Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    My last node is still an easy team. Yesterday I noticed on node 6 a droid team had full TM allowing them to go before me, which is strange cause I never had that happen before in GW. In arena yes, but not in GW. Today also a lot of my nodes had teams with an almost full TM. Maybe it was always like that and I never noticed, but if not then it's not uncommon for the devs to make stealth changes and not say a word to us about it.

    Either way I still beat Galatic Wars thankfully. Theres more discouraging on this game than to not be able to complete something especially when the rewards are doubled.
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    This one node (Skykräk) took me like 10-15 minutes last night. That's just one attempt. Glad it wasn't actually Arena. Teebo (L), Rey, Lumi, RG (or maybe StHan), and I forget who the last I used was (maybe boba or Vader?). It's not that the team is that hard, it's that by the end of gw, I can only throw so much dps at it, and skykräk has tons of health/protection to work through. I haven't looked, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is somewhere around 70k (combined) on each toon in this team.

    Admitedly, a lot of my mods aren't very good either. I miss pre-mods days when you knew what you were looking at with a quick glance and could plan accordingly.

    Also, I've faced a couple of my guildies in gw before, 3 times to be exact. We're not on the same shards. I don't know where people are getting this whole thing about gw difficulty being based on "someone else on your shard". Or that it's not arena teams. In these cases, it absolutely was their arena teams, same levels, gear, mods...all of it. I'm sure some of the easy nodes are random, but 6 9 11 and 12 are almost certainly actual arena teams.

    Tl;Dr Skykräk is a pain, but beatable with patience and a Teebo lead. I don't think I've ever faced a team from my arena shard in gw, so I don't know where y'all are getting that nonsense from.
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    Still green for me
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    I have to say I have 0 issue beating GW. But my bench is really deep. It might take 3 teams but it is winnable. I think if you do not have 25 to 30 80 level toons you are just hosed. And I have not gotten one omega shard yet from GW.
  • KyloRey
    871 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Seltgar wrote: »
    I have to say I have 0 issue beating GW. But my bench is really deep. It might take 3 teams but it is winnable. I think if you do not have 25 to 30 80 level toons you are just hosed. And I have not gotten one omega shard yet from GW.

    You need a deep roster, but its also important to have teams that have good synergy together.

    For example, as I have being developing my Wiggs combo, I have been able to use them with a Lando lead + St Han and Leia to form a really strong Rebels team for GW.

    Also have really good droid, Palpy-led Empire/Sith, & Jedi teams too. Plus some okay Scoundrel and Ewok teams.

    You have to have roster versatility so that you can put teams in to counter what you are facing in the current node.

    AI is going to throw some insane teams at you on certain nodes so you have to strategize all the way through.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    160 pages of complaints whoa. Hey everyone is getting 2 a day omega mats but 2 or 3 guys in my guild don't get double drops or even single drops for omega mats or shards when beating node 12. Is the 2 omega mats a day only for iPhone users or something seems strange almost everyone gets them except 2 guys . I have beat GW 3x and never got a single shard or omega.

    i think its random yesterday i got 2 omegas but today none
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    Serms my 6 node and 11 are a nightmare! Than 12 will be all 3☆toons dont get it! At least since update.
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    Got my first easy mode today, 41k power
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
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    It must be your power relative to your shard or something like that. My arena team is also my top 5. I have over 41k power, but I get challenging but beatable node 12. I don't always enjoy GW, but it's not as bad as it had been.
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    i didn't know GW was ever broken. i always thought it worked like it was meant to. oh and i don't notice any difference.
  • Twin
    527 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    evanbio wrote: »
    GW nodes are all based on a certain % of your top 5 toons power. The easy node comes when there is not a player on your shard who meets the criteria. Node 12 is something like 125% of your power. So if you had it for a while, and got it back today, someone must have improved their team enough to meet the criteria.

    I don't think this is right... My shard doesn't have level 80 players yet (or at least in arena which is capping out at 76 right now). Maybe arena is further separated?\

    Yet I have been hitting difficult 9-12 teams.
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    Twin wrote: »
    evanbio wrote: »
    GW nodes are all based on a certain % of your top 5 toons power. The easy node comes when there is not a player on your shard who meets the criteria. Node 12 is something like 125% of your power. So if you had it for a while, and got it back today, someone must have improved their team enough to meet the criteria.

    I don't think this is right... My shard doesn't have level 80 players yet (or at least in arena which is capping out at 76 right now). Maybe arena is further separated?\

    Yet I have been hitting difficult 9-12 teams.

    You're right, it isn't right. Enemy squads in GW can come from anywhere in the SWGOH universe, they aren't limited to your shard. And N12 is 112% of your Top5.
    The reason easy N12 comes and goes is because, somewhere in the SWGOH universe, somebody created a higher power squad than anybody else has ever seen, and it's tough enough to find its way onto your N12. With the recent changes to how mods affect power levels and now level cap up to 85 plus new gears, we will see even more of these ultra-power squads taking away the easy N12 for more and more players until we all get up to the cap and max gear/mod status. The sheer size of the new gear wall suggests it will be many months before that happens.
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    Ok so despite the OP's open hostility I felt I needed to weigh in because I've had some interesting things happen in GW.

    Firstly my arena team is around 42.5k and my top 5 toons are around 44.5k. I've had easy node 12 since they did the power update (with a hard node on 6, 9 and 11). I never fail to complete GW and normally only lose 1 or 2 toons along the way (ST Han normally dies on my rebal team in node 9 sometimes node 6 like today where I faced a wiggs/St Han/lando/JKA team... I usually run an EP led empire team for the 11th node).

    Since the update I no longer got an easy 12th node and 6, 9 and 11 also stayed hard. 12th node I got the same as several other posters chewie/FOST/SF/NI/5's. They are easy to beat as they do F-All dps just absorb tons of dmg so my Emp team takes them out slowly. I still have no issues finishing GW and still only lose maybe 1 toon (again normally ST Han on node 9).

    The weird thing was that yesterday and today I am back to having an easy node 12. My arena team is unchanged at 42.5k but the interesting thing is that people have been saying your top 5 toons are used to calculate GW. I HAVE NOT altered my top 5 toons in ANY WAY. No new gear. No new mods. No increase in level. So if GW is based on my top 5 toons how did I suddenly get easy node 12 again?

    What I did change was promote several toons to gear lvl 10 but these toons were in my top 20 not top 5. So just going by own situation it seemed as if my final GW node was not created from my arena team NOR my top 5 toons but some weird combination of either ALL my toons or of the top 20-25? I'm really not sure but I do know the only things I changed to get an easy 12th node was to gear 10 lumi, EE and 1 other toon that I can't remember. I also got a coulple of much lower order toons to gear lvl 9 around the same time I don't know if that affected anything.

    Further info if it's needed... I have I think 50 7* level 80 toons and 5 6* lvl 70 toons. I've unlocked all but 14 toons. All unlocked toons are either approx level 63 gear lvl 7 or level 53 gear lvl 6 with the exception of Mace who is level 53 gear lvl 1 who I unlocked purely to finish the "equip 1 peice of gear" daily.

    So in conclusion I have no idea how node 12 of GW is calculated but it does NOT from my own experience seem to be based on arena power or top 5 toons power.

    I don't know if that is any help, sorry guys.
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    Benr3600 wrote: »
    Yep, fixed, or at least WAI

    BTW my arena team is 43.0k, this team was over 50k

    I've faced this same team three nights in a row.

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    yeah ive had skykrak the last 2 nights. takes forever. first attempt took 3 teams. last night did it with one, but took forever.
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    A good tactic I've found for SkyKrak's team is to run: EP(l), Rey, RG, Daka, STH.

    EP, RG and Daka can keep the team stun locked, with STH soaking up any other hits. And then Rey can go to town on SunFac and then the rest of the team. Worked pretty well for me today.
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    Dimmy wrote: »
    Firstly my arena team is around 42.5k and my top 5 toons are around 44.5k.

    Since the update I no longer got an easy 12th node and 6, 9 and 11 also stayed hard.

    The weird thing was that yesterday and today I am back to having an easy node 12. My arena team is unchanged at 42.5k but the interesting thing is that people have been saying your top 5 toons are used to calculate GW. I HAVE NOT altered my top 5 toons in ANY WAY. No new gear. No new mods. No increase in level. So if GW is based on my top 5 toons how did I suddenly get easy node 12 again?

    What I did change was promote several toons to gear lvl 10 but these toons were in my top 20 not top 5. So just going by own situation it seemed as if my final GW node was not created from my arena team NOR my top 5 toons but some weird combination of either ALL my toons or of the top 20-25? I'm really not sure but I do know the only things I changed to get an easy 12th node was to gear 10 lumi, EE and 1 other toon that I can't remember. I also got a coulple of much lower order toons to gear lvl 9 around the same time I don't know if that affected anything.

    Excellent information! I suspected there may be more to it than Top5, but T5 is still a strong indicator. It's possible they do a weighted average of Top20, so if you are right next to the upper limit of easy N12 and upgrade a lesser hero, it could be enough to push over the top. Also, there seems to be some RNG on the N12 power level; if this is intentional, you may have gotten a draw that favored the easy N12.

    Either way, this is good information. Would be nice to have some detailed numbers to go with it, but that's too much like work. Thanks for the observation!
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    Every since the last update, I think the GW is taking a bad turn... I know I am a F2P and I know there isn't much loved from EA or other frustrated P2P out there, but what's in the mind of the developers? This has to be the worst time for GW after any major updates for me.

    I understand that GW is supposed to be hard and challenging, but it seems like it is just time consuming. Every since the update, I spent an average of 3 hours on each set of GW (yes, I did 6 hour sections on the last two Wednesday). Please tell me how this is fun... And I have yet to talk about the rewards you do get from GW, which is quite useless...

    Maybe I do need a break from this game...
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    Why is GW taking you 3 hours? And 5-600k credits, a decent number of t3 ability mats, training droids and a chance at an omega aren't useless rewards.

    The difficulty of GW hasn't changed. I still beat it every day in 20 minutes and yes, I am f2p.
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    Its all about your lineup and who your top 5 power toons are. I have a main and alt account. GW takes about 45 minutes total between the 2. 15 minutes for the main account as I run a lando (L), wiggs, anakin, and I rotate out a 5 member. if I am having trouble, I bring in EP. On my alt, I am level 76 and I do a lando lead with wiggs, rey and I rotate out the 5th. I rarely have trouble. I am just careful not to over power my top 5 power guys. That would be the reason that GW gets too difficult.
  • Lirg
    170 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Yeah I think op is in the hell phase of gw. Barely having a B and C team. I could be wrong though
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    Maegor wrote: »
    Why is GW taking you 3 hours? And 5-600k credits, a decent number of t3 ability mats, training droids and a chance at an omega aren't useless rewards.

    The difficulty of GW hasn't changed. I still beat it every day in 20 minutes and yes, I am f2p.

    20 mins? Evereeday? Like reallee...
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    I've managed to struggle through it these last few days, where I haven't been able to for a month prior. A solid b-team to clear 1-5 and 7-8, A team for 6,9,10, and whoever is left standing for 11. 12 uses my top 5 surviving toons, but it's nerf mode, so anyone would do.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Okay - so today I (somehow) got back to an easy node 12 that I could flick my finger at to make them fall down. In my final prize I also was awarded 2 omega ability mats!

    This is great to get, but I have never won any omega mats from GW before, and believe this to be very inconsistent.

    Also the difficulty I have seen (including the easy node today) as well as what others report is also very inconsistent.

    Please fix GW its all over the place.
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    JzTang wrote: »
    Every since the last update, I think the GW is taking a bad turn... I know I am a F2P and I know there isn't much loved from EA or other frustrated P2P out there, but what's in the mind of the developers? This has to be the worst time for GW after any major updates for me.

    I understand that GW is supposed to be hard and challenging, but it seems like it is just time consuming. Every since the update, I spent an average of 3 hours on each set of GW (yes, I did 6 hour sections on the last two Wednesday). Please tell me how this is fun... And I have yet to talk about the rewards you do get from GW, which is quite useless...

    Maybe I do need a break from this game...

    Personally, if GW is going to take me a long time (retreating to protect my players, etc) I just decide I'm likely not going to finish and do the best I can in 15-20 more minutes. The rewards in the 10-12 nodes are nice, but not worth hours of time.

    I noticed if I was dead-set on finishing, every node was stressful, especially the ones where I took big hits or lost a character. Eventually I made the decision to say "If I win all 12, great. If not, at least I got rewards for 9 or 10 nodes." It is so much less stressful now, and I don't let it waste my time.
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    It has been taking me forever as well, but at least I have won four out of last five, knock on wood.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    jvvil wrote: »
    Maegor wrote: »
    Why is GW taking you 3 hours? And 5-600k credits, a decent number of t3 ability mats, training droids and a chance at an omega aren't useless rewards.

    The difficulty of GW hasn't changed. I still beat it every day in 20 minutes and yes, I am f2p.

    20 mins? Evereeday? Like reallee...

    Really. Droid squad lessens the difficulty of GW exponentially.
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    FN55378008 wrote: »
    I am just careful not to over power my top 5 power guys. That would be the reason that GW gets too difficult.

    Actually, if you over-power your top 5, you wind up with an easy 12th node. Your 6th, 9th and 11th nodes will be difficult but if you have a couple viable teams, you should be OK.

    Also, rebels rock at GW. I run Wedge (L), Biggs, Lando, Leia and Ackbar (most of whom are not fully geared, starred or modded) and they typically get through node 10 and then sacrifice themselves to take out half of node 11. I usually mop up with an Empire team and if necessary, I have a team of fully-ranked/geared/modded Jedi that will most definitely finish the job.
  • Krillion
    68 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Maegor wrote: »
    jvvil wrote: »
    Maegor wrote: »
    Why is GW taking you 3 hours? And 5-600k credits, a decent number of t3 ability mats, training droids and a chance at an omega aren't useless rewards.

    The difficulty of GW hasn't changed. I still beat it every day in 20 minutes and yes, I am f2p.

    20 mins? Evereeday? Like reallee...

    Really. Droid squad lessens the difficulty of GW exponentially.

    Droids are the way to go, i have a HK,88,86,Nebit,JE teams on 2 accounts and they slaughter GW start to finish.
    If the last node happens to be not bugged and a tough team i swap out Nebit for B2.
    15 minutes on my main 20 ish for my alt. Every day.

    Any time nebit has his taunt ready i use it and speed up my cool downs, pretty much every match i have recalibrate ready to go.

  • TofuMao
    630 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    The Ones struggling are the ones that we don't have real B-C teams, so over geared our mains for arena and raid but suffer on GW until we get that B team, I have half of it, so expecting to be able to walk through in about 3 weeks, and yes, droids I'll do after scoundrels because they are just too op
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