Perhaps you haven't tried them... *in-depth squad review*

At the risk of letting the cat out of the bag, I'm going to do just that. In my opinion, and as a guy with 6 accounts, having tried every synergy in the game and having reached rank 1 on 2 of them, I feel I have developed a good understanding of how all the possible troop synergies work together, and I will say unabashedly, that I believe this to the be the absolute best squad combination in the game. For those of you who know about this squad, then you know exactly what squad I'm about to mention, if you're still wondering, chances are you haven't tried them, and I implore you; don't judge them until you've completely owned the game with them. I'm talking about Ewoks. Yes, the furry little creatures that almost ruined the final installment of the original trilogy are back, and this time, you should give them a chance. There is only one way of describing this synergy, and that is complete turn meter manipulation. While I admit, I have little data how they perform on defense, I will attest that between the combined might of Chief Chirpa, Teebo, Ewok Elder, and Ewok Scout, they have (in my humble opinion) the single strongest synergy in the game. How, you might ask? Only 1 of them does particularly decent damage, and that is the Ewok Scout, so you're not going to burn teams down with them inside of a minute. This is a 1000 tiny bites squad. The other team quite simply is left standing with their private parts in their hands, much the same as the overly-chunky kid at a dodgeball game in 3rd grade; relegated to sit on the sidelines and watch as their teammates are plucked off in a precision-style attack second only to a team of Navy SEALS storming a crack-house. To be perfectly honest, I am not entirely comfortable placing this review online for all to see, as I would prefer Capital Games not re-evaluate them and ultimately nerf them back to mere mortals. That said, let's get on with it.

First up on the list: Chief Chirpa
Strong Suits: Fantastic leader buffs, frequent attacker, status effect infliction (more on this later), speed increasing attack, turn meter removal, and effective, long lasting heals over time with counter-attack buff.
Weak Points: Lower health, mild damage

Second up: Teebo
Strong Suits: Great leader talents but ultimately unnecessary, very high health, high enemy turn meter removal, reliable enemy buff removal, high turn meter generation for other Ewoks.
Weak Points: Very low damage, stealth takes a lot of turns to become available again.

Third up on the list: Ewok Elder
Strong Suits: Reliable debuff removal with adequate healing ability, resurrection ability, high turn meter generation, mild-moderate damage, moderately high health.
Weak Points: Very long cool down for resurrection ability, although this is mitigated to a high degree from heal (which also resurrects not one but multiples), and while he has decent health, he is probably the keystone of this team, if he goes down, you may still win, but it will be difficult.

Last up: Ewok Scout
Strong Suits: Frequent, higher damage attacks with one nuke attack when needed, very high evasion since the addition of Chief Chirpa, moderately reliable enemy turn meter removal.
Weak Points: Moderate health pool, though this is mitigated by evasion chance.

These 4 characters are a very strong team alone, even without adding a 5th team member, not to mention a 6th borrowed character in single player missions. With that, let's move on to possible team members, the strategy will be discussed a bit later, and keep in mind that these are my personal favorites, your mileage may vary.

My first choice for 5th Team Member: Royal Guard
I'm aware that RG may not be the best 5th member for arena when you're high up on the ladder in the top 10 or close, but in this squad, he absolutely shines because the other team simply doesn't get many shots at him, and having a crazy health pool with only a few attacks actually hitting him make him my favorite choice for clearing 27k GW every time without losing a single character, every day. This group can also clear all cantina battles without breaking a sweat, WAY ahead of their theoretical limit.

2nd Choice 5th Team Member: Stormtrooper Han
STH is a great addition to the Ewoks, as his turn meter generation synergies essentially turn him into a wellspring of turn meter generation for his furry friends, while simultaneously removing turn meter from the enemy. While he is admittedly not as hearty as his empire peer above, he is still more than tough enough to endure what amounts to very little damage from enemy fire. His damage, while generally unimportant, is at least on-par with Ewok Scout's basic attack.

3rd Choice 5th Team Member: CT-5555 "Fives"
Fives brings an incredibly reliable slow to your group of care-bears. The Ewoks don't "nuke" anybody, so the fight is always a fairly long one. Using Fives as your 5th member, you will basically have the entire enemy team slowed around halfway through the match, making it that much easier to wreck them with attack after relentless attack.

To clarify, you can use quite literally any 5th member for this squad, some characters I have not had the chance to try, so feel free to substitute and try new things, because I can almost guarantee that you will not lose. I am quite excited to see any other combinations you may come up with. You will notice that I did not include Luminara or any other healers in my favorites, and the reason for that is you simply don't need them. Chirpa and Elder are more than enough to keep this groups health maxed, when handled correctly.

Now, on to the fun! I'm going to link some videos of some recent exploits so that you can see them in action if you haven't had the pleasure yourself. In the first 3 videos, I am simply attacking the last 3 of my latest Galactic War in order to show the level of survivability they have. Note that I completed the entire previous 9 battles with the same squad. In the 4th video, I am attacking a much higher opponent in Squad Arena; almost 6000 squad power higher than me, in fact

Here is my team, note that I'm not maxed, I'm fielding a paltry 21,528 squad power, but also note the teams that I pit them against and how effective they are.


and the videos (please mute these videos, as I did not realize I was recording live audio, nothing interesting here but bumps and static, move along) :-P

[Battle 10][/flash]
[Battle 11][/flash]
[Battle 12][/flash]

the Squad Arena battle:

[VS 27,273 Cookie Cutter Kill Squad][/flash]

The Strategy:
Watching each of these videos, you will notice complete turn meter domination by the Ewok squad. With Chirpa as lead, all Ewoks gain 20% turn meter instantly simply by using their basic attack. On top of this, the Ewok Elder benefits everyone by adding 50% turn meter to all other Ewoks, the Ewok Scout has a chance to deprive his target of 50% turn meter, while Teebo (while stealthed) can deprive his target of a whopping 75% turn meter with every shot. In the event of a tank taunt, Teebo can clear it and reduce the target's turn meter. Royal Guard stuns reliably with a very high 80% chance of stun proc, and Chirpa can use his Tribal Unity ability in order to have his entire team attack a single target, thus having a chance to stun, slow, remove enemy turn meter, and add friendly turn meter all in one shot while dealing decent damage, and giving all team members Speed Up. If that weren't enough, the retaliation buff from Chirpa's heal is a great way to set an enemy up for a swift beating if they use an AoE attack. The key idea is to keep enemy turn meter as close to zero as possible. It's a numbers game, even when they do attack, it's usually the result of having to wait a very long time to do so. Less attacks means less damage, and we want to prolong the fight as long as possible in order to put the enemy team at an even greater disadvantage. That's where the low damage kicks in. Yes you may not annihilate an enemy character right off the bat, but that subtle delay allows you to use special skills more often, and in the event of a difficult fight, multiple heals and res's may be used in order to recover from unanticipated hardships, as was demonstrated in the arena fight.

In closing, I will let you draw your own conclusions from what you have seen here and what we have discussed. Ewoks are clearly one of the most powerful synergies of the game; indeed (in my estimation) perhaps the most powerful of all of them. All it takes is dedication to starring them up and getting over the fact that they are indeed, Ewoks. I hope this has helped some of you on the fence about them. Have fun and GoH on!

TL:DR: I believe the Ewok Synergy to be the most effective squad combination in the game today.


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    God.... now you make me want to get Ewoks. Hahahahaha. I had a feeling they would be good. I only saw 1 ewok squad in Arena... Rank 200 to 100 when I went on vacation.. stopped playing for 1 week and ended up in Rank 180....

    It was easy to destroy but that's because it didn't have the recommended tanks. Hmmmmmm. Now Im curious. Hahahaha. Ewoks motherbleepers.
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    @Sharkybyte i hope you enjoy them man, they have brought me hundreds of hours of enjoyment to the game and they are hands-down my favorite. :)
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    All i can say is wow...that arena match was f'n sick, you had almost full health at the emd for all of your characters after losing the same guy twice. i have a veteran team of all the big dogs (27k sp), phasma, dooku, sid, lumi, and qgj and i could never handle gw like that, much less losing one character. Im gonna have to look into those teddy bear ****'s. Sucks they chose them as the OP squad, like u said they almost ruined SW for me
  • DroidLuvin69
    2 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    They look like they would be good, but your in a lower level bracket. Plenty of characters get huge upgrades at gear level 9 and 10 that will negate a lot of the advantage you have now. Not sure about negating the turn meter gain but what do you do about high crit nuke squads like rey and fotp with qgj and 5's or something? U said yourself that they dont have much health, how would they defend against a squad that could 1 or 2 shot ur elder and one other before you get a chance to attack?
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    @CM_Halon yeah Ewoks arent the most popular characters to use, plus they arent flashy with insane 12k crits like Rey, but all that matters are the results that they provide. That arena match was quite typical actually. When facing teams that much higher in squad power than me im going to lose someone, but so far I've won every match I've come across, these Ewoks are awesome.
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    They look like they would be good, but your in a lower level bracket. Plenty of characters get huge upgrades at gear level 9 and 10 that will negate a lot of the advantage you have now. Not sure about negating the turn meter gain but what do you do about high crit nuke squads like rey and fotp with qgj and 5's or something? U said yourself that they dont have much health, how would they defend against a squad that could 1 or 2 shot ur elder and one other before you get a chance to attack?

    You make a valid point, and those are probably the toughest squads that I've faced, Rey is extraordinarily dangerous, and she has to be dealt with asap, whether turn meter locking her or stun-lock. Luckily, I haven't seen any crazy 1st move 12k crits from her yet, and whenever I see her, she's the first one that I cc or eliminate. If she or one of the others primaries Elder first, I'm gonna have a bad day, but I still haven't had that happen yet. By far the most reliable squad I have. Really, there aren't many toons that can one-shot elder. He is clearly the keystone, and to dismantle this team you have to take him out first, but to do so you have to get through Royal Guard, who will auto-taunt when Elder drops below 50%. I realize there are ways to undermine that but the AI never does that, he simply taunts and then elder and chirpa heals. Once you get passed the initial onslaught, it's easy, smooth-sailing after.
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    Dude i just noticed you're level 72 but several of your characters arent even close to that, why not level them up and increase your sp?
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    CM_Halon wrote: »
    Dude i just noticed you're level 72 but several of your characters arent even close to that, why not level them up and increase your sp?

    I didn't level some of the easier to upgrade characters in order to keep them on-par with the others that aren't so easy. The idea is to keep them close to the same power level. You don't want to have one character that is 5500 and another that is 3500 in the same squad, one will be effective, the other will not. I Balance them as much as possible to keep them all effective as a team. That makes a difference in pairing in GW as well.
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    They look like they would be good, but your in a lower level bracket. Plenty of characters get huge upgrades at gear level 9 and 10 that will negate a lot of the advantage you have now. Not sure about negating the turn meter gain but what do you do about high crit nuke squads like rey and fotp with qgj and 5's or something? U said yourself that they dont have much health, how would they defend against a squad that could 1 or 2 shot ur elder and one other before you get a chance to attack?

    You make a valid point, and those are probably the toughest squads that I've faced, Rey is extraordinarily dangerous, and she has to be dealt with asap, whether turn meter locking her or stun-lock. Luckily, I haven't seen any crazy 1st move 12k crits from her yet, and whenever I see her, she's the first one that I cc or eliminate. If she or one of the others primaries Elder first, I'm gonna have a bad day, but I still haven't had that happen yet. By far the most reliable squad I have. Really, there aren't many toons that can one-shot elder. He is clearly the keystone, and to dismantle this team you have to take him out first, but to do so you have to get through Royal Guard, who will auto-taunt when Elder drops below 50%. I realize there are ways to undermine that but the AI never does that, he simply taunts and then elder and chirpa heals. Once you get passed the initial onslaught, it's easy, smooth-sailing after.

    Well I'll admit I didn't watch the arena vid before I posted before, you had a ton of dps against you and still came out on top by a lot. Maybe I'll give the ewoks a try, they look unstoppable.
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    He doesn't need to raise level to be competitive.

    To the OP I like your post on Ewoks, I am slowly building them up to 7⭐ but even at 5⭐ for elder and scout I'm able to dominate GW. I use Old Daka as my Fifth she has a reliable stun and a rez possibility in case elder gets knocked out. What are your thoughts about using her instead of Royal Guard in arena.
  • HurricaneEwok
    39 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I really like Daka as a 5th, her stun is fantastic and more reliable than the % in the description would lead us to believe, but to me, her res is not reliable enough to make her a staple to my team. The 75% chance of stun that RG offers makes him more valuable to me to complement my Ewoks. That may change, I keep hearing that nightsisters are going to get an overhaul, but until then i will take RG as my 5th character any day of the week and twice on Sunday. :-p

    Edit: and thank you, I'm glad you found this useful. i havent seen anyone talking about them at all and imo they are contenders for the strongest synergy in the game. I didnt want to publish this review for obvious reasons, but i have now. I guess we'll see where it goes.
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    Well I'll admit I didn't watch the arena vid before I posted before, you had a ton of dps against you and still came out on top by a lot. Maybe I'll give the ewoks a try, they look unstoppable.

    That video is the truest real-life representation that I have on how reliable they are. Ewoks are no joke man, absolutely lethal in every aspect of the game. Yeah they may take a while to end a match, but they are guaranteed to be the last ones standing in any fight I've had.
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    Well all i gotta say man is thank you. Gal war is **** me off, i have a bunch of jedi and i cant finish **** with them. I get 4 or 5 battles in and im done. Dooku and sideous ruin it for me. I cant hit sideous and dooku owns me when i hit him. I go to the next match with half health for all my people. With that build you don't have to worry about jedi or sith complications and you dont have any bonuses vs your team like jedi does.
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    This is the best review I have seen for Ewoks and theres not much else out there to refer to, can we get a sticky on this topic? I'm gonna start building my ewoks.
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    @HurricaneEwok how well do you think the team would perform on defence/AI ?

    The reason I ask is because on the tank challenge I normally play it manually with Teebo(L) due to the fact the AI doesn't always use his basic attack when he's stunned
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    Well done. Very thoughtful and surprisingly unbiased review of the Ewoks. I have heard good things about them and saw a couple 'maxed' out videos but it is hard to tell what the journey would be like so it was nice to see you using them at a more realistic level/star level. Well done again, another project i might have to put some time into.... ;)
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    Impressive! Most impressive, now I feel bad for not wanting to use Ewoks earlier
    I am Norwegian!
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    @RogerMoore_007 I think I would prefer not facing them. :-p AI is notoriously unpredictable and while i see that as not nearly as effective as being intentional and choosing your attacks carefully, i still think it would be a pain to deal with. I know to knock out Elder first for sure, but with RG that makes the prospect much more difficult.

    @pepper10 I'm glad you enjoyed the review! I can honstly say that the journey was quite different when i didn't have Chirpa, but even then they were unstoppable in GW when Teebo was lead, albeit a bit more "unstable"? I guess that is the word. I relied on Teebo's leader talent to keep him stealthed as much as possible in order to keep the enemy turn meter locked. It was highly effective even then, but Chirpa was a massive game-changer. :)

    @Tayvyer I waited a while too but im glad i did, it gave me an appreciation for how effective they are! Give me this team of Ewoks over a Phasma, Sid, Dooku team any day.
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    @CM_Halon Man I don't know if I want this stickied, more chance of them breaking out the nerf-bat. Lol
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    Well all i gotta say man is thank you. Gal war is **** me off, i have a bunch of jedi and i cant finish **** with them. I get 4 or 5 battles in and im done. Dooku and sideous ruin it for me. I cant hit sideous and dooku owns me when i hit him. I go to the next match with half health for all my people. With that build you don't have to worry about jedi or sith complications and you dont have any bonuses vs your team like jedi does.

    Man sadly I think Jedi are grossly ineffective for GW. With Sid and Dooku in virtually every match, I feel it really makes them unviable for anything that requires endurance and resilience. While Yoda helps a lot versus Sid now, they all still have a very hard time just making contact with him, all while Dooku goes unchecked and has his way with all your crew. In my opinion that should be adjusted asap.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    So how do they defend.

    Any team can beat any team on offense. Lately I don't even lose a character. Does this team in the hands of the AI fair well?

    I'm slow farming them now with the good kick start from the ewok event.
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    Greg1920 wrote: »
    So how do they defend.

    Any team can beat any team on offense. Lately I don't even lose a character. Does this team in the hands of the AI fair well?

    I'm slow farming them now with the good kick start from the ewok event.

    While that may be true for single encounters, I haven't found a squad capable of the consistency of these guys. They have pretty much unlimited endurance and can easily clear an entire GW with no retries. In my experience with most groups, you have to be extremely choosy about when to use special skills and time your heals perfectly so you have them when you need them for the next encounter. All that's unnecessary for Ewoks, you can go into the next match with most or all of your cool downs blown and still flourish against them. As for defense, I still don't have a lot of hard data to go on. I can say that I lose rank maybe once a day in the 200-400 range, and my squad power is only 21,500 versus mostly 25-28k opponents, so I have to assume they at least do ok. That said, I pick them apart and AI just takes shots where it wants and blows cool downs indiscriminately, so I would really have to see it in action. I have been known to "auto" entire GW matches before and I still come out with no issues, I'm just picky about the outcome so I rarely do that.
  • Luna
    8 posts Member
    Wow! I'm really considering getting them now. F2p lol makes my resources very limited if I got them. Grrrrrrrr lol
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    Luna wrote: »
    Wow! I'm really considering getting them now. F2p lol makes my resources very limited if I got them. Grrrrrrrr lol

    lol just do what I did and make another account! I have 6 accounts currently and this Ewok account is f2p! Well, mostly, I've spent like $5. :smiley:
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    They can beat literally anyone on offense on auto just make them focus fire and grab some popcorn.
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    They can beat literally anyone on offense on auto just make them focus fire and grab some popcorn.

    Preach it brother Maynard!
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    I have been working on the Ewoks since January. It is a GRIND!!! My Elder is 5*, Scout is 4* 50/65. Teebo and Chirpa are pretty quick to get, but pretty much useless without the other 2. I was planning on getting them all to 6* before full gear up, but that video may mean that they will be relevant sooner as a group....
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    I have been working on the Ewoks since January. It is a GRIND!!! My Elder is 5*, Scout is 4* 50/65. Teebo and Chirpa are pretty quick to get, but pretty much useless without the other 2. I was planning on getting them all to 6* before full gear up, but that video may mean that they will be relevant sooner as a group....

    Yeah dude they are more than viable at around 4k each. I consistently take out 25, 26, 27k teams with little difficulty. Sometimes they will alpha my elder and that makes for a bad day but he usually lives through the opening alpha, leaving plenty of time and cool downs to even things back up. :smile:
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    I love the Ewoks. I don't see any particular reason for them to get nerfed right now because not enough people use them. Between the hard farm to get them, the fact that it's team synergy that makes them work instead of an OP individual, and the characters themselves not being the most exciting to play it would be stupid to cut them down now. Someday when the Ewok team becomes the new Meta then maybe, but for now this furry little team ought to be safe (I hope :-)
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    I love the Ewoks. I don't see any particular reason for them to get nerfed right now because not enough people use them. Between the hard farm to get them, the fact that it's team synergy that makes them work instead of an OP individual, and the characters themselves not being the most exciting to play it would be stupid to cut them down now. Someday when the Ewok team becomes the new Meta then maybe, but for now this furry little team ought to be safe (I hope :-)

    All good reasons, I hope so too!
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