Empire event ** Megathread**


  • KeKattia
    1118 posts Member
    OwexBaill wrote: »
    See my edit above.
    But seriously, you can't compare the rewards of this event and the droid one. May it only be because of the Vader shards, but this events rewards are far better. And you don't need to waste energy. No, not comparable at all.

    Just saw the edit. I agree I was excited too but was also disappointed with the event, though for a different reason than you. The devs should try making the current modes a tad more enjoyable now instead of just throwing new stuff at us to stall and hide all the bugs that they haven't fixed yet.

    You have a point there that the event isn't comparable with the droids event because of the rewards, and that is completely right, reward wise this event compares more with the Yoda event. I would have liked to see a tiered event like the droids one though where the highest tier rewards some marginally better stuff but not really much more and then lower tiers so everyone could at least get something from it.

    And for the Vader shards, since they are in an achievement you can do the event half a year from now when it pops up and be ready with a team that can beat the event. That's how it was for me with the Yoda event. Eventually people will be able to get it.
  • OwexBaill
    188 posts Member
    I totally agree with you.
    It's just quite unsatisfying to be locked out of this event completely.
  • KeKattia
    1118 posts Member
    I can totally understand and feel sorry for everyone who doesn't get to have a go

  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    Well this event is certainly not whale only. Everyone had the chance to farm Ackbar, Fives and St Han.
    If you haven't because you put priority on different toons then well.. too bad for you :(
    I didn't complete last tier of the droid event but there is no reason to cry about it.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • DarthHernia
    200 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Well this event is certainly not whale only. Everyone had the chance to farm Ackbar, Fives and St Han.
    If you haven't because you put priority on different toons then well.. too bad for you :(
    I didn't complete last tier of the droid event but there is no reason to cry about it.

    You need 5. So you can have those 3 maxed but still get locked out if you don't have 2 junk characters. I am.
  • whostoblame
    17 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Well this event is certainly not whale only. Everyone had the chance to farm Ackbar, Fives and St Han.
    If you haven't because you put priority on different toons then well.. too bad for you :(
    I didn't complete last tier of the droid event but there is no reason to cry about it.

    I got Fives G8 7*, Akbar g6 6* and Han g9 7*

    I get wiped out at Wave 5. If i get lucky i make it to wave 6. This event is way to hard.
    It should be for level 70 not 78. Even if you got 5 Rebells you have to get them all at least to level 75 to have a chance at beating this event.

    I have to spend another 10 million to level up Luke or farm Lando and/or HRS.
    Post edited by whostoblame on
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    I sure hope it keeps coming back. It is too soon for me. Next time around I hope to have Biggs, Fives and Ackbar to go with STHan. Unsure about the fifth guy though.
  • Ivan_Drago
    639 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    This event seemed to be overly easy, I expected something much more difficult.

    I only have AA, Han and Fives at lvl 80, with Luke and HRS at lvl 65 (and both 4*) - still it was a breeze all the way through
  • JohnTS676
    369 posts Member
    This event is extremely unfair for the FTP players who have started in say the last 5-6 months, I fall into that timeframe but I have spent around $200 throughout that time and I still can't beat that last wave, 4 RG and a slow 1 shotting palpatine is just lazy and pathetic programming. You have basically 2 options for characters to deal with that, either Luke as leader, or a Rex strong enough to survive until then and be able to get his second ability off before getting perma stunned, maybe you can get lucky and not have ackbar stunned when his turn comes around... Definitely an event geared towards the whales initially. Rewards might seem good and decent but the difficulty of it for rewards that are all farmable in-game is a bit unbalanced tbh
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    Even though I did it I feel like the rewards beyond the first ever attempt are pitiful, the gear just isnt what it should be the shards are a joke and the credits negligable.
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    So, I was able to complete it at my second attemp. I was pretty lucky and I'm pretty sure is going to be like the Yoda event: you don't have to gear up everybody, just need a little luck.

    I did it with Admiral Ackbar (Leader, 6*, Level 72, Gear VII), Lando (7*, Level 72, Gear VIII), ST Han (6*, Level 72, Gear VIII), 5's (6*, Level 73, Gear IX) and Hoth Rebel Soldier (3*, Level 45, Gear IV).

    After that I failed to repeat myself, but never give up guys!
  • GroggY
    33 posts Member
    This Event isn´t hard. For easy mode just put AA lead and you can Auto through...
  • Algren
    306 posts Member
    JohnTS676 wrote: »
    This event is extremely unfair for the FTP players who have started in say the last 5-6 months, I fall into that timeframe but I have spent around $200 throughout that time and I still can't beat that last wave, 4 RG and a slow 1 shotting palpatine is just lazy and pathetic programming. You have basically 2 options for characters to deal with that, either Luke as leader, or a Rex strong enough to survive until then and be able to get his second ability off before getting perma stunned, maybe you can get lucky and not have ackbar stunned when his turn comes around... Definitely an event geared towards the whales initially. Rewards might seem good and decent but the difficulty of it for rewards that are all farmable in-game is a bit unbalanced tbh

    Classic SWGOH comments. I can't do it so its stupid.

    I'm ftp, i don't have rex, i do have luke but he is 4* and just made up numbers, dying in the second wave, it took me many attempts to finally do it, but i did it.

    Congrats devs for making an event actually hard, and with good rewards (not great rewards, but it didnt cost energy, so for nothing lost the little gained is still worth it).

    Now please don't nerf it cos people can't do it. They need to learn that in games as in life you don't just get everything on a plate.
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    Yes. Ackbar as lead makes this event as easy as a joke - actually doesn't matter who are the others on the team
  • Apostilo
    137 posts Member
    It is that simple : If everyone was able to complete this event immediatelly - they wouldn`t spent time and efforts into programming it - they would just sent you by mail 1 mil credit , shards etc. Developers did put some efforts into it - so should you. The reason for making this event is to make us farm /gear/upgrade rebels and clones this time , next time will be probably Nightsisters and scoundrels and so on. How will you pay for their job ? You will invest money into the game buying the event packs. You want the event to be F2P friendly ? No reson for Devs then to pay money to their staff to create it. It will become boring , full of bugs game which same f2p people who complain now will eventually stop play and enjoy after some time.

    I see nothing wrong about it. More money you invest in something - more fun and rewards you get - the whole life is like this.

    I was unable to finish the event after 50 tryes already , made simple calculation how much it will cost me to farm/gear characters for it vs how much of reward will i receive from it - so i gave up and move forward, enjoying the rest of the game content. Still i enjoyed the challenege , i am gratefull for the thrill and the frustration of geting Palpatine on red for several times and still loose faded away already.

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    Here we go again...
    Entitled brat much?

    Why cant you accept that you cant beat this event (yet)?
    This event, like all other events, will return sooner or later... just be prepared for next time... whats the big deal?

    Why do you expect everything being handed to you on a silver platter? Grow the **** up
  • Igor08
    221 posts Member
    Can't believe people are complaining about this event. I was actually shocked at how generous it is, I'm waiting for the catch, there has to be one.
  • Gin
    37 posts Member
    Beat it with Ackbar Lead (Gear 8, 7*), ST Han (Gear 9, 7*), Fives (Gear 9, 7*), HRScout (5*, G7) and Lando (4*, G7).
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    I'm from and I get to lvl 8 easy. Just can't figure how to beat palps. Can anyone help with this?
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    I'm from and I get to lvl 8 easy. Just can't figure how to beat palps. Can anyone help with this?

    What is your squad?
  • Apostilo
    137 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm from and I get to lvl 8 easy. Just can't figure how to beat palps. Can anyone help with this?

    Tactic 1 : Try to apply slow on him and nuke him first.
    Tactic 2 : Try to get fast all guardians /or at least some of them/ under half hp so they don`t stun anymore - then nuke Palpatine

    Depends what is your team...
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    F2P here, just crushed the empire twice in a row. Reading and planning and having Lando leveled (he's both a rebel and scoundrel, so I invested in case either event hit). Rewards and experience both satisfying, and not just for the rich, just those who plan ahead.

    Plan ahead? How far ahead did you plan? You have inside information....because rest of got news about this event few days ago.

    Just another whale boat pretending to be a f2p...
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    Empire event = whale appreciation event.
    That's what it is.
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    Is this team too weak?

    Ackbar 6* lvl 65 gear 8
    Lando 4* lvl 65 gear 8
    5's 5* lvl 65 gear 8
    Han 5* lvl 60 gear 7
    Luke 4* lvl 57 gear 7

    Also what needs to be changed?
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    Is this team too weak?

    Ackbar 6* lvl 65 gear 8
    Lando 4* lvl 65 gear 8
    5's 5* lvl 65 gear 8
    Han 5* lvl 60 gear 7
    Luke 4* lvl 57 gear 7

    Also what needs to be changed?

    You have Lando. You can do it.
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    Empire event = whale appreciation event.
    That's what it is.

    Beatable with f2p characters is what it is! You dont have the needed characters? Tough luck...

    (I dont have the toons either... cant beat the event, im small p2p, see me whining?)
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm F2P and beat it easily. I started to get my remaining 3 rebels to 80 last week.

    Used ackbar lead, han, luke, lando, and fives. Lando was the MvP at level 75 g8. Lando and luke are 6*

    Edit: I wasn't able to do droid event (only two low star droids). Been focusing on rebels team for about a month. I anticipated a rebel event in the future so started farming them and just got extremely lucky that this event came when it did.

    I won't be able to do an empire event that uses empire toons if they do that soon and haven't even tried for yoda yet. As F2P you have to make some sacrifices and sometimes it works out well.

    Now I'm hoping for an ewok event
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    What's the difference between complaining about this or complaining that you don't have 5 Jedis for Yoda? The event will be back at a later date.
  • Igor08
    221 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I built First Order instead of Jedi, and they got nerfed into the dust

    I then built Rebels instead of Jedi.

    Then they had a Jedi-only event. Twice.

    This event is basically for those of us who went Rebels/Clones instead of Jedi. All we get for it is credits and a handful of shards for Empire toons who are, by and large, all awful and already available in-game.
    People complaining about this event need to get a grip.
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    The event is cool and hard, it took me a good time to complete the 3 times yesterday, and for some people here that are f2p and have done it congratulatios... but you are wrong in blaming the f2p that cant complete it, is CG fault bacause of how the game is designed i spend some bucks here and there so i have an advantage over f2p and this was hard to me. this game is based on the heroes you can produce for Arena, so eventually players begin to farm what is META in arena and forget about other stuff, AA is meta if you have leia, STHan is also meta but then you have RG... and its better, Luke... well there are several options that are better IMO like GS or Ig86, and fives well he is a must have. in summary there are better options for f2p than rebels. so if you take into account that others>rebels and the cost of building them, its the game design fault.
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