GW at level 80


  • Spydermb
    78 posts Member
    Guys, here's something to consider:
    1) GW match-making is based the highest Arena power you've ever fielded
    2) AI is awful. You can beat teams 2-3K higher than you in Arena

    Don't throw your highest powered teams in Arena. Keep power low and GW will be easier.

    I can easily field 38k+ in arena but chose to stay below 36k

    I tested this theory yesterday, I made sure I didn;t face any teams in arena over 77 lvl, but today in GW I faced at node 8 lvl 80 team, node 9 lvl 80 team and node 10 lvl 80 team, node 11 I was crushed since I had nothing left. I guess I was just unluckly in GW today. It seems to go in cycles, last 8 days was not so bad, today has been the worst. Hopefully tomorrow will bring a better outcome.
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    > I use a well geared but under leveled (mix of 72 - 76) team for the first 5 or 6 nodes.

    Again, very funny. Either you haven't hit the wall or you are making things up as we go along .... You face meta squads AT LEAST 2-3 levels above your own starting from node 3-4. Only nodes 1-2 are "easy" but what's the point .. the loot for these nodes are pointless.

    You've hinted several times that you're a level 80 player. That must be the wall you're talking about, as this thread is discussing. This, too, is a lie. You can't possibly have "hit the wall" since you spend <2h a day on the game and don't spend any real currency. Screenshot or ****.
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    "Only nodes 1-2 are "easy"

    This is the funniest part.
  • Skammadix
    207 posts Member
    You're not debating. At all.

    You have yet to form a single rational counterargument to anything I stated.

    And yes. Using the lower leveled toons, I use basic attacks on node 5/6 and get them wiped out. It is called planning. It's pretty easy to do. You should try it some time. Kill one or two toons, then basic attacks the rest of the way. At that point my team doesn't have protection so yes, getting them killed is something I plan.

    It's not difficult if you aren't ****. Therefore it must be extremely challenging for you to grasp that concept.

    It's still about strategy. It's even more so about strategy now. Please tell me how it's not about strategy anymore when I just made a post about the exact strategy and team compositions that I use. lol.

    If you were actually making any viable points in this discussion, I would have counter arguments but all you're doing is telling everyone that is making valid points and telling you how they beat it daily that they're liars, and telling everyone that's proving you wrong that you're done debating with them.

    So basically all I see whenever I read one of your horrible shitposts is:


  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Wow....this got turnt up quite a bit.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Skammadix
    207 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    Wow....this got turnt up quite a bit.

    I'm bored at work today.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I really want to troll this, but I am trying out something new.
    If we could get clarification on whether he is aware of and using any of the tactics mentioned, that would be a good start. Then we can move on to bulletpointing what he wants, exactly.
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    He actually is lying about a number of things and is equipped with a remarkable ability to disregard any comment that didn't arise in his own head, so while I admire your determination to be helpful you will fail in this case.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    We should introduce him to some of his forumite counterparts.
    There are only like 3 dogs in this fight, so its not a real priority concern.
    Does he have a stance on Omega Fives? Thats a hot topic ATM.

    I think it is clear that this issue (GW difficulty) is a matter of perception.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    There's no way you don't go first in GW unless you use a suicide squad or unless you changed up your whole team before doing the node. I
  • Options
    I find that doing GW is, by far, the least enjoyable way to spend time in this game at the moment. I finish it every day, because it is the only way to get credits in bulk. However, it is just tedious and annoying. At this point I fight basically the same team (RG + lots of DPS) 6 times in a row. How is this at all fun? I just wish it were more fun and less repetitive. Retreating over and over again until you find the team with the perfect RNG seed to beat the same team 6 times in a row is just tedious.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    DarthScott wrote: »
    I find that doing GW is, by far, the least enjoyable way to spend time in this game at the moment. I finish it every day, because it is the only way to get credits in bulk. However, it is just tedious and annoying. At this point I fight basically the same team (RG + lots of DPS) 6 times in a row. How is this at all fun? I just wish it were more fun and less repetitive. Retreating over and over again until you find the team with the perfect RNG seed to beat the same team 6 times in a row is just tedious.

  • Zekex
    474 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Alexone wrote: »
    There's no way you don't go first in GW unless you use a suicide squad or unless you changed up your whole team before doing the node. I

    Yes you retain turn meter, but do you really want to put a depleted squad for the next node? There are some nodes where you simply can't come out intact. Some of these are meta squads. I haven't seen less than 4 RGs in a single GW, and it isn't just the RGs that are the problem. You still have to deal with evasion from ben/dooku. and if you miss rey does 20k to you with offense up, and there's also the leias behind old ben,dooku, RG,fives, rex,sthans and chromium toons. There's a ton of crazy stuff that people throw at you.I heard some people face the full counter squads that you were dreading in arena too.It's very very hard to sustain the fight with little health lost and all abilities ready for the next node.

    There is a limit to how much healers can heal in a short amount of time, even barriss/lumi can't heal that much when you get turn manipulated/bursted down.I'm sure you know the crazy amounts of dps rey and leia are capable of putting, as well as the annoying amounts of damage counter attackers put out while you're whittling down their hp. Stuns are unreliable, sometimes you get it sometimes you don't. Even RG's stun is unreliable because of how fast he gets bursted to yellow. And you've got to do it for multiple nodes.

    I would like to remind everyone that f2p and dolphins will reach high arena power at some point. Once they get the necessary gear to get to Gear 9/10, they are going to put those gear in their arena toons. The problem is they won't have the bench to complete GW because they are limited by the amount of credits/gear to gear and level their toons. Only the whales will have a deep enough bench to clear GW on a regular basis.
  • Skammadix
    207 posts Member
    DarthScott wrote: »
    I find that doing GW is, by far, the least enjoyable way to spend time in this game at the moment. I finish it every day, because it is the only way to get credits in bulk. However, it is just tedious and annoying. At this point I fight basically the same team (RG + lots of DPS) 6 times in a row. How is this at all fun? I just wish it were more fun and less repetitive. Retreating over and over again until you find the team with the perfect RNG seed to beat the same team 6 times in a row is just tedious.

    Agreed. It's an annoyance rather than any type of fun.

    However, it is a good place to try out new team synergies from time to time.
  • DJJ
    367 posts Member
    Now that I've wiped away all the blood flowing from my eyeballs from reading this thread, I'll offer my thoughts.

    Yes, GW can be hard, and annoyingly long, especially if you've been doing it every day since early December. It's also the best source of credits, which everyone needs, so for most of us it has to be done.

    GW is also not a string of 12 consecutive arena battles. It's just not. It's meant to be different. Health, protection, cool downs, and now TM carry forward. In the arena, you burn all your cool downs because there's nothing to save them for, and you sacrifice toons like ST Han because you don't care about the next fight. You can't do that in GW or you won't succeed unless you have 10 solid teams. It's about healing, stunning, and using basic attacks at the end or not using some abilities at all because you'd rather have it available for the next fight.

    I'm mostly FTP. I spent on the Dooku pack way back and the ewok packs (because charity?) and that's it, but I started early on and have made mostly good decisions. I win GW every day, but it's definitely getting harder the past few days.

    I don't understand people who feel like this game needs to be fair, or complain that the "goalposts keep moving." No games are fair, because fair is not challenging. if you played World of Warcraft and got to level 90 in purple gear but could only stay in the starting zone, it would get stupid really fast. It's also a premium game. Some people choose to spend money to progress faster in the game, and good for them for having the means and being able to do so. They keep this game going for the rest of us. I could, but it would result in less college savings for my kids and a **** off wife. However, this has definitely been most accessible game for a FTP that I've played.
  • Zekex
    474 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    DJJ wrote: »
    Now that I've wiped away all the blood flowing from my eyeballs from reading this thread, I'll offer my thoughts.

    Yes, GW can be hard, and annoyingly long, especially if you've been doing it every day since early December. It's also the best source of credits, which everyone needs, so for most of us it has to be done.

    GW is also not a string of 12 consecutive arena battles. It's just not. It's meant to be different. Health, protection, cool downs, and now TM carry forward. In the arena, you burn all your cool downs because there's nothing to save them for, and you sacrifice toons like ST Han because you don't care about the next fight. You can't do that in GW or you won't succeed unless you have 10 solid teams. It's about healing, stunning, and using basic attacks at the end or not using some abilities at all because you'd rather have it available for the next fight.

    I'm mostly FTP. I spent on the Dooku pack way back and the ewok packs (because charity?) and that's it, but I started early on and have made mostly good decisions. I win GW every day, but it's definitely getting harder the past few days.

    I don't understand people who feel like this game needs to be fair, or complain that the "goalposts keep moving." No games are fair, because fair is not challenging. if you played World of Warcraft and got to level 90 in purple gear but could only stay in the starting zone, it would get stupid really fast. It's also a premium game. Some people choose to spend money to progress faster in the game, and good for them for having the means and being able to do so. They keep this game going for the rest of us. I could, but it would result in less college savings for my kids and a **** off wife. However, this has definitely been most accessible game for a FTP that I've played.

    The matchmaking system matchmakes you based on your highest arena power, and then assumes you have a deep bench of similarly levelled and geared toons. That assumption is wrong,and the fact that GW squads are usually pulled from arena makes this worse. There has to be a fairer matchmaking system, because lord knows I really need every credit I can get.

    The point is that most people simply dont have the credits to level multiple toons. Look at how many credits it takes to level one toon to 70, including the starring .Look at how much gear is needed to get multiple characters to a decent gear level.You think healing and stunning and healing will sustain you? wait till you face a combination of dps/auto taunter/evasion/counter attackers/turn meter manipulators for consecutive nodes. Not just some poorly geared team, but teams that are mostly gear 9/10 with good toons.

    You are FTP. I get it. But until you reach higher arena power, you have no right to talk about stuff that hasn't even hit you yet.

    GW is main source of credits for most of us. Thus, it has to be fair as it directly affects the pace of our progression. If you really want a challenge you should ask the devs to create another gw where nodes 1-12 are 39k power teams, but please don't tie it to credits.
    Post edited by Zekex on
  • DJJ
    367 posts Member
    Zekex wrote: »
    DJJ wrote: »
    Now that I've wiped away all the blood flowing from my eyeballs from reading this thread, I'll offer my thoughts.

    Yes, GW can be hard, and annoyingly long, especially if you've been doing it every day since early December. It's also the best source of credits, which everyone needs, so for most of us it has to be done.

    GW is also not a string of 12 consecutive arena battles. It's just not. It's meant to be different. Health, protection, cool downs, and now TM carry forward. In the arena, you burn all your cool downs because there's nothing to save them for, and you sacrifice toons like ST Han because you don't care about the next fight. You can't do that in GW or you won't succeed unless you have 10 solid teams. It's about healing, stunning, and using basic attacks at the end or not using some abilities at all because you'd rather have it available for the next fight.

    I'm mostly FTP. I spent on the Dooku pack way back and the ewok packs (because charity?) and that's it, but I started early on and have made mostly good decisions. I win GW every day, but it's definitely getting harder the past few days.

    I don't understand people who feel like this game needs to be fair, or complain that the "goalposts keep moving." No games are fair, because fair is not challenging. if you played World of Warcraft and got to level 90 in purple gear but could only stay in the starting zone, it would get stupid really fast. It's also a premium game. Some people choose to spend money to progress faster in the game, and good for them for having the means and being able to do so. They keep this game going for the rest of us. I could, but it would result in less college savings for my kids and a **** off wife. However, this has definitely been most accessible game for a FTP that I've played.

    The matchmaking system matchmakes you based on your highest arena power, and then assumes you have a deep bench of similarly levelled and geared toons. That assumption is wrong,and the fact that GW squads are usually pulled from arena makes this worse. There has to be a fairer matchmaking system, because lord knows I really need every credit I can get.

    The point is that most people simply dont have the credits to gear multiple toons. Look at how much it takes to level one toon to 70, including the starring and crafting. Look at how much energy is needed to gear a toon to gear 8.Look at how much gear is needed to get multiple squads to a decent gear level.You think healing and stunning and healing will sustain you? wait till you face a combination of dps/auto taunter/evasion/counter attackers/turn meter manipulators for consecutive nodes. Not just some poorly geared team, but teams that are mostly gear 9/10 with good toons.

    You are FTP. I get it. But until you reach higher arena power, you have no right to talk about stuff that hasn't even hit you yet.

    GW is main source of credits for most of us. Thus, it has to be fair as it directly affects the pace of our progression. If you really want a challenge you should ask the devs to create another gw where nodes 1-12 are 39k power teams, but please don't tie it to credits.

    My arena power is 36,515. Is that enough to have a right to an opinion, or does it have to be more?
  • Zekex
    474 posts Member
    DJJ wrote: »
    Zekex wrote: »
    DJJ wrote: »
    Now that I've wiped away all the blood flowing from my eyeballs from reading this thread, I'll offer my thoughts.

    Yes, GW can be hard, and annoyingly long, especially if you've been doing it every day since early December. It's also the best source of credits, which everyone needs, so for most of us it has to be done.

    GW is also not a string of 12 consecutive arena battles. It's just not. It's meant to be different. Health, protection, cool downs, and now TM carry forward. In the arena, you burn all your cool downs because there's nothing to save them for, and you sacrifice toons like ST Han because you don't care about the next fight. You can't do that in GW or you won't succeed unless you have 10 solid teams. It's about healing, stunning, and using basic attacks at the end or not using some abilities at all because you'd rather have it available for the next fight.

    I'm mostly FTP. I spent on the Dooku pack way back and the ewok packs (because charity?) and that's it, but I started early on and have made mostly good decisions. I win GW every day, but it's definitely getting harder the past few days.

    I don't understand people who feel like this game needs to be fair, or complain that the "goalposts keep moving." No games are fair, because fair is not challenging. if you played World of Warcraft and got to level 90 in purple gear but could only stay in the starting zone, it would get stupid really fast. It's also a premium game. Some people choose to spend money to progress faster in the game, and good for them for having the means and being able to do so. They keep this game going for the rest of us. I could, but it would result in less college savings for my kids and a **** off wife. However, this has definitely been most accessible game for a FTP that I've played.

    The matchmaking system matchmakes you based on your highest arena power, and then assumes you have a deep bench of similarly levelled and geared toons. That assumption is wrong,and the fact that GW squads are usually pulled from arena makes this worse. There has to be a fairer matchmaking system, because lord knows I really need every credit I can get.

    The point is that most people simply dont have the credits to gear multiple toons. Look at how much it takes to level one toon to 70, including the starring and crafting. Look at how much energy is needed to gear a toon to gear 8.Look at how much gear is needed to get multiple squads to a decent gear level.You think healing and stunning and healing will sustain you? wait till you face a combination of dps/auto taunter/evasion/counter attackers/turn meter manipulators for consecutive nodes. Not just some poorly geared team, but teams that are mostly gear 9/10 with good toons.

    You are FTP. I get it. But until you reach higher arena power, you have no right to talk about stuff that hasn't even hit you yet.

    GW is main source of credits for most of us. Thus, it has to be fair as it directly affects the pace of our progression. If you really want a challenge you should ask the devs to create another gw where nodes 1-12 are 39k power teams, but please don't tie it to credits.

    My arena power is 36,515. Is that enough to have a right to an opinion, or does it have to be more?

    How nice of you to ignore all the other valid points I made.
  • DJJ
    367 posts Member
    Zekex wrote: »
    DJJ wrote: »
    Zekex wrote: »
    DJJ wrote: »
    Now that I've wiped away all the blood flowing from my eyeballs from reading this thread, I'll offer my thoughts.

    Yes, GW can be hard, and annoyingly long, especially if you've been doing it every day since early December. It's also the best source of credits, which everyone needs, so for most of us it has to be done.

    GW is also not a string of 12 consecutive arena battles. It's just not. It's meant to be different. Health, protection, cool downs, and now TM carry forward. In the arena, you burn all your cool downs because there's nothing to save them for, and you sacrifice toons like ST Han because you don't care about the next fight. You can't do that in GW or you won't succeed unless you have 10 solid teams. It's about healing, stunning, and using basic attacks at the end or not using some abilities at all because you'd rather have it available for the next fight.

    I'm mostly FTP. I spent on the Dooku pack way back and the ewok packs (because charity?) and that's it, but I started early on and have made mostly good decisions. I win GW every day, but it's definitely getting harder the past few days.

    I don't understand people who feel like this game needs to be fair, or complain that the "goalposts keep moving." No games are fair, because fair is not challenging. if you played World of Warcraft and got to level 90 in purple gear but could only stay in the starting zone, it would get stupid really fast. It's also a premium game. Some people choose to spend money to progress faster in the game, and good for them for having the means and being able to do so. They keep this game going for the rest of us. I could, but it would result in less college savings for my kids and a **** off wife. However, this has definitely been most accessible game for a FTP that I've played.

    The matchmaking system matchmakes you based on your highest arena power, and then assumes you have a deep bench of similarly levelled and geared toons. That assumption is wrong,and the fact that GW squads are usually pulled from arena makes this worse. There has to be a fairer matchmaking system, because lord knows I really need every credit I can get.

    The point is that most people simply dont have the credits to gear multiple toons. Look at how much it takes to level one toon to 70, including the starring and crafting. Look at how much energy is needed to gear a toon to gear 8.Look at how much gear is needed to get multiple squads to a decent gear level.You think healing and stunning and healing will sustain you? wait till you face a combination of dps/auto taunter/evasion/counter attackers/turn meter manipulators for consecutive nodes. Not just some poorly geared team, but teams that are mostly gear 9/10 with good toons.

    You are FTP. I get it. But until you reach higher arena power, you have no right to talk about stuff that hasn't even hit you yet.

    GW is main source of credits for most of us. Thus, it has to be fair as it directly affects the pace of our progression. If you really want a challenge you should ask the devs to create another gw where nodes 1-12 are 39k power teams, but please don't tie it to credits.

    My arena power is 36,515. Is that enough to have a right to an opinion, or does it have to be more?

    How nice of you to ignore all the other valid points I made.

    Well I didn't know if it was worth going into everything if I possibly did not reach the arena power threshold of having a valid opinion.
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    How many times do we have to repeat that it is NOT based off arena power. It is based off the power of your five highest toons. This may or may not be the same thing.
  • 0neHellOfAPilot
    41 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    > then assumes you have a deep bench of similarly levelled and geared toons. That assumption is wrong,and the fact that GW squads are usually pulled from arena makes this worse.

    This is my primary petpeeve w/GW. The odds are completely stacked against the gamer.

    > There has to be a fairer matchmaking system, because lord knows I really need every credit I can get.

    Of course there are fairer matchmaking algos but don't hold your breath for the exact reason that u need credits.

    > The point is that most people simply dont have the credits to level multiple toons. Look at how many credits it takes to level one toon to 70, including the starring .Look at how much gear is needed to get multiple characters to a decent gear level.

    The direction is very clear now. Pay to play or u will not be able to compete going forward.

    > You think healing and stunning and healing will sustain you? wait till you face a combination of dps/auto taunter/evasion/counter attackers/turn meter manipulators for consecutive nodes. Not just some poorly geared team, but teams that are mostly gear 9/10 with good toons.

    Zekex, no point in discussing these "advice." It HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH STRATEGIES OR SQUAD COMPOSITION .. it has everything to do with what you said ... gear up/max out/omega out ALL YOUR TOONS

    ******** F ************ F ********* S .. this is a turn-based game .. it ain't brain surgery ... STRATEGIES ? PLEASE

    Yet i have plenty of trolls and apologists tell me I don't know how to play b/c they make it out as though this is the equivalent of drafting my PhD thesis ... too f*k*g funny.

  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    You never drafted a PhD thesis.
  • Options
    > It is based off the power of your five highest toons. This may or may not be the same thing.

    Kabbes, the highest 5 toons is fine but it isn't fine if most nodes expect you to field a squad of similar level, i.e., a PLATOON of your highest five toons .. and on top of THAT, your platoon's damage persist while the meta squad is *** FRESH ***, *** MAXED OUT ***, etc, etc ...

    I don't know why we are even talking about this except for the apologist to troll the conversation .. it's clear as day/night.
  • DJJ
    367 posts Member
    ZarLatho wrote: »
    You never drafted a PhD thesis.

  • Options
    > You never drafted a PhD thesis.

    Hey Zar, time to clock out from your EA/CG cubicle .. u have done enough trolling/apologizing for one day ... time to go home ......
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Hey guys, it's a game forum, open a window up or something jeez. Too many egos on the dance floor.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Twyst3d
    58 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    You either buy in or accept mediocrity, this is the standard.

    The problem isn't as much the business behind the game, it's the heroin addict like complete lack of impulse control on the part of the whales. Whales showed them there was a market for separating fools from their money. Now they design the game around robbing those same FOOLS blind. It is their fault for continuing to exploit people, but it's not their fault certain wastes of oxygen spent small fortunes on A MOBILE JRPG in the first place.

    Until they started bungling everything I was fine paying 20$ a month. But Im not spending a dime more til they get it together.
  • Zekex
    474 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Kabbes wrote: »
    How many times do we have to repeat that it is NOT based off arena power. It is based off the power of your five highest toons. This may or may not be the same thing.

    I may not be attentive to every forum or reddit post, but the last I heard from a dev was that matchmaking was based on your highest arena power. May I have the source please?

    Regardless, my point still stands.
  • Troy
    21 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    That name sounds so familiar. LoL
    I try to avoid you if possible, especially your pesky First Order team. @Plankton
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