Guild hopping is now officially associated with known exploits: will exploiters be punished?



  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    That's speculation. It's mighty probable this is not the way they would have handled the situation if not for NRAJ's statements, but it doesn't mean they would have started TOSsing around either. Maybe it'd get a quick patch of the same vein as the recent update, who knows...

    But one other fact stays, the company itself announced the first player to ever get Han no other method than extreme hopping. This was the very event that lead to IN asking about company's stance on hopping, NRAJ's statements and legitimisation of hopping around the community.
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    Judging from how they handled other exploits, they quite possibly would of dealt with it alot differently if it wasn't for NRAJ. I've no idea what they were thinking, but I know it wasn't rational or logical.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Rationally would you have banned everyone that has done it so far after congragulating the one that did it the best with an official announcement? This is not such a black and white matter as you keep insisting to see it as. This is no Vader exploit.
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    Rationally and logically i would of put that guy in the sin bin and told instinct that it was what it is and that anyone caught breaking the ToS would suffer consequences. I would of issued a statement saying there is a known exploit around guilds which allowed people to circumvent the in game caps and that anyone caught abusing the exploit would incur action on their accounts. I would of ensured the community a fix was in the making and advised people to contact lucifersdaddy if they saw any suspiscious activity. That would of been a responsible response. Anyone would think controversy was good for sales.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    That decision would have been only made before the Han Solo announcement. At that time everyone was wary about doing it even if they were leaning to. Even without NRAJ's comments, the announcement sealed it.
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    That announcement could of been coded into the game prior to the nraj discussion. The devs were going on holiday. NRAJ said himself there was nothing they could do to stop it in time. They just weren't thinking straight, imo.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Doesn't matter, what happened happened. There is neither rolling it back nor punishing retroactively. Just like precraft travesty it's water under the bridge and it's already been dealt with. May be it'll be further tweaked going from here. I'll keep my 7* Han, thanks ;).
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    Lol. It's never too late to do the right thing. I really don't want to have to use exploits but if there's no punishment for those who do, I feel it's only a matter of time before SWGOH goes full CS1.5/MW2. I'm inching closer and closer to the dark side.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    I don't believe in drawing strict lines that can not be ever breached no matter what is -the right thing-. I don't believe in mainstream ethical mumblings either. I believe in contextual thinking, in this game and in life.
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    I don't believe that saying something is how you want it to be, makes it how you want it to be. I believe in the truth.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    There is no universal truth, we are simulation machines, each impulse you get is an interpretation of a reality that is not completely knowable by an organic poodle. I happen to hear the calls for truth most out of self righteous people which somehow coincides with how they prefer things to be. 'nuff phil 101. I guess we at least managed to lay out what the fact of these series of events are.
  • DroidsURLooking4
    365 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    This reminds me of a great story. This one time back in 'Nam, we were patrolling a ravine about three clicks from our LZ, looking for a reported tunnel complex and weapons cache. It was hot. Really hot. Skippy was our map guy, and was sure that the tunnel complex was ahead. But Digger had studied the intel reports and was certain it was off to our westward flank. We nicknamed him Digger because he got a case of a wierd fungus and was constantly scratching himself.

    Anyways, we stopped for a bit to check the intel report and compare it to the map. Digger was so sure about the intel report. But it was dated, and Homer from Bravo Team had heard a rumor that the VC had moved the cache to a different location. Skippy didn't care about the dated intel report, and instead was only interested in following the explicit direction from HQ.

    Skippy, Digger, and Homer argued about it for quite some time. After about ten minutes of name calling and profane gestures, we decided to radio back in to HQ to ask for any sort of updates or clarification to the intel report. However, being at the bottom of the ravine, we were outside of radio coverage and we couldn't raise HQ over the radio. So we couldn't get resolution and just had to accept the intel report at face value.

    While we were huddled under a big tropical banyan, peering at the map, dripping with sweat, and arguing where to go next, we heard one of the squad members--Dubs--give a small yell. He had been lying prone next to a rock, watching the perimeter at the 5 o'clock position. While laying in the brush, a snake bit him on the back of the elbow. Evidently he had laid down right on top of the little bugger, and the snake wasn't all to pleased about it.

    We realized that the validity of the dated intel report really didn't matter, as the weapons cache was the least of our worries. We needed to administer the snakebite kit, get Dubs back to camp and to a medic, and get some fluids in him. We had bigger matters to tend to.

    Once we got back and checked with our intel guy, we realized that the cache had been destroyed and the tunnels collapsed three days prior. So the patrol and all of the arguing, name calling, and snakebites were a waste of our time. We got reassigned to guard a fuel supply convoy the next day. A driver in one of the trucks had a small cooler full of ice cold sodas, and he let me have one. That was nice.
    Post edited by DroidsURLooking4 on
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    It's funny you speak of self righteous people. You do know what it means right?

  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Dat's quite a story Droids :D. You've lighted my day.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Haven't heard from you two for a while. Hope everything is ok.
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    Hi @No_Try Feel free to use PM to keep in touch. There is nothing left to discuss here as far as I can see. The only way this thread stays alive is if EA change their stance or care to explain the decision which doesn't look likely. I guess we should be glad the thread met a natural conclusion without being closed for making people look bad.

    @EA_Jesse Are you able to explain how the use of exploits was given a green light in the first place or if anything else will be done to curb abuse?
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Hi @No_Try Feel free to use PM to keep in touch. There is nothing left to discuss here as far as I can see. The only way this thread stays alive is if EA change their stance or care to explain the decision which doesn't look likely. I guess we should be glad the thread met a natural conclusion without being closed for making people look bad.

    There wasn't anything to talk about to begin with, except 12 pages of circling around without adding much, including me ;).
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    No_Try wrote: »
    Ok. I'll leave you with my buddy here, you can share your horse with him.


    This was my favourite of yours. I think we actually achieved a lot with this thread. People wanted to argue that it wasn't an exploit and were proved wrong. Then they argued that the mechanics of the game defined the ruleset and again proved wrong. It's an extremely controversial subject and open discussion about the legitimacy of it and the initial decision and subsequent actions by EA to mitigate damage done has been extremely taboo up until this thread. I applaud the mods for letting it get past the 3rd comment and for those who participated for their efforts to keep it civil.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    I'm still of the opinion your supposed proof holds no weight as neither you or I are the one to define what's an exploit in this game or any other game we didn't develop. Your calls to clear cut lines and universal game truths was meaningless to me. The single thing we succeeded is cataloging the series of events and casuality relation between them and a different course of events could have happened at certain points which are long gone by before this topic existed. Anyway like you said let's let it rest, we can get suckered back into it. Just posted to poke fun at it one more time, which I shouldn't have. See you on another topic.
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    Lol. We will just have to agree to disagree. It's never too late for the devs to fix and I'm pretty sure as soon as the new raid is released the exploits will either be remedied for good or come back up again in the forums. I'll leave you with this for now.

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    ^ should this not count for you too george?
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