
3103 posts Member
edited May 2016
Please address potency issues for those characters who require it to be effective. 0-15% just isn't acceptable when a character specializes in debuffs. This is why many characters are un(der) used. Waiting for gear level x just isn't feasible for most players.

Those who immediately come to mind are

Magmatrooper (7%)
Grand Moff Tarkin (9%)
First Order Tie Pilot (0%)
Darth Sidious (0%)


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    Fives and plo could also use it
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    Scrap potency altogether. Ruins some characters for no reason. Just give everyone the same chance for their abilities to work.
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    hhooo wrote: »
    Scrap potency altogether. Ruins some characters for no reason. Just give everyone the same chance for their abilities to work.

    That's an idea, as long as all abilities don't work all the time.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    hhooo wrote: »
    Scrap potency altogether. Ruins some characters for no reason. Just give everyone the same chance for their abilities to work.

    That's an idea, as long as all abilities don't work all the time.

    That's why they all still have % chances to proc. But upon triggering, everything should have the same chance to actually stick.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Potency increases come in too big of jumps. Magmatrooper is 7% all the way through gear 10,but then you equip two pieces of (raid) gear at gear 10 and he goes to 87%. The progression is terrible.
  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    hhooo wrote: »
    hhooo wrote: »
    Scrap potency altogether. Ruins some characters for no reason. Just give everyone the same chance for their abilities to work.

    That's an idea, as long as all abilities don't work all the time.

    That's why they all still have % chances to proc. But upon triggering, everything should have the same chance to actually stick.

    I'd be okay with this. Same chance to stick, but tenacity would need to be looked at to ensure balance. You shouldn't be able to resist everything and hit like a Mack truck.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    hhooo wrote: »
    hhooo wrote: »
    Scrap potency altogether. Ruins some characters for no reason. Just give everyone the same chance for their abilities to work.

    That's an idea, as long as all abilities don't work all the time.

    That's why they all still have % chances to proc. But upon triggering, everything should have the same chance to actually stick.

    I'd be okay with this. Same chance to stick, but tenacity would need to be looked at to ensure balance. You shouldn't be able to resist everything and hit like a Mack truck.

    Yes, this should be looked at as well. I think character buffs and leader abilities affecting potency/tenacity could stay too, just remove one, or both abilities from gear.

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    +Anikin, +Plo Koon
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    I'd be up for a potency boost! But just scrapping the stat would work too if you balanced it. Like everyone said you would need to balance tenacity. Possibly by keeping it low for most characters, except maybe tanks (so they resist their taunt being debuffed).
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    +1 sidious definitely needs to have a higher potency than 0. There's no reason anyone who causes an effect should have a low potency such as that.
  • Ewakawaka
    129 posts Member
    I agree that just taking out Potency all together might not be a bad idea. Not many of the debuffs/dots/turn meter reductions are automatically applied. Almost all of them have a "chance" to work and some of those are dependent on crits. If it procs, it should stick. Would be a game changer for a lot of these under-used characters.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    +1 FOTP needs it badly so does Magma!
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    I kind of agree. Most abilities have a level of probability to land and then are offset by potency, even if you trigger the ability it's not guaranteed because of Potency. Remove potency and adjust ability probabilities for the intended frequency.
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    Scrap potency. Stick with the RNG based stats that are listed. If it says "remove TM 50% of the time ". I expect 1 out of 2 to 3 hits... For TM to be removed. Not 1 out of 10 because Tusken Raider has 14% potency. That's ridiculous
  • Solid_PR
    43 posts Member
    Yes fix potency or remove it. Some toons needs some passive potency or just buff their gear to add potency
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    I'm fine with Tenacity buffs as a counter to debuffs though
  • AKK889
    159 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Potency is screwing so many toons' viability.

    This list is great:
    Magmatrooper (7%)
    Grand Moff Tarkin (9%)
    First Order Tie Pilot (0%)
    Darth Sidious (0%)

    But I also want to add Nute Gunray.
    His bomb never lands because of his silly low Potency.
    These characters are basic attack toons. Using their specials is a waste of a turn, because the abilities never land.
  • Options
    Definitely throw a vote in to fix potency or remove it.
    Most agreed on comment was probably Darthjay77.. I never understood why abilities had a percent chance to occur only to get screwed over by potency
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    @1AmYourFath3r FOTP gets 30% but still nothing lands I think a character needs 75% at least
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