Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • xXXN0ig31XXx
    26 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Quitting is the only solution, when the measly amount of credits you get from this boring mode is intentionally blocked by Salera wanting us to be facing full on overpowered whale squads with the likes of B2, Clones, etc on node 9.... Their answer is to increase the credits by a mouses fart. Oh then they make mods cost even more to level.

    Now I disagree with quitting is the only answer, as they did increase it by 100k (though I do agree with you it is not enough), but if you follow my comment about 5 comments up from yours I give an example of how to beat the GW completely, though it takes well too long (generally between 3 to 5 hours) and I believe they should do something to make it less time consuming. But I also do think they should add about another 150k to the total amount earned as well as adding lvl gear equal to your top 5 toons lvls and mods (at least 4 star blue and up) to GW reward boxes to make this increase in time and toughness fair.

    The example above is only one of my three accounts, which that one was p2p till about April (only about 30 dollars from dec to april a month plus a drop of about 600 around tax time and I only stopped paying out money as I was no longer able to due to personal reasons, not due to the game) but my other two accounts are totally f2p with about 25 toons each and the above method works for those as well.

    Also I did not notice a real increase to the cost to lvl the mods, but maybe because I did not try to till after they already changed it.
  • Tanuki
    136 posts Member
    Why is it almost always the same exact teams toward the end? Ridiculous difficulty with a cookie cutter mold. Where is general grievous? Or other characters we never see? If you only have to have 5 characters in the game to be dominant probably not a very balanced system. I feel they should unmod the gw teams you play against but let you use yours. Or maybe no mods altogether. Ps, don't care if they stealth tweaked it but it still was undesired and also seems like the fastest they ever have changed anything from alleged feedback. Seems like the plan all along
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    My A B C teams couldn't finish the 11 nod. ):
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    At what power does your top 5 toons have to be before GW gets stupidly hard?
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    Add me to the list. Node 12 is no longer worth trying until something is done. Please just let us know if GW will be adjusted or not.
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    My A B C teams couldn't finish the 11 nod. ):

    Maybe it was the way you were attempting to go at them. Try with your lowest team first on node 11 and then maybe your c or d team, then your A team should be able to finish node 11, then on 12 start with your lowest that is still alive and then go thru each lowest team till you have just your B and A teams left, B team should finish it, and if not you should only have 1 to 2 of their toons left for your A team to dominate.

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    Mullato wrote: »
    At what power does your top 5 toons have to be before GW gets **** hard?

    My A team is only about 30k, but with my methods I described further up, I beat up to 38k+ teams. I do not really look at what they have any more, I just take them out. It just takes way to long to do it imo.
  • Heina
    110 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I can breezily finish it with my main account but with my droids account 9,10,11 is horrifying,
    node 12 is nearly impossible,
    i beat it yesterday for the first time since intro to mods,
    but today no
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    Mullato wrote: »
    At what power does your top 5 toons have to be before GW gets **** hard?

    My A team is only about 30k, but with my methods I described further up, I beat up to 38k+ teams. I do not really look at what they have any more, I just take them out. It just takes way to long to do it imo.

    Yeah my arena team is around 30k. I usually make it thru with 1 or 2 deaths and No suicide squads just 1 team and 2 subs.

    Lumi L, Rey, QGJ, GS, phasma. (Sub in Ben & STH )
  • vessaharja
    585 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    A question:
    I got my full roster wiped in GW and then when I came back to GW 8 hours later, the team at the node that had me wiped had changed to a significantly easier team. What's up with this? Can I somehow anticipate if the opponent at a node changes over time?
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    ok, you basked long enough in the afterglow of retooling JKA, fix this... i guess you need some e-begging?
  • BlazeSA
    134 posts Member
    For me the issue is that instead of creating new and better challenges, they ruined something that could be enjoyable.

    For example, they could have made Mod challenges hard & challenging.
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    dough wrote: »
    ok, you basked long enough in the afterglow of retooling JKA, fix this... i guess you need some e-begging?

    Was this an answer to my question? I can make no sense of if...

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    BlazeSA wrote: »
    For me the issue is that instead of creating new and better challenges, they ruined something that could be enjoyable.

    For example, they could have made Mod challenges hard & challenging.

    They could even add mods to them! I just did 6 without any mod drop.
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    Mullato wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    At what power does your top 5 toons have to be before GW gets **** hard?

    My A team is only about 30k, but with my methods I described further up, I beat up to 38k+ teams. I do not really look at what they have any more, I just take them out. It just takes way to long to do it imo.

    Yeah my arena team is around 30k. I usually make it thru with 1 or 2 deaths and No suicide squads just 1 team and 2 subs.

    Lumi L, Rey, QGJ, GS, phasma. (Sub in Ben & STH )

    Just wait. When you're staring down a Rey RG Daka meta that is fully leveled, geared, and modded 3-4 matches per GW, that Lumi team is toast. I have multiple meta teams and end up throwing my top three squads at the last node to no effect. GW needs some serious balancing, stat.
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    Yadda_123 wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    At what power does your top 5 toons have to be before GW gets **** hard?

    My A team is only about 30k, but with my methods I described further up, I beat up to 38k+ teams. I do not really look at what they have any more, I just take them out. It just takes way to long to do it imo.

    Yeah my arena team is around 30k. I usually make it thru with 1 or 2 deaths and No suicide squads just 1 team and 2 subs.

    Lumi L, Rey, QGJ, GS, phasma. (Sub in Ben & STH )

    Just wait. When you're staring down a Rey RG Daka meta that is fully leveled, geared, and modded 3-4 matches per GW, that Lumi team is toast. I have multiple meta teams and end up throwing my top three squads at the last node to no effect. GW needs some serious balancing, stat.

    Same. I just retreated node 6 a total of 13 times before saying F it, and lost RG. This is definitely working as intended...
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    vessaharja wrote: »
    dough wrote: »
    ok, you basked long enough in the afterglow of retooling JKA, fix this... i guess you need some e-begging?

    Was this an answer to my question? I can make no sense of if...

    it was not. it's not all about you.
  • clhs
    195 posts Member
    On node 9 today I faced a droid team with Jawa Engineer lead. It wiped out my B team (Ackbar, Leia, Lando, Lumi and IG88) and my C team (all the ewoks plus ST Han) and then I sent it my D team (Ima Gun Di, Sidious, Poggle, Phasma and Jedi Consular) who were all also wiped out. At this point I had only killed Jawa Engineer and one droid. So powerful and fully modded were this vile team that I lost 15 of my toons to 2 of theirs.

    This cannot be working as intended.

    As a result I then had my backside served up to me on a silver platter in node 11. Again, another day with no hope of finishing GW, even though for the last fortnight I have avoided making any improvements to my A team and have instead been bringing up my B, C, D and even E team to deepen my roster.

    If this is working as intended then it does nothing but reinforce my ironclad view that I will never spend money on this game again. Fix GW and you will regain my custom.
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    The problem with GW (one of many) is that is based upon arena squad power and position. To make it fair (not that is the goal of the company) should be based upon each player rooster power.
    Some people can finish it without problems, mainly whales. Many others found it next to impossible, due to lack of a deep bench. For players with 50+ toons, 20+ maxed, is doable everyday. Since big spenders do not find it a problem, the company is not really concerned in balancing GW.
    If based upon that rooster, those big spenders would face 10-12 consecutive fully maxed nodes (instead of 4 or 5), and would provide a more intense challenge, and not doable in auto.
    EA is forcing people to invest in many more maxed toons, not just the arena squad. And, obviously, to try to maximize benefits, not to provide a balanced and fun challenge.
    Myself, I have been able to complete it (not systematically), but just because sometimes RNG smile upon me, and I had enough leveled toons. It was a pain, not fun, and I did not find at any moment it was an enjoyable challenge designed to hone/prove my skills or strategy ability.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    The problem is, they lowered our chars power several times, but did NOT adjust/scaled down our Max Arena Power ... so for fact, we face Teams in GW as we would have a 2.5k higher arena team ... They dont think about consequences while updating game basics ... too bad ...
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • Xyon
    38 posts Member
    83 pages and counting and no official response...
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    Xyon wrote: »
    83 pages and counting and no official response...

    They are all on a European Vacation. Look kids Big Ben!
  • Galoopa
    123 posts Member
    Starting to see the knock on effects of people leaving, I'm bumping into teams in PvP that a week ago would have been much higher in the ranks than they are now, looks like they are slowly falling back without being played.
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    Personally for me, GW has got ridiculous now. I am level 76. Most of my chars I use are between lvl 71 and lvl 73 - gear 7 or 8, because I simply can't afford to keep them all trained up and keep up with all the different events (Yoda, Raid, GW, Arena, Dark and Light battles).

    The late nodes are challenging and mean I have to switch chars out and use different strategies, including some suicide squads. And I then regularly hit a team of 7* level 80s on node 12, which given previous losses is simply not possible to complete.

    Are we now supposed to have fully modded characters as well in order to progress?
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    Still haven't failed GW in the past 4 months so it's all the same to me really.
  • DrGreenlungs_420
    38 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    When can we get the money spent achievement that's what EA wants so can we get the new achievement. Or fix the problems the only way u can get them to respond is to insult them and then their like no your hurting my feelings so I'm gonna warn u to stop. Well when r u guys gonna listen and fix the problem with the gw and all will be forgotten the posts will stop and u can go back to thinking of ways to bleed people for money. Come on enough is enough!
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    Hour and a half on node 9. Trying all kinds of teams, successful at times but must retreat because Dodge meta kicks in and no matter who the last toon is dodges a team and a half of attacks, while single handedly taking out 3 or 4 of mine. If they only manage to take out one, it's the one I need for the final nodes. This is what is so frustrating about this mode.
  • VisualDemons
    9 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    STOP SPENDING MONEY! EA only cares about money so if we stop sending them money for what is clearly a broken product then maybe they will listen to what their consumers are telling them. I have stopped wasting my time trying to complete GW. It's pointless. I go as far as I can and as soon as I run into the fully maxed team I no know I can't beat I stop. Show EA your displeasure! Stop feeding the pig! Give them a bad rating in Google play and Apple stores! MAKE THEM TAKE NOTICE! BOYCOTT SPENDING! #FIXGALATICWAR
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    They do realize we are customers right? I have never played a game where the devs just...tune us out? Are they even listening? Is anyone reading this?
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    Xyon wrote: »
    83 pages and counting and no official response...

    They are all on a European Vacation. Look kids Big Ben!

    ...and Parliment.
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