GW in 7mins


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    Amnor wrote: »
    Hybridplug wrote: »
    It has to be very frustrating to be the game development because people whined for ages that GW was too hard and took too long now people are complaining it's too easy and not a challenge. I think the GW is fine as it is now, still took me 15 - 20 minutes.

    Another good change made by the development team. Thanks EA.

    I have never complained about GW being to hard since I was always able to finish it daily with one team. Neither I complain now when it can be done on auto in less than 7 minutes. I take things as they are.
    I just dont think GoH should be called 'a game' anymore. Game should require some skills. Right now even a monkey can play it succesfully.
    And I dont agree it was a matter of time/patience. It was always a matter of skills - in chosing right heroes to build, finding the right synergies, playing the battles to maximize your strenghts and abuse all opponents weakneses and so on...
    Before the update GW was still easily doable - it took a bit more time, yes, but I never had to play more than 45 minutes. Plus it didnt have to be played straight from the start to the end. 45 minutes daily for a mobile game its not too much, especially that all other activities dont take more than another 15.

    A game doesn't have to require "skills". A game simply has to be entertaining, a distraction from everyday life, something to do to pass the time that is interactive. This is a mobile game, not call of duty. Its fecking the star wars version of pokemon. All the people that want to turn it into a console game need to come back to reality

    The same could be said for no skill newblets like yourself, why are you playing a "game" if you don't want it to be challenging? Why not go play candy crush if you want a space filler?
  • Options
    Amnor wrote: »
    Hybridplug wrote: »
    It has to be very frustrating to be the game development because people whined for ages that GW was too hard and took too long now people are complaining it's too easy and not a challenge. I think the GW is fine as it is now, still took me 15 - 20 minutes.

    Another good change made by the development team. Thanks EA.

    I have never complained about GW being to hard since I was always able to finish it daily with one team. Neither I complain now when it can be done on auto in less than 7 minutes. I take things as they are.
    I just dont think GoH should be called 'a game' anymore. Game should require some skills. Right now even a monkey can play it succesfully.
    And I dont agree it was a matter of time/patience. It was always a matter of skills - in chosing right heroes to build, finding the right synergies, playing the battles to maximize your strenghts and abuse all opponents weakneses and so on...
    Before the update GW was still easily doable - it took a bit more time, yes, but I never had to play more than 45 minutes. Plus it didnt have to be played straight from the start to the end. 45 minutes daily for a mobile game its not too much, especially that all other activities dont take more than another 15.

    A game doesn't have to require "skills". A game simply has to be entertaining, a distraction from everyday life, something to do to pass the time that is interactive. This is a mobile game, not call of duty. Its fecking the star wars version of pokemon. All the people that want to turn it into a console game need to come back to reality

    Ok so i suppose it has less to deal with skills so you are correct but why settle for less when they could make it better. Things like real time pvp would make it really interesting. Even allowing you to protect your squads during arena payout so you could substitute players without getting sniped or falling back? Even putting a simple rancor turn damage indicator so i dont have to use a calculator to figure out whether to retreat would make me happy. Why settle
  • Options
    M31Andro wrote: »
    It's amazing how people did nothing but whine whine whine "wahhh GW is horrible because it's too hard, and it takes too long wahhhhh" so they address the issue, and the response from people? "GW is too easy and is too fast wahhhhh" what the heck is wrong with everyone? Quit whining....good god it's a GAME. They did exactly what people have been asking for. I, for one never complained about the difficulty, and I still won't, as long as I can collect my 500k coins every day.

    The only people whining about gw now are either (a) the people who had not hit 30k arena team power, (b) the ones who were trying to downplay the difficulty the majority of the playerbase were facing pre update because they "love extreme challenges", or (c) whales or people with exceptionally deep rosters that wanted to further the gap between them and the rest of the playerbase. The majority of the playerbase is happy with the change, which is why you aren't seeing daily polls and complaints about gw
  • Options
    M31Andro wrote: »
    It's amazing how people did nothing but whine whine whine "wahhh GW is horrible because it's too hard, and it takes too long wahhhhh" so they address the issue, and the response from people? "GW is too easy and is too fast wahhhhh" what the heck is wrong with everyone? Quit whining....good god it's a GAME. They did exactly what people have been asking for. I, for one never complained about the difficulty, and I still won't, as long as I can collect my 500k coins every day.

    The only people whining about gw now are either (a) the people who had not hit 30k arena team power, (b) the ones who were trying to downplay the difficulty the majority of the playerbase were facing pre update because they "love extreme challenges", or (c) whales or people with exceptionally deep rosters that wanted to further the gap between them and the rest of the playerbase. The majority of the playerbase is happy with the change, which is why you aren't seeing daily polls and complaints about gw

    Your definition of majority is flawed! As mentioned before about 10% of the player base actually visits the forums, so your definition of majority is like 6%... Once again, flawed!
  • Options
    M31Andro wrote: »
    It's amazing how people did nothing but whine whine whine "wahhh GW is horrible because it's too hard, and it takes too long wahhhhh" so they address the issue, and the response from people? "GW is too easy and is too fast wahhhhh" what the heck is wrong with everyone? Quit whining....good god it's a GAME. They did exactly what people have been asking for. I, for one never complained about the difficulty, and I still won't, as long as I can collect my 500k coins every day.

    The only people whining about gw now are either (a) the people who had not hit 30k arena team power, (b) the ones who were trying to downplay the difficulty the majority of the playerbase were facing pre update because they "love extreme challenges", or (c) whales or people with exceptionally deep rosters that wanted to further the gap between them and the rest of the playerbase. The majority of the playerbase is happy with the change, which is why you aren't seeing daily polls and complaints about gw

    There are other groups of people who like me are mostly ftp and have hit over 35000 in arena squad power who were also frustrated with the effort and are happy that ea took the time to remedy that aspect. However, gw difficulty reduction is now too much of a breeze and im not whining but asking for a compromise of sorts. There are moderate ftp players who dont want to spend time and invested ftp players who will do the extra work to reduce the disparity between us and whales. I wonder how many whales even bother with gw for the extra crystals/credits. I have a theory that the hard mode idea would help ftp and so i support it because of that and because i dont subscribe to the idea that something is either no challenge at all or impossible:)
  • nematocyte
    421 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    M31Andro wrote: »
    It's amazing how people did nothing but whine whine whine "wahhh GW is horrible because it's too hard, and it takes too long wahhhhh" so they address the issue, and the response from people? "GW is too easy and is too fast wahhhhh" what the heck is wrong with everyone? Quit whining....good god it's a GAME. They did exactly what people have been asking for. I, for one never complained about the difficulty, and I still won't, as long as I can collect my 500k coins every day.

    The only people whining about gw now are either (a) the people who had not hit 30k arena team power, (b) the ones who were trying to downplay the difficulty the majority of the playerbase were facing pre update because they "love extreme challenges", or (c) whales or people with exceptionally deep rosters that wanted to further the gap between them and the rest of the playerbase. The majority of the playerbase is happy with the change, which is why you aren't seeing daily polls and complaints about gw

    Your definition of majority is flawed! As mentioned before about 10% of the player base actually visits the forums, so your definition of majority is like 6%... Once again, flawed!

    Given a large enough sample size, data can be reliably extrapolated from a smaller percentage of people. But this almost doesn't matter. If you think he's wrong about the majority of the player base being happy, you'd have to at least start by explaining why so many more people appear happy on the forums.
  • Options
    Amnor wrote: »
    Hybridplug wrote: »
    It has to be very frustrating to be the game development because people whined for ages that GW was too hard and took too long now people are complaining it's too easy and not a challenge. I think the GW is fine as it is now, still took me 15 - 20 minutes.

    Another good change made by the development team. Thanks EA.

    I have never complained about GW being to hard since I was always able to finish it daily with one team. Neither I complain now when it can be done on auto in less than 7 minutes. I take things as they are.
    I just dont think GoH should be called 'a game' anymore. Game should require some skills. Right now even a monkey can play it succesfully.
    And I dont agree it was a matter of time/patience. It was always a matter of skills - in chosing right heroes to build, finding the right synergies, playing the battles to maximize your strenghts and abuse all opponents weakneses and so on...
    Before the update GW was still easily doable - it took a bit more time, yes, but I never had to play more than 45 minutes. Plus it didnt have to be played straight from the start to the end. 45 minutes daily for a mobile game its not too much, especially that all other activities dont take more than another 15.

    A game doesn't have to require "skills". A game simply has to be entertaining, a distraction from everyday life, something to do to pass the time that is interactive. This is a mobile game, not call of duty. Its fecking the star wars version of pokemon. All the people that want to turn it into a console game need to come back to reality

    The same could be said for no skill newblets like yourself, why are you playing a "game" if you don't want it to be challenging? Why not go play candy crush if you want a space filler?

    First, I play the game because I am obsessed with star wars and its fun to collect, grow, and utilize characters, much like being a part of the star wars universe. Secondly, I hate candy crush. Lastly, I'm a former whale, playing since February, I have 25 7* g8-10 characters and I am skilled in the game. I, like the majority of the playerbase, was dealing with an often impassable gw where I was facing lvl 80 meta and whale teams which were all g10, each character completely omegad from node 6 on daily. I have spent more on this game alone than your car is likely worth, much less your life. Im not saying I mind a little complexity in a game, however when a mobile game repeatedly makes me put my fist through a wall, that game has gone beyond enjoyment, and needs to be revamped. Ok child? Now go get a cookie and a smile sunshine :smile:
  • Options
    Amnor wrote: »
    Hybridplug wrote: »
    It has to be very frustrating to be the game development because people whined for ages that GW was too hard and took too long now people are complaining it's too easy and not a challenge. I think the GW is fine as it is now, still took me 15 - 20 minutes.

    Another good change made by the development team. Thanks EA.

    I have never complained about GW being to hard since I was always able to finish it daily with one team. Neither I complain now when it can be done on auto in less than 7 minutes. I take things as they are.
    I just dont think GoH should be called 'a game' anymore. Game should require some skills. Right now even a monkey can play it succesfully.
    And I dont agree it was a matter of time/patience. It was always a matter of skills - in chosing right heroes to build, finding the right synergies, playing the battles to maximize your strenghts and abuse all opponents weakneses and so on...
    Before the update GW was still easily doable - it took a bit more time, yes, but I never had to play more than 45 minutes. Plus it didnt have to be played straight from the start to the end. 45 minutes daily for a mobile game its not too much, especially that all other activities dont take more than another 15.

    A game doesn't have to require "skills". A game simply has to be entertaining, a distraction from everyday life, something to do to pass the time that is interactive. This is a mobile game, not call of duty. Its fecking the star wars version of pokemon. All the people that want to turn it into a console game need to come back to reality

    Ok so i suppose it has less to deal with skills so you are correct but why settle for less when they could make it better. Things like real time pvp would make it really interesting. Even allowing you to protect your squads during arena payout so you could substitute players without getting sniped or falling back? Even putting a simple rancor turn damage indicator so i dont have to use a calculator to figure out whether to retreat would make me happy. Why settle

    I agree with your ideas. All I am saying is that a mobile game shouldn't require an hour+ worth of retreats, only to be ultimately unable to pass that mode. Theres a difference between complexity, and mind numbing phone breaking difficulty that exists solely because the developers are greedy and lazy
  • Options
    nematocyte wrote: »
    M31Andro wrote: »
    It's amazing how people did nothing but whine whine whine "wahhh GW is horrible because it's too hard, and it takes too long wahhhhh" so they address the issue, and the response from people? "GW is too easy and is too fast wahhhhh" what the heck is wrong with everyone? Quit whining....good god it's a GAME. They did exactly what people have been asking for. I, for one never complained about the difficulty, and I still won't, as long as I can collect my 500k coins every day.

    The only people whining about gw now are either (a) the people who had not hit 30k arena team power, (b) the ones who were trying to downplay the difficulty the majority of the playerbase were facing pre update because they "love extreme challenges", or (c) whales or people with exceptionally deep rosters that wanted to further the gap between them and the rest of the playerbase. The majority of the playerbase is happy with the change, which is why you aren't seeing daily polls and complaints about gw

    Your definition of majority is flawed! As mentioned before about 10% of the player base actually visits the forums, so your definition of majority is like 6%... Once again, flawed!

    Given a large enough sample size, data can be reliably extrapolated from a smaller percentage of people. But this almost doesn't matter. If you think he's wrong about the majority of the player base being happy, you'd have to at least start by explaining why so many more people appear happy on the forums.

    Yes a voice of reason. Science is important folks.
  • Bradford30080
    404 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Amnor wrote: »
    Hybridplug wrote: »
    It has to be very frustrating to be the game development because people whined for ages that GW was too hard and took too long now people are complaining it's too easy and not a challenge. I think the GW is fine as it is now, still took me 15 - 20 minutes.

    Another good change made by the development team. Thanks EA.

    I have never complained about GW being to hard since I was always able to finish it daily with one team. Neither I complain now when it can be done on auto in less than 7 minutes. I take things as they are.
    I just dont think GoH should be called 'a game' anymore. Game should require some skills. Right now even a monkey can play it succesfully.
    And I dont agree it was a matter of time/patience. It was always a matter of skills - in chosing right heroes to build, finding the right synergies, playing the battles to maximize your strenghts and abuse all opponents weakneses and so on...
    Before the update GW was still easily doable - it took a bit more time, yes, but I never had to play more than 45 minutes. Plus it didnt have to be played straight from the start to the end. 45 minutes daily for a mobile game its not too much, especially that all other activities dont take more than another 15.

    A game doesn't have to require "skills". A game simply has to be entertaining, a distraction from everyday life, something to do to pass the time that is interactive. This is a mobile game, not call of duty. Its fecking the star wars version of pokemon. All the people that want to turn it into a console game need to come back to reality

    Ok so i suppose it has less to deal with skills so you are correct but why settle for less when they could make it better. Things like real time pvp would make it really interesting. Even allowing you to protect your squads during arena payout so you could substitute players without getting sniped or falling back? Even putting a simple rancor turn damage indicator so i dont have to use a calculator to figure out whether to retreat would make me happy. Why settle

    I agree with your ideas. All I am saying is that a mobile game shouldn't require an hour+ worth of retreats, only to be ultimately unable to pass that mode. Theres a difference between complexity, and mind numbing phone breaking difficulty that exists solely because the developers are greedy and lazy

    Thats fair. Which is why i was suggesting the tier approach which give the player an option of the hard mode, which by the way you could mess up and potentiall get less rewards or more. But no penalty for the player who chooses the simpler mode
  • Options
    Amnor wrote: »
    Hybridplug wrote: »
    It has to be very frustrating to be the game development because people whined for ages that GW was too hard and took too long now people are complaining it's too easy and not a challenge. I think the GW is fine as it is now, still took me 15 - 20 minutes.

    Another good change made by the development team. Thanks EA.

    I have never complained about GW being to hard since I was always able to finish it daily with one team. Neither I complain now when it can be done on auto in less than 7 minutes. I take things as they are.
    I just dont think GoH should be called 'a game' anymore. Game should require some skills. Right now even a monkey can play it succesfully.
    And I dont agree it was a matter of time/patience. It was always a matter of skills - in chosing right heroes to build, finding the right synergies, playing the battles to maximize your strenghts and abuse all opponents weakneses and so on...
    Before the update GW was still easily doable - it took a bit more time, yes, but I never had to play more than 45 minutes. Plus it didnt have to be played straight from the start to the end. 45 minutes daily for a mobile game its not too much, especially that all other activities dont take more than another 15.

    A game doesn't have to require "skills". A game simply has to be entertaining, a distraction from everyday life, something to do to pass the time that is interactive. This is a mobile game, not call of duty. Its fecking the star wars version of pokemon. All the people that want to turn it into a console game need to come back to reality

    Ok so i suppose it has less to deal with skills so you are correct but why settle for less when they could make it better. Things like real time pvp would make it really interesting. Even allowing you to protect your squads during arena payout so you could substitute players without getting sniped or falling back? Even putting a simple rancor turn damage indicator so i dont have to use a calculator to figure out whether to retreat would make me happy. Why settle

    I agree with your ideas. All I am saying is that a mobile game shouldn't require an hour+ worth of retreats, only to be ultimately unable to pass that mode. Theres a difference between complexity, and mind numbing phone breaking difficulty that exists solely because the developers are greedy and lazy

    Thats fair. Which is why i was suggesting the tier approach which give the player an option of the hard mode, which by the way you could mess up and potentiall get less rewards or more. But no penalty for the player who chooses the simpler mode

    I proposed back around the introduction of protection, a one time gw or all-game toggle. You made a one time choice, hit the toggle for your choice, and you were stuck with it permanently. So lets say you wanted the absurd difficulty of old gw, you selected hard mode, and there was no going back.

    My issue with the people fighting for increased difficulty, or "challenge" is they have deeper agendas, and aren't being honest about them. The people on here who want a harder gw, have been offered an option where they get to have their challenge back, however this idea is also not acceptable, because they suddenly want more rewards to go with the challenge, proving that in fact, its not the challenge they really want, but simply to further progress in ways the rest of the playerbase are unable to. They want to become "leet". They want to widen the gap between the average playerbase and themselves. If they TRULY simply want more challenge, then not receiving increased rewards should not bother them. However, look at how many posters got offended when people supported the difficulty toggle but said no to increased rewards. Its not about challenge, its about rewards even though these people say differently
  • Options
    Amnor wrote: »
    Hybridplug wrote: »
    It has to be very frustrating to be the game development because people whined for ages that GW was too hard and took too long now people are complaining it's too easy and not a challenge. I think the GW is fine as it is now, still took me 15 - 20 minutes.

    Another good change made by the development team. Thanks EA.

    I have never complained about GW being to hard since I was always able to finish it daily with one team. Neither I complain now when it can be done on auto in less than 7 minutes. I take things as they are.
    I just dont think GoH should be called 'a game' anymore. Game should require some skills. Right now even a monkey can play it succesfully.
    And I dont agree it was a matter of time/patience. It was always a matter of skills - in chosing right heroes to build, finding the right synergies, playing the battles to maximize your strenghts and abuse all opponents weakneses and so on...
    Before the update GW was still easily doable - it took a bit more time, yes, but I never had to play more than 45 minutes. Plus it didnt have to be played straight from the start to the end. 45 minutes daily for a mobile game its not too much, especially that all other activities dont take more than another 15.

    A game doesn't have to require "skills". A game simply has to be entertaining, a distraction from everyday life, something to do to pass the time that is interactive. This is a mobile game, not call of duty. Its fecking the star wars version of pokemon. All the people that want to turn it into a console game need to come back to reality

    Ok so i suppose it has less to deal with skills so you are correct but why settle for less when they could make it better. Things like real time pvp would make it really interesting. Even allowing you to protect your squads during arena payout so you could substitute players without getting sniped or falling back? Even putting a simple rancor turn damage indicator so i dont have to use a calculator to figure out whether to retreat would make me happy. Why settle

    I agree with your ideas. All I am saying is that a mobile game shouldn't require an hour+ worth of retreats, only to be ultimately unable to pass that mode. Theres a difference between complexity, and mind numbing phone breaking difficulty that exists solely because the developers are greedy and lazy

    Thats fair. Which is why i was suggesting the tier approach which give the player an option of the hard mode, which by the way you could mess up and potentiall get less rewards or more. But no penalty for the player who chooses the simpler mode

    I proposed back around the introduction of protection, a one time gw or all-game toggle. You made a one time choice, hit the toggle for your choice, and you were stuck with it permanently. So lets say you wanted the absurd difficulty of old gw, you selected hard mode, and there was no going back.

    My issue with the people fighting for increased difficulty, or "challenge" is they have deeper agendas, and aren't being honest about them. The people on here who want a harder gw, have been offered an option where they get to have their challenge back, however this idea is also not acceptable, because they suddenly want more rewards to go with the challenge, proving that in fact, its not the challenge they really want, but simply to further progress in ways the rest of the playerbase are unable to. They want to become "leet". They want to widen the gap between the average playerbase and themselves. If they TRULY simply want more challenge, then not receiving increased rewards should not bother them. However, look at how many posters got offended when people supported the difficulty toggle but said no to increased rewards. Its not about challenge, its about rewards even though these people say differently

    Oh i want the extra rewards:). Not crazy extra and yeah i like the idea of not being able to go back. I think its reasonable and not disparity creating to implement some rewards like for example 1 extra shard or 50000 more credits, an extra purple mat, maybe a small chance at a omega mat. I for one would appreciate both the challenge and the incentive. The real disparity is between pay to play and thats not a criticism just a reality that must exist.
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    If it sunny, they want rain. When they get rain, all the sudden sunny isn't so bad. GW took too long before, I an pleased with the change. Between GW pvp raids challenges and toon work I fill my extra time just fine.
  • Options
    Amnor wrote: »
    Hybridplug wrote: »
    It has to be very frustrating to be the game development because people whined for ages that GW was too hard and took too long now people are complaining it's too easy and not a challenge. I think the GW is fine as it is now, still took me 15 - 20 minutes.

    Another good change made by the development team. Thanks EA.

    I have never complained about GW being to hard since I was always able to finish it daily with one team. Neither I complain now when it can be done on auto in less than 7 minutes. I take things as they are.
    I just dont think GoH should be called 'a game' anymore. Game should require some skills. Right now even a monkey can play it succesfully.
    And I dont agree it was a matter of time/patience. It was always a matter of skills - in chosing right heroes to build, finding the right synergies, playing the battles to maximize your strenghts and abuse all opponents weakneses and so on...
    Before the update GW was still easily doable - it took a bit more time, yes, but I never had to play more than 45 minutes. Plus it didnt have to be played straight from the start to the end. 45 minutes daily for a mobile game its not too much, especially that all other activities dont take more than another 15.

    A game doesn't have to require "skills". A game simply has to be entertaining, a distraction from everyday life, something to do to pass the time that is interactive. This is a mobile game, not call of duty. Its fecking the star wars version of pokemon. All the people that want to turn it into a console game need to come back to reality

    Ok so i suppose it has less to deal with skills so you are correct but why settle for less when they could make it better. Things like real time pvp would make it really interesting. Even allowing you to protect your squads during arena payout so you could substitute players without getting sniped or falling back? Even putting a simple rancor turn damage indicator so i dont have to use a calculator to figure out whether to retreat would make me happy. Why settle

    I agree with your ideas. All I am saying is that a mobile game shouldn't require an hour+ worth of retreats, only to be ultimately unable to pass that mode. Theres a difference between complexity, and mind numbing phone breaking difficulty that exists solely because the developers are greedy and lazy

    Thats fair. Which is why i was suggesting the tier approach which give the player an option of the hard mode, which by the way you could mess up and potentiall get less rewards or more. But no penalty for the player who chooses the simpler mode

    I proposed back around the introduction of protection, a one time gw or all-game toggle. You made a one time choice, hit the toggle for your choice, and you were stuck with it permanently. So lets say you wanted the absurd difficulty of old gw, you selected hard mode, and there was no going back.

    My issue with the people fighting for increased difficulty, or "challenge" is they have deeper agendas, and aren't being honest about them. The people on here who want a harder gw, have been offered an option where they get to have their challenge back, however this idea is also not acceptable, because they suddenly want more rewards to go with the challenge, proving that in fact, its not the challenge they really want, but simply to further progress in ways the rest of the playerbase are unable to. They want to become "leet". They want to widen the gap between the average playerbase and themselves. If they TRULY simply want more challenge, then not receiving increased rewards should not bother them. However, look at how many posters got offended when people supported the difficulty toggle but said no to increased rewards. Its not about challenge, its about rewards even though these people say differently

    Oh i want the extra rewards:). Not crazy extra and yeah i like the idea of not being able to go back. I think its reasonable and not disparity creating to implement some rewards like for example 1 extra shard or 50000 more credits, an extra purple mat, maybe a small chance at a omega mat. I for one would appreciate both the challenge and the incentive. The real disparity is between pay to play and thats not a criticism just a reality that must exist.

    Wasn't exactly refering to you actually. You saw the different people I was referring to lol
  • Options
    im so glad with this new change
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    For me, the previous gw was always beatable. Sometimes it took 2 hours of retreat, try this instead, nope, retreat, try this instead, etc. I've got better ways to spend my time. In the past couple days since the change, my wife has stopped saying "you spend too much time on that game." That's right...whine about an easier/quicker gw all you want, but the old one was eating up too much time IRL. Maybe you don't have wives or girlfriends, but those of us who do should be happy to have more time with them. Use your new found spare time to find a significant other. That's a better kind of happy fun time than any aspect of GoH will ever be.

    Edit: for the gamer girls out there, substitute boyfriends/husbands. Didn't mean to exclude.
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    It must be said, tools will remain tools. You cannot expect genius online.

    On another note, why not make GW go from the easy useless excuse of a challenge it is right now (which I haven't played in 2 days, I'm talking about the game in general), to actually going from what it is to what is was.

    Give GW a 2 tier system, tier 1 being this cow doodles of an excuse of game play that gives you the same rewards & same challenge I.e. 450k+/- credits & a few character shards. The tier 2 being the system they previously threw away for the complaining crybabies with the same rewards but a more challenging experience with omega rewards implemented into the system..?

    This way, if you have the toons to go through both you get a total of 900k credits, a bunch of character shards & maybe a few omegas & other ability matts... It's a win win situation.

    Dude, it's RPG style combat. It requires no skill regardless of how they balance it.
  • ThewhiteonE
    658 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    nematocyte wrote: »
    M31Andro wrote: »
    It's amazing how people did nothing but whine whine whine "wahhh GW is horrible because it's too hard, and it takes too long wahhhhh" so they address the issue, and the response from people? "GW is too easy and is too fast wahhhhh" what the heck is wrong with everyone? Quit whining....good god it's a GAME. They did exactly what people have been asking for. I, for one never complained about the difficulty, and I still won't, as long as I can collect my 500k coins every day.

    The only people whining about gw now are either (a) the people who had not hit 30k arena team power, (b) the ones who were trying to downplay the difficulty the majority of the playerbase were facing pre update because they "love extreme challenges", or (c) whales or people with exceptionally deep rosters that wanted to further the gap between them and the rest of the playerbase. The majority of the playerbase is happy with the change, which is why you aren't seeing daily polls and complaints about gw

    Your definition of majority is flawed! As mentioned before about 10% of the player base actually visits the forums, so your definition of majority is like 6%... Once again, flawed!

    Given a large enough sample size, data can be reliably extrapolated from a smaller percentage of people. But this almost doesn't matter. If you think he's wrong about the majority of the player base being happy, you'd have to at least start by explaining why so many more people appear happy on the forums.

    I've stated that fact in about 3-4 of my posts on GW already, if you haven't seen them or chose to look past them, that's your problem, not mine!

    I even stated why it is that most people are happy about the GW situation on this thread, once again, if you haven't seen what is right in front of your eyes then you are the prime example of what it is that I've been saying all along.

    Sense, because common sense isn't as common as you'd think!
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    I'm just glad the l33t players that are unhappy with this change are such a small, albeit loud, minority on this forum. I have three words for you. Get. Over. It.
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    How is this game "challenging", all you do is use preset moves against AI which is limited to the abilities created by the programmer, when your team does everything it can but just doesn't hit through the evasion no amount of skill can save you, the strategy and synergy of your team is set up in the roster, all preset. The only thing this game challenges is your patience, how much time your willing to spend will determine your reward, was it really worth it before the GW nerf?
  • nematocyte
    421 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    nematocyte wrote: »
    M31Andro wrote: »
    It's amazing how people did nothing but whine whine whine "wahhh GW is horrible because it's too hard, and it takes too long wahhhhh" so they address the issue, and the response from people? "GW is too easy and is too fast wahhhhh" what the heck is wrong with everyone? Quit whining....good god it's a GAME. They did exactly what people have been asking for. I, for one never complained about the difficulty, and I still won't, as long as I can collect my 500k coins every day.

    The only people whining about gw now are either (a) the people who had not hit 30k arena team power, (b) the ones who were trying to downplay the difficulty the majority of the playerbase were facing pre update because they "love extreme challenges", or (c) whales or people with exceptionally deep rosters that wanted to further the gap between them and the rest of the playerbase. The majority of the playerbase is happy with the change, which is why you aren't seeing daily polls and complaints about gw

    Your definition of majority is flawed! As mentioned before about 10% of the player base actually visits the forums, so your definition of majority is like 6%... Once again, flawed!

    Given a large enough sample size, data can be reliably extrapolated from a smaller percentage of people. But this almost doesn't matter. If you think he's wrong about the majority of the player base being happy, you'd have to at least start by explaining why so many more people appear happy on the forums.

    I've stated that fact in about 3-4 of my posts on GW already, if you haven't seen them or chose to look past them, that's your problem, not mine!

    I even stated why it is that most people are happy about the GW situation on this thread, once again, if you haven't seen what is right in front of your eyes then you are the prime example of what it is that I've been saying all along.

    Sense, because common sense isn't as common as you'd think!

    My apologies for not reading all of your posts, I'm a busy man.

    Update: I retract my disingenuous apology having read this thread and finding nothing of what you stated above. If you think people are going to scour through your post history trying to find justification for your comments in the current thread, you are delusional. If you do this with other people on a regular basis, you have too much time on your hands.
    Post edited by nematocyte on
  • _Wong64
    233 posts Member
    Amnor wrote: »
    Ive just finished my todays GW run in under 7mins. The whole run was obviously on auto, using 2 teams only - first 6 battles droids (HK, 86, 88, Poogle, Han), second 6 battle my arena team (Barris, QGJ, Rey, GS, RG). Noone died through the whole GW.
    Was that the goal of the recent changes? The only part of the game that was at least slightly challenging is now gone.
    I can live with it, but do I like it? Im not sure.
    It looks like its not a game anymore if one can press auto button and go through all actvities without a single thought.

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    Maskarii wrote: »
    That's means each fight doesn't take longer than 35 seconds?! :)

    I noticed that too. GW in 7 minutes?
    Twelve nodes in 7 minutes. Yeah right. If you dare include the time it takes for the victory banner to come up, click on chest, click on continue, click on battle, and he changed squad once, then we're talking 20 seconds per battle.
    If he just means to say it's easier, then good ! It needed to be easier for most.
    But don't say "7 minutes", as that is patently unbelievable.
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    I don't understand, if you don't want to be easy, why are you using your arena team? When I want it to be challenging, I use my 5* level 60 toons.
    You don't have to be that creative to get a challenge.
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    Yes, give everything they ever wanted to the crying children, hard work & a little dedication is never a good thing... It's always worked out for the best...!
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    I was considering leaving the game until they changed GW. Simply too much time to be taking out of your day for a mobile game. Arena, Raid, Simulations, GW etc etc etc. Was collectively 2+ hours a day for most people who kept up with everything.
  • uffdan
    49 posts Member
    Hi, I bought every character and maxed all the gear, skills and levels on each one. Everything is too easy, why isn't everything being balanced around my specific circumstances?
  • Options
    I don't understand, if you don't want to be easy, why are you using your arena team? When I want it to be challenging, I use my 5* level 60 toons.
    You don't have to be that creative to get a challenge.

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    Zekex wrote: »
    Teague wrote: »
    fberbert wrote: »
    Would be cool if in the reset button we could choose between "Easy mode" or "Hard mode". They already have both matchmaking algorithm, wouldn't be hard to develop.

    Maybe have "Hard" give out 10% more credits and extra training droids.

    No you shouldn't penalize people for wanting to have a quicker GW. Hard mode, if implemented, should be optional and have no additional resources.

    And they could still have it, but those who choose the longer harder version would receive more. Only makes sense.
  • Options
    uffdan wrote: »
    Hi, I bought every character and maxed all the gear, skills and levels on each one. Everything is too easy, why isn't everything being balanced around my specific circumstances?

    Ha. It must have been good for a while though right:). Yeah maybe ea will come up with some kind of elite missions for the super maxed
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