Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • crixvane
    88 posts Member
    Glarus wrote: »
    crixvane wrote: »
    Stop blaming the devs! It's unfair. Management is to blame. Devs only implement decisions made by management. Junior devs, Senior devs, etc. are not the matter and this incident is in no way telling of their skill level, so stop.

    Management made these awful decisions and it's shameful that they haven't done anything about it yet.

    The rest of GW being near impossible starting with node 6 also feels like a bug. Not like a well thought out, well implemented plan from management. Is management to blame for the targeting going nuts on auto too? How about all the bugs with abilities?

    I blame their QA for that :P I'm a developer, I know what it's like, our hands are tied way more than you think when it comes to stuff like this, even bugs. We can recommend all day long for something not to be released if we know of it's bugs, but if it passes QA and upper management gives the green light, it's happening, whether we like it or not.

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    lol Yea EA heard everyone and said "We'll make GW less time consuming" The whole reason this is a problem is they added shields. So they lowered the difficulty as they have no idea how to fix it now that you lose your shields and enemies dont. News Flash, just either add shields to our teams at nodes 11 and 12 and say screw it, its just going to take longer or fir the love of god just take shields out of GW. Faster matches, same difficulty, less ****. Takes too long and its all from shields.
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    I am taking notes on how to ruin a fun game in a hurry
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    Dagobond wrote: »
    I wanted to provide my feedback as someone who works in user experience design. One rule that most companies I've worked for in the past followed is that experiences should be designed for the majority of your users; ideally 80 percent or more. Certainly with the volume of complaints contained in this thread that goal is not being considered with the Galactic War.

    Another thing that the team should keep in mind is that behavioral psychology has demonstrated that when you make a task too difficult or unrewarding for a subject then they will cease to engage in it. That principle is called extinction and it certainly seems to describe the lack of enjoyment and participation that I've seen with the Galactic War within my own guild.

    Personally I enjoy this game for the most part. That said every day I dread the Galactic War as I know that I am going to have to spend one and a half to two hours or more retreating, throwing characters into the meat grinder and retrying. Some days I simply cannot get past the last couple of squares and that is with a roster with which I have spent quite a bit of money building. Admittedly I am only 68 level (about to reach 69) but still when I am consistently seeing 80th level characters completely geared out in things I simply cannot attain or equip then it is downright frustrating and unfair.

    Perhaps the team should reconsider making this part of the game so difficult. Something that is a core part of one's daily activities and achievements should not be barred from the bulk of the player base who simply cannot spend the time or money to acquire the roster needed to trudge through. Maybe the team can save the tougher challenges for raids and special events?

    Thanks for the insight Dagobond. However, I have a question. In the present case, do you think that EA/CG implemented changes/experiences are developed towards the majority of users or towards the majority of the high spenders?
    I do believe, they do not care about the product. Instead, they only care about short term increase of the profit.
  • Pseudo
    35 posts Member
    I don't see a problem with it I think it's a good change of pace instead of having the same toons used in PvP people with only one strong team this is more about roster strength I personally was wanting something that rewarded you for the strength of ones roster instead of just having 5 overpowered toons
  • Metroway
    35 posts Member
    The top 10 or 50 players in Arena should get harder GWs if they are using a high team power.But, they should also be rewarded Higher for completing GW also. If there's no incentive for me puting a 40000 power team in other then a much harder GW, why bother with the headache. Lol
  • JoseIrimia
    446 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    crixvane wrote: »
    Stop blaming the devs! It's unfair. Management is to blame. Devs only implement decisions made by management. Junior devs, Senior devs, etc. are not the matter and this incident is in no way telling of their skill level, so stop.

    Management made these awful decisions and it's shameful that they haven't done anything about it yet. I share in everyone's frustration here. I'm at the point where if I can't complete GW, there's no point in even playing this game anymore because GW was the only way to have meaningful progress in this same, albeit **** because of low rewards. No GW Completion = no progression = no reason to play anymore.

    Ok, sorry for the misunderstanding. When say devs, I mean management.
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    Did some research. I wondered how many gamers there are in the world? Here is what I found.

    "More than 1.2 billion people are playing games worldwide, according to a state of the industry report by Spil Games. Of those, about 700 million play online games. That amounts to 44 percent of the world's online population, according to comScore data cited by Spil Games."
    JoseIrimia wrote: »
    Dagobond wrote: »
    I wanted to provide my feedback as someone who works in user experience design. One rule that most companies I've worked for in the past followed is that experiences should be designed for the majority of your users; ideally 80 percent or more. Certainly with the volume of complaints contained in this thread that goal is not being considered with the Galactic War.

    Another thing that the team should keep in mind is that behavioral psychology has demonstrated that when you make a task too difficult or unrewarding for a subject then they will cease to engage in it. That principle is called extinction and it certainly seems to describe the lack of enjoyment and participation that I've seen with the Galactic War within my own guild.

    Personally I enjoy this game for the most part. That said every day I dread the Galactic War as I know that I am going to have to spend one and a half to two hours or more retreating, throwing characters into the meat grinder and retrying. Some days I simply cannot get past the last couple of squares and that is with a roster with which I have spent quite a bit of money building. Admittedly I am only 68 level (about to reach 69) but still when I am consistently seeing 80th level characters completely geared out in things I simply cannot attain or equip then it is downright frustrating and unfair.

    Perhaps the team should reconsider making this part of the game so difficult. Something that is a core part of one's daily activities and achievements should not be barred from the bulk of the player base who simply cannot spend the time or money to acquire the roster needed to trudge through. Maybe the team can save the tougher challenges for raids and special events?

    Thanks for the insight Dagobond. However, I have a question. In the present case, do you think that EA/CG implemented changes/experiences are developed towards the majority of users or towards the majority of the high spenders?
    I do believe, they do not care about the product. Instead, they only care about short term increase of the profit.

    The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many.
  • Metroway
    35 posts Member
    Maybe there is an incentive but i cant tell.
  • crixvane
    88 posts Member
    JoseIrimia wrote: »
    crixvane wrote: »
    Stop blaming the devs! It's unfair. Management is to blame. Devs only implement decisions made by management. Junior devs, Senior devs, etc. are not the matter and this incident is in no way telling of their skill level, so stop.

    Management made these awful decisions and it's shameful that they haven't done anything about it yet. I share in everyone's frustration here. I'm at the point where if I can't complete GW, there's no point in even playing this game anymore because GW was the only way to have meaningful progress in this same, albeit **** because of low rewards. No GW Completion = no progression = no reason to play anymore.

    Ok, sorry for the misunderstanding. When say devs, I mean management.

    Just responding to the overall sentiment that I see thrown around for every single game in various different genres. Not just you :)
  • Dagobond
    134 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    JoseIrimia wrote: »
    Thanks for the insight Dagobond. However, I have a question. In the present case, do you think that EA/CG implemented changes/experiences are developed towards the majority of users or towards the majority of the high spenders?
    I do believe, they do not care about the product. Instead, they only care about short term increase of the profit.

    It is possible they may only care about big spenders. However that is not the best business model. Many other games have shown if you have a really enjoyable game and reasonable microtransactions then you will likely make more money through a larger player base. Games with that model still make good money from high spenders through certain activities but those things are often not a core part of the game like the Galactic War. Hopefully EA will reconsider their decision regarding making the GW so difficult for most players.

  • CapnnRex
    184 posts Member
    EA make this happen. I like it
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    Dagobond wrote: »
    JoseIrimia wrote: »
    Thanks for the insight Dagobond. However, I have a question. In the present case, do you think that EA/CG implemented changes/experiences are developed towards the majority of users or towards the majority of the high spenders?
    I do believe, they do not care about the product. Instead, they only care about short term increase of the profit.

    It is possible they may only care about big spenders. However that is not the best business model. Many other games have shown if you have a really enjoyable game and reasonable microtransactions then you will likely make more money through a larger player base. Games with that model still make good money from high spenders through certain activities but those things are often not a core part of the game like the Galactic War. Hopefully EA will reconsider their decision regarding making the GW so difficult for most players.
    That's not the business model AAA developers are interested in. The longterm, goodwill, loyal fanbase kind of business model takes too long to generate revenue.

    When you're a listed company, shareholders demand results every quarter. So they'd prefer to push a game out, milk it for a few months, then abandon the game and move onto the next one.

    We're talking about EA here. The industrial juggernaut famous for buying up studios, milk them dry and defunct them. It's naive to think they would care about their customers.
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    My experince has been that EA is not involved in the day to day affairs of their studios. CG makes it's own decisions, EA is the publisher. My question is, did Disney approach them to create the game or did EA/CG simply seek a license to make and produce a game set in the SW universe, and pays a license fee, and royalties?
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    I like that it is hard so I'm just sharing a story. I've kept my arena team under powered on purpose so that I can do well at GW. I've been able to complete GW everyone time but about once in the last few months. I think the last time I lost was during the 70 level cap. It can be hard the last few battles but I have a deep enough roster that I'm usually able to pull it out.

    Until the other day. I get to the last node and go against the Droid meta team (I assume) HK, IG*2, RG, JE. I think the only toons I had lost was my B team which was my Droid team and maybe a suicide squad. I have basically 3 A teams that are all pretty strong: 1) Phasma lead, Rey 2) Jedi 3) Tanks. I have a rebel team that has completed the last node before.

    Well, I get to that node and notice that they are all 7 stars, 80 level. I check and they are maxed gear and omega across the board.

    I start throwing teams against it and everybody is going down quick. I'm not sure what to do. I try my A teams and plan to retreat. What I happens is I wait one turn 2 late and they basically take out 3 full health toons with some protection before I can get another turn. That happens 2 times in a row and I basically know I have no chance with what is left in my roster. I think I might have been able to beat them if I had been very diligent in my approach but while I was trying to figure out the best strategy they destroyed me. RG had so much health/protection that I'm not sure I could have killed him.
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    JoseIrimia wrote: »
    Dagobond wrote: »
    I wanted to provide my feedback as someone who works in user experience design. One rule that most companies I've worked for in the past followed is that experiences should be designed for the majority of your users; ideally 80 percent or more. Certainly with the volume of complaints contained in this thread that goal is not being considered with the Galactic War.

    Another thing that the team should keep in mind is that behavioral psychology has demonstrated that when you make a task too difficult or unrewarding for a subject then they will cease to engage in it. That principle is called extinction and it certainly seems to describe the lack of enjoyment and participation that I've seen with the Galactic War within my own guild.

    Personally I enjoy this game for the most part. That said every day I dread the Galactic War as I know that I am going to have to spend one and a half to two hours or more retreating, throwing characters into the meat grinder and retrying. Some days I simply cannot get past the last couple of squares and that is with a roster with which I have spent quite a bit of money building. Admittedly I am only 68 level (about to reach 69) but still when I am consistently seeing 80th level characters completely geared out in things I simply cannot attain or equip then it is downright frustrating and unfair.

    Perhaps the team should reconsider making this part of the game so difficult. Something that is a core part of one's daily activities and achievements should not be barred from the bulk of the player base who simply cannot spend the time or money to acquire the roster needed to trudge through. Maybe the team can save the tougher challenges for raids and special events?

    Thanks for the insight Dagobond. However, I have a question. In the present case, do you think that EA/CG implemented changes/experiences are developed towards the majority of users or towards the majority of the high spenders?
    I do believe, they do not care about the product. Instead, they only care about short term increase of the profit.
    its about keeping you in game regardless of spend
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    My experince has been that EA is not involved in the day to day affairs of their studios.
    Care to specify? Did you work for EA?

    Because most gaming journalists will say the complete opposite. EA has the worst reputation in the industry when it comes to meddling in their studios' day to day operations, as demonstrated in the cases of Visceral, Maxis, Bullfrog, Mythic; even Bioware. What makes you think CG is any different?

    But then again EA just has the worst reputation in the industry in general.
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    This game soon going the way of Star Wars Assault Team
  • crixvane
    88 posts Member
    Captainrrl wrote: »
    This game soon going the way of Star Wars Assault Team

    I remember playing that and then it got shut down... but that was because Disney bought Lucas Arts and shut down their gaming division. Didn't have nearly as much depth as this game either. EA can easily sustain this game for a very long time (see Battlefront), however, they choose to lie and alienate their user base so, yeah, it could definitely be going that way.
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    After defeating Vader not much else to do in that game
  • Nos402
    11 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm a very experienced player. Level 80, 14 level 80 7 star characters with gear VIII or IX and mostly maxed abilities. Many other decently powerful characters as well (I try to keep a nice wide spread of viable characters). Generally I hover around 100 in arena.

    On a GOOD day (rare) I can finish only going through 2-3 teams. One day I barely finished before running out of characters.

    Most days the last node is literally impossible. I can try for hours: different teams, strategies, etc, and not even come close to being able to finish. It's to the point, where I'm starting to just give up on GW because it's not worth the frustration, anger, rise in blood pressure and storm of profanities. It was just fine and actually fun before and I didn't feel like I needed to set aside a not-insubstantial part of my day to play this game. Now I'm kind of sad that what was a nice little daily break for some fun has turned into an infuriating and frustrating chore.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    "We want an easier GW!" Screamed the community.
    "Okay." Said the devs.
    And lo, an easier GW was had by all.
    "This is too easy! We want a harder GW!" The community shouted louder.
    "Okay." Said the devs.
    And lo, a harder GW was had by all.
    "We want an easier GW!" Screamed the community.
    "---" Replied the devs.

    Edit: while humor is needed, please find a more appropriate ending :)
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    I can't even beat the teams I am facing 1 on 1 in the arena with my best arena team.
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Toukai wrote: »
    "We want an easier GW!" Screamed the community.
    "Okay." Said the devs.
    And lo, an easier GW was had by all.
    "This is too easy! We want a harder GW!" The community shouted louder.
    "Okay." Said the devs.
    And lo, a harder GW was had by all.
    "We want an easier GW!" Screamed the community.
    "Jump off a cliff." Replied the devs.

    This latest patch for Galactic War is actually game breaking though, a lot of people with close to max power characters cant get a harder matchup for the 11th and 12th node and end up with extremely weak matchups instead
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Allenb60 wrote: »
    Toukai wrote: »
    "We want an easier GW!" Screamed the community.
    "Okay." Said the devs.
    And lo, an easier GW was had by all.
    "This is too easy! We want a harder GW!" The community shouted louder.
    "Okay." Said the devs.
    And lo, a harder GW was had by all.
    "We want an easier GW!" Screamed the community.
    "Jump off a cliff." Replied the devs.

    This latest patch for Galactic War is actually game breaking though, a lot of people with close to max power characters cant get a harder matchup for the 11th and 12th node and end up with extremely weak matchups instead

    My GW, personal bias here, hasn't changed much. My node 11/12 are harder than "normal" but I have the resources to bypass it (pure f2p).

    The borked node 12 (the 3* teams) for max power people is weird. But GW has always been.... fickle..
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    My experince has been that EA is not involved in the day to day affairs of their studios.
    Care to specify? Did you work for EA?

    Because most gaming journalists will say the complete opposite. EA has the worst reputation in the industry when it comes to meddling in their studios' day to day operations, as demonstrated in the cases of Visceral, Maxis, Bullfrog, Mythic; even Bioware. What makes you think CG is any different?

    But then again EA just has the worst reputation in the industry in general.

    Nope I do not work for EA. My assertion is based on comments made by developers etc.. I was of the opinion they (EA) micromanaged extensively, but I was told that was not the case. *shrug*

    I guess opinions vary..

  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    My typical last node seems to be an arena team like ben lead, rey han daka qgj. Also dooku lead with 5s and rey is common. Last night is was 2x g11 toons and 3x g10.

    I have only 2 gear 10 toons, at all. I still win. Takes more time and after many minutes of trying new toons, I am down to playing the retreat and try a new RNG "strategy," to see which rng seed doesn't give the enemy 10 critical dodges/resists.

    Lol at the teebo lead. I had one last night, and at one point they all stealthed except for 5s, grr...

    One of the hardest for me last night was node 9. Dooku lead, daka, rey, yoda, rg. Makes me wonder if yoda is really so bad on defense. There are three toons I want to kill first, and they are all dodging me.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Back on topic, has anyone let their Arena standing fall and test GW results? I am at approx 500 or so and I can beat GW final node.
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    I have to say mine has gone crazy - node 6 is level 80 gear 9 / 10 teams - 11 and 12 are fully maxed, fully geared teams

    1st time - phasma lead ( gear 10), 5s (gear 10), QGJ (gear 11) sun fac (gear 10), RG (Gear 10) .

    2nd time around old Ben lead (gear 10), RG (gear 10), STHan (gear 11), Aayla (gear 10), 5s (gear 10)

    It wouldn't be so bad but the gear 11 nodes were pretty similar teams - so much for making it quicker to play
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