Empire event ** Megathread**



  • Docperi
    31 posts Member
    I played it without having problems. Ackbar, Biggs, Clone Sergant, Han and Leia ...
    The rewards were great!
  • Bobolio
    20 posts Member

    Sysy wrote: »
    @Bobolio If you are f2p, you need Ackbar and STHan. Using these two guys can significantly lower gear/lvl requirement for others. In my case, the other three toons I run to complete the event are 5* 72 g8 Fives, 4* 64 g8 Luke, and 4* 58 g7 Biggs. Without Ackbar you will need everyone of your squad 70ish with g8 to finish it. Without STHan you will struggle agains the emperor's RGs. The only savior to a situation without Han is a Rex...

    Thanks, that is what I assumed, if no AA, STH or Lando, not worth bothering with for FTP (or at least not until it returns after the long farm). Does sound like any one of the three makes it possible, but a Luke, Biggs, Fives, HRS and CloneTrooper is not getting it done unless they are all 7 Star level 80, and then it's a "maybe". I know STH is meta, and AA is huge for Raids, just kept skipping them over and over......
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    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Mardowan wrote: »
    Like the rest of this game, the developers try to make you spend money by putting up close to impossible challenges... possible only by upgrading characters that have low use. I see a Corsigan Guard challenge coming where you need every player you havent upgraded at full level and gear. Then they'll miraculously give you 5% of what you need for every $100 you spend. Like anything associated with Disney, they fleece the customeruntil they have nothing left... and if you think you've created characters that are fun to play, they just nerf them quoting longevity of the game... no, what they mean is longevity of money stream. Think about it. You pay 300 for two shards in the shard shop and get 15 (yes,you read that right...15) shards when you trade in. That is 10 of your real dollars for 1 of their fake ones. It is the telltale sign of a company that doesnt care one bit about you or the game. Their only, only, only focus is your wallet. Gee wiz guys, thanks.

    Am I really that much better at this game than most of you that say this event is hard? It requires characters in the high 70s in purple gear, that doesn't mean it's hard. Impossible? I auto'd it today until the 8th stage. it should be harder, it should require gear 9+ level 80s to have a CHANCE to beat it. And then it should give better rewards to compensate for the difficulty, but that is another topic.

    The ability to "auto" the event doesn't make you better than anyone, you aren't even playing ... I've don't understand why people try to use this statement as some kind of braggadocio.
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    No time to prepare. Especially F2P... I have 7* 5s and Han and Clone seargent 2*... How am I going to prepare for an event like this is that short time. Couldn't do the Droid event either.

    Say what you want, but it kinda hurts when you can't compete in events... Why not give a choice... Rebel v empire OR Jedi v sith. I could do that!!!!

    No way I could get 5 decent characters with the short notice... It stinks, and it does make you feel bad.

    I have 17 7* characters, 43 characters all together... level 80 so it's not like I have nothing... But two events in a row excluded me...

    So, pardon me, but I too am upset about it.

    Thanks for nothing again... EA and CG
    564 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Mardowan wrote: »
    Like the rest of this game, the developers try to make you spend money by putting up close to impossible challenges... possible only by upgrading characters that have low use. I see a Corsigan Guard challenge coming where you need every player you havent upgraded at full level and gear. Then they'll miraculously give you 5% of what you need for every $100 you spend. Like anything associated with Disney, they fleece the customeruntil they have nothing left... and if you think you've created characters that are fun to play, they just nerf them quoting longevity of the game... no, what they mean is longevity of money stream. Think about it. You pay 300 for two shards in the shard shop and get 15 (yes,you read that right...15) shards when you trade in. That is 10 of your real dollars for 1 of their fake ones. It is the telltale sign of a company that doesnt care one bit about you or the game. Their only, only, only focus is your wallet. Gee wiz guys, thanks.

    Am I really that much better at this game than most of you that say this event is hard? It requires characters in the high 70s in purple gear, that doesn't mean it's hard. Impossible? I auto'd it today until the 8th stage. it should be harder, it should require gear 9+ level 80s to have a CHANCE to beat it. And then it should give better rewards to compensate for the difficulty, but that is another topic.

    The ability to "auto" the event doesn't make you better than anyone, you aren't even playing ... I've don't understand why people try to use this statement as some kind of braggadocio.

    Agreed. It just comes down to whether or not you have the right toons at the right gear levels, not skill. AA and STHan are huge.
  • Mahluus
    31 posts Member
    Big thanks to all who posted tips here. I was slaughtered this morning and figured the event just wasn't for me but after reading the team comps of some players who completed it i decided to give it another few goes this evening.

    7* Han g10 - lvl 80 - on my arena team
    6* Ackbar g8 - lvl 68 - was g7 and i promoted him to g8 after reading this thread, made a HUGE difference in his ability to survive round to round. If you are struggling and can get your Ackbar up to g8, do it, will make a big difference
    6* 5's g8 - lvl 72
    6* Lando g8 - lvl 66
    4* Biggs g6 - he died round 2

    Basically I spammed the event special whenever I could. Every time you use it someone assists and that toon get offense up meaning they hit hard on any future assist they make and on their own next turn. They also gain retribution and any AoE means instant death to opposition.

    Once I hit round 8 i focused on Palpatine and taunted with Han on his second action. This kept me free of stuns on the rest of my team and allowed me to kill emperor. Ackbar cleansed stuns on 5's and lando once.

    Hope this is helpful to anyone struggling.
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    I wander if the devs watched the movies before making the game, it should be rebels (chewie included), ewoks, old ben only. Nostalgia would go through the roof. And offcourse, an Empire strikes back event next week. That would make a lot of old folks open their wallets.
  • StormTro0p3R_H
    1643 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    TOMxBAKER wrote: »
    No time to prepare. Especially F2P... I have 7* 5s and Han and Clone seargent 2*... How am I going to prepare for an event like this is that short time. Couldn't do the Droid event either.

    Say what you want, but it kinda hurts when you can't compete in events... Why not give a choice... Rebel v empire OR Jedi v sith. I could do that!!!!

    No way I could get 5 decent characters with the short notice... It stinks, and it does make you feel bad.

    I have 17 7* characters, 43 characters all together... level 80 so it's not like I have nothing... But two events in a row excluded me...

    So, pardon me, but I too am upset about it.

    Thanks for nothing again... EA and CG

    Didn't you use your Jedi in the Yoda event? Do you realize the vast majority of FTP players that got to do this didn't get to complete the Yoda event? We got Rebels, not Jedi. You got Jedi, not Rebels. You got your event. We got our event. I don't see the problem.

    Heads up everybody: farm scoundrels if you want to be in the next big event because they are another big faction. Or farm rebels if you want to be in this one when it comes back. Oh, you need Jedi for Yoda event and there will likely be ewok-like and droid-like events for the smaller Sith and Nightsister factions at some point.

    If you don't want a certain faction then accept sitting out of faction specific events. Why complain?
    Post edited by StormTro0p3R_H on
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    I didn't have the droids for the droid event, and didn't have the Jedis for the yoda event. Neither have all 5 characters for this event. But instead of complaining I will prepare a squadron for the next time this event arrives.
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    I like the idea of these events, I'm not a fan of the implementation.

    I'm not purely F2P, but I've only dropped cash a handful of times for the 100 shards a day feature (basically a monthly fee, I told myself). As such, I have what I consider a fairly deep bench (doubly so when contrasted against those of my friends who started at the same time and have put less or no money into the game), but there's only so much farming that can be done in a week.

    I need to 7 star a bunch of Jedi for Yoda! And to keep up on the current meta! Oops, one of the characters I ground to 7 stars fell out of favour, guess he's relegated to the B or C team! And Rebels, Imperials, Ewoks, and others for assorted events!

    Those who have managed to blow through this event, kudos, well played, it's great that people are completing it. I'm certainly not expecting to be handed wins on a silver platter.

    But with a dozen characters near the level cap and another dozen in the 60-70+ range, I still find myself often screwed on events, and find it frustrating.

    This one, for example, I have Fives at 7 stars and geared (shame he was nerfed a few days after I finally got him as high as I could in gear), but he can't carry the full team on his own, and the rest are a 6, 5, 4, and 3 star character, all falling between 45 and 60.

    Sure, I can blow a week worth of GW's and other credits into bringing their levels up, but there's almost no way I'm going to finish this one. "So just prepare for the next one", some might say. I'm already doing that! And the next time Yoda shows up, and the next round of Omega fights, and characters for Rancor and PVP, etc, etc.

    As I said, I like the idea of these events, but the way they're being released makes me feel like I'm not collecting characters I think will be neat, I'm playing eternal whack-a-mole, farming what shards I can and hoping the RNG doesn't screw me too badly.

    Ugh, just needed to vent a little. Whatever, it'll pass in a week and the next one will land and I'll probably lack the breadth/power of characters to complete that one as well.
  • Vadim
    30 posts Member
    Event ****! Too complicated. Designed for those who make a donation in which all the characters , and so it is. Awards fragments and the gift is not necessary.
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    +1 on Ackbar lead & ST Han to beat this. I farmed Ackbar really for this event. I'm glad I did. My squad power was 22,644 and I managed to beat it. Took 20 times and good luck, but it is possible.

    I tried to only use Ackbars tactical genius on Lando. He can do some damage with his AoE.

    IMO this event was well designed.
  • Bar_Buryin
    85 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I go through the event using Ackbar(L), Leia, Hoth Rebel Scout and Soldier, Lando. I run through event with ease my Hoth Rebel Soldier survives through Palpatine's lightening! Too bad some people never farmed these characters I was always intrigued by rebel synergy criticals since February. Lando I farmed him since the day he was released to cantina battles and I'm still working hoth Rebel Soldier to 7* got him at 6* 62/100.
    Post edited by Bar_Buryin on
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    Curious if anyone will think this team can do it:

    7*/G9 Fives (L76)
    7*/G9 STH (L73)
    5*/G7 Clone Sgt. (L60)
    4*/G8 Luke (L65)
    4*/G7 Akbar (L60) - Leader

    That's really the best I can do by tomorrow (and practically until the end of the event).

    Any chance this comp with get the job done? Or is it just a little too little?
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    Hey dudes.
    I can't clear this event cuz don't enough have rebels or clone decks.
    But like Yoda event, will this event be held later?
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    KingSeJong wrote: »
    Hey dudes.
    I can't clear this event cuz don't enough have rebels or clone decks.
    But like Yoda event, will this event be held later?

    There's been no official confirmation but since there is an achievement for it (like Yoda) I would suspect that yes, it will return periodically.
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    Thank you so much for ur reply, countjoshku :smiley:
  • Mahluus
    31 posts Member
    Curious if anyone will think this team can do it:

    7*/G9 Fives (L76)
    7*/G9 STH (L73)
    5*/G7 Clone Sgt. (L60)
    4*/G8 Luke (L65)
    4*/G7 Akbar (L60) - Leader

    That's really the best I can do by tomorrow (and practically until the end of the event).

    Any chance this comp with get the job done? Or is it just a little too little?

    This team is strong enough, try get Ackbars gear level up to 8 that will help alot, and spam the special event ability, might take a few tries but it is possible with this team.
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    My rebel squad got quashed in the second round, because they simply aren't strong enough for the event. I doubt I'll ever be able to reap the rewards
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
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    It's a whale event. It is fully possible to do F2P, but the odds of having the right chars? Nope, just too low for it to actually be intended for anything but a very small selection of people.
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    Arryn_Ren wrote: »
    It's a whale event. It is fully possible to do F2P, but the odds of having the right chars? Nope, just too low for it to actually be intended for anything but a very small selection of people.

    Like the Yoda event, Droid event, and Ewok event?

    There are going to be faction specific events. Next is likely scoundrels because of the sheer number of available scoundrels. Then there is this one and the ones I listed above. If you don't farm factions then don't worry about faction events.
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    Arryn_Ren wrote: »
    It's a whale event. It is fully possible to do F2P, but the odds of having the right chars? Nope, just too low for it to actually be intended for anything but a very small selection of people.

    I've spent just over $350 in this game, primarily to get Wedge (oops). If that makes me a whale, then "OooOOOOOOOoooooAAaaaOOOoo OOOOOOOOOooooooOOOOAaaaaUuuggghhh", I guess.

    Sentiments like these ping my **** meter hard. And this thread has been lousy with them. Everything done in this game is a business decision. Some are more mercenary then others. The events are on the lower end of that scale. Multiple factions have had events specific to them. When they come up you are either ready for them, or you can try and chase them, or you can say, "Meh. I don't care about those characters."

    But don't get all sanctimonious and start bashing players who put money into the game.

    It will be a long time before I can participate in the higher tiers of the droid event. Ewoks? Pfft. Also, I missed out on an omega. And I will never have a Yoda above 5 stars because the Jedi bore me. Oh. Well.

    The key to completing this event easily, as has been pointed out multiple times, is Admiral Ackbar. Admiral Ackbar, a character easily farmed via arena by anybody. A character that was undervalued by the community for months. Ackbar was the first character I ever farmed, before I put any money into this game. I did so because a) I love the character and b) everybody and their brother was running Sidious. Ackbar was my solution to that. Now with raids, the change to Tactical Genius, and this event, I'm in good shape.

    If there's a lesson in this, it isn't, "EA wants to make money." That's a non-starter. Without revenue, there is no game. I would say if you care about events, don't chase the meta. Chasing the meta means you are always behind the curve. Look ahead. Farm the characters you like and build synergies around them. When the meta shifts and the next event comes around, you might be the one saying, "Guys, I beat this. Here's how you do it."
  • Turukano
    170 posts Member
    It seems over at Reddit a few extras have been mentioned/confirmed

    A) the event will return
    B) but it will be harder. It really was intended to be maxed 7* g9 toons and still a challenge.

    So for me, who can get just about to stage 3 ATM..... I'll be looking at succeeding in a few returns time..... Maybe September :-(

    Best wishes

  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Arryn_Ren wrote: »
    It's a whale event. It is fully possible to do F2P, but the odds of having the right chars? Nope, just too low for it to actually be intended for anything but a very small selection of people.

    Acbkar lead, Han, Lando, HRS, Fives. Thank me later :smile:
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Did it with:
    • 7* lvl 70 G8 Ackbar
    • 5* lvl 69 G8 ST Han
    • 5* lvl 64 G8 Luke
    • 7* lvl 80 G9 Fives
    • 5* lvl 43 G5 Biggs (was dead right away)
    • a lot of luck
  • Tally27
    41 posts Member
    This event was so easy. And if you have STH even easier. Level 8 you have Han taunt and all the RG's attack him as your squad pics them off one at a time. I'm no whale and I beat with Akbar lead Leia STH 5's and the scout! All under level 80.
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    Mahluus wrote: »
    Curious if anyone will think this team can do it:

    7*/G9 Fives (L76)
    7*/G9 STH (L73)
    5*/G7 Clone Sgt. (L60)
    4*/G8 Luke (L65)
    4*/G7 Akbar (L60) - Leader

    That's really the best I can do by tomorrow (and practically until the end of the event).

    Any chance this comp with get the job done? Or is it just a little too little?

    This team is strong enough, try get Ackbars gear level up to 8 that will help alot, and spam the special event ability, might take a few tries but it is possible with this team.

    Well it's not possible so far, lol. I can improve Akbar a little tomorrow with his gear so that may help. I'll report back.
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