Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • R13D13
    34 posts Member
    I would like to see the GW opponents be chosen from the complete Roster. The AI should not be able to use the same character again if it got killed. Each enemy team would be unique. I get bored killing Darth Sidious almost each, and every game. I doubt it would be possible to find 12 unique teams from the Arena teams with the appropriate level/gears ? If the program built the teams it would be interesting to see the different synergies displayed.
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    Awesome, an Almost dead Count dooku just took out my Old Ben from full health plus 50% protection without me getting a turn.


    Oh please....yeah right!

    Um yeah. Stun, attack attack, attack, attack, stun, attack attack, stun attack attack ability block, attack stun, attack attack etc... Dead.
  • BG_Empire
    6 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I've spent plenty of money on this game but will no longer do so. You guys are taking away the excitement from the game and just adding frustration. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
  • Mokkal
    21 posts Member
    Quelle bande d'handicapé chez EA.
    Jesse, t'es un bon CM mais bouge toi le cul !
  • MayCM
    124 posts Member
    First, you made it easier and less time consuming. Two weeks after that you decided to make it twice as hard as it was before. There is no tuning, stop it. Just stop it.
  • MayCM
    124 posts Member
    Come on, just admit it. You fk ed it up
  • DaniB32
    196 posts Member
    I cant even beat stage 7 dark side. Never mind the tools on gw. Ha
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    R13D13 wrote: »
    I would like to see the GW opponents be chosen from the complete Roster. The AI should not be able to use the same character again if it got killed. Each enemy team would be unique. I get bored killing Darth Sidious almost each, and every game. I doubt it would be possible to find 12 unique teams from the Arena teams with the appropriate level/gears ? If the program built the teams it would be interesting to see the different synergies displayed.

    Agreed. If the GW is supposed to reward pool depth, give us a variety of teams designed (within certain parameters) by the system, not just top tier arena crews with inflated stats.

    Doing 12 battles and seeing 50-60 characters represented (I could understand SOME overlap if it were necessary) at a more reasonable level of balance would be a nice change of pace, and might even inspire people to try out different characters/combinations. The current PVP meta and raw time it takes to grind up a quality team reduce the likelihood of people experimenting (or giving the feeling of being punished if they do so). Shaking up what we face might help see that change.

    Right now I just know that RG+a pile of dps blows up a lot of what I can field. It was funny a few times, but failing GW after GW to RG/Daka/Dooku/Rey/another tank or heavy hitter is losing its entertainment value rapidly.
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    This is going to be ridiculous with MODS, just wait until you now face a final Node 11/12 with Modded out characters....If you thought it was bad now, just wait.
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    Time for my daily GW feedback. I didn't have any stress today. Because I just auto'd. I mean, I didn't make it as far as I usually can, but since I can't clear it anyways, at least I have no stress this way.
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    Scourge194 wrote: »
    Aniema wrote: »
    Adding insult to injury...they announced more credits will be collected in Galatic wars this week after the update goes live. Lotta good those extra credits does for the people who can't complete it.

    Such a good point that it deserves to be quoted

    And quoted again.
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    This is going to be ridiculous with MODS, just wait until you now face a final Node 11/12 with Modded out characters....If you thought it was bad now, just wait.

    Valid point. Also, it should be stated that this trash can they call a "megathred" is now 70 pages long with no response from any Dev, unbelievable
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
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    No need to wait. That team wiped 20 of my silly F2P characters.
  • jetsaredim
    9 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Can you guys please do something with the GW tune?? I just had to face 4 teams in a row (nodes 6-9) that were all gear 9+ and level 80. This is only going to get much, much worse with mods because the opponents that are now overpowered vs your team will just get more overpowered in comparison even if you add mods to your toons. "There's always a bigger fish"

    When I have 13x 7* toons - 12 of which are level 80 & gear 8+ and you only have 2 left by the time you hit battle 9, there's something wrong with that picture...
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    The ineptitude of most complaining in this thread is very obvious. I use 2 teams & work through it fairly easy & in most cases with 1-5 losses in roster... Going up against g9-10 meta teams.

    You folks are doing something wrong!

    Really, and what is your teams composed with, I believe I am a very decent player, using strategy and planning with my roster, yet I entire roster gets wiped, I am going against teams 8 and 9 k more power then mine, I have one gear lvl 9 toon, the rest are 8 and less, I only have 5 lvl 75 characters (all 7*) and 5 lvl 74 toons (all 7* again) then the rest are from 35 to 70 varying from 3* to 7* (in total another 55 toons). So please tell me how am I doing it wrong when they wipe everyone else out when they have lvl 80 7* all lvl 10 and 11 gear, with power 8 and 9 k over mine?
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    Another day, another impossible GW. Didn't even get a turn off on node 12 and had two squads taken out
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    I gotta admit, i was having a hard time in GW lately and also lost a last node battle the other day that made me very angry, BUT, after that i got more careful and with more strategy towards it and since then, with 2 teams, the B team becoming a suicide squad in the last node of course, i've been able to beat it everyday with a few retreats indeed but completely doable.

    Maybe that's just me, but mine is providing a good challenge and even though the last node is (imo) completely insane, is still doable.

    Heard the devs made a reward update so i guess it's becoming more fair
  • Ghostrider1982
    219 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Hey guys, guess what I just got......

    I maxed out Node 12 with LVL15 Mods across the board, and not just LVL15 but all MK5 as in the !@$! GAME OVER

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    This is going to be ridiculous with MODS, just wait until you now face a final Node 11/12 with Modded out characters....If you thought it was bad now, just wait.

    Exactly my thoughts ! This update is cool but Op squad with mods is a game breaking update
    Mods that slightly change a character would've been nice , but actually it change an imp into a monster overpowered toon
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    Check this out for Node 12:







    Get used to this....
  • Pallax
    16 posts Member
    Thanks mods, yay - fml
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    I have a guy on my leaderboard that have Anakin at 100k hp and 100k protection
    I could send 5 toons vs that and will still lose
  • DaniB32
    196 posts Member
    I have 99% chance on visiting bespin in my lifetime, than ever beating gw again.
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    Mokkal wrote: »
    Quelle bande d'handicapé chez EA.
    Jesse, t'es un bon CM mais bouge toi le cul !

    Excusing your French
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
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    It is so screwed up. My node 6 is fully maxed out characters the. The next node is easy characters then the last node is the most maxed out characters I've seen in my life. I haven't been up to finish the last node since this stupid adjustment. How can't they get this right. It was prefect months ago but since the update that added protection they haven't been able to get it right since
  • Scourge194
    390 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    Will the AI squads have mods too? Surely not!
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
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    GW was never AI's squads from other yes they have mods.
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    So I've seen it mentioned that your particular GW difficulty might be related to the strength of your Arena squad. What if I fielded a ridiculously weak squad in one Arena battle before starting GW? Has anyone tried it?
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  • cmjstota
    69 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I did, i dont' think it's fielded off arena team strength, if it is it's fielded off the highest arena team you've ever had. It could be based off strength of top 5 heroes. Even so it's still broken, how can you have a 35000 either with arena team or top 5 and yet face a 40000 team at Node 12.
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    same here, last node maxed out team over 41k and full level 15 mod sets. I am around 34k and my whole roster cant even beat one of them. Thx alot EA
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