It's a shame developers have said nothing


  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    Parableman wrote: »
    I don't get it. They made the mods OP. They fixed a whole bunch of things and then said outright that they needed to let the changes they made run for a while to see how they go. Then you complain that they're letting things run for a while to see how they go, and you're acting like they promised the opposite of what they said? What would they be posting about when they said they wouldn't be? Very weird. Be glad they fixed so much over the weekend. Nearly everything they did was really, really good. They fixed the tenacity bug in the raid. They took mods way down so they're much more like other ways to affect character development instead of dominating. GW is more doable than it was a few days ago, even if it's still too hard on the last node or two. Mods are no longer trumping character stats and are now allowing gear and base stats still to play a role. They did say they were interested in making more changes, but they also said they were going to see how these changes played out first, and that didn't seem like a day or two but maybe a week or more. So why are you expecting anything at all other than what they said, which was to watch how things go for a while?

    Ok so they made some changes and said they would sit back and see how it played out (I never saw that post, but I'll take your word for it).
    In the interim, there have been hundreds/thousands of posts detailing exactly what is still wrong. They have had several days worth of data to back up or refute those suggestions. Now is the time to speak up and give us *something* in the way of comnunication. An idea of what they are looking to fix. An acknowledgement that there are still some issues that they will look to fix. Something. I've been around her for several months and the one constant complaint in all that time has been about the lack of communication.

    In the meantime, people are getting frustrated with the issues not being addressed, not being acknowledged, not being spoken to. Some of those people seem to be resorting to alternate means to get their point across (the "R" word) or just plain giving up on the game. Many others are showing their displeasure through their ratings of the game and by altering their spending habits.
    I really believe that most people playing this game are adults and are reasonable, all they want is some acknowledgement that their voices are being heard. Yes, every dev comment is going to result in a certain amount of negativity from a very vocal minority, but the rest of us appreciate it.
  • Stuwart
    137 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Totally agree, but their strategy seems to always be release new content. Realize it gives too much and two days later take it away and collect all the cash and wait out the storm
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    You go into a restaurant and order a steak for dinner. Now this restaurant is a bit different in that they make you pay up front for your meal, and your only indication of what you're ordering is from the description on the menu. So you place your order and pay for it. Then your server brings your meal, and places the steak AND lobster in front of you, with all the trimmings. You decide that the meal was a good deal, and you decide to order even more, to go. And blow all your money on food at this restaurant for the next two days.

    Then two days later, the restaurant comes to your house, takes all the food you paid for, and replaces it with Bologna sandwhiches. And tells you that if you want to eat again, you will have to pay 200-300% more for the Bologna sandwhiches than you did for the steak dinner. And they will no longer put steak dinners on their menu expect for 0.06% of the time.

    But not only do they not even thank you for all the money you spent during those two days on your steak, or offer you a refund when they took your steak away and switched it with Bologna, but they tell you that they'll be "monitoring" things for "a while" (nice, vague term) to determine if anything might need to be changed again.
    The problem with this analogy is twofold
    First off... let's take the steak and lobster. Yes mods were more powerful. So powerful that everyone had to have them. So in that sense yes, they're steak and lobster. Food. Absolutely essential and worth every penny. The problem? They're still powerful, and everyone still needs to eat. So if bologna is the only thing on the menu, everyone is going to eat bologna. If the game stays the way it is now, and there's no reason to think that it won't, then "you decide that the meal was a good deal and decide to buy more" is not going to change after the lobster magically turned into bologna. You will still buy it. There is no decision, really. You want to continue in the game, you WILL buy mods. Whether they are bologna or steak.

    Secondly, they stated that they were making undisclosed changes to mods, which would be known/implemented after another day or two of testing. So you could have waited one or two days, if you had chosen to.

    You want a thank you for the resources you spent on mods? Ok, thanks, dude. You're amazing. Good job. For doing what anyone would have done, if they had the resources available at the time. Most players would like to go back and buy more of these bologna sandwiches at the introductory false-advertising lobster/steak rate.

    How much did YOU spend? And would you like a complete refund? And to give all your mods back? And farm them over again? Please state exactly what is YOUR issue, not other people did this or that? What did YOU spend? What is YOUR loss? And what is the resolution that would work for YOU, personally. If EA could take care of you on an individual basis?

  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    I have to admit, after last week, I'm a little surprised there isn't more communication. Even if they say the issue is resolved save for troubleshooting at least they're saying something. Although I do recall @EA_Jesse saying there would be more work this week though idr if a release was on the table. It would be a shame if, after all this, the value of preemptive communication and, more importantly, discussion is ignored.

    Clearly not everything is up for debate but it should be obvious that engaging the community and establishing real dialog rather than simple announcements would go a long way towards a happier (and therefore more profitable) player base.
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    I do think they are just kinda in a tizzy on what to do. There's prob some debating going on within the team. I think they are unsure so taking their time. They really messed up. A lot of the popular YouTube players are done playing I mean this cg team really messed up bad
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    Maybe they are looking for new jobs. Maybe half of their "guild" left and now they have to hire new people
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    It's EA guys. . . We have history. Remember being voted as the worst company ever? Never believed that until I had an encounter with their customer support for losing 75+ leia shards due to a bug. . And their overall lack of response here.
  • Kolt7
    7 posts Member
    My frustration is I emailed EA about the issue. They responded quickly sating that they are aware of the problem and that they are working on compensation, and that no refunds will be givin. They said I should here from the developers soon. So what is soon? It has been over 72 hours from that response and still crickets. I respond back to EA and get a response back with my displeasure on no communication and their response is to give me the address of there legal department and directed my communication there.

    So long story short I'm to the point I expect no response whatsoever.
  • Options
    Maybe they are looking for new jobs. Maybe half of their "guild" left and now they have to hire new people

    Ha rage quitting devs
    | ANZGC | Exile |
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    It's a complicated issue. Who has been hurt? How do you quantify it?

    I hear one guy complaining he rolled for speed and potency mods, and now wants a refund because they're worthless. Myself, and many others, think speed and potency mods are probably the best ones?!?

    I don't understand the complete scope of damage, because I did not spend 400 dollars buying mods on day one. I don't understand the motivation of that person, what they expected to achieve, nor how the changes destroy that, completely. And w/e damage these whalers experienced, I don't see how that affects the other 99% of players.

    I don't understand the damage that was done to free players, either. I spent 2/3 of my credits on mods, and I wish I had spent more!?

    I don't understand the problem with Arena or GW. My arena ranking went up a little. And is sliding back, now that other people are modding up. And it's essentially unchanged. GW difficulty went up a bit. I modded up more of my toons. It's easy as ever.

    Can you share your own personal experience? What damage was done to you? What did you spend? What do you want for compensation? What is the PROBLEM. For you, specifically?

    We got screwed. We got shafted. We were wronged. I keep hearing this and I do not feel like I am part of it. I'd rather read posts that say start with "I," so I can understand what the heck the uproar is all about.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Just stop. We could break it all down into bite size portions and you still wouldn't understand.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    You go into a restaurant and order a steak for dinner. Now this restaurant is a bit different in that they make you pay up front for your meal, and your only indication of what you're ordering is from the description on the menu. So you place your order and pay for it. Then your server brings your meal, and places the steak AND lobster in front of you, with all the trimmings. You decide that the meal was a good deal, and you decide to order even more, to go. And blow all your money on food at this restaurant for the next two days.

    Then two days later, the restaurant comes to your house, takes all the food you paid for, and replaces it with Bologna sandwhiches. And tells you that if you want to eat again, you will have to pay 200-300% more for the Bologna sandwhiches than you did for the steak dinner. And they will no longer put steak dinners on their menu expect for 0.06% of the time.

    But not only do they not even thank you for all the money you spent during those two days on your steak, or offer you a refund when they took your steak away and switched it with Bologna, but they tell you that they'll be "monitoring" things for "a while" (nice, vague term) to determine if anything might need to be changed again.
    The problem with this analogy is twofold
    First off... let's take the steak and lobster. Yes mods were more powerful. So powerful that everyone had to have them. So in that sense yes, they're steak and lobster. Food. Absolutely essential and worth every penny. The problem? They're still powerful, and everyone still needs to eat. 1) So if bologna is the only thing on the menu, everyone is going to eat bologna. If the game stays the way it is now, and there's no reason to think that it won't, then "you decide that the meal was a good deal and decide to buy more" is not going to change after the lobster magically turned into bologna. You will still buy it. There is no decision, really. You want to continue in the game, you WILL buy mods. Whether they are bologna or steak.

    2) Secondly, they stated that they were making undisclosed changes to mods, which would be known/implemented after another day or two of testing. So you could have waited one or two days, if you had chosen to.

    You want a thank you for the resources you spent on mods? Ok, thanks, dude. You're amazing. Good job. For doing what anyone would have done, if they had the resources available at the time. Most players would like to go back and buy more of these bologna sandwiches at the introductory false-advertising lobster/steak rate.

    3) How much did YOU spend? And would you like a complete refund? And to give all your mods back? And farm them over again? Please state exactly what is YOUR issue, not other people did this or that? What did YOU spend? What is YOUR loss? And what is the resolution that would work for YOU, personally. If EA could take care of you on an individual basis?

    1) Wrong. Pure and simple. I base my purchase descisions on the actual item I am buying, and if I decide that the item the merchant is offering is worth the price they are asking for it, I buy it.

    I do NOT place the same value on steak that I do on Bologna. I will NOT pay the same price for Bologna that I will pay for steak. In fact, significantly less. If I value steak at $10 a pound, and Bologna at $0.99 a pound, I WILL NOT accept a pound of Bologna when I have PAID for a pound of steak, just because the merchant decides that they do not want to sell steak anymore and ONLY sell Bologna. But some posters here in this forum recently seem to think that I should, AND that I should be saying, "Thank you, may I have another?"

    Additionally, your rather imperious declaration of "if you want to keep playing, you WILL buy mods" is almost laughable... You know why? Because I have already decided that I will NOT continue playing. I uninstalled this game yesterday, but continue to monitor the forums to see if any resolution will be forthcoming, or any significant changes will be made as a result of this debacle. I quit playing because I will NOT support a game that uses bait and switch tactics. I do not value the nerfed mods I was left with at the same level as I valued the currency I used to purchase the original ones and upgrade them at the time I bought them.

    2). Another straw-man argument. I had already purchased my mods by the time it was announced that they would be "making modifications" to them. I had already paid for an item, as it was described at the time I bought it, for the price that was being asked. I was paying for steak at the time, and I was being offered steak at the time I bought it. If I had known that they were going to COMPLETELY change the items I was buying AT THE TIME I BOUGHT THEM, I would have waited, guaranteed.

    You are also assuming that EVERYONE is a daily reader of the forums, maybe even implying that they are reading the forums several times a day. You know what? I had visited the forums maybe ONCE before July 15. And that was just to see if a turn meter issue I was experiencing in raids was a known problem or not.

    3). Unfortunately for you, that's really none of your business. THAT is between EA and myself, and will be resolved outside of these forums.

    I have stated multiple times EXACTLY what my issue is. If you have the capacity to learn, you will understand it. ;)
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    The reason there has been no comment is most likely because this is the first time they have seen a huge dip in their revenue. Most likely answering to the higher ups why they are only making 100 grand vs 1million a day as before.
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    The reason there has been no comment is most likely because this is the first time they have seen a huge dip in their revenue. Most likely answering to the higher ups why they are only making 100 grand vs 1million a day as before.

    And the longer they wait to address the players, the more the revenues fall...
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    As someone else mentioned... this is EA. EA has a history of playing the money ripoff. Real Racing 3 is a good example.
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    kello_511 wrote: »
    The reason there has been no comment is most likely because this is the first time they have seen a huge dip in their revenue. Most likely answering to the higher ups why they are only making 100 grand vs 1million a day as before.

    And the longer they wait to address the players, the more the revenues fall...

    It's funny you say that because this morning it was at 100k it's actually sitting at ~70k which means even less people are spending money
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I do NOT place the same value on steak that I do on Bologna. I will NOT pay the same price for Bologna that I will pay for steak. In fact, significantly less. If I value steak at $10 a pound, and Bologna at $0.99 a pound, I WILL NOT accept a pound of Bologna when I have PAID for a pound of steak, just because the merchant decides that they do not want to sell steak anymore and ONLY sell Bologna. But some posters here in this forum recently seem to think that I should, AND that I should be saying, "Thank you, may I have another?"
    But.. if they were selling steak and lobster for 10 cents a plate, and now it's a bolgna sandwich, it's a good deal, still. I understand if you do not want to play anymore, since this is just another grind. But that's what it was even when it was lobster. Eating lobster doesn't mean anything when that's all you have choice of.. and everyone else is also getting lobster. The value is not in "Oooh, I have lobster." The value is that the lobster makes your toons better. Since everyone is eating lobster, it doesn't make your toons better than anyone elses. Anymore than bologna does.
    Additionally, your rather imperious declaration of "if you want to keep playing, you WILL buy mods" is almost laughable... You know why? Because I have already decided that I will NOT continue playing.
    So... you're saying I am correct! Thanks.
    I have stated multiple times EXACTLY what my issue is. If you have the capacity to learn, you will understand it. ;)
    Apparently, you haven't. Because...
    3). Unfortunately for you, that's really none of your business. THAT is between EA and myself, and will be resolved outside of these forums.
    So, you have maybe stated "our problem," not your personal issue. With your lobster analogy. I have already shown why is it not valid. And why your two claims counterattack each other. And do not necessarily hurt anyone.

    As someone who already quit, you do not care to make the game better. That's fine. Let it burn! I'm sorry you spent money into a game and thought you were buying it.

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    After a bunch of people got a bunch of 5* mods with guaranteed drops, NOTHING short of removing drop rates and the lower * mods from tier III challenges is acceptable. And lowering the leveling cost to what it was originally.


    Refunding our credits on mods we leveled before they were nerfed, setting them back to level 1 so we can make decisions based on the new stats.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera

    And let's not forget the GW that you made impossible for a lot of people so they can't even pay for your overpriced mods if they wanted to.
  • Options
    LastJedi wrote: »
    I do NOT place the same value on steak that I do on Bologna. I will NOT pay the same price for Bologna that I will pay for steak. In fact, significantly less. If I value steak at $10 a pound, and Bologna at $0.99 a pound, I WILL NOT accept a pound of Bologna when I have PAID for a pound of steak, just because the merchant decides that they do not want to sell steak anymore and ONLY sell Bologna. But some posters here in this forum recently seem to think that I should, AND that I should be saying, "Thank you, may I have another?"
    But.. if they were selling steak and lobster for 10 cents a plate, and now it's a bolgna sandwich, it's a good deal, still. I understand if you do not want to play anymore, since this is just another grind. But that's what it was even when it was lobster. Eating lobster doesn't mean anything when that's all you have choice of.. and everyone else is also getting lobster. The value is not in "Oooh, I have lobster." The value is that the lobster makes your toons better. Since everyone is eating lobster, it doesn't make your toons better than anyone elses. Anymore than bologna does.
    Additionally, your rather imperious declaration of "if you want to keep playing, you WILL buy mods" is almost laughable... You know why? Because I have already decided that I will NOT continue playing.
    So... you're saying I am correct! Thanks.
    I have stated multiple times EXACTLY what my issue is. If you have the capacity to learn, you will understand it. ;)
    Apparently, you haven't. Because...
    3). Unfortunately for you, that's really none of your business. THAT is between EA and myself, and will be resolved outside of these forums.
    So, you are stated "our problem" not your personal issue. With your lobster analogy. I have already shown why is it not valid. And why your two claims counterattack each other. And do not necessarily hurt anyone.

    But I like calamari
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    LastJedi wrote: »

    I do NOT place the same value on steak that I do on Bologna. I will NOT pay the same price for Bologna that I will pay for steak. In fact, significantly less. If I value steak at $10 a pound, and Bologna at $0.99 a pound, I WILL NOT accept a pound of Bologna when I have PAID for a pound of steak, just because the merchant decides that they do not want to sell steak anymore and ONLY sell Bologna. But some posters here in this forum recently seem to think that I should, AND that I should be saying, "Thank you, may I have another?"

    This sums it up. You value steak at $10 a pound and Bologna at $0.99 a pound.
    When you saw steak for sale at $5.00 a pound, you bought lots of it. You spent double (or triple, quadruple, etc.) your normal food budget to fill your freezer because it was such a good deal in your eyes.
    Then while you were sleeping they removed the steak from your freezer and replaced it with Bologna. But not to worry, because they sell Bologna for only $8.00 a pound, so they refunded you the $2.00/pound difference. The fact that you value that Bologna at only $0.99 a pound and would not have spent your paycheque on a freezer full doesn't matter, you're stuck with that $8.00 Bologna now.
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    I don't find the Mod 2.0 implementation to be game breaking like the first one was. It's just more of a face plant at this point. Credits and GW are still issues though. I won't spend anymore money in the short term because I fear it will get negated.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    I don't find the Mod 2.0 implementation to be game breaking like the first one was. It's just more of a face plant at this point. Credits and GW are still issues though. I won't spend anymore money in the short term because I fear it will get negated.

    Before, all the mods were very powerful. Now, post nerf, only a few are. The RNG nature of this determines who gets said mods. I find the new mods far more unbalancing in arena than the old ones. Those who have struck gold and gotten five star speed mods for a few characters now rule the shard until the rest of us can get lucky.
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  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This sums it up. You value steak at $10 a pound and Bologna at $0.99 a pound.
    When you saw steak for sale at $5.00 a pound, you bought lots of it. You spent double (or triple, quadruple, etc.) your normal food budget to fill your freezer because it was such a good deal in your eyes.
    Then while you were sleeping they removed the steak from your freezer and replaced it with Bologna. But not to worry, because they sell Bologna for only $8.00 a pound, so they refunded you the $2.00/pound difference. The fact that you value that Bologna at only $0.99 a pound and would not have spent your paycheque on a freezer full doesn't matter, you're stuck with that $8.00 Bologna now.
    I like your analogy skills, bro. Awesome. The only thing I don't agree with is the values. I think the bologna is still selling at under market price.

    Compared to gear, you can get these mods fast and cheap. And 6 5 dot mods will do more for a gear 10 toon than getting to gear 11, in many cases.

    This is my own personal evaluation. I guess other people don't agree. I'm still buying the crappy bologna at the new higher price. And AS THE GAME stands, now, I "like" it. All I can do is try my best to understand the rules and maximize return on my resources. And right now, bologna is tasting pretty good. Shards/promotions are taking a back seat until more of my toons are stuffed on bologna.

  • Options
    LastJedi wrote: »
    I do NOT place the same value on steak that I do on Bologna. I will NOT pay the same price for Bologna that I will pay for steak. In fact, significantly less. If I value steak at $10 a pound, and Bologna at $0.99 a pound, I WILL NOT accept a pound of Bologna when I have PAID for a pound of steak, just because the merchant decides that they do not want to sell steak anymore and ONLY sell Bologna. But some posters here in this forum recently seem to think that I should, AND that I should be saying, "Thank you, may I have another?"
    But.. if they were selling steak and lobster for 10 cents a plate, and now it's a bolgna sandwich, it's a good deal, still. I understand if you do not want to play anymore, since this is just another grind. But that's what it was even when it was lobster. Eating lobster doesn't mean anything when that's all you have choice of.. and everyone else is also getting lobster. The value is not in "Oooh, I have lobster." The value is that the lobster makes your toons better. Since everyone is eating lobster, it doesn't make your toons better than anyone elses. Anymore than bologna does.
    Additionally, your rather imperious declaration of "if you want to keep playing, you WILL buy mods" is almost laughable... You know why? Because I have already decided that I will NOT continue playing.
    So... you're saying I am correct! Thanks.
    I have stated multiple times EXACTLY what my issue is. If you have the capacity to learn, you will understand it. ;)
    Apparently, you haven't. Because...
    3). Unfortunately for you, that's really none of your business. THAT is between EA and myself, and will be resolved outside of these forums.
    So, you have maybe stated "our problem," not your personal issue. With your lobster analogy. I have already shown why is it not valid. And why your two claims counterattack each other. And do not necessarily hurt anyone.

    As someone who already quit, you do not care to make the game better. That's fine. Let it burn! I'm sorry you spent money into a game and thought you were buying it.

    Seriously dude, I give up. Your straw-man arguments and circular logic fallacies win!

    It is now abundantly clear to me that you have not understood a single thing I have tried to communicate (whether willfully or otherwise is anyone's guess at this point) as your completely missed-the-point responses prove, and I do NOT need to justify anything to you. As I said in my last post, it's none of your business what I have spent on this game (if anything), my motives behind my purchases (if any), or what I expect EA to do about it personally. I do not answer to you.

    If you enjoy paying for one thing, and being given something completely different in exchange for whatever currency is used, I am MORE THAN happy for you. If you are content with bait and switch, more power to you! You go girlfriend!!! I'm really glad to see this game has such fans, who will continue to fund the Star Wars franchise for other new marks.

    The complete and utter lack of capacity is clear, and therefore I bid you adieu et Bon voyage! B)
  • Remorhaz
    149 posts Member
    I have a feeling they are carefully constructing the messaging. They cannot admit they messed up because then I do believe even more people will demand compensation and point to the admission of wrongdoing as justification for refunds.

    They can't act as nothing happened because there are enough people waiting to attack them for not doing enough.

    The best thing to do would be to offer a general "thanks for playing SWGOH" mail with a moderate amount of crystals and try to forget the whole thing even happened.Some people will find this insufficient, some will be mildly annoyed but the crystals will shut them up and the casual/new players who never had mods to begin with will be thrilled and life will go on.
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    LastJedi wrote: »
    This sums it up. You value steak at $10 a pound and Bologna at $0.99 a pound.
    When you saw steak for sale at $5.00 a pound, you bought lots of it. You spent double (or triple, quadruple, etc.) your normal food budget to fill your freezer because it was such a good deal in your eyes.
    Then while you were sleeping they removed the steak from your freezer and replaced it with Bologna. But not to worry, because they sell Bologna for only $8.00 a pound, so they refunded you the $2.00/pound difference. The fact that you value that Bologna at only $0.99 a pound and would not have spent your paycheque on a freezer full doesn't matter, you're stuck with that $8.00 Bologna now.
    I like your analogy skills, bro. Awesome. The only thing I don't agree with is the values. I think the bologna is still selling at under market price.

    Fair enough, but I think the anger is over the fact that we haven't been given the opportunity to decide that for ourselves. The $8.00 Bologna has been put in the freezer with a strict no-return policy. Some people may think $8.00 is a good deal for that Bologna, some may think it's not. But what a lot of people are saying is that they might not have spent their whole budget to stock up on it at that price.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    Remorhaz wrote: »
    I have a feeling they are carefully constructing the messaging. They cannot admit they messed up because then I do believe even more people will demand compensation and point to the admission of wrongdoing as justification for refunds.

    They can't act as nothing happened because there are enough people waiting to attack them for not doing enough.

    The best thing to do would be to offer a general "thanks for playing SWGOH" mail with a moderate amount of crystals and try to forget the whole thing even happened.Some people will find this insufficient, some will be mildly annoyed but the crystals will shut them up and the casual/new players who never had mods to begin with will be thrilled and life will go on.

    I think most people would be happier with just 6 million credits or so. No amount of crystals they would ever send out could make up what lots of us spent on pre-nerf mods that are now sub par, considering the god-awful conversion rate.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The complete and utter lack of capacity is clear, and therefore I bid you adieu et Bon voyage! B)
    Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
    Your straw-man arguments and circular logic fallacies win!
    The straw man here are the complainers. They are chaining together every possible "fault" and "wrong" that could have possibly happened to any single one person, and claiming them as their own.

    To provide a real complaint, you need a real problem. Specific to you. Describing the damages. In detail. I have not read a single complaint that makes much sense. In many cases, the benefits reaped by the complainer outweigh the negatives.

    If you have a hard luck story of deciding to drop big money at exactly the wrong time, and deciding to level exactly the wrong mods, it would be very interesting for others to read about it. It would lend more weight and validity to the thread. So far it's more of a propaganda rally. "Right on man! EA sucks! I quit!"
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    Remorhaz wrote: »
    I have a feeling they are carefully constructing the messaging. They cannot admit they messed up because then I do believe even more people will demand compensation and point to the admission of wrongdoing as justification for refunds.

    They can't act as nothing happened because there are enough people waiting to attack them for not doing enough.

    The best thing to do would be to offer a general "thanks for playing SWGOH" mail with a moderate amount of crystals and try to forget the whole thing even happened.Some people will find this insufficient, some will be mildly annoyed but the crystals will shut them up and the casual/new players who never had mods to begin with will be thrilled and life will go on.

    I disagree. I'd love to see an admission that they screwed up. Accept responsibility for your mistakes and own them. I personally hate when they send out those "thanks for playing" notes with no clear explanation as to what the problem was and no acceptance of responsibility.
    Just my opinion but I'd rather have an apology and acknowledgement then mystery crystals.

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