Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    where node 11 team?

    didnt screenshot it, just your typical easy node 11 team
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    You folks still complaining? You seriously need to sell your brains to science. Let them study what a entitled brain looks like & see how it works!

    Lots of folks in this thread have given plenty ways to beat this, yet it's always easier to complain than actually read/think/figure out.

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    My galactic war is starting to become hard in the middle of the modules. Not the end but the middle. It is too hard for my characters when they have 7 and 6 star 9-12 level 72-76 characters against me
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    This part of the game, LITERALLY, makes me want to strangle the **** behind it. I burn through half my characters trying to get past the first friggin team. HOW IS THAT FRIGGIN FAIR? How in the name of all that is Star Wars is a level 68 character able to kill a maxed level 80 with one blow? Right now, I'm at the 7th battle, Satria Toq, and I only have 6 characters left. 6 out of 50. My last 5 are max Lvl 80, and I'll be lucky if they last 3 battles. This game is not as fun as it was when I started. Losing interest fast.
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    Yup, beat stage 7 and 8, then I was facing maxed characters that were killing me in 1-3 blows. This part of the game sucks.
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    djvita wrote: »
    check out this monster
    double stun jedi, shock rg. with tm gains all of mine went first. speed mods made them go more times. a team that should be hard made cake walk with the ep/aoe meta.

    never seen a g10 sid? here you go

    blue/green easy team

    Jeez. I would kill to have that easy of a node 12
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    Gynn wrote: »
    Build a better team? I run 1 team the whole way no issues.

    Captain Obvious,
    What do you think we have all been doing since we started playing this. I for one could never beat GW, until I struggled building a team that finally could. A month and a half later they change they move the goal posts one me and I can longer beat it. Moving the goal posts on people that struggled to finally beat GW is a cowardice thing to do to try and corner you into spending money. It's very frustrating and extremely demoralizing. It's something any game developer should be ashamed of doing to their players/customers.

    I'm just simply not spending any money on this game until it's fixed. I haven't spent a single dime on it since it happened. Nobody should. Anyone with even a sands grain worth of principles would stop spending money on this game in protest along side their fellow players.
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    just gear up 5 toons to 37.5k power and win an arena match @SithGorilla
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    You DA devs HAVE to be realizing how ridiculously absurd GW is. I'm a whale and it takes over an hour to complete. Seriously please read this. You're about to lose a good paying customer. It's way too much of a grind. Amazing how incompetent you are.
  • TemperTantrumRen
    407 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Well, my luck ran out. Instead of getting an easy node 12, I got that Lugal Kelim dude with his infamous beefed up team (Anakin lead, Sun Fac, Fives, Qui Gon and RG - all over 8900 power each! I didn't know it was possible for some of these toons to reach that power). If I had known that would happen, I wouldn't have been complacent in earlier nodes and made sure I let certain key toons survive and burn enemy squad cooldowns instead of blitzing the campaign entirely.

    Somehow, I still cleared it without expending a single suicide squad - I did it with my primary squads with a few secondary toons to replace the ones I lost earlier. That was yesterday's campaign, I've yet to tackle today's which I'll try later tonight...

    Wish me luck!
    Post edited by TemperTantrumRen on
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
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    Closer10 wrote: »
    You DA devs HAVE to be realizing how ridiculously absurd GW is. I'm a whale and it takes over an hour to complete. Seriously please read this. You're about to lose a good paying customer. It's way too much of a grind. Amazing how incompetent you are.

    Seriously? It take me 15-20min... What's your team?
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Strangely today GW seems easy. Node 6 was a breeze. I'm about to increase Leia to 7* so will wait for arena shipments to refresh before I continue with GW.

    I only have 4 battles left!! With plenty of excellent teams to go.

    Currently using:

    Phasma (L), Leia, Ventress, Daka and Royal Guard - lots of stunning, healing, tauntin and extra turns going on there - fantastic!

    Saving Rey, Fives, Sith & Jedi etc for later battles - looks a little too easy, but I won't hold my breath.

    As I have said, GW seems completely random to me lately, one day its impossible, then next challenging, then too easy then back to insane.

    We'll see how today plays out.
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    ...that wants to walk away from this game after the rework of GW.
    I feel like others aren't experiencing what I am in GW. I talk to guild members and it doesn't seem like a big deal. I definitely agree that GW should be "hard" and you shouldn't be able to use one team and auto-play through it. But I have gotten through GW VERY few times since April. I sometimes can't make it past node 6. Every day I see the strongest team I've ever seen in the game without even getting to 12. I feel helpless. Any progress I make it matched +1 from opponents I find in GW.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Boo wrote: »
    Strangely today GW seems easy. Node 6 was a breeze. I'm about to increase Leia to 7* so will wait for arena shipments to refresh before I continue with GW.

    I only have 4 battles left!! With plenty of excellent teams to go.

    Currently using:

    Phasma (L), Leia, Ventress, Daka and Royal Guard - lots of stunning, healing, tauntin and extra turns going on there - fantastic!

    Saving Rey, Fives, Sith & Jedi etc for later battles - looks a little too easy, but I won't hold my breath.

    As I have said, GW seems completely random to me lately, one day its impossible, then next challenging, then too easy then back to insane.

    We'll see how today plays out.

    Well, I lost...again, lol - nothing else to do at this point but laugh.

    I have beaten GW only 3 times since the June/Mods update - 3!!!!

    The team at node 12 had very large protection and health (about as big as my Fives and Opress - and they are completely maxed!!!) - How does their entire team have health and protection like that???

    All three teams of mine fell quickly - at least I took out the royal guard, but Anakin, QGJ, Fives and Chewie still ploughed through my teams as if they were nothing.

    Very frustrating - no matter what I do: upgrade this or unlock that toon or replay matches/retreat, find the best way to attack - time...hours even - nothing makes a difference!!!
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    I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually enjoy it now. I get to the end all bloodied and enjoy the relief of the last battle. There's enough space to fix things between nasty encounters and I'm thinking and strategizing the whole way.

    Well done
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    Yeah and the other 95% of the people that play the game cannot get past node 6 or 8. Good job
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    CapnnRex wrote: »
    Yeah and the other 95% of the people that play the game cannot get past node 6 or 8. Good job

    You can't! You and few others.
    Tired if this
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    CapnnRex wrote: »
    Yeah and the other 95% of the people that play the game cannot get past node 6 or 8. Good job

    I agree with the OP. Now GW is fairly easy since I've racked up 28, 7* heroes but the challenge is less ridiculous and more enjoyable.
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    I agree with the OP. Now GW is fairly easy since I've racked up 28, 7* heroes but the challenge is less ridiculous and more enjoyable. [/quote]

    Same here
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    Where are you getting 95% from?

    OP and others, I'm glad you are enjoying it. It's refreshing to see a topic commending GW instead of bashing it.
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    I've really enjoyed GW of late , even started to try new team combinations on it.

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    I really enjoy it now, With Palpatine as leader, it is very easy.
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    I agree that it's much better. I can often finish with the right amount of strategizing, but it does use up a bunch of my roster. Gives me an incentive to build.
  • Solomoneli
    62 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    so is 37k the number to get that last easy node? Do you have to have that arena team right before you enter that node?
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    Solomoneli wrote: »
    so is 37k the number to get that last easy node? Do you have to have that arena team right before you enter that node?

    yes you will get it on your next restart. seed is generated then, have seen it happen
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    djvita wrote: »
    Solomoneli wrote: »
    so is 37k the number to get that last easy node? Do you have to have that arena team right before you enter that node?

    yes you will get it on your next restart. seed is generated then, have seen it happen

    I restarted the last one with an arena team at 37k +. Still had a really hard last node. I wonder if you have to keep that team active the whole gw
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    37K is too low mate, closer to about 38.5 from memory. And no need to keep them active the whole GW.

  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Aniema wrote: »

    Haha that's a easy team. I faced him today at node 6.

    Gws is working like it's all the peoples weak rosters that's the problem.

    Would a stronger roster with better toons not make your easier? Troll or not, that is the truth. Truth hurts. Build a better roster or stay in the rut you're in I could careless. I finish Gws everyday so it doesn't matter to me if people don't prgress their weak rosters. Have fun with your ingame life, cause I know I am.
    Post edited by Afista on
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