It's a shame developers have said nothing

It's coming to the end of Tuesday and yet still no word. Tensions are high. Gamers are upset. A large number of P2P have either left or turned to F2P. Many F2P have left as well in frustration.

Sure we were angry at the 7/15 post by Jesse, but who wouldn't be when the post was more about warning us not to say anything negative about the game and then making condescending comments to frustrated gamers - who had every right to be upset.

The developers screwed over a lot of people. Sure there are some that think we should stop complaining, but that's because they didn't waste a bunch of money, credits, and crystals on something that was then obliterated and changed to something different that we did not invest into. Mods may not be completely obsolete but the fact remains that they are not at all what we bought into and isn't worth a fraction of the resources we flushed down the drain.

I'm sure the developers are "working hard" to rectify the situation. With their silence, however, it makes me believe that they're really trying to hope that we all cool down and forget why were upset in the first place. It's the wrong move to stay silent. There is a loyal fan base here and loyal customers.
I already gave a lot of feedback on the subject in many threads. I'm trying to remain positive but the silence is making my frustrations worse.

We deserve to be treated better.


  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    +1 billion

    *slow clap*
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    I said this is a different thread, but will repeat myself.

    Even bad politicians do better PR when stuff goes wrong. We aren't even getting that much effort.

    The value placed on communication with the "community" here is abysmally small.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    You're right, it is a shame. I want to hear what they have to say for themselves. I want to know why they removed 5* mods from raid rewards too.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Makes me nervous they are working on another 'big' update thinking it will make everything right... next raid already been seen... ships rumoured more and more.. they cant fix mods it it was it is... best they can do is throw a few mil credits at people (not that a few mil will go far) and whilst it makes people happy for a day release whatever it is then
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Not a shame, at all. 50% of the players don't even have a clue what's going on, yet. Communicating now, while many people are ignorant and thinking the sky is falling would be counterproductive. After everyone learns and UNDERSTANDS the ramifications of the new changes, communication will be more effective and efficient and productive.

    After everyone understands the situation, there won't be much to complain about. Things are fine. Take some time and play the game. If you have capacity to learn and have fun, you will learn and have fun. There's a lot to like about the new update, but a lot of players haven't taken the time to learn that yet. You might be an exception. You're so smart you figured it out, already. Wait for the masses to get on the same page. And then talk.
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    Funny you shouldnsay this. I just stopped playing arena and as I was thinking of what to do I remembered you only get 17 cantina coins for spending 16 energy in mod challenges and realized I'm not farming toons in cantina battles anymore cause of mods and now cantina shop will be super slow to collect them. Sigh
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    I Don't think we will get a response. They will introduce raid and pretend nothing happened.
  • Xukca
    52 posts Member
    I'm typing here just to find this thread more easily tomorrow... I'm pretty sure many people would like it buried.
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    Honestly, even if there were no answers, a post to say "we hear you, we are still talking about it, we'll have information for you soon" at least let's us know we aren't waiting for nothing. I'm still scared to upgrade or farm my mods for fear of a rollback or decrease in cost or change in drop rate. I just want certainty so I can plan better
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    They are too busy spend the fat wad of cash everyone spent on mods
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    No faith in the Devs after PreCraft 2.0
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    warmonkey wrote: »
    Funny you shouldnsay this. I just stopped playing arena and as I was thinking of what to do I remembered you only get 17 cantina coins for spending 16 energy in mod challenges and realized I'm not farming toons in cantina battles anymore cause of mods and now cantina shop will be super slow to collect them. Sigh

    28 cantina coins for 16 energies

    +1 for the thread even tho it's repetitive and posted probably 100 times , it is still ignored by the Devs.
    i thought we would have an answer on monday but it appeared to me that they ignore us for a reason and it can't be good for us , simply because they would be faster to calm down peoples with good news.

    last Devs post was on the 15th....4 days later it's the protocol of "no comments" or omerta law
    i don't even know how i feel about it all... robbed ? disapointed ? frustrated ?

    i've been thinking about an arena team of about 1500 power (if you know what i mean)
  • Boycey
    29 posts Member
    Our 4 guilds are losing players everyday with so many on the fence. So much so that we are having to dismantle our 4th guiod to get the numbers back up in our other 3 guilds. What are the developers doing? I have always tried to remain positive and understand the challenges that they face and the fact that they need to have a product that makes money. But where is the communication about understanding our frustrations and addressing them.

    Cantina energy, credits and availability of top tier mods seem to be some of the main reasons that people are quitting. People are just not having fun and even I am on the fence.

    Games like this and others alike rely a lot (or should) on word of mouth to tell your friends and colleagues about your favourite game. I told plenty to get on the clash of clans bandwagon back in the day, but how many in its present form could recommend it to others.

    Please guys just give us some info on the proposed changes in the works
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Your 4 guilds ? Lol
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    They're behaving like children, and should be embarrassed to call themselves professionals. They have absolutely zero respect for the people who pay them.
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    Today is a breaking point for me. I have been cruising the boards waiting for hope, the silence is deafening. Someone should respond today. Not just wait it out and see who is left.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Honestly, I didn't expect anything until today or Friday. That's USUALLY when the updates come out. If it's today, then it'll be in a few hours. If it's Friday.............oh boy.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Boycey
    29 posts Member
    Saraleb wrote: »
    Your 4 guilds ? Lol
    The Australian and New Zealand guild community. Not mine lol
  • KingPin
    522 posts Member
    I think they are probably white boarding different scenarios guys... When you know you have truly wound the community up your next move is going to be heavily scrutinised.

    Only when they have weighed up the appropriate options will they address us, anything else, and let's face it Jesse & co will just get hounded (by me included)

    If I was community manager I'd expect to say shortly

    "we are working on addressing your concerns, whilst we can't promise everything in one go, we are going to prioritise the following immediately

    a, b, c etc

    Doing these things however may delay our plans to do X and X but these concerns must be addressed first and foremost.

    Whilst some of you may be disappointed with these decisions we can only address the above at this time. This is due in part to other changes in the pipeline we want to bring to you, and as such I hope you can appreciate we have limited capacity.

    It is our intention always to bring the best experience we can, and while you may not always agree with our decisions rest assured we care about the community, your feedback matters to us very much (constructive feedback especially).

    I will bring you details of the update release plans shortly with an extensive set of release notes.

    Thanks for your continued and valued support.

    Kingpin :)

  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    @KingPin I think that would be an exceptional start!
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
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    +1. Talk to us already, even if it is to say "we're working at it"
  • Taniwha
    120 posts Member
    Boycey wrote: »
    Saraleb wrote: »
    Your 4 guilds ? Lol
    The Australian and New Zealand guild community. Not mine lol

    ANZGC ain't nothing to ***** with. Thanks for telling it how it is Boycey. We were a thriving community of 170 players+, everyday we are shrinking, still waiting, waiting to hear how CG are going to fix this mess
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    Not a shame, at all. 50% of the players don't even have a clue what's going on, yet. Communicating now, while many people are ignorant and thinking the sky is falling would be counterproductive. After everyone learns and UNDERSTANDS the ramifications of the new changes, communication will be more effective and efficient and productive.

    After everyone understands the situation, there won't be much to complain about. Things are fine. Take some time and play the game. If you have capacity to learn and have fun, you will learn and have fun. There's a lot to like about the new update, but a lot of players haven't taken the time to learn that yet. You might be an exception. You're so smart you figured it out, already. Wait for the masses to get on the same page. And then talk.

    Where, exactly are you getting these numbers from? You speak as though from a position of authority, and not as if you are just pulling these stats out of thin air... Please cite references. You speak as though you are imparting facts upon the unwashed masses, as opposed to merely stating your own opinions and observations.

    Furthermore, your continued posting within threads made by other people expressing their disappointment over aspects of the game that they have personally experienced, and suggesting that anyone with a complaint lacks the capacity to learn OR have fun, is about as disingenuous as citing made-up statistics.

    People have formed an opinion on the current state of the game based on their own individual experience within said game, just as YOU have formed an opinion on the current state of the game and all aspects within the game based on YOUR personal experience. That does not, in any way, shape, or form, invalidate someone else's opinion just because it differs from yours.

    So please, stop the condescending remarks about people's capacity to learn, to have fun, or attempting to passive-aggressively insult them just because they have formed an opinion that differs from yours.

    We all know, by this point, that you're happy with the way things are (and a handful of other regulars who are in threads basically posting the exact same thing/same way you are). We're all happy FOR you. But that does NOT mean everyone else who is unhappy is WRONG or stupi d.

    Thank you.

    P.S. - NO communication is counterproductive unless the communication is with the intent to deceive, or cause harm.
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    I don't get it. They made the mods OP. They fixed a whole bunch of things and then said outright that they needed to let the changes they made run for a while to see how they go. Then you complain that they're letting things run for a while to see how they go, and you're acting like they promised the opposite of what they said? What would they be posting about when they said they wouldn't be? Very weird. Be glad they fixed so much over the weekend. Nearly everything they did was really, really good. They fixed the tenacity bug in the raid. They took mods way down so they're much more like other ways to affect character development instead of dominating. GW is more doable than it was a few days ago, even if it's still too hard on the last node or two. Mods are no longer trumping character stats and are now allowing gear and base stats still to play a role. They did say they were interested in making more changes, but they also said they were going to see how these changes played out first, and that didn't seem like a day or two but maybe a week or more. So why are you expecting anything at all other than what they said, which was to watch how things go for a while?
  • Taniwha
    120 posts Member
    You and LastJedi enjoy playing the game with each other then Parableman, if everything is so fine and hunky dory why are so many players leaving and complaining, they screwed up, the state of the game is ok now, but they need to address their screw up and do something to compensate those players who spent real money or screwed up their plans and promotions because of CG's error.
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    I'm dissapointed with the debacle going and getting more frustrated with each day of silence it's getting. Saying anything is better than saying nothing.
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    Silence speaks volumes. No answers is in fact a very clear answer - it tells me that there are no plans to address these concerns.
    It seems to be the preferred method - say nothing for a few days and see if the uproar continues or if it dies off on its own quickly.
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    @KingPin Yeah - but thatd be professional lol
    The deafening silence is a pouting child sulking.
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    Parableman, let's put it this way:

    You go into a restaurant and order a steak for dinner. Now this restaurant is a bit different in that they make you pay up front for your meal, and your only indication of what you're ordering is from the description on the menu. So you place your order and pay for it. Then your server brings your meal, and places the steak AND lobster in front of you, with all the trimmings. You decide that the meal was a good deal, and you decide to order even more, to go. And blow all your money on food at this restaurant for the next two days.

    Then two days later, the restaurant comes to your house, takes all the food you paid for, and replaces it with Bologna sandwhiches. And tells you that if you want to eat again, you will have to pay 200-300% more for the Bologna sandwhiches than you did for the steak dinner. And they will no longer put steak dinners on their menu expect for 0.06% of the time.

    But not only do they not even thank you for all the money you spent during those two days on your steak, or offer you a refund when they took your steak away and switched it with Bologna, but they tell you that they'll be "monitoring" things for "a while" (nice, vague term) to determine if anything might need to be changed again.

    This bait and switch is why a lot of players are angry, and want to know what will be done, if anything to compensate them for the money they spent on steak once that steak was changed to Bologna...
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