
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    If your insulted don't claim the in mail rewards! Would I like more? Yeah, of course, I too spent hundreds on the early update. Am I surprised that they are offering anything? Yes. I'm going to take the reward, and just be more cautious going forward on major updates.

    I'm not speaking for any of you, you have every right to feel the way you do.

    Me, I'm going to go play and try to relax over the weekend.
  • jarael
    107 posts Member
    still no new characters in the gw store smh
  • Paxus
    60 posts Member
    Thanks for enhancing my mod experience last Friday. Just today I spent 310 cantina energy trying to get 5* potency mods and ended up getting a single 3*.

    I thought to myself "thanks goodness I can spend 300 crystals and use a days worth of cantina refresh energy to get one mod. Thank goodness they enhanced my experience on Friday or I would have way more mods than I know what to do with."

    So thank you again for listening to valuable feedback and enhancing my experience.
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    Seem to have glossed over this?
    31 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The cost of unequipping should be permanently removed and the chance of immediately increasing a Mod’s level should be implemented full-time. If not you'll never see another dime from me
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    You appreciate our anger, I take it?

    Put mod drop rate and level expense back to original patch.
    Fix GW
    Fix Bugs

    Then maybe I'd take advantage of those vault discounts. Until then, wallet closed.

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  • Clone
    20 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Until Tier 3 mod challenge drop rates are not 100% all this is pointless.

    You can go with 130 Cantina energy and gain not a single mod. Lucky if you get some tier 3 character ability mats. They really expect us doing cantina battles every day over and over to get 3-4 dot mods with random slot and stats?

    This is insane. I have played many aweful grind games but they were not even close to this slot machine in this game.
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    I think I need another Black and Mild and an adult beverage right now.

    I think that's the best suggestion I've read on this post
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    Jesse after spending millions of credits in MODS the aprimorandos, vc will only provide better improvements in MODS q still be purchased that is dirty with your customers and still sends only 350,000 daily credits, this is buffoonery is going to improve the new MODS acquired these event time interval, do the same with what we have now is aprimorandos after spending millions and millions of credits. You guys are developers or butchers, qnd have an event of these being launched minimal q guys should notify one week before it had warned would have saved credits at least.
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    The huge issues (Precrafting 2.0) are still being avoided.. shame.
  • Silken
    88 posts Member
    Got the 350k credits. Levelled a couple of Jawas from 59 to 62.

    Thanks :|

    Oh and btw. All the discounted crystals and gear packs, forget it, the fact that they were even offered on this 'we are sorry weekend' tells me everything I need to know.

    Wallet (albeit not a whale or anything near) stays closed.
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    Slap in the face

  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I really am at a loss of words....
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    Daker wrote: »
    To me, it is like the developers are saying:

    "Kicking you in the junk repeatedly is getting boring. We are going to give you a break for the weekend, and then start kicking you again on Monday to see if it becones fun for us again."

    Haha. Oh man. That's about right.
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    Are the drop rates still too low? Yes. With only a chance of drop and a chance at the slot and stat you want, the top tier challenges shouldn't give 3 star mods at all, especially since we know 5 stars isn't even the very highest level of mod. Fix that, and I'll happily (more or less) go along with everything else that's been done to mods. I don't mind them being a long haul for the perfect mod, but I'd like to at least be able to field semi-decent mod sets at 5 stars, even if the primaries/secondaries aren't all perfect.
    All that being said...I guess I'll accept the token olive branch and assume it represents an actual desire to bond with the player base, calculated to be the maximum they could give away without severely hurting their profits, as opposed to calculating the minimum amount they could give without actively upsetting people more. So...thanks.
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    This limited event does not in any way address our major concerns with mods. I sincerly hope that you are still considering 1) to change back the mod drop rate to 100% and 2) to reduce the ridiculous mod levelling cost.
  • Lukey
    9 posts Member
    This is a great great event. It gives us a good opportunity to try out different mod combination. Also it helped to complete the scoundrel event. Very happy.
  • JulenGales
    82 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    DrD wrote: »
    I mean, when you finish spending all the resources to max level, max star, and max gear a character, it's not like you get charged every time you want to use that character in a different team. That would be ridiculous. And charging to move around mods you've spent so much to max is basically the same thing.

    Why'd you have to go and give them this idea?!?! Prepare for a 4000 credit charge to move your toons around in the next update.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Aegamin33 wrote: »
    This limited event does not in any way address our major concerns with mods. I sincerly hope that you are still considering 1) to change back the mod drop rate to 100% and 2) to reduce the ridiculous mod levelling cost.

    I think we should keep pushing for these changes, absolutely.
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    As for "advance" notification, if they had said something two days ago, people who had just put money in their mods would complain that they would have waited two days if they'd only known. Advance notice for necessary team comps? Sure. Let us farm. But this? Everyone knew mods were in a bad place right now. If you've been pouring credits into them between the disaster and now, you were either very foolish OR you recognized that a change was likely coming and you spent them anyway. So hush on that front. Complain about reasonable things.
  • Daker
    109 posts Member
    Cost of mod removal: make it PERMANENT.
    Increased chance of instant upgrade: make it PERMANENT.

    If they did both of those things I think I could live with the state of the game like it is
  • Seknos
    306 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This update is better than nothing, but compared to the amount of credits spent it is really far from enough, almost insulting. If you want to show some goodwill, go all in !! The lack of communication in a time of crisis is a huge mistake. Not a word about the gigantic thread about Galactic War that frustrates and suck out the fun away from a lot of players or about all bugs that await a fix. Not to mention that the update that nerfed mods were poorly received by the community, it is good to give a fast answer but only if the answer is appropriate. The trust with your player base has been broken, it will require a lot more efforts to gain it back.

    Here are things that will help gain back our trust :

    - Fix galactic war.
    - Double mod drop rate, lower cost to upgrade mods permanently, lower the cost to remove mods permanently.
    - Fix chat bug, fix teebo, fix detail mod bugs....
    - Compensate players for the infamous bait and switch, even if it was not done on purpose, that was wrong.
    - Find a middle grounds between overpowered and underpowered mods, with a focus on set bonuses and weakest primary stats.
    - Improve dramatically quantity and quality of communication, if nobody wanna post anything anymore find someone new that does.

    This is really important at this point to make amend for all those mistakes and show us that you not only read / listen to our feedback but act accordingly. I am sure it is not pleasant to read all those negative comments, but when a crushing majority does, there is obviously a problem or we are all suffering from a large scale jedi mind trick. But all that feedback is a goldmine and tells you exactly what you need to do.
    The day we stop posting and giving feedback, is the day this game will be done for.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    The Galactic Gear Pack will be available in the Store during the Mods Appreciation event. The pack may now be purchased a maximum of 5 times a day.

    If I can only buy a max of 5, I won't buy any...
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    Stefchou wrote: »
    The huge issues (Precrafting 2.0) are still being avoided.. shame.

    Easy to toss that term out there. The gear precraft issue was after a warning post of it changing. Not all Mods were done this way. There was an honest window where people were playing as they would. It was not unti NRAJ post about the change that your "pre-craft" term is reality. I downloaded the update, no clue they intended to change it. I went in with over 15 mil creds, crystals to buy more, 1119 cantina energy and all my days refreshes, as I had planned to do since update notice. What I did was not precrafting. What I did was plan ahead, sacrifice, put things I was working on, on hold, to prepare for the update. Just as I did before the raids were introduced. I saved and saved creds and farmed extra gear to promote and gear to maximize my output.

    Did I buy more after NRAJ post, yes I did. I went a couple refreshes heavier to try and get more, however 80-85% of my 5* mods I obtained BEFORE the post that made the pre craft issue. I apologize if my planning ahead for weeks makes anyone feel I precrafted, but honestly I'm sick of that term being tossed so easily around. I saved and sacrificed for quite some time leading up to the update and I had 17 characters all with all 5* mods before NRAJ post was ever posted about changing the drop rates.
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    I think perhaps the hate has gone too far.
    At least it's something. I like Mods and I definitely like moving them around without penalty. (i.e. in gw).

    I wish it were for more credits and of course Id like a higher drop rate, but I want a higher drop rate for everything lol.

    Can't wait for the new raid and new characters.
  • Options
    I think perhaps the hate has gone too far.
    At least it's something. I like Mods and I definitely like moving them around without penalty. (i.e. in gw).

    I wish it were for more credits and of course Id like a higher drop rate, but I want a higher drop rate for everything lol.

    Can't wait for the new raid and new characters.

    I agree on the new raid.

    I move Mods a lot. I have a ton of them and constantly shift the. The cost to is minor. A break from it is cool. The 350k is cool, not really a sorry or anything given the wall, but hey I'll take creds anyway I get them with gratitude.
  • Ryanodo
    82 posts Member
    First time since it started that I didn't renew my crystal booster pack today. Sigh.
  • Salty01
    105 posts Member
    Mmmmmmmkkkkkkkkkkk. Thanks for making me F2P.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    Receive a Cantina gift of 350k Credits each day for the next three days of the event. Be sure to login and collect this gift daily!

    How 'bout free cantina energy?
    These offerings don't address the not fun miserable mod experience. Ridiculous!
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