Kylo Ren: The worst franchise character

Kylo Ren, the main protagonist of The Force Awakens and the leading villain for the current trilogy, is without a doubt the worst character in the game with respect to his notoriety and popularity in the franchise. There are many reasons why I think that he needs to be buffed...

Kylo Rens rival, Rey, is currently the strongest DPS character in the game. I am all for gender equality but Kylo is arguably as strong as Rey in TFA and surely this should be represented in SWGOH as well.

Kylo is listed as an Attacker but at max level, gear, abilities his basic can only achieve 2322-2566 damage, Lash Out 2557-2825 and Outrage 4667-5157. To give you an idea his basic is the 5th weakest in the game only surpassing B2, Barriss, RG and Gam Guard.

Lash Out is frankly useless. It does pitiful AOE damage and only provides a single turn of retribution, the only benefit to upgrading the ability is added damage which is virtually insignificant.

Outrage has potential but is not in useful in the current meta. Kylo needs to be below half health in order for it become stronger (which is effectively qtr health if you consider protection to be an extension of health). Due to his poor speed there is almost no way that he would be able to get a full power Outrage off before his demise.

Kylos kit is so deeply flawed that he's a liability to any team (including FO teams!) Kylo has been designed to take hits which in turn makes his hits stronger. Opposing teams entirely disregard him because he isn't threatening in early stages of a battle (due to lack of damage, speed and utility) and only when he is almost dead can he be relatively threatening. His ability to apply debuffs (healing immunity and DOTs) is limited due to average potency (as well as being largely irrelevent debuffs) and is severely hampered by poor tenacity.

Kylos only redeeming qualities is his large health pool and protection and his affiliation with FO which still cannot compete with many other factions in the game (Jedi, Rebels, Resistance, Droids etc).

TLDR; It's time EA put some respeck on Kylos name.


  • Spyrogaming
    32 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    first: did you upgrade past gear lvl 8 and use omegas on the lash out? If not then your arguments are correct however once this is made it can do some incredible damage i have a 5 star kylo and his lash out does over 2k damage which is about the same as most character standard abilities but rey is 2nd weakest actually yes she does big damage but she can be defeated in 2 turn rotations (with my squad of phasma kylo sunfac fives and lumi) even at 7 stars and a high lvl and has very little defense vs debuffs
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    Actually....the way they based those 2 was pretty cool, just didn't work out well with protection.

    Kylo and Rey are the complete opposites.
    While also being similar...

    Kylo big health, Rey nope
    Rey hits hard, kylo nope
    Kylo 2nd move grants him a counter move
    (He wants to be attacked)
    Rey 2nd move grants a 100% Dodge move
    (She doesn't want to be attacked)
    No leader ability
    Rey fast, Kylo slow
    Rey dies fast, a heal can save her
    Kylo can stop heals
    Rey's 3rd move gets stronger when shes buffed
    Kylos 3rd move gets stronger when hes hurt.
    Blah blehhh

    I really love kylo, his kit could use work, but I like him being tanky and not high DPS. Maybe he can get his moves tweaked, sped up a bit, and possibly mid tier damage. Mines at 5* and otw to 7*. I WILL MAKE HIM WORK IN ARENA....hopefully...
  • Zephon
    122 posts Member
    I run a Phasma led team in the arena. It turns out that Kylo was the weak link in my team. I swapped him out with Stormtrooper Han. Much better. I actually manage to stay below 30 in the arena.
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    Mullato wrote: »
    Actually....the way they based those 2 was pretty cool, just didn't work out well with protection.

    Kylo and Rey are the complete opposites.
    While also being similar...

    Kylo big health, Rey nope
    Rey hits hard, kylo nope
    Kylo 2nd move grants him a counter move
    (He wants to be attacked)
    Rey 2nd move grants a 100% Dodge move
    (She doesn't want to be attacked)
    No leader ability
    Rey fast, Kylo slow
    Rey dies fast, a heal can save her
    Kylo can stop heals
    Rey's 3rd move gets stronger when shes buffed
    Kylos 3rd move gets stronger when hes hurt.
    Blah blehhh

    I really love kylo, his kit could use work, but I like him being tanky and not high DPS. Maybe he can get his moves tweaked, sped up a bit, and possibly mid tier damage. Mines at 5* and otw to 7*. I WILL MAKE HIM WORK IN ARENA....hopefully...

    Nice write up! And very interesting breakdown as well.

    I will say that there are several characters in this game who seem overpowered compared to how they are in the movies. Darth Maul was incredible. He killed QGJ. But who would you rather have in the game, QGJ or Maul? In the movies, Leia doesn't do much offensively. In the game, she's a beast. We could go on. I'm sure the devs have reasons for which characters are the "best". I'm also sure we will never hear it. :)
  • Options
    Mullato wrote: »
    Actually....the way they based those 2 was pretty cool, just didn't work out well with protection.

    Kylo and Rey are the complete opposites.
    While also being similar...

    Kylo big health, Rey nope
    Rey hits hard, kylo nope
    Kylo 2nd move grants him a counter move
    (He wants to be attacked)
    Rey 2nd move grants a 100% Dodge move
    (She doesn't want to be attacked)
    No leader ability
    Rey fast, Kylo slow
    Rey dies fast, a heal can save her
    Kylo can stop heals
    Rey's 3rd move gets stronger when shes buffed
    Kylos 3rd move gets stronger when hes hurt.
    Blah blehhh

    I really love kylo, his kit could use work, but I like him being tanky and not high DPS. Maybe he can get his moves tweaked, sped up a bit, and possibly mid tier damage. Mines at 5* and otw to 7*. I WILL MAKE HIM WORK IN ARENA....hopefully...

    Appreciate the effort you put into this, but it doesn't really change the fact that Kylo is listed as an attacker and has one of the worst basics in the game. Yes he can counter but what's the point with such a poor basic attack. I'm not suggesting to make him a top 5 DPS character, just saying that he needs more love from the devs.
  • Options
    first: did you upgrade past gear lvl 8 and use omegas on the lash out? If not then your arguments are correct however once this is made it can do some incredible damage i have a 5 star kylo and his lash out does over 2k damage which is about the same as most character standard abilities but rey is 2nd weakest actually yes she does big damage but she can be defeated in 2 turn rotations (with my squad of phasma kylo sunfac fives and lumi) even at 7 stars and a high lvl and has very little defense vs debuffs

    Sorry bro but Kylo has absolutely no business being at the top end of Arena. May I ask where you rank approximately? I'm a top 10 player on my shard and I haven't seen a single Kylo Ren in arena for several months. Rey on the other hand is a staple DPS of almost all high level arena teams.
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    edited June 2016

    Oh I wasn't disagreeing with you. He's pretty horrible right now. I was only stating the fact I can see where they were going with the 2. Just the idea for Rey worked and kylos doesn't.
  • RonTom
    268 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Give Kylo one turn taunt along with retribution. Problem solved, from poor to awesome with one little addition. And FO needs a taunter anyway, and Kylos weak attacks means he wouldn't be OP. But certainly P.
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    RonTom wrote: »
    Give Kylo one turn taunt along with retribution. Problem solved, from poor to awesome with one little addition. And FO needs a taunter anyway, and Kylos weak attacks means he wouldn't be OP. But certainly P.

    I don't know man. Having counter % like Dooku, Aayla, Sun Fac is more useful than Retribution imo (even if its only like 60-70%) plus I want to see at least 3k damage on his basic. I'm not sure if making him a taunter would suit his character, but I could live with that. Honestly wouldn't mind if they replaced (or addded) a special ability which demonstrates his power in the force. Maybe I'm asking for too much but I really would love to see Kylo be relevant at the highest level of play
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    Mullato wrote: »

    Oh I wasn't disagreeing with you. He's pretty horrible right now. I was only stating the fact I can see where they were going with the 2. Just the idea for Rey worked and kylos doesn't.

    Truuuue #MakeKyloGreatAgain - (was he really that great in the first place?)
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    Kylo Ren, the main protagonist of The Force Awakens and the leading villain for the current trilogy, is without a doubt the worst character in the game with respect to his notoriety and popularity in the franchise. There are many reasons why I think that he needs to be buffed...

    Well he was the absolute worst character in the new movie.....

    Seems like they got him right.
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    i've worked on him until 5*, because i liked, he looks cool... But honestly i'm gonna stop farming him at gear 7, and hope there will be a remake to continue.
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    Ton of health and protection? Check.
    Counter with AOE? Check.
    Health Immunity debuff? Check.
    Decent Speed? Check.

    Kylo is just fine from my perspective.
  • Options
    Twiztid8 wrote: »
    Ton of health and protection? Check.
    Counter with AOE? Check.
    Health Immunity debuff? Check.
    Decent Speed? Check.

    Kylo is just fine from my perspective.

    This is funny. So if a character has those attributes, that makes them good? You forgot one. Damage. Yeah. Whoops. Bad damage = no play (unless it's a healer, ie bariss). Does Kylo heal? No check.

    Also, health immunity debuff is not something important. I would love to hear a high level example of health immunity debuff being important.

    All they need to do is increase his damage to a respectable level, and Kylo would be fine.

  • Gank_Killer
    1817 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    No, all they need to do is bring Rey back in line so people stop expecting such obscene damage numbers.
  • Sagefire
    62 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    i used kylo for a very long time (swapped him out 3days ago) and stayed top 20 with him.
    i've got him to max gear and omega aoe. it crits with 5-6k and thats huge for an aoe that could be used every round if you are lucky (+ counter attacks).

    outrage hits with 5-6k noncrit and 9-10k crit. with under 50% health i got crits around 15-17k...with offence up even 18-20k

    kylo may not be the best oportunity right now (thats why i swapped him out) but he makes a lot of fun and has a great gameplay. sure he could be buffed and he would deserve it....aaaand i would love to see it :D...but he isnt useless like you said
  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    Not to mention nany, including myself shelled out 100 usd for him. Please fix.
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    Completely forgotten about him, never seen him in pvp
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    Kylo is the worst? What a joke. Maul, plo, boba, mace, Luke, I can keep going if you like. Kylo may not be great but fully maxxed he can hold his own maybe not in arena but everywhere else. I'm not saying I'm not dissapointed with his performance, but he's not alone there.
  • Fitz
    302 posts Member
    Finn is terrible.
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    Kylo Ren, the main ANTAGONIST.
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    Kylo is the worst? What a joke. Maul, plo, boba, mace, Luke, I can keep going if you like. Kylo may not be great but fully maxxed he can hold his own maybe not in arena but everywhere else. I'm not saying I'm not dissapointed with his performance, but he's not alone there.

    My Plo is pretty awesome, like my luke. I agree on the others, though.

  • Options
    Kylo is the worst? What a joke. Maul, plo, boba, mace, Luke, I can keep going if you like. Kylo may not be great but fully maxxed he can hold his own maybe not in arena but everywhere else. I'm not saying I'm not dissapointed with his performance, but he's not alone there.

    My Plo is pretty awesome, like my luke. I agree on the others, though.

    My plo is awesome too, but I can't use him in arena because everyone would target me.
  • Options
    Kylo is the worst? What a joke. Maul, plo, boba, mace, Luke, I can keep going if you like. Kylo may not be great but fully maxxed he can hold his own maybe not in arena but everywhere else. I'm not saying I'm not dissapointed with his performance, but he's not alone there.

    I said worst franchise character, as in the main villain of the trilogy. While the ones you mentioned aren't exactly great they aren't massive characters in the scale of the triologies they're apart of.. except for Luke (still waiting for RoTJ Luke with a lightsaber), which is was my main argument.
    Kylo Ren, the main ANTAGONIST.

    "From a certain point of view" *Old Ben Voice*, nah you right must've had Rey on my mind hah
    Fitz wrote: »
    Finn is terrible.

    Finn is shamefully bad :(
  • RonTom
    268 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Sagefire wrote: »
    i used kylo for a very long time (swapped him out 3days ago) and stayed top 20 with him.
    i've got him to max gear and omega aoe. it crits with 5-6k and thats huge for an aoe that could be used every round if you are lucky (+ counter attacks).

    outrage hits with 5-6k noncrit and 9-10k crit. with under 50% health i got crits around 15-17k...with offence up even 18-20k

    kylo may not be the best oportunity right now (thats why i swapped him out) but he makes a lot of fun and has a great gameplay. sure he could be buffed and he would deserve it....aaaand i would love to see it :D...but he isnt useless like you said

    Are those numbers with offense up? If not its alot more than I'm seeing, mine's only G9 though.

    If you're seeing 15-17 without offense up it should be 22-27 WITH offense up. Are you imagining things because I can't believe that's the case?
  • Options
    Twiztid8 wrote: »
    Ton of health and protection? Check.
    Counter with AOE? Check.
    Health Immunity debuff? Check.
    Decent Speed? Check.

    Kylo is just fine from my perspective.

    Health immunity is pointless and DOTs are not very good either. His basic isn't strong enough to consider threatening on his counter and imo (and there is an argument that can be made against this) is that AOEs can be more detrimental than useful due to the dodge meta (Old Ben and Dooku leads providing TM and OU). Decent speed? Nah...

    Kylo is just a meat bag with all of that protection and health
  • Options
    Sagefire wrote: »
    i used kylo for a very long time (swapped him out 3days ago) and stayed top 20 with him.
    i've got him to max gear and omega aoe. it crits with 5-6k and thats huge for an aoe that could be used every round if you are lucky (+ counter attacks).

    outrage hits with 5-6k noncrit and 9-10k crit. with under 50% health i got crits around 15-17k...with offence up even 18-20k

    kylo may not be the best oportunity right now (thats why i swapped him out) but he makes a lot of fun and has a great gameplay. sure he could be buffed and he would deserve it....aaaand i would love to see it :D...but he isnt useless like you said

    Kudos to you for using your resources to improve him and use him competitively, I respect that. Don't think I could do it and remain competitive in my shard. I'm mostly f2p and need those crystals for refreshes (for gear).
  • Options
    Kylo Ren, the main protagonist of The Force Awakens and the leading villain for the current trilogy, is without a doubt the worst character in the game with respect to his notoriety and popularity in the franchise. There are many reasons why I think that he needs to be buffed...

    Well he was the absolute worst character in the new movie.....

    Seems like they got him right.

    Awful opinion B)
  • MayCM
    124 posts Member
    Mullato wrote: »
    Actually....the way they based those 2 was pretty cool, just didn't work out well with protection.

    Kylo and Rey are the complete opposites.
    While also being similar...

    Kylo big health, Rey nope
    Rey hits hard, kylo nope
    Kylo 2nd move grants him a counter move
    (He wants to be attacked)
    Rey 2nd move grants a 100% Dodge move
    (She doesn't want to be attacked)
    No leader ability
    Rey fast, Kylo slow
    Rey dies fast, a heal can save her
    Kylo can stop heals
    Rey's 3rd move gets stronger when shes buffed
    Kylos 3rd move gets stronger when hes hurt.
    Blah blehhh

    I really love kylo, his kit could use work, but I like him being tanky and not high DPS. Maybe he can get his moves tweaked, sped up a bit, and possibly mid tier damage. Mines at 5* and otw to 7*. I WILL MAKE HIM WORK IN ARENA....hopefully...

    I got him to 7* g9 because I really believed in him as he always was my worst fear in GW during my lower levels. But I regret it. He can hit hard with his 3rd ability, but he is just too slow. I call him the "Last Man Standing" because of hius ridiclious amount of HP and protection while lacking any real advantage even to a phasma lead team.
  • Options
    RonTom wrote: »
    Sagefire wrote: »
    i used kylo for a very long time (swapped him out 3days ago) and stayed top 20 with him.
    i've got him to max gear and omega aoe. it crits with 5-6k and thats huge for an aoe that could be used every round if you are lucky (+ counter attacks).

    outrage hits with 5-6k noncrit and 9-10k crit. with under 50% health i got crits around 15-17k...with offence up even 18-20k

    kylo may not be the best oportunity right now (thats why i swapped him out) but he makes a lot of fun and has a great gameplay. sure he could be buffed and he would deserve it....aaaand i would love to see it :D...but he isnt useless like you said

    Are those numbers with offense up? If not its alot more than I'm seeing, mine's only G9 though.

    If you're seeing 15-17 without offense up it should be 22-27 WITH offense up. Are you imagining things because I can't believe that's the case?

    highly depends on the armor of the toon. Did a 17k crit on rey (without offence up) and a 12k crit on fives (without offence up)
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