GW at level 80


  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Just curious to know if other players having reached level 80 are getting incredibly difficult runs in GW since they reached that level.
    I use to pretty much breeze through GW, needing to burn an occasional suicide squad or two in tougher runs but since I reached 80 it's been incredibly difficult.

    @Baldo I had your squad at node 10 yesterday, total nightmare, I needed to beat it without damaging my a team too much cause I knew two more awful tough fights were left after you. Was the worst, I finally did it after trying every possible ways to get the right RNG but just painful...
    So is this happening to all level 80 or I'm just on a really bad streak?

    This comment has been removed for violation of Terms of Service/
    Post edited by BanthaPanda on
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    Don't get me wrong - GW should be challenging.

    The way it is right now however makes it impossible to beat on some days and too much of a chore and time-eater every day around.

    I am truly not looking forward to having to do it twice today in a couple of hours for 4-5 hours to satisfy the guild challenge...
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I complete GW every day with the same 7 Jedi...

  • 0neHellOfAPilot
    41 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Hahaha, love those responses that add nothing to the discussion but only ridicule the OP b/c he/she brought up a good point ... sounds VERY DEFENSIVE to say the least ... name calling is a great sign of defensiveness b/c the responder lacks a clear, articulate and coherent counter argument!! They simply made the OP's argument that much stronger ... thank you for wasting our time w/the long jibberish.

    > Just quit being a baby and ACT like a grown up, even if you are 12.. you are OLD enough to NOT whine whenever things are not working out.

    Wait, wait, when was the last time we all encountered "name calling" ... OH YEAH .. FOURTH GRADE ..... BAM :)
    Post edited by 0neHellOfAPilot on
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    > I am truly not looking forward to having to do it twice today in a couple of hours for 4-5 hours to satisfy the guild challenge.

    The frustration level vs progression level is way out of whack. 4-5 hours to simply make minimal progress IS NOT FUN. It's a chore. Seriously, who wants to play a game that has turned into a chore ?
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    You do, apparently?
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    > You do, apparently?

    Hahaha, another post that adds nothing to the discussion.
  • Mo_liza
    786 posts Member
    Sounds like you need a couple healers.

    GW is easy for me.
  • 0neHellOfAPilot
    41 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    > Sounds like you need a couple healers.
    > GW is easy for me

    Hahaha, more "brilliant insight" .. let's explore your brilliant idea ...

    how many healers are we talking about ? Let's do all of the popular ones ... Let's assume u have Lumi, Barriss, Daka, JC, Talia, the Ewoks, Tusken, and even JE ... it's quite a feat to have all of them geared, stared out ... but let's play along ...

    So assuming u use TWO healers per squad ... which means u won't have much of a DPS b/c healers aren't death dealers except for Lumi, etc ... which means as u use up your squad slot for healers (playing defense really), you give up offense which means u are "HOPING" u outlast CG's meta squad of death dealers.

    The fault in your brilliant idea is that CG has limitless, endless supply of fresh, fully geared, maxed out, stared out death dealers and tankers! Do you have a limitless, endless supply of ** FRESH **, ** MAXED OUT **, ** GEARED OUT **, ** STARED OUT ** healers ?

    Didn't think so ... FAILED ... flat on his/her face .. ouch ... NEXT
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    This thread has encouraged me to not hurry and g10 l these toons. I'll stay here in the 34k range
  • 0neHellOfAPilot
    41 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Timi's brilliant response ..

    > I complete GW every day with the same 7 Jedi...

    And your point is ? ... So you were able to crap today .. yipeeedee doo ... this discussion isn't about YOU Timi ... This discussion is about many GoHeroes unable to find the fun in GW ... get over yourself already ...

    Maybe your friend's pointless rant about acting like an adult was for u instead of the OP ... :) ... in that case, that post was spot on ....
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    Is this forum not restricted to people over the age of 13?
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    GW should't be taking arena teams as opponents, it should be pulling other GW teams :/
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Jetlife wrote: »
    This thread has encouraged me to not hurry and g10 l these toons. I'll stay here in the 34k range

    Look at my post and reread above. Look at Telaans post about winning squad w highest power... Be careful w the Nubians... That is if you enjoy getting credits and purples and GW currency and progression to 150 clears for Vader. If you don't care about that and want the highest power squad on your guild then go for it! Whales with big power are hurting on GW...
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    > Look at my post and reread above. Look at Telaans post about winning squad w highest power... Be careful w the Nubians... That is if you enjoy getting credits and purples and GW currency and progression to 150 clears for Vader. If you don't care about that and want the highest power squad on your guild then go for it! Whales with big power are hurting on GW...

    Agree completely. It is why CG needs to separate the whales, dolphins and sharks from the rest of us. This ONE policy fits all is nutz.

    Let the whales, dolphins and sharks play amongst themselves. They can gear up, star out, omega out their entire platoon for all they want. Don't penalize us folks who grind out stuff to only be punished b/c the gamer in the next cube bought a bunch of gears and now he/shee NEEDS TO BE CHECKED/HANDICAPED.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    Really? Since when do whales even need to complete GW?

  • Skammadix
    207 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    > Look at my post and reread above. Look at Telaans post about winning squad w highest power... Be careful w the Nubians... That is if you enjoy getting credits and purples and GW currency and progression to 150 clears for Vader. If you don't care about that and want the highest power squad on your guild then go for it! Whales with big power are hurting on GW...

    Agree completely. It is why CG needs to separate the whales, dolphins and sharks from the rest of us. This ONE policy fits all is nutz.

    Let the whales, dolphins and sharks play amongst themselves. They can gear up, star out, omega out their entire platoon for all they want. Don't penalize us folks who grind out stuff to only be punished b/c the gamer in the next cube bought a bunch of gears and now he/shee NEEDS TO BE CHECKED/HANDICAPED.

    I do it with 3 healers. Daka, Lumi, Barriss, with Rey and QGJ as my dps. Mind you, Rey and QGJ are G10, Daka and Barriss are G9, and Lumi G8.

    Control (Daka Stuns and Lumi ability block, QGJ Humbling Blow for Dispel), Self heals and extra health from Barriss's leader ability, and high dps from QGJ, Rey, and Lumi. Granted Lumi isn't on the same playing field as Rey and QGJ, but she does hit fairly hard.

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    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    Just curious to know if other players having reached level 80 are getting incredibly difficult runs in GW since they reached that level.
    I use to pretty much breeze through GW, needing to burn an occasional suicide squad or two in tougher runs but since I reached 80 it's been incredibly difficult.

    @Baldo I had your squad at node 10 yesterday, total nightmare, I needed to beat it without damaging my a team too much cause I knew two more awful tough fights were left after you. Was the worst, I finally did it after trying every possible ways to get the right RNG but just painful...
    So is this happening to all level 80 or I'm just on a really bad streak?

    Its called leveling. Do you pay attention to your OWN team or what? They get upgrades at 78, maybe 76, another at 79 and definitely 80.

    So I don't get what the problem is. You just hit 80 NOW you get daily and get omega gear and level your team and get better abilities, and eventually you will catch up.

    It's a game, I don't get all the drama, complaint, criticism and anger.. its a GAME FFS. What is the problem, if you don't want to play don't play. But stop complaining (yes I am telling you to STOP whining, because as a 5 year old you need to take a nap).

    complaining griping moaning over a game.. I do NOT get it. Also don't get that you go up levels, what you want everyone else to STOP what they are doing wait for you, then proceed?

    Sorry LIFE doesn't wait, a GAME is free nobody gets hurt (except you and your butt apparently). Just quit being a baby and ACT like a grown up, even if you are 12.. you are OLD enough to NOT whine whenever things are not working out.

    ACT like a person that has matured past whining for everything..

    Read back my post, then read back yours.
    I'm asking other players about their own experience to see if they have also noticed the same sharp increase in difficulty in their GW. By the looks of replies, most are indeed experiencing the same problem.
    You are aggressive, calling me names, twisting the meaning of my post thus entirely discrediting yourself or any valid argument you might have tried to express. Just another aggressive random troll attack as far as I concerned, taking note of your name to make certain to scroll past any other comment you my post.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    > Look at my post and reread above. Look at Telaans post about winning squad w highest power... Be careful w the Nubians... That is if you enjoy getting credits and purples and GW currency and progression to 150 clears for Vader. If you don't care about that and want the highest power squad on your guild then go for it! Whales with big power are hurting on GW...

    Agree completely. It is why CG needs to separate the whales, dolphins and sharks from the rest of us. This ONE policy fits all is nutz.

    Let the whales, dolphins and sharks play amongst themselves. They can gear up, star out, omega out their entire platoon for all they want. Don't penalize us folks who grind out stuff to only be punished b/c the gamer in the next cube bought a bunch of gears and now he/shee NEEDS TO BE CHECKED/HANDICAPED.

    Even better, we could remove the free label, and make it pay only.

    You arent being penalized, you are refusing to take advantage of what is offered.

    There is no more honor in grinding than buying.

    Also, my GW team has 3 healers, every time.

    You need to get some perspective.
  • 0neHellOfAPilot
    41 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    > I do it with 3 healers. Daka, Lumi, Barriss, with Rey and QGJ as my dps. Mind you, Rey and QGJ are G10, Daka and Barriss are G9, and Lumi G8.
    > Control (Daka Stuns and Lumi ability block, QGJ Humbling Blow for Dispel), Self heals and extra health from Barriss's leader ability, and high dps from QGJ, Rey, and Lumi. Granted Lumi isn't on the same playing field as Rey and QGJ, but she does hit fairly hard.

    Stop the insanity. Either you have not hit the "brick walls" that most of us have hit, for whatever reasons, or something else is going on.

    It DOES NOT matter what is your squad's composition. You are telling me that your 3 healers + Rey + QGJ can withstand 5-6nodes (if you are lucky or as many as 8 nodes if you are not) of higher powered squads that are fully ** FRESH **, ** MAXED OUT **, ** GEARED OUT **, ** STARED OUT ** squads ...

    What are you "supposed" "cleared GW with ease" trolls gonna tell me next ? That you entire squad is made up of healers ? ...

    yeah, ************* G A L A T I C .... F A I L **********************

    I am ROFLMAO at the pathetic apologetic excuses .. at least come up w/a better excuse.
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    Guys, here's something to consider:
    1) GW match-making is based the highest Arena power you've ever fielded
    2) AI is awful. You can beat teams 2-3K higher than you in Arena

    Don't throw your highest powered teams in Arena. Keep power low and GW will be easier.

    I can easily field 38k+ in arena but chose to stay below 36k
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    @Mol_Eliza_99999 Thing is, you are playing the game for Galactic War then. Nothing wrong with that, but it's just that most people will be playing for the arena...and then facing tough GW as a consequence. I've not hit the wall, but my patience has. GW has more wrong with it than just its difficulty.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Proper use of B teams to target individuals, along with early conservation of protection can work miracles.

    Never hitting "Auto" is key.

    Saving your cooldowns, milking mismatches to heal and reset, key substitutions vs problem foes, wise target selection... These things are really important as well.
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    > Even better, we could remove the free label, and make it pay only.

    Bring it on ... see how long that lasts ..... if p2p was viable by itself, f2p would never have been an option to begin with .. wonder why f2p is still there ? ...

    > You arent being penalized, you are refusing to take advantage of what is offered.

    Take advantage of what exactly if you can't compete AFTER you gear up, you can't get the rewards ... what advantage are yapping about ?

    > There is no more honor in grinding than buying.

    OK, stay on the road .. keep the steering wheel straight ... TO TRANSLATE for you ... stay on the topic .. don't veer off into never-ever-jibberish land ... got it .. good ... remember that ...

    > Also, my GW team has 3 healers, every time.

    Gotcha .. next thing u know .. you will tell me your entire team is made up of healers ... what a load of horse dungs ... hahahahaha

    > You need to get some perspective.

    Hahahaha ... awfully defensive here ...
  • 0neHellOfAPilot
    41 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    BTW Timi ...

    > > Even better, we could remove the free label, and make it pay only.
    >> There is no more honor in grinding than buying.

    Sounds awfully lot like you like folks to BUY BUY BUY ... now why would a regular gamer want to encourage that ? Do I give a ant-hill if the gamer in the next cube buys or grinds his gears ?

    Yeah .. DID NOT THINK SO ......... soooooo Timi ... your comment, from NOW ON, is placed on "SHILL ALERT!"
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    I am done with this topic .... conclusion .... follow LordAlverts and Telaans advice ...

    gear up at your own risk ... b/c the reward is not worth it :) ... cheers mates.
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    @Mol_Eliza_99999 Thing is, you are playing the game for Galactic War then. Nothing wrong with that, but it's just that most people will be playing for the arena...and then facing tough GW as a consequence. I've not hit the wall, but my patience has. GW has more wrong with it than just its difficulty.

    I get to #1 in Arena and never fall below rank 9 even if I don't play whole day. I don't see any reason to bring gear XI Rex or maxed GS or 5s. They don't scare anyone from sniping you. 38k+ power is overkill. Most servers will probably need much less.

    GW is a waste of time, and $500k credits is nothing at level 80. They need to match credits to the power of opposition you beat. So, 7.5k for beating power 20k at 1st node, but 15k for beating power 30k on same node.
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    Timitock wrote: »
    Proper use of B teams to target individuals, along with early conservation of protection can work miracles.

    Never hitting "Auto" is key.

    Saving your cooldowns, milking mismatches to heal and reset, key substitutions vs problem foes, wise target selection... These things are really important as well.

    Sound strategies. But how long does it take you to clear GW?
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    I'm one of the outliers who doesn't think GW is a waste of time. Once you hit whatever LS/DS wall you're at, what else is there other than 5-10 arena matches and a half-dozen moderate to difficult GW matches? Raids are formulaic, and challenges are not challenges.

    With that in mind, I'd obviously like to see more variety in the GW matches.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    > Even better, we could remove the free label, and make it pay only.

    Bring it on ... see how long that lasts ..... if p2p was viable by itself, f2p would never have been an option to begin with .. wonder why f2p is still there ? ...

    > You arent being penalized, you are refusing to take advantage of what is offered.

    Take advantage of what exactly if you can't compete AFTER you gear up, you can't get the rewards ... what advantage are yapping about ?

    > There is no more honor in grinding than buying.

    OK, stay on the road .. keep the steering wheel straight ... TO TRANSLATE for you ... stay on the topic .. don't veer off into never-ever-jibberish land ... got it .. good ... remember that ...

    > Also, my GW team has 3 healers, every time.

    Gotcha .. next thing u know .. you will tell me your entire team is made up of healers ... what a load of horse dungs ... hahahahaha

    > You need to get some perspective.

    Hahahaha ... awfully defensive here ...

    You seem upset about something, but I cant figure out what it is. Please help me understand.

    I have no problem with free players, per se, I just think their expectations are high compared to their investment, as they are represented on the forums. The tools are offered for you to advance, but they cost money, and you choose not to invest.

    I play Jedi. There are 4 Jedi healers. Popular forum opinion on GW strategy says to bring heals. It works for me. Barriss, Ahsoka, and Luminara. 3, not 5, and to be honest, only 1 is classified as a healer. My leader starts as Eeth Koth, then after my protection is gone, I swap to Old Ben. My 5th is Yoda, who tends to keep his protection the longest.

    Perspective just means seeing things from different angles.
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