Crystal purchases of full gear items in Shipments


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    BamBam wrote: »
    I'm actually very happy about this. Though I would probably never buy something that expensive, I'm glad that whales have another opportunity to buy something nice and time saving. Thanks dev team!

    There's no problem with selling gear pieces for crystals. Please read again to understand what was the problem.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    For those complaining about the price this is dirt cheap gear. The best value in the game.

    For a 50 item it takes 2500 energy. This takes 20 refills. At 50 credits per refill it's worth 1000 crystals. At 100 credits per refill it's worth 2000 crystals. It sells for 1200- 1400.

    It's a deal.
  • Options
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    For those complaining about the price this is dirt cheap gear. The best value in the game.

    For a 50 item it takes 2500 energy. This takes 20 refills. At 50 credits per refill it's worth 1000 crystals. At 100 credits per refill it's worth 2000 crystals. It sells for 1200- 1400.

    It's a deal.
    How about the 1/50 piece I'm being offered for 1500?
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    Greg1920 wrote: »
    For those complaining about the price this is dirt cheap gear. The best value in the game.

    For a 50 item it takes 2500 energy. This takes 20 refills. At 50 credits per refill it's worth 1000 crystals. At 100 credits per refill it's worth 2000 crystals. It sells for 1200- 1400.

    It's a deal.

    It does not take me 1400 crystals to get 50 pieces of gear. If I have absolutely no patience then maybe but no.
  • HK47_1974
    65 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    I too mistakenly bought a 300 crystal item although at least I needed the item. I feel for the people that lost thousands of crystals.
    Post edited by HK47_1974 on
  • Yogi
    907 posts Member
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    I honestly feel there's quite a bit of sarcasm and contempt implied here by the development team and I feel offended.

    Get over it.

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    hi @CG_JohnSalera. thanks for the update.
    i hope you can update the community further on what the devs team can do for the players who accidentally bought items thinking that it was paid for by credits instead of crystals.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    For those complaining about the price this is dirt cheap gear. The best value in the game.

    For a 50 item it takes 2500 energy. This takes 20 refills. At 50 credits per refill it's worth 1000 crystals. At 100 credits per refill it's worth 2000 crystals. It sells for 1200- 1400.

    It's a deal.

    It does not take me 1400 crystals to get 50 pieces of gear. If I have absolutely no patience then maybe but no.

    Then don't buy them. My point is that for those who currently doing 100 Crystal refreshes once we reach level cap the price is lower then buying 100 Crystal refreshes.
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    Please put the shipment store back the way it was it seems to be from rhe posts I have been reading no one like the new crystal gear purchases, we would much rather have three more slots for character shards, plus you put them right at the top tricking people into clicking right away with out looking to see they cost crystals not credits, the shipment store has been all credits on gear, this needs to go back to that method, we do not need those ridiculous over priced rare gear, and it would be great if I could get my 300 crystals back.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »
    As promised:


    This was taken moments ago so it is since the update.

    The left and right items here are full items. The middle item is 1/20 of an item. They have similar prices.

    @CG_JohnSalera - I must clarify. The middle item shown here is not a full item, but it is also not a fragment of which 20 are required. It is combined with another item to make the full item. Its graphic, which shows an outline, combined with the word "Prototype", makes it easy to confuse this with something you need 20 or 50 of.
    Suggestion: Please only offer full equippable items for crystals. The difference between this and the actual full "Mk 6 BioTech Implant" is just the addition of one piece of white gear and one green gear. It would be much less confusing if only the full item were put in shipments.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    As promised:


    This was taken moments ago so it is since the update.

    The left and right items here are full items. The middle item is 1/20 of an item. They have similar prices.

    @CG_JohnSalera - I must clarify. The middle item shown here is not a full item, but it is also not a fragment of which 20 are required. It is combined with another item to make the full item. Its graphic, which shows an outline, combined with the word "Prototype", makes it easy to confuse this with something you need 20 or 50 of.
    Suggestion: Please only offer full equippable items for crystals. The difference between this and the actual full "Mk 6 BioTech Implant" is just the addition of one piece of white gear and one green gear. It would be much less confusing if only the full item were put in shipments.

    NO! It's fine the way it is! I don't want to pay double the crystals for the complete item if i already have those other pieces, that would make shipments a joke!
  • Options
    Important to note that the offered items in question here are *full pieces of gear*.

    For example, in my Shipments I'm seeing one Mk 6 Chiewab Hypo Syringe for 1,400 Crystals.

    I could craft it with 50 Mk 6 Chiewab Hypo Syringe Salvage components, and 13,300 Credits, or I could purchase it immediately.

    These are new offers, and they're optional.

    If you think about the cost to farm these aggressively in the form of crystal refreshes and energy refreshes this is not a bad deal.
  • Options
    Important to note that the offered items in question here are *full pieces of gear*.

    For example, in my Shipments I'm seeing one Mk 6 Chiewab Hypo Syringe for 1,400 Crystals.

    I could craft it with 50 Mk 6 Chiewab Hypo Syringe Salvage components, and 13,300 Credits, or I could purchase it immediately.

    These are new offers, and they're optional.

    If you think about the cost to farm these aggressively in the form of crystal refreshes and energy refreshes this is not a bad deal.

    This. If I see a fusion furnace in there 3K crystals, I'll probably buy it.
    Sinister Alliance (Leader) - accepting waitlist members - PM for information
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @Qeltar I've read your post again, you don't seem to understand what they're offering here. Read my post on the second page in this thread.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    NO! It's fine the way it is! I don't want to pay double the crystals for the complete item if i already have those other pieces, that would make shipments a joke!

    Okay, I can see the argument here. But then they really need some way of making it more clear that you are not buying 1/20 or 1/50 of something.
    Alexone wrote: »
    @Qeltar I've read your post again, you don't seem to understand what they're offering here. Read my post on the second page in this thread.

    Yeah I already had this pointed out by a guildie and posted a clarification just above.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @Qeltar It's actually better that it's called prototype, because aside from the 20 pieces of gear you also get some credits along with those 20 pieces.
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    you know that you can "preview" an item in the shop before you buy it right? there you can see what it is, for whom it is used, if it directly equips (has stats than! :) ) or if it is a part of a bigger thing
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    @Qeltar It's actually better that it's called prototype, because aside from the 20 pieces of gear you also get some credits along with those 20 pieces.

    The problem is the graphics. Sometimes an "outline" means a component you need many of, and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes a "full picture" means a component you need many of, and sometimes it doesn't.
    IMO anyway. This is what is confusing people. It got me.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    @Qeltar - Thanks for clarifying. As you likely know, you can tap on the image of the piece to get a lot more info, including whether it's a full piece or a part (along with how many you own, and which characters can currently use it, if any). However, I'd like to see if we can surface the full vs. part info more clearly at the top level (without adding too much visual clutter).

    @JothamFeyt - You may not want to purchase these, but other people do. For people who want to instantly get the piece they need, this has been a positive as I've seen here and via PM's.

    @Unimatrix - We are looking into what we can do for people who didn't mean to buy them between the initial release yesterday morning (Pacific time) and last night when we posted the update. Stay tuned.

    @DarthCyren - Absolutely no sarcasm or contempt intended. It's sometimes hard to convey emotional context in text. :)

  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    @Qeltar It's actually better that it's called prototype, because aside from the 20 pieces of gear you also get some credits along with those 20 pieces.

    The problem is the graphics. Sometimes an "outline" means a component you need many of, and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes a "full picture" means a component you need many of, and sometimes it doesn't.
    IMO anyway. This is what is confusing people. It got me.

    I guess that would be better, but they have to change the outline from the standard piece as well because they are identical. Only then i would be confused. :smile:
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Maybe outline for a 1/20 or 1/50 component, a faded/dulled full item for a prototype, proper full graphic for complete item?
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    I agree. Maybe a minor change to the appearance to indicate what it is would be good; I know I didn't realize what it was at first either and I was farming one of the pieces I ended up buying. LOL. I think this was a really cool addition to the update, it should be very helpful to get characters to gear 9+
  • Options
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Maybe outline for a 1/20 or 1/50 component, a faded/dulled full item for a prototype, proper full graphic for complete item?

    What about just making the font purple too or maybe that will be too dark. Gold font to show that it's a more valuable piece? Or maybe when you click on the picture display the components that made it?
  • JothamFeyt
    23 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Alexone wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    @Qeltar It's actually better that it's called prototype, because aside from the 20 pieces of gear you also get some credits along with those 20 pieces.

    The problem is the graphics. Sometimes an "outline" means a component you need many of, and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes a "full picture" means a component you need many of, and sometimes it doesn't.
    IMO anyway. This is what is confusing people. It got me.

    I guess that would be better, but they have to change the outline from the standard piece as well because they are identical. Only then i would be confused. :smile:

    There should be a separate shipment store then for crystal purchases and give us back our three character slots in the original shipment store, I prefer being able to buy character shards with 100 or 150 crystals that can be easily gathered in a day or two, now I have less character options, it's garbage greedy marketing rubbish
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Options
    @Qeltar - Thanks for clarifying. As you likely know, you can tap on the image of the piece to get a lot more info, including whether it's a full piece or a part (along with how many you own, and which characters can currently use it, if any). However, I'd like to see if we can surface the full vs. part info more clearly at the top level (without adding too much visual clutter).

    @JothamFeyt - You may not want to purchase these, but other people do. For people who want to instantly get the piece they need, this has been a positive as I've seen here and via PM's.

    @Unimatrix - We are looking into what we can do for people who didn't mean to buy them between the initial release yesterday morning (Pacific time) and last night when we posted the update. Stay tuned.

    @DarthCyren - Absolutely no sarcasm or contempt intended. It's sometimes hard to convey emotional context in text. :)

    This is what I meet to quote
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    I agree. Maybe a minor change to the appearance to indicate what it is would be good; I know I didn't realize what it was at first either and I was farming one of the pieces I ended up buying. LOL. I think this was a really cool addition to the update, it should be very helpful to get characters to gear 9+

    It is a good addition for the update, i think they overdid it on the stun cuffs tho. 30 energy refreshes for one stun cuff? That is not the real it? Gulp...I am scared.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    JothamFeyt wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    @Qeltar It's actually better that it's called prototype, because aside from the 20 pieces of gear you also get some credits along with those 20 pieces.

    The problem is the graphics. Sometimes an "outline" means a component you need many of, and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes a "full picture" means a component you need many of, and sometimes it doesn't.
    IMO anyway. This is what is confusing people. It got me.

    I guess that would be better, but they have to change the outline from the standard piece as well because they are identical. Only then i would be confused. :smile:

    There should be a separate shipment store then for crystal purchases and give us back our three character slots in the original shipment store, I prefer being able to buy character shards with 100 or 150 crystals that can be easily gathered in a day or two, now I have less character options, it's garbage greedy marketing rubbish

    How is it greed? These pieces take a ton of purple drops to make them. If you're aggressively farming them with crystal refreshes on the energy, you'll easily get close to what EA is selling them for. Depending on your luck the refresh cost maybe a little less but it could be a little more too, not to mention the time component. This is really a good deal if you think about it in that context. I guess if you're not farming like that then I could see how you find it expensive, but it's really not a bad deal at all. I really look at this addition as EA trying to help us gear up.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Alexone wrote: »
    I agree. Maybe a minor change to the appearance to indicate what it is would be good; I know I didn't realize what it was at first either and I was farming one of the pieces I ended up buying. LOL. I think this was a really cool addition to the update, it should be very helpful to get characters to gear 9+

    It is a good addition for the update, i think they overdid it on the stun cuffs tho. 30 energy refreshes for one stun cuff? That is not the real it? Gulp...I am scared.

    Depends on your luck I guess. I've done a 50 crystal refresh before and only gotten 1. I was actually farming the purple waffle-irons (forget the real name) recently and got none in a refresh. So great, if this saves me time and is equivalent in money, I'm all in.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Options
    Important to note that the offered items in question here are *full pieces of gear*.

    For example, in my Shipments I'm seeing one Mk 6 Chiewab Hypo Syringe for 1,400 Crystals.

    I could craft it with 50 Mk 6 Chiewab Hypo Syringe Salvage components, and 13,300 Credits, or I could purchase it immediately.

    These are new offers, and they're optional.

    If you think about the cost to farm these aggressively in the form of crystal refreshes and energy refreshes this is not a bad deal.

    This. If I see a fusion furnace in there 3K crystals, I'll probably buy it.

    It was 1500 for the fusion furnace. The gear we all need.

This discussion has been closed.