GW in 7mins


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    I never complained about GW being too hard, even when I was getting meta teams on the 7th node. But it's far too easy now. I finished the entire thing today without even having to use heal one time.

    They should have tiered GW, just like the challenges. The harder GW you take on the better the rewards. You can only choose one a day, and you either finish it or you don't.
    517 posts Member
    Are you kidding? Its hard as always for me
  • Vallik
    163 posts Member
    i much prefer this sometimes a challenge is fun but getting 6-8 top 10 arena level teams is tedious

    it was taking me an hour or more to clear quite often
  • Vallik
    163 posts Member
    Zekex wrote: »
    Resources are used to upgrade your arena toons and your raid toons. With more resources, you can be ahead of others in arena/raid. This is the reason why any additional resources given in hard mode would put those with additional time ahead of others who don't.

    This WILL be disadvantageous to those who don't have the time and patience to run hard mode.This WILL be a return to GW pre-update.If you can't see the obvious similarities between pre-update GW and what you are suggesting, then there is no hope for you.

    Why are you so adamant that you should get better rewards for completing hard mode? I can pre-load, retreat as much as you. It doesn't take skill. Why should you be rewarded more for a skilless challenge?

    while i love the change to GW what your saying is absolutely asinine

    if they did a hard mode that had 10% additional credits over the ~450k we get currently that would be fine

    complaining about them adding a hard mode is like saying tier 1 raids should give the same rewards as heroic

    if people want to spend 3x as long on gw to get an extra 50k credits more power to them

    if they put in more time they should get more reards just like those that choose to pay get more out of the game

    noone forces you to run the hard mode (for the minimal increase in credits i wouldn't unless i was bored) the current version would still be there

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    Eh, am tired of ppl whining when it goes either way. It is simply the fact that they made it too imbalanced right now. They didn't want to fix the issue so they made it fast and simple because ppl whine and complain. If ppl whine and complain again we may just end up with a system we don't like even more again the way I see it. That atleast has been a proven track record on things that have been tweaked and complained about a second time.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    SO now people are complaining that its too easy? Make up your minds

    I for one am glad its easier it allowed me to add 4,000 power to arena with no penalty. And there is still room for more power (6*->7*; G9-G10, maxing levels on all toons).
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    I was just happy to finally be able to finish it for the first time and get my Vader shard for the accomplishment.
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    Zekex wrote: »
    Please read my points carefully and respond accordingly, especially the bolded parts.

    btw, a plus to people who have the time to complete hard mode is definitely a minus to people who don't have the time and patience to complete it.

    Putting more time in should reward you more. Why should someone who logs in for 30 minutes every day be just as powerful as someone who stays on hours every day? It's cool if you don't have the time. But if someone does, give them more reward .
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Hard mode please, at previous difficulty and 2x reward.

    I auto'd it with a C team, its a joke now.
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    Personally I am thankful for the change!
    This is a mobile game: Mobile games, thought awesome, shouldn't be so time-consuming. I play during small breaks on my work day, when energy comes, during my commute...etc.
    Been playing since January and only until yesterday I was able to get the 50 GW achievement. I simply don't have enough time in my hands to carefully strategize on the looonggg and never ending GW. I've also spent a fair amount of $ in the game because I really like it! However I prefer to have my longer leisure time devoted to my PS4 or a book once I complete the daily routine on SWGOH.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Personally I am thankful for the change!
    This is a mobile game: Mobile games, thought awesome, shouldn't be so time-consuming. I play during small breaks on my work day, when energy comes, during my commute...etc.
    Been playing since January and only until yesterday I was able to get the 50 GW achievement. I simply don't have enough time in my hands to carefully strategize on the looonggg and never ending GW. I've also spent a fair amount of $ in the game because I really like it! However I prefer to have my longer leisure time devoted to my PS4 or a book once I complete the daily routine on SWGOH.

    Cool, but can we have hard mode without you being mad that I am getting 2x rewards?
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    I like the new gw. I only run it for credits and don't care if it's challenging. Challenging equals an hour to get through. No thanks
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Hard mode please, at previous difficulty and 2x reward.

    I auto'd it with a C team, its a joke now.

    They'll never go as far as 2x rewards. I originally suggested 10% more credits and double training droids. That's far more realistic to what they might actually implement.
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    Rex L

    All 7* 80, g10/11 omega. Those claiming they did not like the new easier gw I would wager were not seeing these teams in the first node and 2nd and teams of similar power/difficult level from there on.

    While I could still do it. It became far too much work for the rerwards
    Now, I agree it went easy mode. I can typically use a 2 character team in the first couple nodes now. I run an old school gw team now to node 10, then I see those teams I mentioned to finish it off.

    I'd love to see a tier option. That would be great. Awesome idea!!!!
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    For those that don't like the changes to GW because it's now "not challenging and too easy", instead of complaining here why don't you simply run with 2-3 characters in your squad?

    Now, you have the OPTION to do that if you want more challenge. For those of us that were facing monstrous teams from the 2nd Battle onward, we didn't have a choice to bring in more characters to help ease the load. At least with these changes, YOU have the ability and option to create an unlimited amount of challenge for yourself by using different and varying levels of squads.

    This "fix" gives more options, which we should all be thankful for.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Doggirl211 wrote: »
    For those that don't like the changes to GW because it's now "not challenging and too easy", instead of complaining here why don't you simply run with 2-3 characters in your squad?

    Now, you have the OPTION to do that if you want more challenge. For those of us that were facing monstrous teams from the 2nd Battle onward, we didn't have a choice to bring in more characters to help ease the load. At least with these changes, YOU have the ability and option to create an unlimited amount of challenge for yourself by using different and varying levels of squads.

    This "fix" gives more options, which we should all be thankful for.

    having to put in a weak squad to maintain the level of difficulty just isnt the same thing. Its an option yes, but most certainly not as much fun. When guilds beat heroic in less than half an hour everybody agrees that there should be more challenging content, but when someone doesnt like the GW changes he should just suuck it up and finish GW with 3 characters?
    I'm happy for others that the imballance at high arena powers is fixed, but i'm not happy that for me GW has become less fun. I'm not sure why i should be thankfull for that.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    This is a ****, I finished in 50 minutes, they didn't fix anything
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    Good. For the rewards we are getting it should be that short
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    Eh, am tired of ppl whining when it goes either way. It is simply the fact that they made it too imbalanced right now. They didn't want to fix the issue so they made it fast and simple because ppl whine and complain. If ppl whine and complain again we may just end up with a system we don't like even more again the way I see it. That atleast has been a proven track record on things that have been tweaked and complained about a second time.

    Right. But ea seems to have a hard time with the middle option:). Gw, short of the rare new ls& ds battle content, is the only fun part of the game.

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    I like the new GW. If it's not a big challenge for you, you probably have some awesome teams... Well done! But EA said long long ago that GW is not intended to be endgame, but midgame. So if you have great teams, it should be doable. Put your focus on raids and Arena then, or farming, whatever. But GW was a chore to many folks, me included.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Zekex wrote: »
    Resources are used to upgrade your arena toons and your raid toons. With more resources, you can be ahead of others in arena/raid. This is the reason why any additional resources given in hard mode would put those with additional time ahead of others who don't.

    This WILL be disadvantageous to those who don't have the time and patience to run hard mode.This WILL be a return to GW pre-update.If you can't see the obvious similarities between pre-update GW and what you are suggesting, then there is no hope for you.

    Why are you so adamant that you should get better rewards for completing hard mode? I can pre-load, retreat as much as you. It doesn't take skill. Why should you be rewarded more for a skilless challenge?

    You can use that same argument against guild hopping and alt rotating even though it was allowed by EA/CG. Those with too much time on their hands were able to game the system and gain an unfair competitive advantage on other players who couldn't devote that extra time creating alts and hopping to different guilds.
    There is no point of a hard mode if the rewards stay the same, and a 10% increase like someone said above isn't gamebreaking. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    I'm honestly having a lot more fun with GW now. I didn't have any issues beating it before, though the time it took was super annoying (especially on Tuesdays >.<), but now that I'm not facing meta teams constantly I'm able to try out other squads.

    I have my gamorrean guard almost to 7* now, and this has let me experiment with a bunch of different set-ups for using him. Also, instead of new characters I'm lvling being completely useless until 7*/G9, I'm able to throw them into squads and test things out.

    The new GW has become an awesome test bed for our full rosters. We can now use a many different squads, test out combos, and get a feel for new characters. Want a challenge? Make one. Want a test? Do it. Want to auto? Feel free.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    djvita wrote: »
    SO now people are complaining that its too easy? Make up your minds

    I for one am glad its easier it allowed me to add 4,000 power to arena with no penalty. And there is still room for more power (6*->7*; G9-G10, maxing levels on all toons).

    Well there is something called a middle ground. However that concept seems to elude the devs (Yoda, daily challenges, etc.) 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    Good. For the rewards we are getting it should be that short

    This, dont change a thing. A 20-30 minute grind for 450k credits and some other stuff is just fine.
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    If gw was a weekly event id be ok with the previous difficulty but having to do it everyday im glad its easier now. Its possible to try out different teams now and dont need to retreat 50 times to get through it
  • clawsofhonor
    370 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Yes there should be a choice between hard and easy gw. I've been saying this for months. No, there should be no extra rewards unless it is for EVERYONE. You individuals who are complaining the challenge is gone, fine. You get your challenge back with a hard mode selector. No you don't get two pieces of cake on one plate. You want your challenge, go enjoy your challenge. No extras for you
  • ThewhiteonE
    658 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    It must be said, tools will remain tools. You cannot expect genius online.

    On another note, why not make GW go from the easy useless excuse of a challenge it is right now (which I haven't played in 2 days, I'm talking about the game in general), to actually going from what it is to what is was.

    Give GW a 2 tier system, tier 1 being this cow doodles of an excuse of game play that gives you the same rewards & same challenge I.e. 450k+/- credits & a few character shards. The tier 2 being the system they previously threw away for the complaining crybabies with the same rewards but a more challenging experience with omega rewards implemented into the system..?

    This way, if you have the toons to go through both you get a total of 900k credits, a bunch of character shards & maybe a few omegas & other ability matts... It's a win win situation.
  • Maskarii
    851 posts Member
    That's means each fight doesn't take longer than 35 seconds?! :)
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    Amnor wrote: »
    Hybridplug wrote: »
    It has to be very frustrating to be the game development because people whined for ages that GW was too hard and took too long now people are complaining it's too easy and not a challenge. I think the GW is fine as it is now, still took me 15 - 20 minutes.

    Another good change made by the development team. Thanks EA.

    I have never complained about GW being to hard since I was always able to finish it daily with one team. Neither I complain now when it can be done on auto in less than 7 minutes. I take things as they are.
    I just dont think GoH should be called 'a game' anymore. Game should require some skills. Right now even a monkey can play it succesfully.
    And I dont agree it was a matter of time/patience. It was always a matter of skills - in chosing right heroes to build, finding the right synergies, playing the battles to maximize your strenghts and abuse all opponents weakneses and so on...
    Before the update GW was still easily doable - it took a bit more time, yes, but I never had to play more than 45 minutes. Plus it didnt have to be played straight from the start to the end. 45 minutes daily for a mobile game its not too much, especially that all other activities dont take more than another 15.

    A game doesn't have to require "skills". A game simply has to be entertaining, a distraction from everyday life, something to do to pass the time that is interactive. This is a mobile game, not call of duty. Its fecking the star wars version of pokemon. All the people that want to turn it into a console game need to come back to reality
  • Whitchit
    186 posts Member
    I like it, gives me the opportunity to use some fun teams I wouldn't have used before.

    Did it today with ackbar led leia. Tons of fun.

    Tomorrow going to do Teebo, elder.
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