Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    My Arena Power is 44k and my 12 node is ALWAYS some Player named Skyfrak using Chewie(L), Nightstalker sister, FO stormtrooper, Sun Fac, and 5's. Super tanky and super annoying.
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Tavanh wrote: »
    My Arena Power is 44k and my 12 node is ALWAYS some Player named Skyfrak using Chewie(L), Nightstalker sister, FO stormtrooper, Sun Fac, and 5's. Super tanky and super annoying.

    You just need a little more of an "arena power" boost to see those easy teams...

    that team you are facing is pretty much the max power team that some whale threw in there for the same purpose as me...

    Once you break the maximum power number that is possible (and is based off of a percentage of your current arena power on certain nodes) the AI will create those garbage teams

    At nearly 48k arena power I get 3 garbage teams every GW consistently
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    The team I have been using until today was over 42k power and I usually have several gimped nodes and always a gimped 12th node.
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    The only way to 'break' node 12 is you have enough power for a team to not exist that's 112% (approx) of your max poss arena power. There was talk a while back that some people could also break node 11 but I wasn't 1 of them.

    At the moment, everyday 6 and 9 are my hardest nodes then at 11 I get some joke of a tank team with Sun Fac, Stormtrooper etc.

    It's been fun but we are all absolutely doomed when we start fighting lvl85 gear 12 teams every day!
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    Have had an easy node 12 for months with no changes. Sorry to hear about your struggles fellas.
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    Me: Current ArenaPower 44,243, ArenaPower (GuildMenu) 44,243, Top-5-Power 45,080 => SkyKräk at node 12
    A friend: Current ArenaPower 41,769, ArenaPower (GuildMenu) 41,609, Top-5-Power 42,160 => 3*-Chars at node 12
    Tell me again, its Top 5 and/or Arena Power ...
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Nope, they wont ever fix it, because it is just way above their skills. They want GW to be a challenging variegating battle-marathon, but all they get done is a stup!d fight 8x noob teams + 4x meta teams, which look all the same. No variety, no strategy, no fun, just trail and error for the credits you need.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Tavanh wrote: »
    My Arena Power is 44k and my 12 node is ALWAYS some Player named Skyfrak using Chewie(L), Nightstalker sister, FO stormtrooper, Sun Fac, and 5's. Super tanky and super annoying.

    Took me 5 minutes to beat last night. I got excited when Rey hit for more than 5k.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Tavanh wrote: »
    My Arena Power is 44k and my 12 node is ALWAYS some Player named Skyfrak using Chewie(L), Nightstalker sister, FO stormtrooper, Sun Fac, and 5's. Super tanky and super annoying.

    Took me 5 minutes to beat last night. I got excited when Rey hit for more than 5k.
    5 minutes in arena = lost battle! ;)
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Yeah, GW has definitely gotten harder since the update. I have been forced to use droids now to clear most of the nodes until Nodes 9 and 11. Then, I put in a team based on matchups.

    My Arena team is about 42k right now and my node 12 is still easy.

    GW is not impossible, but its definitely become challenging again and I actually like that.

    Now, who knows what happens to node 12 once the cap level increases to 85? :'(
  • Goldy
    254 posts Member
    Becomes a nightmare for those with easy 12 at the mo and 'unbeatable' for those who don't? Guess we'll find out soon, but then once we level it will break again lol
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Boo wrote: »
    I've seen this too - power doesn't make any sense and certainly not available to us as players - these teams must have Gear 11/12.

    EA "cheats" to make GW "challenging" and "working as intended"!

    Cheating? I don't follow. The gear levels are clearly shown. Qui-Gon, Anakin, FOTP all at gear XI, Vader and RG at gear X. All 7*, level 80. They all have 5* L15 Health mods, with a few Defense mods as well. I showed you an example with RG.
    How is this cheating? If you get those 5 characters and build them the same way, you will have a 47k power squad too.
    Power is mostly influenced by your characters' health. You should know this by now, it's available by observation. The RG above is a great example; he's mostly health and protection and has the highest power I've ever seen. That's not cheating, that's gearing and modding.
    The GW power curve is what provides the challenge. If you use this curve, you have a good idea what's coming up next, and can plan for it. Use the knowledge to plan your assault and conquer the GW.

    Gear is not shown when you face against a GW team.

    Not to mention Gear XI (which is 11 in Roman numerals) does not technically exist yet as there are gear/spaces at this level which are not yet available in-game.

    Currently the max gear for players is gear level X (10). On this gear set, players have reached gear X and are completing/working on gear XI - but can not reach gear XI full set.

    For GW teams to have this much power (10k) it is not possible (even with maxed mods) to be at this power rating, unless they are using a gear level that is not yet available to us players.

    Therefore - "cheating"
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    Boo wrote: »
    Boo wrote: »
    I've seen this too - power doesn't make any sense and certainly not available to us as players - these teams must have Gear 11/12.

    EA "cheats" to make GW "challenging" and "working as intended"!

    Cheating? I don't follow. The gear levels are clearly shown. Qui-Gon, Anakin, FOTP all at gear XI, Vader and RG at gear X. All 7*, level 80. They all have 5* L15 Health mods, with a few Defense mods as well. I showed you an example with RG.
    How is this cheating? If you get those 5 characters and build them the same way, you will have a 47k power squad too.
    Power is mostly influenced by your characters' health. You should know this by now, it's available by observation. The RG above is a great example; he's mostly health and protection and has the highest power I've ever seen. That's not cheating, that's gearing and modding.
    The GW power curve is what provides the challenge. If you use this curve, you have a good idea what's coming up next, and can plan for it. Use the knowledge to plan your assault and conquer the GW.

    Gear is not shown when you face against a GW team.
    ? It is shown. Maybe you just don't know what the symbols mean. Here is a node from one of my GW nodes a couple months ago: NggfemH.png
    • Teebo IX
    • Qui-Gon X
    • Fives X
    • Rey IX
    • Royal Guard IX
    The rings surrounding the character portraits tell you all you need to know about gear.
    Not to mention Gear XI (which is 11 in Roman numerals) does not technically exist yet as there are gear/spaces at this level which are not yet available in-game.

    Currently the max gear for players is gear level X (10). On this gear set, players have reached gear X and are completing/working on gear XI - but can not reach gear XI full set.
    Gear 11 (XI) does indeed exist in game. Not every character can get there, but some can. This is my Luke Skywalker, he's gear XI (it's an older pic, but it checks out): hMxSnJV.png
    I also have Qui-Gon and Lando at XI. Totally legit.
    For GW teams to have this much power (10k) it is not possible (even with maxed mods) to be at this power rating, unless they are using a gear level that is not yet available to us players.
    I assume you mean 10k per character. I submit it is possible. Look, here's an example: z9mXwP4.jpg
    Royal Guard at over 10k power. I had to fight this guy the other day. Totally possible. You can get one just like it, you just need the same mods. Four 5* health mods and two 5* defense mods. They even show you how to do it. Get these mods, put them on your hero with max gear, you will have a character just like this.

    Not cheating, just frustrating when you can't get past them.
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    And that's the main reason GW can be so frustrating. A few overpowered characters that almost all the strongest players use.
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    Ok, so I just faced a death squad" wedge (lead), Lando, Palpatine, Biggs, and Storm Han. My starter squad was wiped out in seconds during the first wave the opponents' attacks. I didn't even get the chance to withdraw or retreat in time before they were destroyed.

    As a player, I don't think you should be in a position where you don't have the "chance" to retreat. You should be able to hit the Retreat button even while you're being attacked. I'm trying out different squad config's so you shouldn't get penalized because you can't anticipate the rate at which you'll get damaged or wiped out. Anyone else get caught in this situation? What do you think?

    Today is 10/11/16. Thank you!
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    Really frustrated that the more I build my teams the less able I am to get through Galactic... I get to the 5 th or 6 th battle and I'm gone every time... it's just not good ... should be able to win once or twice
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    change your whole approach
  • Torazul1
    4 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Make sure you use your B and C teams first. Wait until at least the 9th battle before you use your A-team.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited October 2016
    GW is based on top 5 toons not arena. There is another thread where someone put up the tracked data to prove this.
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    If that happens to you mate you can close the app rather than retreat, when you open it back up it will have reset for you. Still need to be quickish to do it, and not saying it's right that you should need to do that, just that it will at least let you retreat and not wiped out.
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    Some of my Guildmates are getting Omegas for GW rewards. Aren't rewards supposed to be the same across the board for GW? I am not getting them.
  • UoJCAM
    213 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I don't believe that to be true. I used to get easy 11 and 12 nodes. When they refigured toon Power, I don't. My Guildmates with over 45k Arena Power get easy 11 and 12 and over 44k get easy 12. I am at 43.8k and get neither. My top 5 overall is in the same as theirs. They are also getting Omegas in their node 12 rewards and I am not.
  • 3Edward9
    486 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I lost 24 doubles, this photo was borrowed from a guild mate, he lost 6 too, almost everyone in our guild has suffered a significant loss due to dev's inconsistency, events shown for days while not a single word on double drop
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    I use one team for all GW nodes. Not bothered with B-C-D-E-F teams. Toons with Stun abilities are your friends. Only ever lose my very first GW. Never lose again.
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    If you have the roster, use completely different teams the first few nodes. This gets their turn meter started so the next time you use them they go before the enemy. Use your A team on node to get them started.

  • Barmuka_1
    602 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I have 1 g9 char like 20 g8 characters. 7 lvl 80s and I get impossible node 12s. Today was phasma lead with 3 clones and yoda. Every attack they assist. Wiped my a-e teams I killed 2. Yesterday was jka lead average to on 9000 power. My biggest is 5s with 7358. I haven't won a gw in over a week
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    Serious with 3 Teams I don' win node 12 sometimes even node 11 since the update. Starts to **** me off...
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    I uninstalled today. Been playing since day one, and the aggravation is finally enough to not want to play any longer.

    Not that anyone cares, but the last straw (for me) was a Palp team which just aoe-stunned and vaped my entire Jedi squad through a Yoda Lead and a Tenacity buff. Node 9. 7500 power Palp, 5 star.

    7500 Palp, 6900 Rey, 7600 SwHan, 7400 RG, 8600 QGJ.

    38k team shouldn't be able to do that, period. I spent months slogging through the absurdity that is high end GW patiently retrying matches, spending hours for things which should take minutes, and I'm just done.

    Used to be able to chalk it up to a bad RNG round and bring in a second squad, but now initiatives are completely broken so that if I bring in a second team they go even slower than if they go in fresh. So I can bring my best team, get AOE-stunned and nuked to near death, maybe kill one toon, and bring in a second squad which gets killed even faster because they never get to act.

    So bravo, EA, grats on the money you got from me from this previously enjoyable game, and I'll never give you another cent on this broken nonsense.

    To anyone else still playing, enjoy, and I hope it gets better.

  • DarkSadness
    44 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Please EA, turn off the neverending messages about every single addition to personnel in every single player's roster, of which there are 50 apiece. What happened? In your test environment there are no guilds with 50 members that do severan tenths of movements, transactions, additions, to their toons? IT IS ANNOYING, NOT HELPFUL.
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    Ok, shame on me for not seeing or finding a new setting under the cog... but how is it that you guys do not say it is there? Just like you announce all other features and minor bug fixes. Now, I hope EA that you tally the stats, specifically, the percentage of players turning off guild announcements, to see that it is useless.
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