Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Did they fix GW yet?
  • Broxxor
    595 posts Member
    Joy. Another day and another Galactic War where I can't get over Node 10. 8k higher power than my highest squad - and after barely squeeking by Node 6 - it's next to impossible for me to beat this squad. Hell - even if I was 100% fresh with my entire roster - I can't beat this squad. ****.
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    i couldn't get by node 6 =(
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    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    people will never be happy, whats too difficult for the one, is too easy for the other. The best part is that everyone thinks they are right, and anyone who thinks differently must be experiencing a totally different GW.
    whine whine whine, less difficult GW, much less whining after that, still the difficulty got turned up agian, aaaand whine agian. The forums on GW in a nuttshell, great fun :)

    That's why I said the scaling is bad. It's too easy for players with low arena power, but too hard for those with high power. It's not whining, it's just being exasperated that they could turn one of the most enjoyable parts of the game into the most dreaded part of everyone's day in the game.

    call it constructive complaints for all i care. my point remains the same. Seeying that you think its the most dreaded part of everyone's day pretty much says it all.

    I'm not wrong, everyone hates it. This megathread is less than a week old and it's already more than half the size of the dodge megathread which is over 2 months old. It's clear that everyone hates what they did to GW. in fact, I do call what I said a constructive complaint. I mentioned what I believe to be the source of the problems. I don't know how to fix it because I've never coded anything, but if I'm right about why GW is such a mess, it shouldn't be too hard to fix.

    you realize you are only proving my point right ?


    well, that is unfortunate. And for the record, i dont mind the most recent changes to GW. Never had any problems finishing GW. The previous version of GW was fine with me aswell, but a little more challenging gives me more joy finishing it. I can claim that i am right, that everyone should feel this way, but whats the point ?
    But the difference is you are only one person enjoying it. My whole point is that the scaling is wrong, so it's fun for some people, too easy for others, and impossible for the rest. There are over 1.4k comments here, and yes, most of them from people whining, but still, the fact that most people are NOT happy with the changes means that something is wrong. I'm not saying that you are wrong in that you enjoy GW, but you are wrong to say that the changes are good when pretty much everyone disagrees with you. A change that benefits a few but screws over the majority is not a good change.

    But are people getting screwed over though, that's the question.

    The question that needs to answered before they 'fix' GW is 'are all players entitled to finish GW everyday regardless of their level or roster?' Should people all across the board regardless of roster, level, time playing, etc get the exact same rewards?

    If the answer is yes, then put it back to the June 15th level and just give it away like they were.

    If the answer is no, then it should be something closer to what it is right now.

    I've been saying for weeks that they need to tier it. Post June 15th could be tier I or easy, and something like what it is now, or a little harder could be tier II or hard. Throw in some random raid gear, and omega mat on the last node and more credits.

    And get rid of the 3* teams on the last node or two obviously.

    I think that we should be finishing it every day. I don't think that it should be so easy that it can be beaten by putting it on auto. As I said in previous comments, my GW never was that easy even after the 6/15 update. This is why I say the scaling is bad. There's obviously a problem when some people get full gear 10 teams and others can just press auto because their enemies aren't even a threat. I think they should revise how the difficulty scales with arena power, and therefore make it easier for those of us facing insane nodes pretty much all the way through
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    LukesDaddy wrote: »
    i couldn't get by node 6 =(

    im joking. i have not failed to date. but i refuse to give up. no matter how much time it takes.
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    It's been almost a whole week since the awesome stealth tune! After this giant thread i think it's about time for us to get some (positive if possibble) response geez
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    The0n3 wrote: »
    It's been almost a whole week since the awesome stealth tune! After this giant thread i think it's about time for us to get some (positive if possibble) response geez

    i agree. taking 2 hours to do gw is dumb. now i even got my wife mad at me cuz i spend too much time on it. but im OCD.
  • Glory
    23 posts Member
    I don't quite understand the last node. My opponent is always a squad of 3* with no gear. For some reason, nodes 6, 9, 11 are significantly more difficult that the rest of GW.

    I'm level 80 with a pretty deep roster - two squads worth of g10 & g11 heroes and 3 more squads of g9 toons. I face against pretty ridiculous opponents for the hard nodes. I faced a droid squad with g10 Greivous and g10 Engineer today on the 6th node. Beatable, but it takes too much time for a single GW node. ROI is very poor.
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    I'm fine with it getting harder at the end... but i think its nuts that I'm having to basically do an arena match all the way through starting at node 4. which is only annoying cuz i can't regenerate armor/protection.
    and the most frustrating part is that its a guild daily activity... so i feel obligated to spend 3 hours on wednesday trying to finish it for the sake of my guild. i get the challenges being hard and sometimes incompletable because you have great rewards. however, none of the other guild daily activities are hard to complete...

    my main frustration is that the new change affects my guild contribution. maybe change the daily activity or adjusting the increasing difficulty of GW to be more gradual
  • Morwhen
    15 posts Member
    I've been 80 for a few weeks, but I didn't get to 70 before level was raised, so I never managed to build a roster or accumulate wealth beforehand. So I have maybe 6-7 characters that can compete (gear 8+, 7*). GW used to be a bit harsh and too slow. It became maybe a bit too easy, but now it is ridiculous. I encounter same-power teams at node 6, and nodes 9-11 are meta teams that I could barely beat in arena with my A team. But I can't even use that, because node 12 will be a 5 x gear10 team that is unbeatable.

    This is not fun. This is not "challenge", this is impossible. I'd need 2 or 3 suicide teams to beat this. I dread doing GW now. But I have to, in order to get credits and level or star more characters to have a chance at GW, and to keep my arena roster viable, or to compete in raids. This is a no-win situation. I am thinking of quitting at this point.
  • irvvri
    152 posts Member
    We've all been there. Galactic War gives you a Gear 200 Old Ben team at node 10? Rage. Dooku moonwalks for too long and you lose an arena match due to time running out? Rage.

    Oftentimes when I get screwed by GW or dodge teams, I settle for yelling obscenities and throwing the softest object within my reach if no one is home.

    What do you do when RNGesus enters you without permission?
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    I stopped reading this thread around page 9... But with 1.4k comments on it, I'm hoping a message from the devs is coming soon. This is obviously a hot topic. (That is assuming they haven't responded on this particular thread. I would imagine they would post a separate message so every can see it rather than it being lost in the many pages here)
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    tmntguy86 wrote: »
    I stopped reading this thread around page 9... But with 1.4k comments on it, I'm hoping a message from the devs is coming soon. This is obviously a hot topic. (That is assuming they haven't responded on this particular thread. I would imagine they would post a separate message so every can see it rather than it being lost in the many pages here)
    i mean I specifically logged in and came to the forums to see why my GW was so terrible haha. so yeah, hopefully they are smart and tweak it a little.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    To paraphrase MST3K: Repeat to myself it's just a game and that I should really just relax.

    Winning is more fun than losing, but it's not like there are any real reprecussions for losing. *shrugs*
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    tmntguy86 wrote: »
    I stopped reading this thread around page 9... But with 1.4k comments on it, I'm hoping a message from the devs is coming soon. This is obviously a hot topic. (That is assuming they haven't responded on this particular thread. I would imagine they would post a separate message so every can see it rather than it being lost in the many pages here)

    They don't care most of us no longer think it's fun.
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    Scream obscenities at the dev team. :smile:
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    So what the heck happened? I thought the point was to make GW faster. Now it takes 10x longer if you can even finish.
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @EA_Jesse Double drops on cantina isn't enough to make me forget that I HATE guild wars now. Hate, detest. Every time I do it I'm so mad I could spit. That's an insult. STILL not a word on the fact that it's taking hours to finish GW if it's possible at all.

    Don't fall for it anybody. Don't give them a nickel. Don't spend. If you hate the change to GW don't ever pay their salary again until it's fixed. We can strangle the life out of this horrible change if we choose. Hold firm, and don't spend. Tell everyone you know who plays to do the same if we want it to change.
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    Im with ya.
    "You shall not pass"
    "Are you not entertained"

    Talking to you devs/sponsers/management/ownership/whatev
  • Mksepe23
    51 posts Member
    Honestly gw has been insanely difficult all lvl 80 and gear 10-11 past the 6 battle.. This sucks when I have 2 toons past the gear 9 mark. Idk who would complain it was easy. I've spent hundreds on this game and still need 30 million in credits. Ill take easy if it gets me the credits I need without spending hundreds more.
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    Anyone watch the show with William Shatner called 'Invasion Iowa?' I feel like I'm getting punked like the town did.
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    If it's not a ****, it's not a hat
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    Seriously, s h a t
  • masters
    235 posts Member
    They already spoke about gw. They won't change it. Instead you have whole bunch of goodies you can get for crystals. Like lemmings, crystals will be purchased by the addicted gamers.
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    Mksepe23 wrote: »
    Honestly gw has been insanely difficult all lvl 80 and gear 10-11 past the 6 battle.. This sucks when I have 2 toons past the gear 9 mark. Idk who would complain it was easy. I've spent hundreds on this game and still need 30 million in credits. Ill take easy if it gets me the credits I need without spending hundreds more.
    Yes. Hold fast brother. They dropped this crap on us and went on vacation. They came back, and didn't say a word for 2 days. They gave us a great big fat middle finger with this change, and another with silence. We can give them one right back. @EA_Jesse Until GW is shortened you can take your event and stuff it. We won't pay.

  • FN2199
    21 posts Member
    I can see what they're doing. nodes 1-5 overall is easy to get by. Node 6 starts to get hard Nodes 7,8, and 10 keeps on your toes but by no means impossible. Nodes 9 and 11 are a real test of your strategy and skill on your toons to get by.

    I'm not sure about Node 12. It can be incredibly the easiest of all of them but only once did they throw a hard squad at me similar to nodes 6,9, and 11. I assume it depends who's alive in your roster...

    But alas, they may have fixed this.
  • Shishou
    23 posts Member
    It depends on your Arena power, it searches too high at a certain point and pulls an easy squad is what happens.
  • Weezy34
    117 posts Member
    Took me over an hour to complete today...

    For heavens sake, you said you'd try and make it quicker to complete and you made it longer...

    #brilliant #sarcasm
  • Mksepe23
    51 posts Member
    Can't be based on arena anymore. My squad is no where near the competition I'm getting in gw.
  • Willis
    187 posts Member
    I headbutt things. Broke my last phone over a different phone game so this one doesn't get thrown. However let me tell you this, holes in your wall aren't cheep to fix either. But when the wall doesn't break you get a concussion. Lose, lose.
    Willis Mcgahee of the Mighty Chlorians ~
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