An Elegant Fix For A More Civilised Age (Or How To Stop Guild Kicking During Raids) -- DEV COMMENT

16 posts Member
edited May 2016
To start off, I have no horse in this race, as I'm an officer in a great guild that is always in the top 20 (Shout out to TheMandalorianSyndicate) which treats all their members fairly.

Devs, here's a fix to implement that can easily stop this type of behavior: disable kicking of members from when a raid is activated until after the rewards are given out.
Post edited by NotReallyAJedi on


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    That seems very fair to me.
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    What happens when someone's a troll? Or spewing hateful racist garbage in your guild chat?

    People would troll this system so hard.
    Lead Game Designer (Live), Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes
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    What happens when someone's a troll? Or spewing hateful racist garbage in your guild chat?

    People would troll this system so hard.

    So after the raid has completed you can kick them.

    Is it better to tolerate a troll for the span of one raid or having troll guilds kicking people just to steal their raid work?

    And if there is interest in stopping bigotry/trolling, why not add the ability to ignore/report users in chat?

  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    edited May 2016
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    What happens when someone's a troll? Or spewing hateful racist garbage in your guild chat?

    People would troll this system so hard.

    Aren't officers/leaders trolling the current system?

    At leas this way the people being trolled don't miss out on content they contributed for.
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    How about banning those who act this way. This is a game and should be fun for all who play. Those that ruin that shouldn't be allowed to continue playing.
  • BatuKhan
    36 posts Member
    "People would troll this system so hard."

    Guild leaders are already trolling the system hard. That seems like a bigger issue to me than a few days of an annoying guild member who you report mid-raid and boot post-raid.
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    BatuKhan wrote: »
    "People would troll this system so hard."

    Guild leaders are already trolling the system hard. That seems like a bigger issue to me than a few days of an annoying guild member who you report mid-raid and boot post-raid.

    The difference here is that it's their guild.

    I think there is a better solution than this, but I don't have anything to share at this moment :smile:
    Lead Game Designer (Live), Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes
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    BatuKhan wrote: »
    "People would troll this system so hard."

    Guild leaders are already trolling the system hard. That seems like a bigger issue to me than a few days of an annoying guild member who you report mid-raid and boot post-raid.

    The difference here is that it's their guild.

    I think there is a better solution than this, but I don't have anything to share at this moment :smile:

    It shouldn't be up to just one person to decide actions in a guild. Want to start or abort raid? You need a minimum of two officers and leader to decide. Want to boot someone? Same thing.
  • El_Duderino
    413 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Or, just make it so that you still receive your rewards if you are removed or leave the guild during a raid.

    Conversely, make it so that you may not participate in a raid that began prior to you joining the guild (it may already be like this, I have no idea).

    Finally, there could be a mechanism preventing you from joining another raid until any "open" raids are completed (i.e. you have received the rewards); effectively you can only ever be a member of one raid, regardless of guild membership.

    Seems like a more direct approach to the solution.
  • Yoshi253
    13 posts Member
    (Writing this as a leader of an open guild - 'open' is an issue in itself)

    Bigger problem in my opinion is that there is no way to tell people why they are kicked other than having established a way of communication out of the game. Simplest (I didn't say easiest) partial fix would be to at least a) require a reason to give when kicking people and b) to give at least officers (and kicked people) some private chat. Trolling not prevented, but these things at least allow for direct nodiscardable or overlooked communication. And the first one would ease my conscience a lot at least as I can choose to supply a means of coming back to me if they like.
  • StarSon
    7529 posts Member
    BatuKhan wrote: »
    "People would troll this system so hard."

    Guild leaders are already trolling the system hard. That seems like a bigger issue to me than a few days of an annoying guild member who you report mid-raid and boot post-raid.

    The difference here is that it's their guild.

    I think there is a better solution than this, but I don't have anything to share at this moment :smile:

    It shouldn't be up to just one person to decide actions in a guild. Want to start or abort raid? You need a minimum of two officers and leader to decide. Want to boot someone? Same thing.

    And how hard is it to have an alt so it's still just one person?
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Do troll guilds exist in any significant quantity that it's worth addressing?
  • fasterthanyous
    246 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Our Guild, Squad Goals, requires players to submit screenshots of their battles. The screenshots are reviewed by the officers. If anyone is found to be cheating, they get booted immediately. No Raid rewards for them. I would never want to lose this ability to punish cheaters.

    CHEATING??? Yes, we have caught people cheating with the damage buff. The total damage reported from the battle equals 1.5 times the amount of damage their characters actually scored. It is easy to see with a screenshot.


    Unfortunately cheating is real in this game and it is up to the Guild officers to detect and punish.

    EDIT: Proof

    Character Name: Nofaultius
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    The difference here is that it's their guild.

    I think there is a better solution than this, but I don't have anything to share at this moment :smile:

    So it's okay to exploit other players because "it's their guild?"

    You could just give guild leaders/officers the ability to mute or even block people from being allowed in chat (like you guys already do with minors) to deal with these wily trolls. And as an aside what's the purpose of the obscenity filters then... to keep us from asking for an "assist," yet still allowing us to call someone an (3 letter word for posterior/synonym for donkey)?
    Unfortunately cheating is real in this game and it is up to the Guild officers to detect and punish.

    Actually, would it not be the job of CG/EA to punish those that are found violating its EULA?

    Yes, the guild management has a responsibility to report any cheaters, but to take the law into your own hands would make you vigilantes. And those only pop up when people feel the law isn't being enforced appropriately, no?
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    I fully support this change. The good boys at TheDrunkSide kicked me after a bogus claim that I was cheating somehow. In other words their damage for their level was so pathetic they jealous kicked me as I was lead damage every raid on my main account, and I started to out damage them with my 2nd F2P account! Imagine a guy with 10-15 7* lvl 70+ toons not being able to crank out 400-500K damage on a T5 raid per day. I can assure you these guys had no idea how to use TM reduction or Speed Down. Had 3-4 officers in the guild that all fell into this category.

    I had done about 40% of the total damage for the raid between my two accounts and they kicked me with the final phase about half way done. I received nothing and the leaches that depended on my damage since the guilds were added I assume split the rewards. Sent EA a complaint and received a message back saying they would look into it but I would not be told the result. Wow..... only saving grace is the knowledge they are now going to take twice as long to finish a raid. If one of you fine DrunkSide Folks catch this post I beg you to report me to EA and when they come back stating I didn't do anything wrong delete your accounts and go play Candy Crush.
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    BatuKhan wrote: »
    "People would troll this system so hard."

    Guild leaders are already trolling the system hard. That seems like a bigger issue to me than a few days of an annoying guild member who you report mid-raid and boot post-raid.

    The difference here is that it's their guild.

    I think there is a better solution than this, but I don't have anything to share at this moment :smile:

    It shouldn't be up to just one person to decide actions in a guild. Want to start or abort raid? You need a minimum of two officers and leader to decide. Want to boot someone? Same thing.

    Starting a raid needing 3 people? You only need 2 people to input their codes to launch nuclear missiles :D
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    Our Guild, Squad Goals, requires players to submit screenshots of their battles. The screenshots are reviewed by the officers. If anyone is found to be cheating, they get booted immediately. No Raid rewards for them. I would never want to lose this ability to punish cheaters.

    CHEATING??? Yes, we have caught people cheating with the damage buff. The total damage reported from the battle equals 1.5 times the amount of damage their characters actually scored. It is easy to see with a screenshot.


    Unfortunately cheating is real in this game and it is up to the Guild officers to detect and punish.

    EDIT: Proof


    As a guild leader myself, how do they do this?? I don't even know how that is possible... a hack??
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    Yea, its the damage hack. A known exploit.
    Character Name: Nofaultius
  • Options
    Our Guild, Squad Goals, requires players to submit screenshots of their battles. The screenshots are reviewed by the officers. If anyone is found to be cheating, they get booted immediately. No Raid rewards for them. I would never want to lose this ability to punish cheaters.

    CHEATING??? Yes, we have caught people cheating with the damage buff. The total damage reported from the battle equals 1.5 times the amount of damage their characters actually scored. It is easy to see with a screenshot.


    Unfortunately cheating is real in this game and it is up to the Guild officers to detect and punish.

    EDIT: Proof


    I don't think this is proof. the damage report is bugged, there have been multiple threads about this. And with that team he can easily do 250k in phase 2-3
  • Satirist
    34 posts Member
    What happens when someone's a troll? Or spewing hateful racist garbage in your guild chat?

    People would troll this system so hard.

    i have no opinion on the topic on kicking durings raids, since that has never been an issue for us.

    but in regards to trolling: rather than having such a broken profanity filter in place (one that censors countless harmless words), why not give officers a mod function in the guild chat. much less intrusive for communication and much more effective against insults and trolling.
  • Options
    What happens when someone's a troll? Or spewing hateful racist garbage in your guild chat?

    People would troll this system so hard.

    Introduce a mute option in chat ?
  • Turukano
    170 posts Member
    What happens when someone's a troll? Or spewing hateful racist garbage in your guild chat?

    People would troll this system so hard.

    Does anyone really use guild chat that much?

  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    i honestly dont see the problem with being able to kick someone during a raid. Ofcourse its not nice if you get kicked during a raid, but i think its worse if you are unable to kick someone during a raid.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    I was used by a guild to do raid damage then I was dropped and got no rewards. I also couldn't join another guild until the next day. I have since found a good guild, but that shouldn't happen.

    The OP is right. Once a raid is started the guild roster should be locked until rewards are given upon completion. Nobody should be used for damage then booted. It's wrong.
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    FWIW this is pretty much a non-factor. If you get kicked in the middle of a raid make sure you let people know in the forums. Then find a guild that isn't full of immature leaders who either think it is funny to kick people mid-raid or just want to make sure they get the max rewards.

    There are plenty of good guilds around here.
  • _Wong64
    233 posts Member
    I would hate being stuck with someone that needed to go i believe it should be up to the leader of the guild when to boot someone.
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    Our Guild, Squad Goals, requires players to submit screenshots of their battles. The screenshots are reviewed by the officers. If anyone is found to be cheating, they get booted immediately. No Raid rewards for them. I would never want to lose this ability to punish cheaters.

    CHEATING??? Yes, we have caught people cheating with the damage buff. The total damage reported from the battle equals 1.5 times the amount of damage their characters actually scored. It is easy to see with a screenshot.


    Unfortunately cheating is real in this game and it is up to the Guild officers to detect and punish.

    EDIT: Proof


    I also don't think this is proof. DOT damage doesn't register to the toon that caused it. I suspect the same is true with assists.
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    Man I would hate to be in the guild that makes you screen shop after every battle, I wonder how many they kicked out because of a game error. Rethink this.
  • Tane
    26 posts Member
    I've been kicked out of 2 guilds. No explanations were given. First time the raid was never started. Second time was after I did the raid but before the prizes were given out. So I made my own guild and no one will mess me over again.
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