
  • AKK889
    159 posts Member
    Amalthea wrote: »
    AKK889 wrote: »
    Awesome CG, people who wasted millions of credits and thousands of crystals thanks to your mistakes must be really happy now.

    Saying that they were CG's mistakes is contrary to the fact that they knew exactly what they were doing.

    You think? So you think they were aiming to this point where they are losing tons of good customers left and right? Because if that's the case they nailed it.
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    Level of appreciation:


    Click reply to Instantly upgrade for 10 million credits and 3k crystals! :p
  • Z_Cavaricci
    660 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Stefchou wrote: »
    The huge issues (Precrafting 2.0) are still being avoided.. shame.

    Easy to toss that term out there. The gear precraft issue was after a warning post of it changing. Not all Mods were done this way. There was an honest window where people were playing as they would. It was not unti NRAJ post about the change that your "pre-craft" term is reality. I downloaded the update, no clue they intended to change it. I went in with over 15 mil creds, crystals to buy more, 1119 cantina energy and all my days refreshes, as I had planned to do since update notice. What I did was not precrafting. What I did was plan ahead, sacrifice, put things I was working on, on hold, to prepare for the update. Just as I did before the raids were introduced. I saved and saved creds and farmed extra gear to promote and gear to maximize my output.

    Did I buy more after NRAJ post, yes I did. I went a couple refreshes heavier to try and get more, however 80-85% of my 5* mods I obtained BEFORE the post that made the pre craft issue. I apologize if my planning ahead for weeks makes anyone feel I precrafted, but honestly I'm sick of that term being tossed so easily around. I saved and sacrificed for quite some time leading up to the update and I had 17 characters all with all 5* mods before NRAJ post was ever posted about changing the drop rates.

    I don't think anyone's blaming you for doing it, it's CG for allowing it to happen. Nerfing the mods is fine. They should have never been that powerful anyway.

    But severely nerfing the drop rate and increasing the upgrade costs was unacceptable. If they hadn't done those two things, or they had originally released them as they are now, they wouldn't have this level of dissatisfaction among their player base.
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    Compensation should have been an increase mod drop rate to 100% or free cost to upgrade mods for the next 3 days. What you gave us was pretty much a slap in the face after creating pre-crafting 2.0. No communication at all for the entire week and you drop this on us. Not spending another dime on this game, going completely F2P.
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    Since removal is free, I just pulled all my mods off my heroes. I will try different combos, but to be honest I may just sell them all and use the proceeds to get my 2 main teams to 80, then worry about mods. Decisions, decisions..

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    Is this a joke? The money is a slap in the face, hey its mod weekend so have enough money to level one mod a day. Players have suffered a hell of a lot in the last week, not just with mods but with the knock on effect it's had. I no my guild now hasn't done a raid in 4d 2hrs, we was hitting em up every other day a week ago. How about you throw in a free galactic war pack over the next 3 days too, not charge us for items missing due to your **** up. I wish you'd of stayed silent. I feel more offended now than when you committed fraud last week.
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    Incoming wall of text:
    I can truly say you have not fixed mods you've made them worse! I can get use to what was change in regards to nerfing them to percentages but what I cannot get use to is:

    1) I use a full cantina refresh on tier 3 mod challenges & get absolutely nothing in return... Not even a junk mod lvl3... The drop rates need to be looked at! You cannot expect me to use so much cantina energy & it gets me absolutely nothing in return. Which leads me to my other points...

    2) If I wanted a mod lvl3 I would've used my energy on a tier 1 mod challenge. It's like me going to battle 6-B of cantina in search for Old Ben shards & being given Dooku shards instead. Where did you think or who thought this was a good idea? Challenges need to give mods in respect to their difficulty! Tier 3 needs to give 5* mods only, tier 2 4*, so forth...

    3) I was so against this in the beginning but now I'm starting to favour it especially with the rediculous drop rates - mod battles need their own energy. It's the only way to try & justify why anyone would or even should spend energy on it. Over the last 3 days I've spent 2 refreshes on cantina energy for mod challenges {(300 crystals) due to absolutely no reply from the Devs in regards to any of the troubles these mods & drop rates have caused so many} only to be given 2 5* mods, 4 4* mods & 2 3* mods. I have all but stopped farming them... Today was the last straw, I refuse to spend any more energy on something I won't be guaranteed on getting.

    4) The credits it takes to level mods are ridiculously high... More so the 3-5*. A lot of folks are complaining about a "credit crunch" & now to make things worse you introduce mods which are more taxing on the minimal resources we have so little of in the first place. I get it, you want folks to spend RL money, I really do, but when there are so little of that precious resource availible, you cannot expect everyone to put whale levels of RL money into the game. I get that you want to slow progression too, but it's no longer going at tortoise speeds, it's gotten to the point where a sloth has more speed than many folks progression in regards to character development & with mods introduced it now takes ~10 MILLION credits to level 1 character.
    A bit of Math:
    550,000 x 30 = 16,500,000 (GW•)
    279,000 x 4 = 1,116,000 (Credit challenge)
    5,000 x 20 x 30 = 3,000,000 (Cantina usage••)
    600 x 48 x 30 = 864,000 (Energy usage•••)
    250,000 x 3 x 4 = 3,000,000 (Raids••••)
    25,000 x 30 = 750,000 (Arena•••••)
    Equals = 25,230,000 credits in one month
    Now basic maths 90 character in the game at present multiplied by 10mil each = 900 million credits. 900mil devided by credits per month = 35,7 months to upgrade all toons to max for a F2P character. Which by that time new Heros will be introduced & level caps will be raised, so forth... Do you see what I'm getting at here? It'll take about 2months just to upgrade a squad of Heros to levels worth competing. Then we're not even including meta shifts or the scoundrel event (in which case you can include an extra 2mil a month & lessen the time by minute proportions).

    To conclude, you not only have made progression long & tedious but have increased the amount of time any one person is going to have to spend trying to farm up certain things in regards to character progression. I still love mods & everything they could stand for & the direction the games moving but I cannot for the life of me see a new player enjoy this sort of tediousness for very long unless they have OCD. You need to make mods more easily obtainable & not as expensive if it is that you still want the average Joe to stay interested in the MASSIVE grind that's ahead of them in the other aspects of the game.

    • If GW is completed every day & of what some are saying, it most definitely is not, especially in the early days of player leveling.
    •• Being conservative in regards to which nodes are being farmed. This figure is from 6-B Old Ben & assuming the person uses 1 refresh a day.
    ••• Being conservative in regards to a person collecting all natural energy collections (12, 6, 9pm) & using both 50 crystal refreshes & using the energy collected during the day.
    •••• Assuming a player at least finishes in some sort of meaningful position in a raid.
    ••••• Assuming a player finishes in the top 50 of Arena (which I doubt a lot of people do).
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    Is this a joke?

    And the 25% bonus applies only to the most expensive caches of crustals, muaahhahahahaha, give us your money
  • clarkdiesel
    306 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    Here's the deal, most of us players login in the morning and run through challenges and GW. Today is Friday, so we had the credits challenge. We also had the scoundrel event finally return. We have not received any communication, so most of us spent credits leveling and moving mods around. By throwing this event on us with no notice and after most have spent our credits we got today, is a complete slap in the face. We try to keep holding on because we do like this game, but your treatment of us shows how you view us, which is that you don't really care about keeping loyal customers. That's the perception we have. Whether you actually feel that way or not is irrelevant, as perception is the key. All we ask is for better communication, not rushing something out and then back to silence.
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    Slap in the face. Thank you for not giving me a reason to return.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    You have to love the title of the post. MOD APPRECIATION, at first glace you will think, ok look at how many pages and replies, "Wow, they must really love mods!!". But after reading.. "Oh... guess not"..

    CG can't win for losing. Come guys (players), it's a start. As for the amounts given etc, EA had to approve it. So, yeah..
  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    wisenuts wrote: »
    A little bit of a heads up would be nice. As some of us are upgrading mods. Srsly would have waited for this. But thanks for the free loot.

    Dont worry i still spent over 100k trying to get a mod from 14-15 and it was a no go, so the increase is so small as to be negligible. would have been better off spending those credits on leveling and starring toons, mods still suck. and EA still does not listen.
  • O8c8h80
    119 posts Member
    I used some of those bonus credits to level up Cad Bane which finally gave me enough power to beat the credit heist event!!!! Thanks for the credits! Everyone is complaining but there are still some people who are appreciative.
  • x72821
    46 posts Member
    Is this EA's answer to the Mod debacle, because if thats the case, this is a joke right?
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    Another "Hey, let's make the customers pay for our mistakes!" fix.


    I don't even know what to say anymore. To have the gall to re-introduce the raid gear packs that give you an extremely small chance at some salvage, which of course costs crystals, during this time period is deplorable. Why isn't that gear pack strictly raid gear salvage with the small chance of a full piece? Why on earth does it include almost EVERY piece of gear in the game from g6 up? Are you serious with that? I mean last time it was around someone posted a picture of them getting some of those blue laptops.. there's a term for this and it's called "no Vaseline".

    Oh yeah, and thank you for being SO gracious to offer us 25% bonus crystals on purchases, AFTER a bunch of us spent money to get ahead on mods. So again, your profits are plummeting because of yet another failure, yet it's on us to right the ship for you with our wallets.

    I understand that some people are never happy. Sure, I've been rather annoyed with every response to you guys messing up has been "you can now buy X for crystals", but this is too much. You have TONS of feedback on the forums and this is what you come back with. A paltry amount of credits for us and you guys begging for spare change. Pathetic.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Is this a joke?

    And the 25% bonus applies only to the most expensive caches of crustals, muaahhahahahaha, give us your money

    I get what your saying, only thing I will say is the smaller packs are pretty bad value
  • Options
    Stefchou wrote: »
    The huge issues (Precrafting 2.0) are still being avoided.. shame.

    Easy to toss that term out there. The gear precraft issue was after a warning post of it changing. Not all Mods were done this way. There was an honest window where people were playing as they would. It was not unti NRAJ post about the change that your "pre-craft" term is reality. I downloaded the update, no clue they intended to change it. I went in with over 15 mil creds, crystals to buy more, 1119 cantina energy and all my days refreshes, as I had planned to do since update notice. What I did was not precrafting. What I did was plan ahead, sacrifice, put things I was working on, on hold, to prepare for the update. Just as I did before the raids were introduced. I saved and saved creds and farmed extra gear to promote and gear to maximize my output.

    Did I buy more after NRAJ post, yes I did. I went a couple refreshes heavier to try and get more, however 80-85% of my 5* mods I obtained BEFORE the post that made the pre craft issue. I apologize if my planning ahead for weeks makes anyone feel I precrafted, but honestly I'm sick of that term being tossed so easily around. I saved and sacrificed for quite some time leading up to the update and I had 17 characters all with all 5* mods before NRAJ post was ever posted about changing the drop rates.

    I don't think anyone's blaming you for doing it, it's CG for allowing it to happen. Nerfing the mods is fine. They should have never been that powerful anyway.

    But severely nerfing the drop rate and increasing the upgrade costs was unacceptable. If they hadn't done those two things, or they had originally released them as they are now, they wouldn't have this level of dissatisfaction among their player base.

    My point was I obtained most of mine BEFORE the announced nerfing of drop rates. I was simply playing the game. I'm heavy geared have all the characters I want pretty much so I fifured why not just put on hold and go wild with mods to entertain myself,lol.

    I will be honest, after what they did to the drop rates I do feel bad for everyone who did not save to go wild right away. I do feel I have an advantage in options for combos for sure. I did not though do this thinking they'd do it. I'd have spent what energy I did regardless of drop rates since I saved energy and creds for this, and therefore would have that advantage still. Would I have spent as heavily beyond my save had I known they would nerf the stats, no. Did I do extra refreshes after the post, yes. Though they brought an insignifigent return as I'd burned through the over 16 mil creds plus 20 I bought already so those I got via "pre-craft" time sat at lvl 1 and I suffered the cost increase. Point is before the post my Main 7 arena characters and top 10 GW were fully modded and I had 5* mods at 15 to spare.
  • masters
    235 posts Member
    The credits are ok. The rest is weak. Incredibly weak. Does not make up for exploitation of pre-craft 2.0. The cost to remove a mod is quite low to the point that it shouldn't be there anyway. The "opportunity" to buy more stuff is a slap in the face.

    The real issues are the drop rates exacerbated by the low chance of even getting a tier 5 mod along with a severe lack of cantina energy to support both mod battles and cantina battles.
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    back to radio silence !!! this it not a thread , it's a punching bag for all the angry people.
    if a mods respond , please do so in the update section so we don't have to go thru all the angry posts to find it
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    My crystal sub ended today. Not renewing.
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    So is this a fix I think did any godd? NO
    Is this even remotely doing anything for this fiasco? NO
    I just did 12 sims got 1 mod. For that I am uggh,lol.

    Now here is the good.

    350k is not much, no, but it is 350k I did not have before the client rstart, so for that I'm grateful.

    I just spent what it would cost to level a 5* to 15 and got a ton more accomplished. For that I'm grateful.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera

    Would it be too much, given all this craziness to just leave the mod removal at 0? I mean let us experiment, play, shift our characters without the dreaded credit cost, please.

    Also this game is huge RNG. The credit crunch is huge. We now see the sheer cost of 5* mod to 15. Why not leave these odds like that? I mean it is great. Sure it might not save us anything much, but it might be a great savings. Bottom line is we saw and felt the pain of the near 500k level cost, now we get a good roll and it is half that you got a very happy player. We roll and it does not hit that good, still costs 400, well better luck next time. At least we know there is that chance we get that lucky roll and our day is made.

    I don't think those 2 things are breakers for the wall, or for your bank, and would go a good way towards showing the player base you care and appreciate.

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    reading all comments here is so much fun than playing actual game itself.
    the cake is a lie
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    I dont really even see the point in taking the mods off. Apart from speed and potency the rest is kind of irrelavent plus I cant farm mods because drop rates are so bad to get decent mods with good stats.
  • SaKaEm3
    46 posts Member
    Daker wrote: »
    DrD wrote: »
    I'd like to strongly request the increased chance of instant upgrade and especially the free mod removal be permanent changes. It really wouldn't hurt your bottom line that much and would go a long way towards showing people some good will.

    I mean, you said it yourself, free mod removal allows people to experiment. Isn't that something mods should be encouraging all the time and not just for a 3 day period. Please, I implore you, get rid of the mod removal cost for good.

    Unfortunately, they will never let that happen. Free mod removal means that you only need one set of 5 mods for ALL of your characters because you can only play 5 at a time. Run a character until he dies, move his mods to another modless character for free and go again. They want you to level for all of your characters.

    That's exactly how I have been using them. Been selling all the one and two dot mods and just rotating the better ones out. Should save about 100k credits this weekend.
    Some people are missing that point. Only need to upgrade each mod once.

  • dratas
    9 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I think that the free mod removal should be a permanent feature. I know that there may be a concern (especially in raids and GW) with having a toon that dies, removing their mods and applying them to a new toon, but maybe you can make a 24-hour cooldown before mods can be placed on another toon. It may be annoying to have to wait, but it would sure limit how much people would be moving their mods around. And i definitely think it would be better than having to spend more credits that we are already struggling to obtain.
  • Trouserdeagle
    267 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Sorry to be a negative Nancy, but at this point do you actually think people appreciate the addition of mods?

    And now this event, that will grant us a total of a whopping 1.05m credits - now for me personally, that's barely a fifth of the amount of credits I spent levelling them, only for you to completely nerf them.

    350k/day is an insult. All mods should be reset and credits should be handed back to the players.

    An extra 25% in crates and vaults of crystals is also an insult, but sadly people will still buy them, and be grateful for them, like the whipped child that's given a crust of bread for supper.

    I stopped spending on this game a couple of weeks ago now, and will remain F2P henceforth.

    Your contempt for the player base - the very people that pay your wages - is unbelievable.

    You just don't listen. The current state of GW is testament to that.
  • Silleck
    423 posts Member
    This event is a complete joke.
    None of our complaints were addressed.
    More disappointment, sadly Myself and the majority aren't surprised.

    Leader and co-founder of BHG
  • JeffVader
    88 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Post edited by JeffVader on
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    Thanks for the credits! :)
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