Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    The ineptitude of most complaining in this thread is very obvious. I use 2 teams & work through it fairly easy & in most cases with 1-5 losses in roster... Going up against g9-10 meta teams.

    You folks are doing something wrong!
  • Mokkal
    21 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Hey EA.
    Je m'en bats les couilles de votre anglais !!
    Tu as testé ton jeu des fois au lieu de te taper des Battlefield ou FIFA mode brainless ?
    C'est les commerciaux qui codent le jeu et les codeurs s'occupent de la partie commerciale ?
    Vous avez brassé assez de tune pour vous offrir de bonnes vacances là mais à votre retour, mettez vous au boulot lol.
    Un jeu, ce n'est pas qu'une interface graphique. SWGOH est un jeu de carte maquillé comme beaucoup de jeu sur le store. D'autre jeu ont moins bien fonctionné car il n'y a pas ce joli maquillage mais avec un système tout à fait similaire voire mieux.
    Je vous conseille vivement de visiter le store et de voir les jeux des concurrents. Votre boulot actuel, même un singe pourrait le faire et je pèse mes mots.

    Aller, bonnes vacances à vous et j'espère que l'un de vos commerciaux crèvera de noyade afin qu'il y ait au moins un codeur compétent dans votre équipe de codeurs "commercial"

    L'incompétence ne tue pas... dommage ;)
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    joke of the day: EA_Jesse says "As always, we will keep an eye on the feedback and the in-game data and make adjustments as needed." SERIOUSLY????? I can't stop laughing.

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    Zaither88 wrote: »
    joke of the day: EA_Jesse says "As always, we will keep an eye on the feedback and the in-game data and make adjustments as needed." SERIOUSLY????? I can't stop laughing.

    ya that is quite funny. what is feedback to them? how much money ppl spend each day? hopefully people realize the massive failure and stop spending. maybe then they will keep an eye on feedback. hopefully they do before it is too late and they kill off this game

    I have played this game for almost a 10months and I certainly dont feel like they have kept an eye on player feedback. most adjustments are contrary to player feedback and seem to be based on greed.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Zaither88 wrote: »
    joke of the day: EA_Jesse says "As always, we will keep an eye on the feedback and the in-game data and make adjustments as needed." SERIOUSLY????? I can't stop laughing.
    My bet is, they trace logs and as long, as "too many" ppl are able to finish gw, as long they will make it harder ... and now, since they have announced to raise the credits in gw, they will probably make it even harder again ...
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • DrGreenlungs_420
    38 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Node 12 opponent 36368 gear lvl 10 my highest 5 toons 31893 gear lvl 8 not hard or challenging impossible. Two words I'm done.
    Post edited by DrGreenlungs_420 on
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Just checked google play Top Charts, SWGOH is at 84...(Posting for reference later)

    Now at 202. They moved up to #11 for Top Grossing they were previously #12


    $88,130 Daily Revenue Estimate - down from previous 92k

    9,261 Daily installs estimate - down from previous 10k+

    Overnight their Top Chart rating fell from 202 to 234. Top earning maintained it's ranking of #11. According to daily revenues maintained at 88k, installs dropped to 8k.

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    1) Those that tried to improve their Arena Ranking after June 15 GW update(when it got a little easier) are being punished in the Arena

    2) Those that already have high arena rank 37K+ are being rewarded even more since hardmode stealth update by getting a Green Geared 3* team on node 12, and the highest power teams on node 11 as well.

    3) Increasing credits in GW is only going to give more credits to the teams that already are rewarded for their top arena power IN THE ARENA. They now get free credits in GW too.

    4) Devs can't understand how math works apparently. That a flat percentage doesn't work when the power of a character grows exponentially when it levels linearly.

    115% of a 15K team is 17250 difference of 2250
    115% of a 25K team is 28750 difference of 3750
    115% of a 35K team is 40250 difference of 5250

    Sure one can say, thats only 1500 more, yeah, but that's also 1500 more from gear 11. Gear level jumps a character up signifigantly, sometimes almost doubling the characters protection. At each gear level, the chacaters stats jump so much, that they take less damage when hit, if they are even it, and they have more Health and protection. They also have more power, and hit much much harder, have higher boosts to potency and everything always hits and sticks to toons that are gear 8 and 9. The difference between a Gear 9 and a Gear 11 is HUGE. But they are too dumb to realize this.

    Oh and 115% of 38K is 43700 which is higher than even is possible. so subtract the 42K max and you roll past 42K and back to 0+1700. So you get a 1700 power opponent at Node 12. Great job...
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    Today I hit node 6. My highest level toon is 57. The team I had to face were all level 70-71 toons. Seriously?
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    The ineptitude of most complaining in this thread is very obvious. I use 2 teams & work through it fairly easy & in most cases with 1-5 losses in roster... Going up against g9-10 meta teams.

    You folks are doing something wrong!
    Kamandi2 wrote: »
    Today I hit node 6. My highest level toon is 57. The team I had to face were all level 70-71 toons. Seriously?

    As the obvious EA employee earlier in the thread wrote, we just need to suck it up and learn to play.
  • Dm1996
    27 posts Member
    Something changed in the last two days. I actually finished a GW for the first time in over a week of trying. I still faced off against a team with two lvl 78 (my account lvl was 71 last night) but i won after sending in two lower teams to weaken them and my best team survived n tact until the last node.
  • Trindor
    13 posts Member
    I have a question. If the leader char from the opponent team dies, is the leader ability (for example: dodge) still active on the rest of that team?
    I am asking, because today i had to fight against a gear level 10 Level 80 Team with Luminara as leader.
    After i killed her, the remaining chars dodged every second hit from my team.
    They where: Darth Vader, Kylo Ren and Savage Opress.
    That was a weird fight.
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    Aniema wrote: »
    Adding insult to injury...they announced more credits will be collected in Galatic wars this week after the update goes live. Lotta good those extra credits does for the people who can't complete it.

    Such a good point that it deserves to be quoted
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
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    Naw wrote: »
    The ineptitude of most complaining in this thread is very obvious. I use 2 teams & work through it fairly easy & in most cases with 1-5 losses in roster... Going up against g9-10 meta teams.

    You folks are doing something wrong!
    Kamandi2 wrote: »
    Today I hit node 6. My highest level toon is 57. The team I had to face were all level 70-71 toons. Seriously?

    As the obvious EA employee earlier in the thread wrote, we just need to suck it up and learn to play.

    Yeah the "5 posts" kinda gives it away @Naw
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  • JoseIrimia
    446 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Is going to be ignored. But let me propose an idea to balance GW:
    I'm tired of facing always same type of teams and same toons node after node: Ben, dooku, sid, RG, rey, phasma, QGJ...
    Let's apply similar rules for both sides: my toons when defeated are not usable anymore. Same should apply to IA teams. Once a particular toon is defeated, cannot appear anymore.
    That way will help to:
    1. Make the experience more exciting, facing many more toons in different combinations. Obviosuly escalating the difficulty from node 1 to 12, not just facing bad toons overpowered in node 1.
    2. Less frustrating and balanced since only a few teams could be overpowered by then end nodes.
    3. More strategically rich, since we can learn how to fight against some toons not represented at all.
    4. Will expose for good how unbalanced some toons are, maybe that could incentive the company to rework them.

    Some will say "Nobody has some of the toons". Well, the truth is that many of the squads we face are not real from real players, or they increase their power/level/gear. So at the end, I don't care whether come from real players modified, or are made from the machine.

    Once that said, once more I want to highlight that I hope the company changes things in this (GW) and other aspects according to what players want, not what they think players should like and need. The game is good and full of potential, but missmanagement is ruining it.
    To gain back the trust of players and money they should (in my opinion):
    1. Apologize
    2. Stop lying
    3. Treat players with respect, not giving poor excuses as we were 2 yo.
    4. Fix bugs and GW.
    5. Release new content exciting, bug-free, balanced and not only designed to short term money grab.
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    You're asking for alot here, after all this is EA we are talking about.

    Wishful thinking. I know.
    It's easier to just modify a number in an algorithm than rework the whole thing. But, only good content will earn good cash.
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    GW is impossible. I have 1 team and a lower secondary team. My arena rank hovers between 550-850. My main teams power is 21.5k, 2nd is 19k. Both teams work well together! Main team is lvl 63 gear 7 and all 5-7☆ 2ndary team is all 58-60, gear7, 4-5☆.
    These are good teams, But only as a whole team... so if I lose 1 team member my GW is shot with that team.

    Since all of the changes, I have not gotten past node 6-7 because I come up against a team 5lvls higher, all with gear 8+. By round 2 I am down 1-3 toons and have to force close the game.

    I do have a bunch of suiciders, but they are wiped up without even getting a chance to attack.

    Hard is one thing, but this is an impossible feat.

    I am not a whale, but have spent over $100.00 on this game. Would have bought some more crystals but too frustrated to waste money. I am also an swtor subscriber.

    GW was the best way for f2p, and non-whales, to build up their teams with upto15 shards per day on some good toons. Now it is like playing with Pauley from Goodfellas: "Stuck, Can't win, Can't advance? ♤♡♢♧ you, pay me."

    Have half a mind to cancel sub, and quit this game too. You are not the only game out there, not the only developer. You should listen to your customers and fix this.
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    Yay, I finished GW today!!! I'm so happy! I love you guys
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    Trindor wrote: »
    I have a question. If the leader char from the opponent team dies, is the leader ability (for example: dodge) still active on the rest of that team?
    I am asking, because today i had to fight against a gear level 10 Level 80 Team with Luminara as leader.
    After i killed her, the remaining chars dodged every second hit from my team.
    They where: Darth Vader, Kylo Ren and Savage Opress.
    That was a weird fight.

    I think the leaders ability does persist once they are defeated as I have defeated a phasma lead before and characters that are left are still getting bonus attacks as of she was still there. If you ask me once the leader is defeated that skill should be removed from the remaining characters. Makes sense if you so me.
    *** So be it... Jedi ***
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    Karfax wrote: »
    Trindor wrote: »
    I have a question. If the leader char from the opponent team dies, is the leader ability (for example: dodge) still active on the rest of that team?
    I am asking, because today i had to fight against a gear level 10 Level 80 Team with Luminara as leader.
    After i killed her, the remaining chars dodged every second hit from my team.
    They where: Darth Vader, Kylo Ren and Savage Opress.
    That was a weird fight.

    I think the leaders ability does persist once they are defeated as I have defeated a phasma lead before and characters that are left are still getting bonus attacks as of she was still there. If you ask me once the leader is defeated that skill should be removed from the remaining characters. Makes sense if you so me.

    Unfortunately that can't be done. Old Ben would become priceless
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  • Options
    Trindor wrote: »
    I have a question. If the leader char from the opponent team dies, is the leader ability (for example: dodge) still active on the rest of that team?
    I am asking, because today i had to fight against a gear level 10 Level 80 Team with Luminara as leader.
    After i killed her, the remaining chars dodged every second hit from my team.
    They where: Darth Vader, Kylo Ren and Savage Opress.
    That was a weird fight.

    yes. the leader ability remains for the duration of the fight after the leader dies.
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    Again now I am not going to finish GW. I just got 5 of my best toons wiped on Node 11. I already lost 1 on Node 9. Now I have to finish node 11 and 12 with just my B and C teams, which by the way got completely wipe on node 11 before restarts.

    I am getting really @#%@$% tired of this. Every day, it's a failed GW attempt. How in the Actual Foxtrot am I supposed to complete the GW achievement? I mean you let everyone else do it with daily victories, now I can't. That achivement needs the total reduced by 80% since that's how Often I am failing GW. Although I haven't finished a GW in almost a week.

    Meanwhile, if your level is high enough you get a free pass.
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    Awesome, an Almost dead Count dooku just took out my Old Ben from full health plus 50% protection without me getting a turn.

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    Count Dooku and Savage oppress because they are such high level just wiped my entire B team. I now have no healers left.

    I have a Yoda, QGJ, and Kylo Ren, a weak Sid and Stormtrooper then guys in their 50s. Please explain to me How I am supposed to not only finish off the Opress, but then defeat a mege Node 12.

    GW is broken, you know it, and you won't do anything about it. My losses have been so bad the last week I feel like I should be compensated since I ACTUALLY HAVE TO EARN my wins(and I can't) while higher level people don't even have to deal with this.

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    Rodders099 wrote: »
    I'll keep this short and simple.
    Been playing 3 months and spent close to a grand on this game.
    Yes it's a lot of money, but I can afford it so no worries on that front.

    Today after I post this, I will delete the game.
    EA won't be getting another penny out of me.
    I invested in this game, thinking it was a long term outlet, where I could have fun and enjoy the gameplay.
    I was very wrong. The Devs are a bunch of inexperienced and amateurish clowns, who clearly have zero idea of how to progress a game.
    The amount of errors made and **** changes to parts of the game are inexcusable.

    These clowns, show zero respect to players who have spent considerable amounts of money on developing their teams to be competitive.....only to see the goalposts yanked up and moved sideways.

    GW is a complete and utter debacle.

    EA, you have just lost a very valuable customer.....I congratulate you on your ****.

    EA Devs.....if you think I'm talking my ID is rodders099.......look up my transaction history.

    they dont care, this guy aaron did the same to Heroes of dragon age, until the cow is out of milk they will take as much as they can.
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    Galactic War isn't merely hard or challenging, it's downright impossible. People with top ranked Arena teams that play Tier 7 Raids can't complete it. I just tried to fight a team on node 12 that had a score of 39,674 (including Rey, Royal Guard and dodge leader). The #1 ranked Arena team on my server has a score of 38,629. How on Earth does it make sense to pit us against squads in GW that are better than the top ranked Arena teams? We go into these battles with cooldowns and no protection shields in place! I threw 5 teams at this squad and didn't even take the shields down on a SINGLE opponent. Their Rey was one-shotting my T9 and T10 characters. Please fix this immediately. Credits are CRUCIAL to advancing our squads and are even more important now that Mods will require credits to advance.
    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
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    How would I fix Galactic War? I would make it 6 battles instead of 12. I would have it escalate in difficulty, I would increase the rewards and I would regenerate shield protection for players between battles.

    Currently the node 6 opponent has a score between 37,000 and 39,000. I have to throw 4 or 5 teams at it just to advance, which leaves nothing left for node 9, 11 or 12. Shorten this up and we'll be better able to use our entire squads to finish it.

    Because right now, spending 2 hours of my day on Galactic War is making me question why I'm even playing this game. I used to be able to finish it on the toilet and live the rest of my life.
    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
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    Node 12 opponent 36368 gear lvl 10 my highest 5 tools 31893 gear lvl 8 not hard or challenging impossible. Two words I'm done.

    It's insane. My last node 12 opponent had a score of 39,674 (7902 Ben, 7190 Rey, 8220 Anakin, 8241 QGJ and 8121 Royal Guard). I was able to attack one (they dodged) before my party got one-shotted.

    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
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