Omega MateriAl Event - unfair



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    @BentWookiee, @warmonkey1024, anybody can we get this spam closed, please?
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    @BentWookiee, @warmonkey1024, anybody, can we get this spam closed?
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    Stop spamming this garbage

    @BentWookiee, @warmonkey1024 we need some help closing this spam. He's started the same thread three times.
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    @BentWookiee @warmonkey1024 this is getting out of hand.
  • Annastrasza
    1766 posts Member
    @BentWookiee, @warmonkey1024, anybody, can we get this spam closed? to your mommy like a 4 year old.
    Mammmy that boy is picking on me wahhhh. :D
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    @BentWookiee, @warmonkey1024, anybody, can we get this spam closed? to your mommy like a 4 year old.
    Mammmy that boy is picking on me wahhhh. :D

    Spam is spam, and the content of his post is worthless. We should all want to keep this garbage off the main forum. Grow up.
  • BentWookiee
    4819 posts Member
    Not at all.. making four threads with the same content is ridiculous and a waste of everyones time.
  • Djbz
    251 posts Member
    One strong character makes the event dooable.
    All but one time I've had to bring one or two level 1 characters, and I've not had any problem with the event, even on tier 3
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    This is why we can't have nice things.

    Couldn't compete this weekend? Sorry. You now have a week to prep for next round.

    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Tromedlov13
    1559 posts Member
    Seriously you aren't supposed to be able to finish everything .. These are events like Yoda. You need to level up everyone in a specific group. Maybe you should complain about not being able to get Yoda with droids ....

    I finished the event with Chirps 7*, level 59 gear 6, EElder 5* level 60 gear 6 and EScout 6* level 61 gear 7.

    It's actually way easier than I thought it would be
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
  • MeisterLampee
    49 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    mlwalton68 wrote: »
    I posted something the other day when the first Omega event was released this week now the second has started and it's very same problem as with the first: EA is allowing very specific, very limited character selection which is leaving me with one strong character (Darth Vader) and two very weakest characters (Ewok scout, Royal guard) and I don't either have no other character options to choose or only one - another super weak character. The main problem is in both events I can't get through the tier 3 level which means I have NO chance to get a make a materials… This is utterly unacceptable and unfair! I'm so ticked off I can't even describe it

    Sorry to say that mate. But if you don't have RG, and think that RG is a weak character, you really don't deserve the Omega Material. For my harm self I left Darth Vader untrained. With the RG as my only trained toon i could not win. So I quickly invested a Million to get Vader to lv 60 and geared him up to gear 7. you don't need any rare material to do that. And with those two toons I could get the Omega material the first attempt. I personally find that very fair. If you don't have any million credits on reserve and can't gear your toons to lv 7 in a reasonable time: you don't deserve the Omega material. IMHO it is good they don't just gift the Omegas away. they must be earned like it should be. I hope you are not mad with me after this answer. ;-)

    Btw.: After Rey, RG is the most valuable character in the whole game.
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    Baal wrote: »
    Unfair you say?
    If only there was someway you could make your characters better...
    They should really add levels or gear or promotions to this game.

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    I like the way they are. This hasn't changed much since last time either. All you need is 3* to qualify - not difficult for any of the character selections. The omega event rewards a wide roster - like those that have been playing since November and not just last month. Yes, I needed to beef up a toon or two for Bespin event, and changed my daily goal, but I did it and barely got the omega for that day.

    My only request is to have, in the event descriptions, what toons are required so we can have the week to get them leveled if needed. Other than that, there's nothing unfair about any of this.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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    Thanks, but that's not in game. I did see this as well. I meant like how the event when it's live shows required units.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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    This is a joke?

    You're right, Yoda is a bad toon to have...bwahahaha!! If only some people actually knew how to play this game...

    That "cry me a river" song is looping in my head. Democrat I assume, everything is supposed to be fair and everyone is suppose to be able to do what others can.

    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
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    This is a joke?

    You're right, Yoda is a bad toon to have...bwahahaha!! If only some people actually knew how to play this game...

    That "cry me a river" song is looping in my head. Democrat I assume, everything is supposed to be fair and everyone is suppose to be able to do what others can.


    Whoa... Politics need not be mentioned. Politics has nothing to do with this.
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    You guys realized that if your connection is poor sometimes it seems like your post doesn't go through, in which case the user hits "post" a few more times until it verifies it has gone through. Ergo multiples of the same post. This been happening since the early days of the internet 25 years ago. It happens. It's not intentional spamming. Cut the guy some slack, because it happens to everyone.
  • Womp_Womp
    282 posts Member
    You guys realized that if your connection is poor sometimes it seems like your post doesn't go through, in which case the user hits "post" a few more times until it verifies it has gone through. Ergo multiples of the same post. This been happening since the early days of the internet 25 years ago. It happens. It's not intentional spamming. Cut the guy some slack, because it happens to everyone.

    *hands tissue*
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    RU486 wrote: »

    I'm torn here, on one hand I want to scold you for being rude, on the other I want commend you on your honesty and for posting what everybody else wanted to post.
  • deathleech
    46 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    It's pretty obvious these events are nothing more than quick money grabs by the devs, as Annastrasza points out. Otherwise why wouldn't the devs give players a heads up about them a month in advance and let us know the requirements for them?

    Right now it takes a good while to level up a character, get them enough gear, and get their rank up. Unless you just stockpile stuff for months or get lucky with your character selection, you aren't going to be able to level the specific characters required for the events in the few days time. Really this is my biggest gripe with the game.

    I sink a few hours into this game every day doing all the daily stuff. I started a few months late, but even so I play constantly. I still feel like I am WAY behind and can't compete in a lot of events. I feel like I am never catching up. I understand the devs want you to pay money for stuff, but for people like me you would have to sink hundreds into a mobile game just to be able to participate in most of the events on top of playing a few hours a day. That's absurd. Games either require a huge time sink OR you to pay real money, not both.

    Games that have random events that pop up and require certain characters to compete in out of a fairly large roster usually allow you to level up said characters pretty quick. If you have no materials though, it takes a good few weeks to a month of constant playing to get a character from level 1-70, 5+ stars, and gear level 7+. This would be fine if events didn't pop up that had no warning and required you to have at least a few specific characters at that level at the drop of a hat.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    mlwalton68 wrote: »
    mlwalton68 wrote: »
    I posted something the other day when the first Omega event was released this week now the second has started and it's very same problem as with the first: EA is allowing very specific, very limited character selection which is leaving me with one strong character (Darth Vader) and two very weakest characters (Ewok scout, Royal guard) and I don't either have no other character options to choose or only one - another super weak character. The main problem is in both events I can't get through the tier 3 level which means I have NO chance to get a make a materials… This is utterly unacceptable and unfair! I'm so ticked off I can't even describe it
    mlwalton68 wrote: »
    I posted something the other day when the first Omega event was released this week now the second has started and it's very same problem as with the first: EA is allowing very specific, very limited character selection which is leaving me with one strong character (Darth Vader) and two very weakest characters (Ewok scout, Royal guard) and I don't either have no other character options to choose or only one - another super weak character. The main problem is in both events I can't get through the tier 3 level which means I have NO chance to get a make a materials… This is utterly unacceptable and unfair! I'm so ticked off I can't even describe it


  • Options
    You guys realized that if your connection is poor sometimes it seems like your post doesn't go through, in which case the user hits "post" a few more times until it verifies it has gone through. Ergo multiples of the same post. This been happening since the early days of the internet 25 years ago. It happens. It's not intentional spamming. Cut the guy some slack, because it happens to everyone.

    Lol He quoted a quote of him quoting himself.
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