
  • Options

    Did we not learn the lesson when you offered double cantina rewards but didn't notify anyone that the event had started until day 1 was almost over for many? Same thing just happened again here. You guys had to go back and change it to be 48 hours from when the notification was sent out. Why can't you just communicate with us and it will solve a lot of problems?

    Obviously, you or @CG_JohnSalera are not responding to anything, including constructive feedback. That leads to more hostility and more players quitting.

  • Ace3
    6 posts Member
    Incoming wall of text:
    I can truly say you have not fixed mods you've made them worse! I can get use to what was change in regards to nerfing them to percentages but what I cannot get use to is:

    1) I use a full cantina refresh on tier 3 mod challenges & get absolutely nothing in return... Not even a junk mod lvl3... The drop rates need to be looked at! You cannot expect me to use so much cantina energy & it gets me absolutely nothing in return. Which leads me to my other points...

    2) If I wanted a mod lvl3 I would've used my energy on a tier 1 mod challenge. It's like me going to battle 6-B of cantina in search for Old Ben shards & being given Dooku shards instead. Where did you think or who thought this was a good idea? Challenges need to give mods in respect to their difficulty! Tier 3 needs to give 5* mods only, tier 2 4*, so forth...

    3) I was so against this in the beginning but now I'm starting to favour it especially with the rediculous drop rates - mod battles need their own energy. It's the only way to try & justify why anyone would or even should spend energy on it. Over the last 3 days I've spent 2 refreshes on cantina energy for mod challenges {(300 crystals) due to absolutely no reply from the Devs in regards to any of the troubles these mods & drop rates have caused so many} only to be given 2 5* mods, 4 4* mods & 2 3* mods. I have all but stopped farming them... Today was the last straw, I refuse to spend any more energy on something I won't be guaranteed on getting.

    4) The credits it takes to level mods are ridiculously high... More so the 3-5*. A lot of folks are complaining about a "credit crunch" & now to make things worse you introduce mods which are more taxing on the minimal resources we have so little of in the first place. I get it, you want folks to spend RL money, I really do, but when there are so little of that precious resource availible, you cannot expect everyone to put whale levels of RL money into the game. I get that you want to slow progression too, but it's no longer going at tortoise speeds, it's gotten to the point where a sloth has more speed than many folks progression in regards to character development & with mods introduced it now takes ~10 MILLION credits to level 1 character.
    A bit of Math:
    550,000 x 30 = 16,500,000 (GW•)
    279,000 x 4 = 1,116,000 (Credit challenge)
    5,000 x 20 x 30 = 3,000,000 (Cantina usage••)
    600 x 48 x 30 = 864,000 (Energy usage•••)
    250,000 x 3 x 4 = 3,000,000 (Raids••••)
    25,000 x 30 = 750,000 (Arena•••••)
    Equals = 25,230,000 credits in one month
    Now basic maths 90 character in the game at present multiplied by 10mil each = 900 million credits. 900mil devided by credits per month = 35,7 months to upgrade all toons to max for a F2P character. Which by that time new Heros will be introduced & level caps will be raised, so forth... Do you see what I'm getting at here? It'll take about 2months just to upgrade a squad of Heros to levels worth competing. Then we're not even including meta shifts or the scoundrel event (in which case you can include an extra 2mil a month & lessen the time by minute proportions).

    To conclude, you not only have made progression long & tedious but have increased the amount of time any one person is going to have to spend trying to farm up certain things in regards to character progression. I still love mods & everything they could stand for & the direction the games moving but I cannot for the life of me see a new player enjoy this sort of tediousness for very long unless they have OCD. You need to make mods more easily obtainable & not as expensive if it is that you still want the average Joe to stay interested in the MASSIVE grind that's ahead of them in the other aspects of the game.

    • If GW is completed every day & of what some are saying, it most definitely is not, especially in the early days of player leveling.
    •• Being conservative in regards to which nodes are being farmed. This figure is from 6-B Old Ben & assuming the person uses 1 refresh a day.
    ••• Being conservative in regards to a person collecting all natural energy collections (12, 6, 9pm) & using both 50 crystal refreshes & using the energy collected during the day.
    •••• Assuming a player at least finishes in some sort of meaningful position in a raid.
    ••••• Assuming a player finishes in the top 50 of Arena (which I doubt a lot of people do).

    To add on to ThewhiteonE's post:

    First, thank you for at least giving the 350K credits. However, you guys at EA have to know this is negligible compared to the sheer amount of credits that are needed for almost every little thing in the game. One of the first things I noticed about SWGOH when I first started playing was...WOW an incredibly cool Star Wars game and you don't have to threaten ending your marriage or not sending your kids to college to do the activities all throughout the day.

    Revenue generating Micro-transaction games are great ways to make pull money from impatient people who don't like to wait. But there needs to be a balance. You are going to have people willing to drop serious cash to have everything immediately. That is fine, there is very little way to avoid that, it is a inherent flaw with mircro-transaction games. When you offer people the opportunity to pay Real Cash to speed up and maximize their game, the game will move very fast. To slow that down you charge more In-Game Credits to "slow down" the progress, but then you are turning away the F2P because they feel like it takes way too long and will eventually move on to pass their time on another mobile game because they have done all they can for the day in SWGOH and have to wait. If it takes weeks on end with very minimal progress and there is the next new latest and greatest mobile game that is more fun and keeps them active, then the waiting and lack of progress will have you losing a player. Same deal with P2P players, except they are going to get disgusted because they are actually sinking so Real Life money into a game that takes so long to level up. I would make the assumption that some P2P budget their spending, so if you feel like you aren't getting a return on spending your cash, the P2P player will slow down or stop their spending. Which is counter-intuitive to the micro-transaction model. I already know of P2P players who played with several maxed out Lvl 80 characters that just abandoned the game because they felt like they were getting no where. It is a shame because they were Star Wars fans but just felt they were wasting their time and money.

    You have a GREAT product...IT IS STAR WARS, it is going to make you Real Life money and has staying power well beyond any of the other mobile games. You have an ever expanding Star Wars Universe of material. Just do right by your customers. The ones who are speaking out should be listened to because many of us are the ones who just little kids and have followed Star Wars from the beginning. We are passionate that you do right by something so near and dear to our hearts. Star Wars has been swimming in money for anyone associated with it since 1976 and if you treat the customers right, you will make even more Real Life Cash.

    Do not belittle a great Star Wars by making it feel like a Vegas Slot Machine. By trying to slow down your (P2W) Whales progression by increasing the in game resource costs, only serves to frustrate (P2P and F2P), what I assume is the bulk of the games' players. The only way to really slow down the progression is to make it where no one can spend crystals (P2W, P2P, F2P) to advance or reset timers. This does hurt the Revenue stream because you are slowing the progression of the game, but at the cost of allowing people to spend to continue to play. I personally say, if Whales have the money and want to invest in the game, they are going to naturally max everything out faster than anyone else and be at the top of the all the arenas, leaderboards, etc. But do not penalize P2P and F2P by making things so expensive that ONLY whale level spending is needed to make it fun. Based on what I am personally experiencing within my own guild, a majority of P2P, who have played the game since its release, this is getting to the point where we cannot keep up with the in game costs are becoming unbalanced.

    So with that off my chest, here are some ideas to expand on ThewhiteonE's assumptions:

    1. Do not charge credits to remove mods from the toons. Charging Credits to remove a mod just completely kills the "fun" factor of playing around with mods and swapping mods just to see what combinations you can come up with. (Rule of Thumb: If you keep us, the customers, playing around modding, swapping them around on our characters, you keep us playing SWGOH and not closing down the app to go play another game while we "wait." If another game comes out that provides a better experience, you risk losing your customer. Keep us playing in the game so we don't have time to play any other games.)

    2. To make it even more fun, give us a "sandbox / challenge arena" where we can play against different level opponents and have a little fun to see what our mod / team combos will do. It doesn't have to give out rewards, just an area to fight our turns with mods for "fun." This would keep people playing for hours and I guarantee you would get lots of exposure on people doing even more YouTube videos showing off their mod / team combos. You know, generating free advertisement and further creating greater interest in SWGOH?

    3. You had the right idea in the beginning for a high mod drop rate. This needs to be raised back up so we can "play with" our millions of different combination of mods. This also helps us to generate some of the very hard to attain credits by selling off our old modes to offset the cost of leveling up our new mods. Like many P2P players, I have spent my limit this month and have done all I can do.

    4. If Cantina Energy is permanent for acquiring mods, then lower the refill cost (50 Crystals) and lower the timer like the Light Side / Dark Side Battles Energy. Or give us a separate Mod Energy like the Cantina Energy.

    Dev's, I hope you take this and some of the other suggestions into consideration. I really do like this game alot and want to continue to playing. For me personally, as a P2P, it has taken me since the launch of the game to get a long way into the game, and I am not even half way to leveling up my toons in all areas. This has slowed the progression down so much that I could wipe out a crystal pack purchase and have very little, to nothing to show for spending. I have already purchased my allotment of crystals for this month and I am frugally using because I do not intend to continue to spend Real Money to refresh expensive Cantina Energy to get 1 or no mods, then having to either wait for days to get enough to level up 1 mod while neglecting leveling up or promoting any toons. Which keeps me from preparing for the next Raid. The pace of progression has slowed so much that it has slowed and stopped the progression of my Real Life currency turning into In Game

    I really hope you can figure out and deploy some changes very very soon before too many other people get frustrated and stop playing the game.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    two_step wrote: »
    This message is still missing a very important phrase, "we are sorry". Without that, it sounds like you don't care about the "feedback" you got. It also seems very slimy to be offering a bonus to crystal purchases as part of an "appreciation" event that would normally come with free crystals.

    Then don't buy the crystals. I'm going to take advantage of the reduced price, you don't have to!
  • Options
    Anyone else notice that they slipped in a bonus for the whales? Yay...
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    +25% crystals trying to make back some of the money you lost not listening to us by yep not listening to us
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    This game is #85 in top grossing in my country (iOS)
    This event won't change that position since it barely addresses concerns of the community.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I googled "EA Meme" for something appropriate to post in response. Unfortunately it looked like every meme that google came up with was appropriate so I wasn't able to choose.

    Though the Old Ben pic with the caption "As If millions of wallets cried out in terror..." really spoke to me on a personal level.

  • Options
    LordRath wrote: »
    If your insulted don't claim the in mail rewards! Would I like more? Yeah, of course, I too spent hundreds on the early update. Am I surprised that they are offering anything? Yes. I'm going to take the reward, and just be more cautious going forward on major updates.

    I'm not speaking for any of you, you have every right to feel the way you do.

    Me, I'm going to go play and try to relax over the weekend.

    Except that solves nothing either. All they'd do is laugh at us for silently protesting and not claiming anything. It wouldn't send any kind of message. Not spending money sends more of a message or not playing the game all together. Good for you for playing the game and relaxing. Others will still voice our protests and do what we feel is right.

    If you're a f2p and always were then you were always just playing and relaxing. Others of us invested in this game and are the ones who keep it going. It wouldn't be what it is without our money.
  • x72821
    46 posts Member
    Dear EA,
    I dont want a new raid, I dont want a new character, I didnt want MODs, but what I do want is for you to fix the bugs, make GW pay enough to either justify the difficuly, or make it so I can finish it.

    On the subject of MODs, announce in advance that there will be a week when we will go back to 100% drop rate, and that way we can all get caught up and abort a precraft 2.0 debacle. MODs by themselves arent bad, but the execution was an epic fail, and I suspect this newest event is a bandaid to stop the hemoraige of cash lost from refunds.
  • kejmo
    213 posts Member
    I googled "EA Meme" for something appropriate to post in response. Unfortunately it looked like every meme that google came up with was appropriate so I wasn't able to choose.

    Though the Old Ben pic with the caption "As If millions of wallets cried out in terror..." really spoke to me on a personal level.

    I actually did that now cause of your post and it made me LOL hard.

  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    Broken Galactic War is why I will not spend a dime. Mods are a joke and should not have been introduced yet as they clearly not ready.

    I appreciate the fact that you proved the game is almost finished and don't have any idea what your customers were upset about.

    If people are still spending I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you!
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator

    I want to give some feedback and I'll be as constructive as possible. Hopefully the team is still working on the Mods and we'll have an update later today.

    1. This Mod Weekend: I appreciate the gesture and I'm sure the intentions were good. When you look at it from the community's perspective, it's difficult to take I think. One, we have major credit issues. The 350K is cool but in actuality that upgrade 1 1/2 Mods for me, maybe others will have better luck. The gear shipment is not good in actuality. I bought a few the last time it was available and it drops a lot of gear that is easily farmed. If it dropped raid-store only gear it would be more reasonable, but otherwise it's a waste. The extra credits upon purchase can be helpful, but I think the game is in a state in-which people are more hesitant to spend money. Good gesture but bad timing I think as many of us are waiting to see more good-will from EA's side. We've all lost a lot of guild members over the last two weeks; people quitting because of recent changes is a legitimate issue.

    2. The price of upgrading a Mod is very prohibitive to progressing characters in the game. We seriously need a more substantial source of daily credits that we can EARN that doesn't have any special squads or anything required. Something that is truly open to any player with modestly farmed level 80 characters. With some of the content (e.g. Scoundrel event, Yoda Event, Mod Challenges) requiring specific teams; it is almost impossible to prepare characters for those events from a starting point of zero within a reasonable amount of time. What's the point of having all this great content if it's impossible to play?

    3. Why are the secondary stats so random? Why not just make version A have one set of stats, version B have one set of stats, etc? I feel like I'm scratching a lottery ticket every time I upgrade a Mod. If we know what the Mod is going to provide once upgraded, then we can at least save money not upgrading it if we know it doesn't have stats that we want.

    4. Is it possible to choose between having stat increases as an integer or a percent and be consistent for all stats in the same manner? For instance, I have a couple characters in-which I'm trying to increase their speed. I have some HP Mods with speed increases represented as an integer and I have gained good speed from them. I thought to myself, now that I've unlocked the Speed Mod challenge; I can get speed mods and make my characters even faster than the HP Mods. I was wrong, I found that the speed set bonus is rather irrelevant in comparison. Is it logical that I should better boost my character's speed by giving them HP mods rather than speed Mods? An HP mod should give HP, a speed Mod should give speed, and so on. I know there's been debate on the forums about whether the stats bonuses should be integer or percentage; I don't care, I just feel they should be consistent across the board.

    My criticism is meant to be constructive as I very much enjoy the game and want to see it be successful. Thanks - J

    5. What's the point of the Mod Battles when to be competitive you pretty much need tier 4 and 5 Mods?

    Well put. To touch on 2 things,

    Point 4. Speed is only available in one spot and that spot has other advantages to it since it has a list of possible stats. So a set of speed mods while giving less could give you some bonus and allow you to open up a spot. But the set should be reduced to 2 to make up for the fact that the bonus is fairly low.

    Point 5. I think too many ppl are looking at this content from the top and not remember the road to get here. To a lvl 50 player those mods will be a very helpful base to build up upon as they grow.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Cpt_Krob6 wrote: »
    LordRath wrote: »
    If your insulted don't claim the in mail rewards! Would I like more? Yeah, of course, I too spent hundreds on the early update. Am I surprised that they are offering anything? Yes. I'm going to take the reward, and just be more cautious going forward on major updates.

    I'm not speaking for any of you, you have every right to feel the way you do.

    Me, I'm going to go play and try to relax over the weekend.

    Except that solves nothing either. All they'd do is laugh at us for silently protesting and not claiming anything. It wouldn't send any kind of message. Not spending money sends more of a message or not playing the game all together. Good for you for playing the game and relaxing. Others will still voice our protests and do what we feel is right.

    If you're a f2p and always were then you were always just playing and relaxing. Others of us invested in this game and are the ones who keep it going. It wouldn't be what it is without our money.

    Pretty sure my > $15,000 spend doesn't qualify as FTP. As I said, you have every right to voice your concerns, not spend, do as you like. I'm going to enjoy my freebies
  • Options
    Okay so my comment about mod appreciation... I don't appreciate your event... Had it been neat and seemed well thought out I would be much happier. Something like getting a free mod or 2 that we got to chose... Sorry but I am not happy with this as compensation (if that was what it was meant for)
  • Options
    LordRath wrote: »
    Cpt_Krob6 wrote: »
    LordRath wrote: »
    If your insulted don't claim the in mail rewards! Would I like more? Yeah, of course, I too spent hundreds on the early update. Am I surprised that they are offering anything? Yes. I'm going to take the reward, and just be more cautious going forward on major updates.

    I'm not speaking for any of you, you have every right to feel the way you do.

    Me, I'm going to go play and try to relax over the weekend.

    Except that solves nothing either. All they'd do is laugh at us for silently protesting and not claiming anything. It wouldn't send any kind of message. Not spending money sends more of a message or not playing the game all together. Good for you for playing the game and relaxing. Others will still voice our protests and do what we feel is right.

    If you're a f2p and always were then you were always just playing and relaxing. Others of us invested in this game and are the ones who keep it going. It wouldn't be what it is without our money.

    Pretty sure my > $15,000 spend doesn't qualify as FTP. As I said, you have every right to voice your concerns, not spend, do as you like. I'm going to enjoy my freebies

    It may not qualify as ftp but it must qualify as something.
  • Options
    At the time I've written this. 9500 views, 257 comments on this topic, and not one single response or question answered by a dev.
    Says it all really. The force is not strong with this one. Wallet shut for good. Way to go .
  • Troy
    21 posts Member
    I haven't logged in a little over a week now, but this was the clarification I needed. Now my large roster of 7* high gear toons can continue on their way to Oblivion. Goodbye
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    DarthSnarf wrote: »
    At the time I've written this. 9500 views, 257 comments on this topic, and not one single response or question answered by a dev.
    Says it all really. The force is not strong with this one. Wallet shut for good. Way to go .

    Which topic?
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Amalthea wrote: »
    LordRath wrote: »
    Cpt_Krob6 wrote: »
    LordRath wrote: »
    If your insulted don't claim the in mail rewards! Would I like more? Yeah, of course, I too spent hundreds on the early update. Am I surprised that they are offering anything? Yes. I'm going to take the reward, and just be more cautious going forward on major updates.

    I'm not speaking for any of you, you have every right to feel the way you do.

    Me, I'm going to go play and try to relax over the weekend.

    Except that solves nothing either. All they'd do is laugh at us for silently protesting and not claiming anything. It wouldn't send any kind of message. Not spending money sends more of a message or not playing the game all together. Good for you for playing the game and relaxing. Others will still voice our protests and do what we feel is right.

    If you're a f2p and always were then you were always just playing and relaxing. Others of us invested in this game and are the ones who keep it going. It wouldn't be what it is without our money.

    Pretty sure my > $15,000 spend doesn't qualify as FTP. As I said, you have every right to voice your concerns, not spend, do as you like. I'm going to enjoy my freebies

    It may not qualify as ftp but it must qualify as something.

    Always someone who has to be insulting. Well, enjoy your game regardless.
  • kejmo
    213 posts Member
    DarthSnarf wrote: »
    At the time I've written this. 9500 views, 257 comments on this topic, and not one single response or question answered by a dev.
    Says it all really. The force is not strong with this one. Wallet shut for good. Way to go .

    Still a little bit away from the GW Megathread (2.7K replies, 85.8K views) without any answer.

    Psychology tactic - "If we play dead, maybe they will go away" :smiley:

    The only activity from the staff in MegaThreads are when they open it and copy paste the link to the update. Nothing else.
  • Amalthea
    691 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    LordRath wrote: »
    Amalthea wrote: »
    LordRath wrote: »
    Cpt_Krob6 wrote: »
    LordRath wrote: »
    If your insulted don't claim the in mail rewards! Would I like more? Yeah, of course, I too spent hundreds on the early update. Am I surprised that they are offering anything? Yes. I'm going to take the reward, and just be more cautious going forward on major updates.

    I'm not speaking for any of you, you have every right to feel the way you do.

    Me, I'm going to go play and try to relax over the weekend.

    Except that solves nothing either. All they'd do is laugh at us for silently protesting and not claiming anything. It wouldn't send any kind of message. Not spending money sends more of a message or not playing the game all together. Good for you for playing the game and relaxing. Others will still voice our protests and do what we feel is right.

    If you're a f2p and always were then you were always just playing and relaxing. Others of us invested in this game and are the ones who keep it going. It wouldn't be what it is without our money.

    Pretty sure my > $15,000 spend doesn't qualify as FTP. As I said, you have every right to voice your concerns, not spend, do as you like. I'm going to enjoy my freebies

    It may not qualify as ftp but it must qualify as something.

    Always someone who has to be insulting. Well, enjoy your game regardless.

    I mostly totally agree with you, and spent more money than I should (but less than I could afford) on GOH. I guess I just don't see how you can't have everything you'd like in the game.
  • Troy
    21 posts Member
    Was that a good movie? Oblivion? Or was there sone itg

    Here's a hint. Nobody summons Megatron
  • Options
    Troy wrote: »
    Was that a good movie? Oblivion? Or was there sone itg

    Here's a hint. Nobody summons Megatron

    I had not meant to post that. The forum is not that easy to use on iPhone.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Amalthea wrote: »
    Troy wrote: »
    I haven't logged in a little over a week now, but this was the clarification I needed. Now my large roster of 7* high gear toons can continue on their way to Oblivion. Goodbye

    Was that a good movie? Oblivion? Or was there sone itg
    LordRath wrote: »
    Amalthea wrote: »
    LordRath wrote: »
    Cpt_Krob6 wrote: »
    LordRath wrote: »
    If your insulted don't claim the in mail rewards! Would I like more? Yeah, of course, I too spent hundreds on the early update. Am I surprised that they are offering anything? Yes. I'm going to take the reward, and just be more cautious going forward on major updates.

    I'm not speaking for any of you, you have every right to feel the way you do.

    Me, I'm going to go play and try to relax over the weekend.

    Except that solves nothing either. All they'd do is laugh at us for silently protesting and not claiming anything. It wouldn't send any kind of message. Not spending money sends more of a message or not playing the game all together. Good for you for playing the game and relaxing. Others will still voice our protests and do what we feel is right.

    If you're a f2p and always were then you were always just playing and relaxing. Others of us invested in this game and are the ones who keep it going. It wouldn't be what it is without our money.

    Pretty sure my > $15,000 spend doesn't qualify as FTP. As I said, you have every right to voice your concerns, not spend, do as you like. I'm going to enjoy my freebies

    It may not qualify as ftp but it must qualify as something.

    Always someone who has to be insulting. Well, enjoy your game regardless.

    I mostly totally agree with you, and spent more money than I should (but less than I could afford) on GOH. I guess I just don't see how you can't have everything you'd like in the game.

    Would be nice if we could, I agree. Problem is this community is almost always divided on every subject. I'm glad I'm not the one deciding on which direction to go. I do think at somepoint CG has to stick to its guns on direction and vision, people would unhappy still, but probably less so than the constant big swings in direction
  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    Another bad joke of a response from CG. Here's a little token gift and a coupon to spend more money with us???
    NO fix to the credit crunch made worse by this last abortion of an update.
    This has to be the worst implosion of a customer base in history.
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
  • Options
    Long time listener...first time responder. Thanks. But you won't get me to buy crystals even at a plus 25% rate. Nice try. I'm still playing but this whale or dolphin is done. Your I'm sorries are worse than my on night stand sorries and that's bad! At least say we messed up. Here is what we will do. Not drop it on us after re refreshed already.
    Thanks. I guess.
  • Options
    Could you please consider extending the end time for crystal bonus and galactic gear pack?
    I am the Reaper
  • Options
    The mod drop rate is atrocious. I would love to take advantage but drop rate is under 12% on 80 pulls.

    Do you play the game?? Please understand why this has ruined not enhanced gameplay. Read the boards, the answer is here 50x over I assure you.
  • SamoBudo
    223 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Should be 1350k At least or 595 crystals a day for the duration of the event it's only 3 days!!!
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Kyno wrote: »

    I want to give some feedback and I'll be as constructive as possible. Hopefully the team is still working on the Mods and we'll have an update later today.

    1. This Mod Weekend: I appreciate the gesture and I'm sure the intentions were good. When you look at it from the community's perspective, it's difficult to take I think. One, we have major credit issues. The 350K is cool but in actuality that upgrade 1 1/2 Mods for me, maybe others will have better luck. The gear shipment is not good in actuality. I bought a few the last time it was available and it drops a lot of gear that is easily farmed. If it dropped raid-store only gear it would be more reasonable, but otherwise it's a waste. The extra credits upon purchase can be helpful, but I think the game is in a state in-which people are more hesitant to spend money. Good gesture but bad timing I think as many of us are waiting to see more good-will from EA's side. We've all lost a lot of guild members over the last two weeks; people quitting because of recent changes is a legitimate issue.

    2. The price of upgrading a Mod is very prohibitive to progressing characters in the game. We seriously need a more substantial source of daily credits that we can EARN that doesn't have any special squads or anything required. Something that is truly open to any player with modestly farmed level 80 characters. With some of the content (e.g. Scoundrel event, Yoda Event, Mod Challenges) requiring specific teams; it is almost impossible to prepare characters for those events from a starting point of zero within a reasonable amount of time. What's the point of having all this great content if it's impossible to play?

    3. Why are the secondary stats so random? Why not just make version A have one set of stats, version B have one set of stats, etc? I feel like I'm scratching a lottery ticket every time I upgrade a Mod. If we know what the Mod is going to provide once upgraded, then we can at least save money not upgrading it if we know it doesn't have stats that we want.

    4. Is it possible to choose between having stat increases as an integer or a percent and be consistent for all stats in the same manner? For instance, I have a couple characters in-which I'm trying to increase their speed. I have some HP Mods with speed increases represented as an integer and I have gained good speed from them. I thought to myself, now that I've unlocked the Speed Mod challenge; I can get speed mods and make my characters even faster than the HP Mods. I was wrong, I found that the speed set bonus is rather irrelevant in comparison. Is it logical that I should better boost my character's speed by giving them HP mods rather than speed Mods? An HP mod should give HP, a speed Mod should give speed, and so on. I know there's been debate on the forums about whether the stats bonuses should be integer or percentage; I don't care, I just feel they should be consistent across the board.

    My criticism is meant to be constructive as I very much enjoy the game and want to see it be successful. Thanks - J

    5. What's the point of the Mod Battles when to be competitive you pretty much need tier 4 and 5 Mods?

    Well put. To touch on 2 things,

    Point 4. Speed is only available in one spot and that spot has other advantages to it since it has a list of possible stats. So a set of speed mods while giving less could give you some bonus and allow you to open up a spot. But the set should be reduced to 2 to make up for the fact that the bonus is fairly low.

    Point 5. I think too many ppl are looking at this content from the top and not remember the road to get here. To a lvl 50 player those mods will be a very helpful base to build up upon as they grow.

    Not sure I understand your point 4. I've tried equivalent Speed set mods and HP Mods that had more speed on them and the HP are better for speed than the so-called "speed" mods.

    RE 5: I can see your point with that one.
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