Some characters that should be in the game

I'm sure EA is busy doing other things to the game that are more important than new characters, especially with GW and the raid situation. However, I think these are some characters that would be nice to have at some point, and tbh I don't really know why some of them aren't in the game in place of other characters such as jedi night guardian that have little to no relevance in the movies or either TV series.

In order from most to least importance

1. R2D2- a character in all 7 movies and the clone wars TV series. He electrocutes and sets fire to other droids in the movies, these could be used as moves.
2. Padme- an extremely important character in the prequels and Clone Wars. Kicks **** mutiple times specifically in 2nd movie.
3. Multiple characters from the Rebels TV series (Ezra, Kanan, Sabine, Zeb, Hera, all 4 inquisitors)- there's an entire TV show based on these guys yet not a single one of them appears in the game?
4. Jedi Luke- the only reason this is not 1 is because there's already a Luke character. You can even fight him at some points, not sure why you can't play as him.
5. Jabba the Hutt- not sure what his moves would be lol but he takes up a decent chunk of the 6th movie so he should be incorporated in some way.
6. Emperor Palpatine- why is he in the form of Darth Sidious as he only appears in one short scene of the Clone Wars TV series? He should be how he is in the originals! You can fight him in the game so i don't see why you can't play as him.
7. Younger Obi-Wan- same as Jedi Luke and Emperor Palpatine, he's only this low because of the existence of another form of the same character.
8. Some of the more important bounty hunters from Clone Wars, especially Aurra Sing.
9. Maz Kanata- i'm sure she'll be added after she gets more screen time, as I've heard she has force abilities.
10. Jedi Temple Guards
11. Captain Panaka
12. Jar Jar Binks
13. Pre pubsecent Anakin

Feel free to disagree/add to this list. I'm hoping i get bashed for the last two lmao


  • Karek77
    292 posts Member
    Was thinking about what new characters would be cool to have and came out with this, what you think and do you have any other ideas?

    CODY (how come we don't have Cody yet)
    Also thought of Jango even though I don't really like him.

    Was also thinking about synergies, clones, ewoks and droids/Jawa all have great synergies, wish EA could develop that to other classes specially jedis and sith (the latter needs more characters, start releasing sith from "star wars legends")
  • clhs
    195 posts Member
    I would love to have Shaak Ti in the game. Or Padme, Jango, C3PO, R2 or TC14.
  • Igor08
    221 posts Member
    I would like them to fix the existing broken characters before milking us for $ with new ones.
  • Mihai29
    592 posts Member
    Sorry guys ,i want Jedi Luke,General Kenobi,Droidekas,Palpatine
  • Options
    Clone wars general Kenobi and snow bunny Padme
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    As cool as having Cody for a full clone team would be, they should really add Obi-Wan Kenobi from the clone wars animated series or even just episode III Obi-Wan Kenobi, he's cannon and easily the coolest Jedi from the prequels
  • Zombie961
    1819 posts Member
    Preferably a fix to characters that suck (maul, bane, anakin, etc) but either way; Embo, jango, young obi wan, Cody, drodika, commando droid, krell, shak tii, Hondo, Jedi Luke (preferably return of the Jedi), Jedi Rey? (Might be better after the 8th movie), whoever the protagonist of rouge one is (don't rememeber the name), dark side bariss?, even Piell, and mother talisman
  • Options
    I want skins, and i want leia to have golden bikini and han to have carbonite
  • Mihai29
    592 posts Member
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    Jabba the hutt, tuffles, and ofcourse jar jar binks
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    Also that white snow yetti monster from empire be cool
  • aerendhil
    503 posts Member
    yeah yeah, more toons that we won't be able to level up because of lack of crédits, good idea
    I choose the Red Pill.
  • Zombie961
    1819 posts Member
    Also that white snow yetti monster from empire be cool
    A wampa (pic below)
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    Zombie961 wrote: »
    Also that white snow yetti monster from empire be cool
    A wampa (pic below)

    An apple? Ehh frig it why not
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    You guys had a riot? On account o' me? My very own riot?
  • SkyCake
    188 posts Member
    Although I would love love love Darth Zannah, she's kind of indirectly EU... SO! Definitely General Kenobi. Old Ben doesn't really do the very charismatic and awesome Jedi justice. Clone synergies would be a must!

    My second vote would be for Mother Talzin. She could have several options! Such as granting allies stealth, AOE green lightning, creating a shield, foresight, ect.
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    Shaak Ti has my vote as I'm partial to Togrutas and Twi'leks.

    Tiplee and Tiplar with extra synergy for being on the same team would be cool.

    Mother Talzin is another good option.
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    Ki adi mundi
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    GUNGANS! Get JARJAR with nasty droid debuffs and energy shields!!!
  • CapnnRex
    184 posts Member
    Jedi Luke, general Kenobi, Sabine Wren
  • Karek77
    292 posts Member
    General Kenobi would be an excellent addition. If they add Jar Jar I believe the game will go down a biiiiig hole
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    No one wants a Taan Taan?
  • Bora
    440 posts Member
    No one wants a Taan Taan?

    Maybe a taun taun?
    Res non verba
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    Bastila Shan.
  • Bora
    440 posts Member
    C'mon lads.. Thrawn? Anybody? If you didn't you should reeeeally read Timothy Zahn novels!
    Res non verba
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    Bora wrote: »
    No one wants a Taan Taan?

    Maybe a taun taun?

    Yes, one of those too!
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    Darth Revan, Jedi Luke, Commander Fox, Thorne, Wolffe, Cody, regular commando droid, captain Antilles, Old Han, grandmaster Luke, Nien Nunb
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    I stand by my suggestion of Noah.
    You guys had a riot? On account o' me? My very own riot?
  • Options
    clhs wrote: »
    I would love to have Shaak Ti in the game. Or Padme, Jango, C3PO, R2 or TC14.

    Who the **** is Shaak Ti? Padme? Really, plan on her whining other teams to death?
    C3PO????? You're kidding right? He gonna serve drinks during the fight?
    R2????? Maybe could be useful if his unique takes down the other teams shields. What then? Shock em?
    Who the **** is TC14?
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