Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Day 3 of GW disaster. One GW failed at node 12, two completed by the skin of my toons's teeth. Nodes 6, 9, 11 and 12 remain to be a "highway to hell". Lot of my guild mates (and that's a top 200 guild) report they cannot pass 6, which means no GW tokens at all. This is not WAI, this is broken. Temporary mods spike increased GW difficulty which we, players, will not be able to undo for a long time. And good luck to advance without GW rewards.
    Seriously, EA, this has to be fixed ASAP.
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    Definition of futility


    1 - the quality or state of being futile : uselessness

    2 - a useless act or gesture <the futilities of debate for its own sake — W. A. White>


  • Slade
    15 posts Member
    I can tell people are in a state of exodus becausee my arena rank hasn't moved more than 10-10-15 numbers in two days and I'm only fighting 3 times to get the daily bonus. Before I would HAVE to fight 5x to stay in the top 100.
  • Slade
    15 posts Member
    oh and if no one else has mentioned it ... GW is the equivalent of prostate surgery being performed in a third world country by a doctor with huge hands and awful hang nails.
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    Mods were fixed/modified in hours after whales complained.
    GW is not modified since is fine for whales. They can fly through in auto burning squad after squad of fully maxed toons.
    EA state that the priority is a fun and long-lasting experience, which is a plain lie.
    As was a lie the reason to tweak GW difficulty: provide a challenge to test strategy.
    EA only reacts to money. I already reacted to that too.
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    GW is broken for most(?)players. We were duked into raising our arena teams once you eased the battle toughness. Then you pull the rug out. Nice. Now, almost half my guild can't finish GW. This is very annoying. Please find a solution soon or tell us you are not going to try so we can move on.
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    I don't even play it anymore. Haven't for about 4 days now. I open the first battle the retreat. Until it gets fixed which may be never, I'm not wasting my time anymore. I'll get credits elsewhere.
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    Got my very first character to gear level 9 today. My reward? Galactic war is now unbeatable at node 11 instead of at node 12. Can't advance without those credits.
    They fix this SOON or I will be gone.
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    I don't play GW anymore. It takes ENTIRELY too long to complete (and for the most part I CAN complete it) and it's not fun to be agrivated. Even with the credit bump, it simply is not worth several hours of my time. Which means my progression is slowing...which in turn is starting to make the game not worth my time.

    I've been playing since November. I used to enjoy this game. I used to stay up late for game reset, just because I couldn't wait to see how many FOTP shards I would get today. Or a toon would be hitting 7 stars. Now though........I play out of obligation. I feel like I have invested too much time to quit now. But I'm certainly not having fun anymore. Sooner or later it is going to dawn on me that games are supposed to be fun, even if you lose at them.

    I should be psyched, my FOTP finally got that last 100th shard for 7 stars! But here he sits at 6, because I simply no longer care enough to play GW to get enough credits to bump him.

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    Why is this thread still going? It's almost 3 weeks old and they've said they don't care that GW is ridiculously hard, frustrating, and not fun.
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    Why is this thread still going? It's almost 3 weeks old and they've said they don't care that GW is ridiculously hard, frustrating, and not fun.
    Definition of futility


    1 - the quality or state of being futile : uselessness

    2 - a useless act or gesture <the futilities of debate for its own sake — W. A. White>


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    It's supposed to be hard, not impossible.
    I am Darth Spartacus
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    GW is working EXACTLY as designed. If you are not winning, you are not spending enough. so quit complaining and go get your moms credit card and SPEND SPEND SPEND. That is the intended design of GW. So now you know the secret to win. GO WIN NOW!!
  • Daddyl
    46 posts Member
    GW suckkkkkkkks. Get it together EA - no amount of tuning can justify the grind and unpleasant push through this game portion. Not another penny into this game until you do.
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    Daddyl wrote: »
    GW suckkkkkkkks. Get it together EA - no amount of tuning can justify the grind and unpleasant push through this game portion. Not another penny into this game until you do.

    no pennies.. no winnies... simple.
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    Weekend At Bernie's - The Extended Remix
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    For the love make this a tad easier!!! I can make it to the last few nodes on fumes and then get obliterated by those teams. Make it easier to get to gear 10 if it's going to be this hard to defeat.
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    clhs wrote: »
    On node 9 today I faced a droid team with Jawa Engineer lead. It wiped out my B team (Ackbar, Leia, Lando, Lumi and IG88) and my C team (all the ewoks plus ST Han) and then I sent it my D team (Ima Gun Di, Sidious, Poggle, Phasma and Jedi Consular) who were all also wiped out. At this point I had only killed Jawa Engineer and one droid. So powerful and fully modded were this vile team that I lost 15 of my toons to 2 of theirs.

    This cannot be working as intended. f2p

    As a result I then had my backside served up to me on a silver platter in node 11. Again, another day with no hope of finishing GW, even though for the last fortnight I have avoided making any improvements to my A team and have instead been bringing up my B, C, D and even E team to deepen my roster.

    If this is working as intended then it does nothing but reinforce my ironclad view that I will never spend money on this game again. Fix GW and you will regain my custom.
    ArrrTwo wrote: »
    GW is working EXACTLY as designed. If you are not winning, you are not spending enough. so quit complaining and go get your moms credit card and SPEND SPEND SPEND. That is the intended design of GW. So now you know the secret to win. GO WIN NOW!!

    I am including my original quote, plus others to show maybe it is the way you are playing the GW is why you are not winning, I partial f2p and two full f2p accounts, I can beat it everyday, the only issue I run across is how long it takes. My two f2p accounts only have about 25 toons each though I have at least one teams worth of 7*'s, none above lvl 8 gear, but I go against meta teams with up to 10 and 11 gear and still win. Try the methods I state about to see if those work. Sometimes I have to throw in a really low squad at nodes 6 and/ or 9, but still win at the end. I have to agree with one thing, it does take way to long to complete since the changes and that needs to be fixed, that cannot be what was intended.
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    I have several complaints on here with GW and I have also been beating it here in the last few days. The only issue I still have is how long it freaking takes to finish it. I should take no more then 40 to 50 mins, but it takes closer to 3 to 5 hours. This is my complaint now. I have 60 some odd toons, most are lvl 30 to 55, with two top teams one lvl 75 team one lvl 74 team, only one geared in lvl 9 gear, the rest in 8 gear. Then I have 3 other back up teams that range from 59 to 70 lvl intermixed with 5, 6, and 7 star toons. My top two teams are all 7 *. Only one toon has any mods, my lvl 75 sidious that is also my only lvl 9 gear toon. Yet I can complete it. The biggest issue I see here is how most are saying they even play the final nodes. I use my A team only from nodes 1 -5, at 6 I run my B team, then back to A team from 7 thru 10. Then on node 11 I throw first a really low lvl squad, then one of my mid squads, The low lvl takes most of the big hits, the mid squad then usually kills 1 to two of their toons then I wipe it out with my b team. Node 12 I then start with my lowest squads and work up though my entire roster, usually end up killing it by B team and occasionally have to kill it with my A team, but I do complete it. Maybe working this method will help some of you.

    @EA_Jesse , @CG_JohnSalera : Please help with the time it takes to do this, where this method does work most of the time, it is overly time consuming and cannot be done everyday due to that time consumption. We need not only it to go by faster, but the credits to build our teams to work at higher lvls. I want to build my teams, but I need credits to do so, GW as you well know is the only true source for this. Please at least notice this post and give some type of response to what we are saying here, at least on how long it takes. Thank you.
    Quitting is the only solution, when the measly amount of credits you get from this boring mode is intentionally blocked by Salera wanting us to be facing full on overpowered whale squads with the likes of B2, Clones, etc on node 9.... Their answer is to increase the credits by a mouses fart. Oh then they make mods cost even more to level.

    Now I disagree with quitting is the only answer, as they did increase it by 100k (though I do agree with you it is not enough), but if you follow my comment about 5 comments up from yours I give an example of how to beat the GW completely, though it takes well too long (generally between 3 to 5 hours) and I believe they should do something to make it less time consuming. But I also do think they should add about another 150k to the total amount earned as well as adding lvl gear equal to your top 5 toons lvls and mods (at least 4 star blue and up) to GW reward boxes to make this increase in time and toughness fair.

    The example above is only one of my three accounts, which that one was p2p till about April (only about 30 dollars from dec to april a month plus a drop of about 600 around tax time and I only stopped paying out money as I was no longer able to due to personal reasons, not due to the game) but my other two accounts are totally f2p with about 25 toons each and the above method works for those as well.

    These seemed to have been cut out
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    Regularjoe wrote: »
    I don't play GW anymore. It takes ENTIRELY too long to complete (and for the most part I CAN complete it) and it's not fun to be agrivated. Even with the credit bump, it simply is not worth several hours of my time. Which means my progression is slowing...which in turn is starting to make the game not worth my time.

    I've been playing since November. I used to enjoy this game. I used to stay up late for game reset, just because I couldn't wait to see how many FOTP shards I would get today. Or a toon would be hitting 7 stars. Now though........I play out of obligation. I feel like I have invested too much time to quit now. But I'm certainly not having fun anymore. Sooner or later it is going to dawn on me that games are supposed to be fun, even if you lose at them.

    I should be psyched, my FOTP finally got that last 100th shard for 7 stars! But here he sits at 6, because I simply no longer care enough to play GW to get enough credits to bump him.

    Same boat here, I can complete it, but takes way to long to do so. Three to five hours is too much time to spend on a mobile game a day.

    @EA_Jesse , @CG_JohnSalera
  • ArrrTwo
    11 posts Member
    Are you angry about GW? Are you mad and frustrated? MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. thats what ea/cg wants. they could not care less if you succeed as long as you are angry, frustrated and generally upset. that is what they want, that is what they are getting. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    clhs wrote: »
    On node 9 today I faced a droid team with Jawa Engineer lead. It wiped out my B team (Ackbar, Leia, Lando, Lumi and IG88) and my C team (all the ewoks plus ST Han) and then I sent it my D team (Ima Gun Di, Sidious, Poggle, Phasma and Jedi Consular) who were all also wiped out. At this point I had only killed Jawa Engineer and one droid. So powerful and fully modded were this vile team that I lost 15 of my toons to 2 of theirs.

    This cannot be working as intended. f2p

    As a result I then had my backside served up to me on a silver platter in node 11. Again, another day with no hope of finishing GW, even though for the last fortnight I have avoided making any improvements to my A team and have instead been bringing up my B, C, D and even E team to deepen my roster.

    If this is working as intended then it does nothing but reinforce my ironclad view that I will never spend money on this game again. Fix GW and you will regain my custom.
    ArrrTwo wrote: »
    GW is working EXACTLY as designed. If you are not winning, you are not spending enough. so quit complaining and go get your moms credit card and SPEND SPEND SPEND. That is the intended design of GW. So now you know the secret to win. GO WIN NOW!!

    I am including my original quote, plus others to show maybe it is the way you are playing the GW is why you are not winning, I partial f2p and two full f2p accounts, I can beat it everyday, the only issue I run across is how long it takes. My two f2p accounts only have about 25 toons each though I have at least one teams worth of 7*'s, none above lvl 8 gear, but I go against meta teams with up to 10 and 11 gear and still win. Try the methods I state about to see if those work. Sometimes I have to throw in a really low squad at nodes 6 and/ or 9, but still win at the end. I have to agree with one thing, it does take way to long to complete since the changes and that needs to be fixed, that cannot be what was intended.

    appreciate the effort, Lamma, but you forgot the part about building a time machine so we can go back to where you are now, power-wise.

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    I loved how Jesse was annoyed when he said that the Gw will not change. 2.5K comments. The vast majority negative. GW is broken, not worth it and is an absolute steaming pile of garbage yet the continue to ignore it. The changes to GW made me stop making any in game purchases.
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    KonaEhukai wrote: »
    I loved how Jesse was annoyed when he said that the Gw will not change. 2.5K comments. The vast majority negative. GW is broken, not worth it and is an absolute steaming pile of garbage yet the continue to ignore it. The changes to GW made me stop making any in game purchases.

    he'll point to the 3 people out of 2.5k who claim to complete GW each day, np, as empirical evidence and then follow it up with a reminder about how we should recognize his awesomeness for that time they tweaked JKA.
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    dough wrote: »
    clhs wrote: »
    On node 9 today I faced a droid team with Jawa Engineer lead. It wiped out my B team (Ackbar, Leia, Lando, Lumi and IG88) and my C team (all the ewoks plus ST Han) and then I sent it my D team (Ima Gun Di, Sidious, Poggle, Phasma and Jedi Consular) who were all also wiped out. At this point I had only killed Jawa Engineer and one droid. So powerful and fully modded were this vile team that I lost 15 of my toons to 2 of theirs.

    This cannot be working as intended. f2p

    As a result I then had my backside served up to me on a silver platter in node 11. Again, another day with no hope of finishing GW, even though for the last fortnight I have avoided making any improvements to my A team and have instead been bringing up my B, C, D and even E team to deepen my roster.

    If this is working as intended then it does nothing but reinforce my ironclad view that I will never spend money on this game again. Fix GW and you will regain my custom.
    ArrrTwo wrote: »
    GW is working EXACTLY as designed. If you are not winning, you are not spending enough. so quit complaining and go get your moms credit card and SPEND SPEND SPEND. That is the intended design of GW. So now you know the secret to win. GO WIN NOW!!

    I am including my original quote, plus others to show maybe it is the way you are playing the GW is why you are not winning, I partial f2p and two full f2p accounts, I can beat it everyday, the only issue I run across is how long it takes. My two f2p accounts only have about 25 toons each though I have at least one teams worth of 7*'s, none above lvl 8 gear, but I go against meta teams with up to 10 and 11 gear and still win. Try the methods I state about to see if those work. Sometimes I have to throw in a really low squad at nodes 6 and/ or 9, but still win at the end. I have to agree with one thing, it does take way to long to complete since the changes and that needs to be fixed, that cannot be what was intended.

    appreciate the effort, Lamma, but you forgot the part about building a time machine so we can go back to where you are now, power-wise.

    Lol, good call I guess, but then again, I focused on the GW back before the June 15 updates to have at least 5 squads around the same lvl and power ( which still has not happened and I am still working on), though two of the accounts are lvl 80 and one lvl 78, my highest lvl people are about 75 to 76 in all the accounts. Power wise my main account is only about 30k, my second 80 account is 29k and my third is 27k, so not that low. Though in Arena I usually rank between the 300's to 500's range.
    The main thing is I see is a lot of people going about attacking the highest nodes with their A teams first rather then the weakest teams to soften them up then working up from there, that will help a lot to accomplishing the GW. Only thing not helping is how long it takes using this method, that is where they really need to work on tweaking the matching scheme, adding more rewards like equal lvl gear (even raid gear), mods (not one and two stars, but 4 to 6 star mods blue and up) as well as about another 150k in credits spread out in the GW.
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    dough wrote: »
    clhs wrote: »
    On node 9 today I faced a droid team with Jawa Engineer lead. It wiped out my B team (Ackbar, Leia, Lando, Lumi and IG88) and my C team (all the ewoks plus ST Han) and then I sent it my D team (Ima Gun Di, Sidious, Poggle, Phasma and Jedi Consular) who were all also wiped out. At this point I had only killed Jawa Engineer and one droid. So powerful and fully modded were this vile team that I lost 15 of my toons to 2 of theirs.

    This cannot be working as intended. f2p

    As a result I then had my backside served up to me on a silver platter in node 11. Again, another day with no hope of finishing GW, even though for the last fortnight I have avoided making any improvements to my A team and have instead been bringing up my B, C, D and even E team to deepen my roster.

    If this is working as intended then it does nothing but reinforce my ironclad view that I will never spend money on this game again. Fix GW and you will regain my custom.
    ArrrTwo wrote: »
    GW is working EXACTLY as designed. If you are not winning, you are not spending enough. so quit complaining and go get your moms credit card and SPEND SPEND SPEND. That is the intended design of GW. So now you know the secret to win. GO WIN NOW!!

    I am including my original quote, plus others to show maybe it is the way you are playing the GW is why you are not winning, I partial f2p and two full f2p accounts, I can beat it everyday, the only issue I run across is how long it takes. My two f2p accounts only have about 25 toons each though I have at least one teams worth of 7*'s, none above lvl 8 gear, but I go against meta teams with up to 10 and 11 gear and still win. Try the methods I state about to see if those work. Sometimes I have to throw in a really low squad at nodes 6 and/ or 9, but still win at the end. I have to agree with one thing, it does take way to long to complete since the changes and that needs to be fixed, that cannot be what was intended.

    appreciate the effort, Lamma, but you forgot the part about building a time machine so we can go back to where you are now, power-wise.

    Lol, good call I guess, but then again, I focused on the GW back before the June 15 updates to have at least 5 squads around the same lvl and power ( which still has not happened and I am still working on), though two of the accounts are lvl 80 and one lvl 78, my highest lvl people are about 75 to 76 in all the accounts. Power wise my main account is only about 30k, my second 80 account is 29k and my third is 27k, so not that low. Though in Arena I usually rank between the 300's to 500's range.
    The main thing is I see is a lot of people going about attacking the highest nodes with their A teams first rather then the weakest teams to soften them up then working up from there, that will help a lot to accomplishing the GW. Only thing not helping is how long it takes using this method, that is where they really need to work on tweaking the matching scheme, adding more rewards like equal lvl gear (even raid gear), mods (not one and two stars, but 4 to 6 star mods blue and up) as well as about another 150k in credits spread out in the GW.

    i'm not super OP but lvl 80, Arena power is around 38k... and fwiw, i've tried every trick in the book, i can get past node 6 and even node 9 but by 10 i'm spent and then we've entered JKG/CUP territory = (
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    2 of the last 3 i couldn't finish node 6 was rough but node 12 impossible. Facing gear 10 with 5* mods equipped. Last gw node11 was a gear 10 with 5 star mods. Then node 12 only 1 and 3 mod stars.
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    Are supposed have 50 lvl 80 chars at gear 10 to do galatic wars?
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    That really isn't censored?
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
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    While this post continues to be ignored, could you also tell me why out of 36 attempts at light 8G normal I got only 2 cuff shards? That's REALLY bad drops...
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
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