.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    Jaxs wrote: »
    I was one of the lucky ones to pre-craft some Gear pieces before the update. I too was a little late in finding out about it. Like when they posted it 2 weeks prior to the update I was a week behind before I was able to start pre crafting. Now Im NO whale, but I have and did spend money to do what I could with in the last week before the update. I was actually able to get many gears pre-crafted and because of it I have 4-5 characters gear 9 as of right now, but there are so many more Characters that will be stuck at gear 8. I think that even thu some people have an advantage its not their fault, but it does need to get fixed to make it fair and balanced for everyone else.

    It's definately not your fault and I think everyone agrees on that. Im also a low spender and could have had the same result as you since I had the mats, just not the final piece. Like @AKK889 said, when it does get out we work on our first gear 9 toon where others start working on their 5th i.e. It's more or less a snowballing effect.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    MTan wrote: »
    Implementation of the new gear seems to have been done with minimal planning.

    Having characters able to equip but not able to obtain the required gear is strike one.

    Allowing people to craft the full gear before the game changes shaving off 50x new said gear creating unequal characters power thus leading to dominance in SA over a period of time would be strike two.

    Requiring someone to join a guild in a mobile game, raid, spend hours grinding to progress in the game is strike three. My progress pace in a mobile game should not be gated behind a guild invite. Guilds are for adding a social element to the game, not for characters development.

    My solutions?
    Allow people to craft gear their characters can equip now. If you need to add new gears requirements, do so when people can actually obtain them.

    Raids could be done like events. Don't limit them to people who are in guilds if they are the only way to progress your characters.

    Did i precraft? Yes and i have a 7k+ power RG because of that and thus feel my advantage. I already got into a competitive guild.

    The tldr: precrafted gear gives unfair advantage for a long time. Guilds should be for socialising.

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    Even when the raid is released and he gear is obtainable this will continue to be an issue for a long while
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Umm, you guys were all like: SIM, SIM, SIM...
    ...then they were like level 80, yo...
    and you were like this stuff is good!...
    Now people be hatin'.
  • HurricaneTrooper
    103 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    Umm, you guys were all like: SIM, SIM, SIM...
    ...then they were like level 80, yo...
    and you were like this stuff is good!...
    Now people be hatin'.

    Still enjoy the game which is why this is a discussion. However, I am confused as to what value your comment has brought to this thread? It has nothing to do with this conversation so I am unsure if this is sarcasm or ignorance. A short synopsis: the issue at hand is that the furnaces and droid callers that were crafted prior to the addition of raid gear has caused certain player to have an advantage in the arena. This is an attempt to have this issue resolved by hopefully removing the additional gear.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Umm, you guys were all like: SIM, SIM, SIM...
    ...then they were like level 80, yo...
    and you were like this stuff is good!...
    Now people be hatin'.

    Still enjoy the game which is why this is a discussion. However, I am confused as to what value your comment has brought to this thread? It has nothing to do with this conversation so I am unsure if this is sarcasm or ignorance.

    You dont have Darth Maul, either, huh?
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Umm, you guys were all like: SIM, SIM, SIM...
    ...then they were like level 80, yo...
    and you were like this stuff is good!...
    Now people be hatin'.

    Still enjoy the game which is why this is a discussion. However, I am confused as to what value your comment has brought to this thread? It has nothing to do with this conversation so I am unsure if this is sarcasm or ignorance.

    You dont have Darth Maul, either, huh?

    Don't do drugs
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Umm, you guys were all like: SIM, SIM, SIM...
    ...then they were like level 80, yo...
    and you were like this stuff is good!...
    Now people be hatin'.

    Still enjoy the game which is why this is a discussion. However, I am confused as to what value your comment has brought to this thread? It has nothing to do with this conversation so I am unsure if this is sarcasm or ignorance.

    You dont have Darth Maul, either, huh?

    Don't do drugs

    Stay in School.
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    Has a dev yet explained why this was changed? Or has it been silence
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    Has a dev yet explained why this was changed? Or has it been silence

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    Totally agree. Have no problem with those who pre crafted, but the rest of us are prohibited from gearing up. As noted above, it has created a HUGE gap between the RG-haves and the RG-have nots. Devs really need to do something about this ASAP. Now that players are starting to get to levels 74 and above, it's starting to cost me arena rank.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Umm, you guys were all like: SIM, SIM, SIM...
    ...then they were like level 80, yo...
    and you were like this stuff is good!...
    Now people be hatin'.

    Still enjoy the game which is why this is a discussion. However, I am confused as to what value your comment has brought to this thread? It has nothing to do with this conversation so I am unsure if this is sarcasm or ignorance.

    You dont have Darth Maul, either, huh?

    Don't do drugs

    Stay in School.

    Coming from the person who writes school with a capital S. It's not German..
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    I'm lucky I at least got 1 precast, was able to get Poggle to gear lvl 9 and now he's a beast!
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    The saddest part about it is that it's just a stall tactic. It doesn't benefit free or pay players, it's just another stupid decision in a long line of other stupid decisions...
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    The saddest part about it is that it's just a stall tactic. It doesn't benefit free or pay players, it's just another stupid decision in a long line of other stupid decisions...

    Really. Even when the extra gear is available, the rest of us still have to spend time getting it then spend more time catching up on g9.

    I'm not sure why they refuse to address this. It's been brought up more times than I can count even in developer's threads.

    I think they're afraid it will **** off those who bought a bunch of crystals to precraft in time before it was changed. Why else would they have even mentioned the change if they didn't want people to spend extra money to precraft.
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    I have several precrafted items and could be happy, but I still think this is the biggest issue at the moment, as it makes a large unbalance between people with g8 and people with g9 characters. G9 RG is the best example here.

    Some people say, in two weeks the gears from g9 can be get, but looking at the datamined info (which of course is not a 100% reliable), until you can get access to the new gear, you need to battle in the higher levels, and even there there seems to be an rng component in the gear you get. So for leveling up 5 tools it is probably still more than a month.

    With the omega event and finally som limited access to omega material, cg corrected the second large flaw of the l80 upgrade. It is time to correct the lagest flaw now.
  • jaystarkiller
    25 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Has one of the Dev's or Mods commented on any of the other threads that have raised the precrafting issues??

    I've hit level 74 and many people in my arena are at level 75 so this needs balancing now guys....people have given you enough options on how to even this out.

    On a seperate note I personally love the update I'm lvl 74 FTP and I love the fact we can now have diverse teams battling it out in the arena ☺ All we ask Dev's is make sure it's fair!
  • Khorvog_Karbossa
    1000 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I don't want this conversation leaving page 1, we NEED a dev comment here, I love everything about this game except this one aspect.
    Post edited by Alita on
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    There's gotta be more people that really care about this issue
    It completely hinders progress for 99% of players

    We need every drop of power to beat hard mode light side battles, with Maul dealing 20k damage

    There's got to be a solution from the devs
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    I don't want this conversation leaving page 1, we NEED a dev comment here, I love everything about this game except this one aspect.

    I agree. This conversation needs to stay alive until there is a resolution. This is not complaining without just cause. This situation of imbalance was created by the devs, not by skill or luck.. This gear needs to be fixed so that the opportunity for balanced competition can be restored
  • Simda
    151 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Jaxs wrote: »
    I was one of the lucky ones to pre-craft some Gear pieces before the update. I too was a little late in finding out about it. Like when they posted it 2 weeks prior to the update I was a week behind before I was able to start pre crafting. Now Im NO whale, but I have and did spend money to do what I could with in the last week before the update. I was actually able to get many gears pre-crafted and because of it I have 4-5 characters gear 9 as of right now, but there are so many more Characters that will be stuck at gear 8. I think that even thu some people have an advantage its not their fault, but it does need to get fixed to make it fair and balanced for everyone else.

    It's definately not your fault and I think everyone agrees on that. Im also a low spender and could have had the same result as you since I had the mats, just not the final piece. Like @AKK889 said, when it does get out we work on our first gear 9 toon where others start working on their 5th i.e. It's more or less a snowballing effect.

    I precrafted and hoarded getting ready for level cap 80. I ran the risk of not having fun but kept hunting those purple hairdryer (2 pieces per refresh till I get 50). The bigger risk I ran which I expected was gearing all these toons to level 9 but a DRASTIC change of meta making GS, Rey, qgj, etc USELESS.

    While being in an advantage position, I am still disappointed that plo koon, old Ben, ventress remains rather useless...I was expecting more diversity.

    It is true, it will snowball and I will also continue my quest to be ahead of the meta. Few gambles did NOT pay off like lando and old Ben, while precrafting pay off big for sure.
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    I just want to premise what I am about to comment on that I have never called for a nerf, or seen any issue in this game that causes a distinct advantage for certain players. (I accept there are whales) but this is unrelated.

    1. Why did it ever become necessary to pre craft? If the gear requirements are made, why change it? To make the marathon farm an ultra marathon? Before the update there was an advantage for the players that had pre crafted the droid callers and furnaces but not to the degree that I would ever post a message asking for a reversal or reparations.

    2. Now that the update has been put into effect and those gear pieces have been equipped, I see the canyon that has developed between the two classes of players. It has nothing to do with spending money, purely based on whether they "crafted" "gear" before fifty unobtainable pieces were added to the already tall order. I have seen other post with more in depth information that included exact numbers (which I don't have) but I will say that the difference is astounding. I feel as though this is the point where I must speak up with the many others that are asking/begging for a reversal or reparation.

    3. My suggestion/ hope: that devs will see this issue as valid. If there is added value to the addition of those pieces please share. If not, could we either:

    a) remove the fifty unobtainable pieces so that we can craft the items that other had before the addition


    b) provide reparations in the form of either a couple droid callers and furnaces or 100-200 of the unobtainable pieces.

    I hope this post is not in violation of any of the forum rules and policies, I simply wanted to add my voice to the concern as it is becoming increasingly difficult to compete with "pre crafters"

    Awful mistake. Getting worse by the day. And I pre crafted on vacation reading the forums on the beach in cabo. Thankfully.
  • MTan
    42 posts Member
    I don't think they (devs) should give out free gear since that would bring up another problem of who deserves them, hence who to give them to.

    Allowing the gear to be crafted without the prerequisite of the 50x unobtainable gear until the raid feature is implemented would be the better way to go about it.

    "Want the gear? Grind for it now with energy or come month end theres gonna be new gear requirements. When raids hit these gear will have a new source and you will need to raid to get them."

    Instead of...
    "Want the gear? Suck it up for now and wait for month end and while you are at it enjoy arena with others having an advantage over you that you can do nothing about. Once raids feature, help yourself to additional grinding of 50x gear per piece of precrafted gear that these people with a gear advantage have already equipped so you may get on an even footing. Maybe come July, you will be able to compete again! Oh thats if you get into an active guild and manage to get the specific gears that you want of course."

    Again, if you are able to equip the gear, there should be an avenue to obtain that gear. Especially if there are other players already equipping them.
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    MTan wrote: »
    The tldr: precrafted gear gives unfair advantage for a long time. Guilds should be for socialising.

    I precrafted 3 Droid callers and I agree. Guilds should not be the only place to obtain the parts. I'm against penalizing folks who precrafted cos we did that spending lots of crystals and energy, based on the mechanism and info the devs implemented/ announced. Guilds should be a matter of choice, if they are the only place to get the extra parts, many more will be disadvantaged than the ones who missed the announcement or did not precraft for whatever reasons. In the long run, bad for the game.
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    Hello... I read this forum since December but I decided to register to join the disappointment about precrafted items. It's unfair. Please fix asap.
  • Serya
    334 posts Member
    Come on Devs give us an update on this! Saying it will be fixed when guilds/raids come out is not a valid response. There are players with a huge advantage at this point and the rest of us are stuck!
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    Deadded wrote: »
    won't get any better until the lvl 90 cap raise unless they change the lvl requirement for the new gear pieces. Even if we can farm them from raids, they're unusable until lvl 81. 9b6b058d2a529c783692854d825e5780.png

    they're definitely changing that lol. No matter how many bad decisions they've made in the past, this would be the worst decision ever to keep that level requirement.

    If EA thought they could profit ...
  • Dev_Str
    137 posts Member
    AKK889 wrote: »
    I'd like to see this fixed before Raids and Guilds are implemented. Raids are not going to fix this either, precrafters will be working on their 4th or 5th toon while non precrafters will start working on their 1st. This is not going to fix itself anytime soon.

    Tha's exactly the problem : hundreds of pieces non-precrafter will have to get to reach the same level as precrafters. The problem was not the small gap of power in arena. The problem is those days/weeks the precrafters gain out of nowhere. (by the way, I precrafted too)
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    Dev_Str wrote: »
    AKK889 wrote: »
    I'd like to see this fixed before Raids and Guilds are implemented. Raids are not going to fix this either, precrafters will be working on their 4th or 5th toon while non precrafters will start working on their 1st. This is not going to fix itself anytime soon.

    Tha's exactly the problem : hundreds of pieces non-precrafter will have to get to reach the same level as precrafters. The problem was not the small gap of power in arena. The problem is those days/weeks the precrafters gain out of nowhere. (by the way, I precrafted too)

    It seems unanimous that the community agrees, whether they pre crafted or not, that this has created two tiers of competition.
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