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    Palanthian wrote: »
    This had better be the starter, not the main course.

    You and I both know that the chances of there being something else, is slim and none.
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    Why do we have to click 10 yes to max update a mod. Why isn't there a max update option in 1 click
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    I'm not a smart man. But I know what being screwed is.
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    Why do we have to click 10 yes to max update a mod. Why isn't there a max update option in 1 click
    Same here brother. I don't get it. Just add a button to "max up", instead of stupid warning of credits being wasted. Or simply take as much as needed without allowing overspending.

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    Biding time and offering temporary solutions will not satisfy the customer base. The game is broken. We are willing to wait for proper repairs because we want the game to be successful. And once it is fixed, we will be happy to start spending again. But several issues need meaningful, permanent solutions:

    1. Mods using cantina energy. We are left choosing between chasing mods and farming character shards. There is not nearly enough cantina energy for both, and we are unwilling to spend the ungodly amount of money necessary to buy the crystals we would need to refresh our cantina energy frequently enough. We need either more max cantina energy AND much quicker refresh rates or a new source of energy to use for mod battles and challenges.

    2. Mod drop rates. This is related to the foregoing. Cantina energy is way too scarce. Unless mods are guaranteed or drops are extremely common, we would have to be willing to sacrifice all character progression to chase them.

    3. Credit crunch. Between leveling characters, leveling mods, crafting gear, and improving abilities, we can earn only a mere fraction of the credits needed. We don't expect the ability to earn for free ALL of the credits needed. But at present GW+battles provide the merest sliver of the credits necessary to be remotely competitive in this game. We understand that you want us to buy some credits here and there. Some of us are willing to do that. But you're asking too much. The gulf between what we need and what we can earn is simply too significant, particularly when we now are also extremely short on cantina energy and would have to buy that too. We need either a new source of earned credits, significantly increased credits from GW, lower credit demands for leveling characters/mods, or some combination of those three things. When it comes to resources, you have reached a point where you're just asking too much of us.

    4. When we spend money, we want to know that our investment won't be nullified in a matter of weeks. For example, I spent maybe $100 buying Aayla shards from shipments (4 shards for 320 crystals). I had her almost maxed when she became farmable. Now Aayla shipments are 3 for 150 crystals. Result: I will probably not spend crystals on shipments of chromium characters ever again. It was a total waste. The same can be said of buying gear and buying mods. When you introduce new features that seriously nerf or entirely negate the value of what we have spent money to purchase, it is extremely frustrating. We're okay spending our money on this game, so long as you don't then alter the game to make the products we purchased complete crap.

    5. Precraft 2.0. There is now a serious game imbalance. A handful of teams are rocking fully 5* modded crews because they were able to outfit their characters before drop rates were instituted and credits needed to level mods were sent through the roof. Those guys experienced a windfall that will now take the rest of us hundreds or thousands of dollars and many months to accomplish. That makes no sense. Those super teams are so far ahead they cannot be caught. They will be ready to take full advantage of the next major game rebalance (ships?) while the rest of us still have toons we cannot afford to level and are grinding out mods we can't afford to level. How will this imbalance be addressed?

    6. Galactic War. There are two issues with GW - difficulty and the time necessary to complete it. Many have found that it seems easier to complete in recent weeks. Perhaps there was a slight nerf to GW difficulty. Personally, the difficulty is rarely a major issue. But it is ruining the game experience for others. So consider a slight nerf to difficulty. More critically, it takes way, way too long to complete GW. There is a very simple solution. Just eliminate the first six nodes and shift the rewards to nodes 7-12. It would still take a good amount of time, but not enough, and all the challenge would remain because the first six nodes are a joke.

    There are other issues, of course, but these are the major ones that have customers angry. These are the issues that, if not addressed reasonably and permanently, will lead to an exodus.

    You guys are doing so much that is right - donations, multi-sim, simming challenges, the Anakin rework. There are so many examples. But all that good work is just completely overwhelmed by the handful of very serious issues above.

    Please, we want to keep playing. We want to go back to the App Store and leave positive reviews. We want to pay for the experience the game offers. We want to be supportive. Really, we do! But these recent challenges require customers to invest thousands and thousands of dollars to be competitive. If your business model is whale exclusive and you don't care if dolphins, minnows, and F2P leave, then that's your prerogative. But if you want the non-whales to stick, and if you don't want us carrying negative perceptions of EA and CG with us when we go, then please - help us out here. We're all willing to be patient for a while longer, but we will not come to accept these changes. When we say we will leave, we mean it. It's just that we really hope it doesn't come to that.

    Thank you.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Take the credits as a nice gesture on their part. Hopefully they realize that it's still only a marginal amount of money and that we probably need the ability to earn between 1.25M and 1.5M credits per day to be reasonable without being too unfair in the other direction and they're working on a solution still.
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    Why do we have to click 10 yes to max update a mod. Why isn't there a max update option in 1 click

    Well that would just make too much sense.
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    What's the difference between a light bulb and mods?

    You can unscrew a lightbulb. Everyday that goes by, this is looking less like a light bulb.
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    Seriously? This is how you fix things? 350k. You must be kidding.
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    As someone who didn't touch mods the first few days knowing they were op and bound to get nerfed, thanks for the free stuff!

    Still doesn't resolve the precraft 2.0 issue or the bait and switch of immediately nerfing people's purchases. I hope EA can come up with a fair resolution.
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    Ty for the credits
    Yes Yoda is worth farming
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    Why do we have to click 10 yes to max update a mod. Why isn't there a max update option in 1 click
    If there was a one-click option it would take all the randomness out of the lucky upgrade feature: you would know exactly how much it would cost, and if a lucky upgrade would be processed.

    But maybe they could do it by showing you the maximum cost of the upgrade, and then discounting the price after you press the button if a lucky upgrade processed.
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    To show appreciation , we have brought back the ability to spend money to gamble on gear!

    Did you really listen to feedback to make it more enjoyable or did you just need everything and make it worse? Because you made it worse.
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    Why do we have to click 10 yes to max update a mod. Why isn't there a max update option in 1 click
    If there was a one-click option it would take all the randomness out of the lucky upgrade feature: you would know exactly how much it would cost, and if a lucky upgrade would be processed.

    But maybe they could do it by showing you the maximum cost of the upgrade, and then discounting the price after you press the button if a lucky upgrade processed. That would involve math levels I'm not quite sure they're capable of, though.

  • SpeedRacer
    1037 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    CG/EA we really need decent support here!!

    - 100% drop rate for mods
    - Using cantina energy, means u stop farming a toon. U guys need to create another idea for currency
    - Always free mod removal
    - Galactic gear pack is not good at all, check the thread where people usually get 3 packs of mk4 soroSuub keypad
    - Adding 25% bonus crystals to only big vaults?!?
    - GW still too hard, u can't complete it. That means more time playing and less credits by the end
    - 350k credits?? C'mon guys we spend a lot to upgrade mods.
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    Post and run. That's the best way to help the situation. Post and run
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    SpeedRacer wrote: »
    - Adding 25% bonus crystals to only big vaults?!?

    I guess they're hoping people who usually buy smaller amounts will get all antsy upon seeing this tremendous value and spring for the huge vaults, sending their profits back up before there's a corporate investigation on why numbers are tanking.

    LOL. Good luck with that.
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    Thanks for the 2 mods I can level up now. Of course I can't get the mods I want with the drop rate as it is so how about I not waste the free money on the crap mod system.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    As someone who didn't touch mods the first few days knowing they were op and bound to get nerfed, thanks for the free stuff!

    Still doesn't resolve the precraft 2.0 issue or the bait and switch of immediately nerfing people's purchases. I hope EA can come up with a fair resolution.
    This is why so many people are upset. And so many of the people that are upset should not be upset.

    Don't spend, because nerf imminent. Nerf happens. You are happy to see the nerf.

    Cost to get nerfed mods increases. You are sad that you did not buy in sooner. Even though EA announced price will increase.

    +1 happy -1 sad + u got free stuff = why are you complaining?

    The decreased cost to level mods IS addressing the precraft update.

    If they make it exactly as cheap, plus the 100% drop rates, now the early adopters get the shaft? Even worse, the guys that held back, then invested after the price hike seeing as it was necessary, they get the double shaft?

    EA done fine on this. They offer new content. People who accept new content and trust in this new content done pretty fine. The guys that held back waiting for a nerf done fine, too.
  • Gond
    12 posts Member
    Funny people EA, you are.
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    Normally, I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but this "appreciation" event is insulting. The credits are not enough to allow those that missed out on the 100% drop rate with cheap upgrade costs to catch up, and it's not enough to appease the players that spent millions on mods that got nerfed into much less desireable mods. Free mod swapping doesn't do much. Players that have a significant number of mods already spent the credits to put them on the characters they want to, and players that don't have a significant number of mods are still just putting their initial mods on their characters. If the instant chance of upgrading a mod is a permanent change then that is actually nice, but the initial pricing of mods would be prefered. I will not comment on the galactic gear pack or the crystal bonuses because I have no intentions of purchasing either. I've spent plenty on crystals in the past, but I feel like the "bang for my buck" was much better in the earlier stages of the game.

    According to the recent job postings EA/CG strives to "approach development with a Player First perspective". Well here's my perspective, and a few ideas that would have made the event better.

    The credit crunch is the biggest limiting factor in this game. Any event with player appreciation in mind should first and foremost aim to solve this issue. But a one time event is not enough, permanent changes are required, and the thought that this 3 day event would solve anything is preposterous. A new system that allows players to earn up to 350k per day in the mod challenges would go a long way to alleviate some of the credit crunch. For example you could play 5 challenges per day with Tier 3 paying out 70k per successful attempt. Tier 2 could pay 50k and Tier 1 could pay 30k. Perhaps Tier 4 and 5 could be added in the future to allow rarity 6 and 7 mods to be earned. We don't need an event we need a permanent solution.

    I understand the need to have a cost associated with mod swapping, so the limited time offer to have free mod swaps is nice. I just don't know how many players it will have a significant impact on. A better option would have been to allow players to change 1 primary statistic on their mods each day of the event. Then everybody would have a chance to get some of the more desireable mods like speed or critical damage.

    Finally the the chance to instantly upgrade mods is very nice, but little transparency about what that chance is would be nice to know. Hopefully this is a permanent change and not limited to the 3 day event.

    Players are very upset over the mod debacle. This is Star Wars and we want to play, but more needs to be done to fix the mistakes that have been made. My guild is down to about 40 participating players, and it's only a matter of time before things fall apart if more "appreciation" is not shown to the players.
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    Why is anyone surprised or angry about this at all? It is actually way more generous than I was expecting. Sure you are still being bent over, but the devs at least just provided a little lube for you.
  • kejmo
    213 posts Member
    SpeedRacer wrote: »
    - Adding 25% bonus crystals to only big vaults?!?

  • Clone
    20 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Arctosix wrote: »
    Biding time and offering temporary solutions will not satisfy the customer base. The game is broken. We are willing to wait for proper repairs because we want the game to be successful. And once it is fixed, we will be happy to start spending again. But several issues need meaningful, permanent solutions:

    1. Mods using cantina energy. We are left choosing between chasing mods and farming character shards. There is not nearly enough cantina energy for both, and we are unwilling to spend the ungodly amount of money necessary to buy the crystals we would need to refresh our cantina energy frequently enough. We need either more max cantina energy AND much quicker refresh rates or a new source of energy to use for mod battles and challenges.

    2. Mod drop rates. This is related to the foregoing. Cantina energy is way too scarce. Unless mods are guaranteed or drops are extremely common, we would have to be willing to sacrifice all character progression to chase them.

    3. Credit crunch. Between leveling characters, leveling mods, crafting gear, and improving abilities, we can earn only a mere fraction of the credits needed. We don't expect the ability to earn for free ALL of the credits needed. But at present GW+battles provide the merest sliver of the credits necessary to be remotely competitive in this game. We understand that you want us to buy some credits here and there. Some of us are willing to do that. But you're asking too much. The gulf between what we need and what we can earn is simply too significant, particularly when we now are also extremely short on cantina energy and would have to buy that too. We need either a new source of earned credits, significantly increased credits from GW, lower credit demands for leveling characters/mods, or some combination of those three things. When it comes to resources, you have reached a point where you're just asking too much of us.

    4. When we spend money, we want to know that our investment won't be nullified in a matter of weeks. For example, I spent maybe $100 buying Aayla shards from shipments (4 shards for 320 crystals). I had her almost maxed when she became farmable. Now Aayla shipments are 3 for 150 crystals. Result: I will probably not spend crystals on shipments of chromium characters ever again. It was a total waste. The same can be said of buying gear and buying mods. When you introduce new features that seriously nerf or entirely negate the value of what we have spent money to purchase, it is extremely frustrating. We're okay spending our money on this game, so long as you don't then alter the game to make the products we purchased complete ****.

    5. Precraft 2.0. There is now a serious game imbalance. A handful of teams are rocking fully 5* modded crews because they were able to outfit their characters before drop rates were instituted and credits needed to level mods were sent through the roof. Those guys experienced a windfall that will now take the rest of us hundreds or thousands of dollars and many months to accomplish. That makes no sense. Those super teams are so far ahead they cannot be caught. They will be ready to take full advantage of the next major game rebalance (ships?) while the rest of us still have toons we cannot afford to level and are grinding out mods we can't afford to level. How will this imbalance be addressed?

    6. Galactic War. There are two issues with GW - difficulty and the time necessary to complete it. Many have found that it seems easier to complete in recent weeks. Perhaps there was a slight nerf to GW difficulty. Personally, the difficulty is rarely a major issue. But it is ruining the game experience for others. So consider a slight nerf to difficulty. More critically, it takes way, way too long to complete GW. There is a very simple solution. Just eliminate the first six nodes and shift the rewards to nodes 7-12. It would still take a good amount of time, but not enough, and all the challenge would remain because the first six nodes are a joke.

    There are other issues, of course, but these are the major ones that have customers angry. These are the issues that, if not addressed reasonably and permanently, will lead to an exodus.

    You guys are doing so much that is right - donations, multi-sim, simming challenges, the Anakin rework. There are so many examples. But all that good work is just completely overwhelmed by the handful of very serious issues above.

    Please, we want to keep playing. We want to go back to the App Store and leave positive reviews. We want to pay for the experience the game offers. We want to be supportive. Really, we do! But these recent challenges require customers to invest thousands and thousands of dollars to be competitive. If your business model is whale exclusive and you don't care if dolphins, minnows, and F2P leave, then that's your prerogative. But if you want the non-whales to stick, and if you don't want us carrying negative perceptions of EA and CG with us when we go, then please - help us out here. We're all willing to be patient for a while longer, but we will not come to accept these changes. When we say we will leave, we mean it. It's just that we really hope it doesn't come to that.

    Thank you.

    I just had to quote this.

    You just posted BEST feedback all in all. Regarding Aalya i'm in same situation and with GW/Mods. Not spending anything anymore until we see CG with EA make up their minds. Do they want us to spend or let everyone go F2P and in long run much less money for them.

  • Cuzzins
    345 posts Member
    DarthSLR wrote: »
    Why do we have to click 10 yes to max update a mod. Why isn't there a max update option in 1 click
    Same here brother. I don't get it. Just add a button to "max up", instead of **** warning of credits being wasted. Or simply take as much as needed without allowing overspending.

    Yup, lazy programming to show a screen indicating you're about to blow extra felt edits when they could just make the button take just the 6 or 7 sets of single cress needed. :neutral:
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    I googled "EA Meme" for something appropriate to post in response. Unfortunately it looked like every meme that google came up with was appropriate so I wasn't able to choose.

    Though the Old Ben pic with the caption "As If millions of wallets cried out in terror..." really spoke to me on a personal level.

    There is a funny comic on swgoh reddit from last week that describes the situation very well. I posted in in this thread, but our mighty censors deleted it within 1 minute :)
  • Go_Blue
    95 posts Member
    There is so much great feedback in this thread. And so frustrating that there's no interaction or feedback from anyone at EA/CG in response. This game has such a great, loyal, and passionate fan base. It's a shame all of that goodwill is being wasted in part because nobody will talk to us or tell us why many of the great ideas in this thread can't be implemented.
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    Hopefully these credits are given to us so you can see just how fast we can blow through 350k. Even with your bonus bumps of full levels, you can hit 300k pretty easily.

    That's one mod guys. I need to do 90 for my raid groups who I have only 6 at level 80. Man this is depressing.
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    This message is still missing a very important phrase, "we are sorry". Without that, it sounds like you don't care about the "feedback" you got. It also seems very slimy to be offering a bonus to crystal purchases as part of an "appreciation" event that would normally come with free crystals.
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